love Me Till the End

By bookslover16

169K 1.7K 191

Summer's ending, and with it, the school season starts for Alycia Summers. She's hoping it's going to be a go... More

love me till the end (student/teacher)
Food fight!
He's HOTT!!!
The Smirk
Detention Mr. E's POV
Secrets revealed
First Kiss
Car trouble and new neighbors
let's just pretend
Wait, What?
The date
What a Surprise
Don't Go
To Fight or Not to Fight?
This is Awkward...
Just my Imagination
Come back home
Unneeded Jealousy
Take a Break
Intervention part I
Intervention part II
Almost Halloween
Yes, Date
Christmas Already?
New Year, and a New Start
Birthday Jitters
A Good Time
The Truth Comes Out
you really did it this time
What do I do now?
What can I do now?
That Note
On My Way
Breakout? Maybe not...
It's Done
Love is Amazing
not an update
Story update

That was close

4K 51 2
By bookslover16

This one is dedicated to all 8 of my fans! thank you so much! But it would mean a lot to me If I had even more fan! Just sayin'. Well, don't forget to comment, vote, and fan!

<3 ninja turtle


I walked into the lunchroom, and I was immediately surrounded by my guys.

"Hey, Alycia, what you did in class was awesome! I totally got all of it on my phone." Jake held up his phone.

"Yeah, so did we," all the other guys said. I smiled.

"What did you do it for, though? And, by the way, love the new clothes. They look good on you." Chantal told me.

"Oh, just because he gave me detention and I have to spend an extra two hours with him after that! And don't get me started on the clothes. The guys already had to drive five guys away from me." I told her. She smiled sympathetically. I smiled back and went to sit down at our table. There were guys standing around our table. One guy, I think his name was Cody, walked up to me and scanned me up and down. I sighed, knowing what was going to happen next. First, he would say some crude comment, then one of my guys would come over and threaten him, and he would run away with his tail between his legs. "And it starts," I muttered under my breath as he opened his mouth.

"Hey," he said. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime. I know you might be busy, but I just wanted to ask you." he said, looking at me shyly. I was silent for a minute. He didn't say anything stupid or crude. That was a first. I heard someone come up behind me. I turned and saw Ben standing there, glaring at Cody. I put my hand on his chest, and shook my head. He started , then nodded. He stepped back.

"Wow, you have them really well, trained," he told me. I glanced at him. He was smiling. I faced him again.

"One, they're not my guard dogs, so I didn't train them. They're just my friends making sure some random douche was hitting on me and trying to get into my pants. Two, saying that they're like dogs isn't helping me want to go out with you. And three, I won't go out with you." I finished. He looked at me.

"Why?" He asked, wanting to know.

"I'm just not dating right now. I don't want to. I have better things to do." I told him, turning around and walking away. He stared after me, not moving. They guys fell into step beside me as I walked over to the lunch line.

"Wow, he looks like a lost puppy, what did you say to him?" Blake asked me, giving me a high-five.

"Well, I just told him not to call my friends trained dogs, and I'm not dating right now. Oh, and I told him you guys were there to make sure no douche just wants to get into my pants. I think that one will spread around fast." I told him while I was still walking, looking over my shoulder at him. He glanced over my shoulder and I wondered what he was looking at. Just as I turned around, I ran into a wall. Wait, more like a rock-hard muscular chest. I looked up and saw Mr. Eriksson. No, I stand corrected again. A dense, stupid wall. He smirked at me.

"Can't get enough of me?" he asked, still smirking. I just wanted to reach up and smack that smirk right off his face. But, I could get in trouble. And I don't want to touch him. Then I would have to go and wash my hands. I smiled.

"Yes, I missed you sooo much, because I am so looking forward to the extra two hours that I have to endure in your presence every single day after school, for the next three days." I told him, smirking back at him. He just smiled and walked away. "Oh, and I'm looking forward to our time spent together after school." He bent down and whispered in my ear as he passed. I shivered. He smirked.

My friends stared after him. Ben came up to me. "What was that about?" He asked me curiously. I shrugged.

"Just him being his annoying usual self." I told him truthfully. What I didn't mention is that, I was kind of looking forward to our after school time, too. But more for a different reason. I smirked, just thinking about it. Ben shrugged and got into to line behind me. I was suddenly lifted off my feet, and was being squeezed. I took a minute to think, then said,"Tommy, of you don't put me down..." I let my threat hang in the air for a second, then I was put down. I turned around and came face to face with Tommy. He smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

"How are ya, girly?" he asked me in a nasally high voice. I flinched and hit him on the arm. He let go of me and said with his normal voice, "Owww, what was that for?" I just sighed. and covered my ears.

"Volume adjust." I smiled and he smiled back.

We went down and ate our food, then the bell rang. I sighed, throwing down my pizza. We all walked to our next class.

I was tired of school by the time we reached gym class, the last class of the day. And it was only Wednesday! I went and changed into my gym clothes, then walked out with Chantal.

"Well, look at that." she whispered. I looked where she was pointing. My jaw hit the floor! (not literally). There, walking into gym class, was Mr. Eriksson. Or so it looked. This Mr. Eriksson had blue eyes and blonde hair whereas teacher Mr. Eriksson had brown eyes and black hair. I was curious. I walked over to him.

"Can I help you?" I asked him sweetly. He slowly looked me up and down. I held in my blush.

"Well, that depends." he said in a silky soft voice. I suppressed a shiver. He was hot!

"On what?" I said. He stepped closer. 

"On whether you know Mr. Eriksson?" I nodded. He smirked...well, what did you expect? They're probably related! I stepped back.

"Yeah, I know him. Who are you, his brother?" I challenged. He got a glint in his eye. He smirked.

"Feisty, I like that, yeah, I'm his brother, Derek." He said as he walked closer. My back hit a wall. He got even closer before he was ripped away by a fuming Sven. He looked really angry. He let go of his brother's arm and got in between us.

"What are you doing here?" He said softly, but I detected an undercurrent of animosity, that made me shiver, but this time it kind of turned me on. He turned to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I put on my brave face, and nodded. He looked happy. He turned back to his brother.

"Why are you harassing one of my students?" He asked in the same voice. I smiled. He's awesome! But it's not like I'm gonna tell him that! His brother smirked.

"Well, I just wanted to see how my baby brother was doing, and by the looks of it, you're doing great," he shot a look at me before pointedly looking back at him. I blushed.

"Get out of here before I have to drag you out!" Sven said menacingly. Derek smirked.

"Oh, and how are you going to do that? Carry me out?" He smiled. I gasped as Sven suddenly launched himself at his brother.  They started wrestling on the gym floor. My guys started forward, but before they could do anything, Sven was moving towards the door with his brother in a choke-hold. I smiled. His muscles rippled where he was holding his brother, and he was wearing a tight shirt, so you could tell that he had muscles. Especially a six-pack, or maybe even an eight-pack. "Is that even possible?" I wondered. Sven reached the door by that time. He opened it with his shoulder, and threw out his brother. He walked back to us, barely even breathing hard. Everyone was looking at him as he walked over to me and wordlessly pulled me into his office. He pulled out a chair for me to sit in, and took a seat himself. He just stared at me until I shifted uncomfortably. He suddenly talked.

"What was that about?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Well, he looked like you and I was curious, so I walked up to him and asked him if I could help him. He started flirting and coming onto me, so I backed up and I hit the wall. Then you suddenly came and ripped him away from me. That's about it, I guess." I looked up to find him with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry." He said. I was confused.

"For what?" I asked him. He said something, but it was muffled by his hands. "What?" I asked him again. He sighed and lifted his head from his hands.

"For letting him get that close to you. I should have been there to see him there, and I wasn't. Because of that, he could have hurt you. I'm sorry. I never thought he would come looking for me." I was shocked. Who was that man? And what did he want with Mr. Eriksson? I stood up and put a hand on Sven's shoulder. He looked up at me, and I looked into his eyes. I felt my cheeks grow hot, but I couldn't look away. I unconsciously sat down on the edge of the desk, but I didn't feel it. I leaned in, and so did he. I flicked my eyes down to his lips. They were glistening, like he just licked them. I swallowed. Then I fell back into reality. This was my teacher, and I was about to kiss him. I froze, and he stopped leaning in. I pulled back and I saw something flash through his eyes. Regret? Did he regret almost kissing me, or did he regret not kissing me? I'll never find out. I stood up shakily. He frustratedly ran his hand through his hair. My eyes followed his movement. Does he know that makes him look incredibly sexy? If only he knew what he was doing to me. I sighed, and his eyes flew to mine.

"Ummm, I should probably get going..." I told him. He nodded, sighing. What's with all the sighs happening today? I patted his shoulder, muttering, "It will all be okay," then picked up my stuff and ran to my car. My boys were standing by it, waiting for me. I waved and got in. I put it in drive and we were off, giving me a lot to think about.

Mr.E's POV

I sighed, running my hand through my hair again. That seemed to be becoming a habit of mine, probably because I knew that Alycia liked it. I smiled half-heartedly to myself. "That was close," I told myself when I replayed it in my mind. She almost kissed me! Just the thought of it had me smiling. "If only I had the courage to lift myself those few inches and kiss her," I thought. Then I laughed when I remembered the prank she pulled in class today. I was totally gonna get her back! Then I groaned and hit my head on the desk. All this drama can't be good for my health. I took a deep breath, and squared my shoulders. I knew where I was going, and I didn't like it one bit. I walked out of my office.

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