Moving on

By LevyLily

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Levy was living a normal calm life. Gajeel was living one day at the time, doing what was needed to survive... More

Chapter 2 : Change
Chapter 3 : Frustration
Chapter 4 : Beyond appearances
Chapter 5 : Stubborn
Chapter 6 : Amazing
Chapter 7 : Problems
Chapter 8 : Get to know each other
Chapter 9 : Questions
Chapter 10 : Two weeks
Chapter 11 : Demons
Chapter 12 : Despair
Chapter 13 : Unknown
Chapter 14 : Shelter
Chapter 15 : Impulse
Chapter 16 : Burns
Chapter 17 : Wonderful, albeit too short lull
Chapter 18 : Plan
Chapter 19 : Promise
Chapter 20 : The attack
Chapter 21 : I love you
Chapter 22 : Family
Chapter 23 : Gunshot
Chapter 24 : Moving on

Chapter 1 : Improbable

1.1K 19 10
By LevyLily

Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic starring two of my favorite Fairy Tail characters: Gajeel and Laxus :) It also focuses on my favorite ship Gale and of course, Miraxus.

Beforehand, I have to tell you guys my first language is French. Since most of the series and books I'm reading/watching are in English, I thought it'd be a great challenge to wright in English. So I decided to start with "Moving on", the translation of my current French fanfiction "Tourner la page".

Hope you'll enjoy it!

Another employee left the hostel. Hostel... by looking at the building, you couldn't really call it that. The establishment was way too big and luxurious to be considered something else than a hotel. It was actually the wealth of Fairy Tail that caught Gajeel's attention. Although he wasn't interested at all about the comfort and the useless services offered by the hostel, their safe must be abundant.

The young man waited a few more minutes. Nobody else crossed the doorframe. It was past one AM and only some rare employees maintaining the hotel at night were still present. With a minimum of discretion, he would easily be able to brake in and make his way without being discovered. Without a second thought, he entered the building. A young women with silver hair, almost white, addressed him a warm smile. Gajeel answered her with a nod and continued his way, trying to not attract attention on himself. As planned, the amount of costumers visiting the place must be large enough to easily be mistaken as one of them. With a quick look by his shoulder, he made sure he wasn't followed and barged in what looked like the owner's office. The money must be kept in there, he told himself. Closing the door behind him, he saw the safe, noting with satisfaction that he was right. The young man took small metallic objects from his pocket, unlocked the safe with expertise and, a few minutes later, took off with a bag filled with money.

At least, that was the original plan. Gajeel choked a curse when, after opening the door, he faced a tall blond man. How in hell did he not ear him coming? Without hesitation, he slammed the door shut. The threatening look on the blond's face, striped by a lightning shaped scar, was clear enough: Gajeel had to get out of it ASAP! He locked the door, knowing very well the wood it was made of wouldn't last long. Even if he was a well build man, he knew fighting bare hands against the big guy would buy enough time for the police to arrive and catch him. He had to act fast. Gajeel opened the window, even if they were at the second floor and jumped. He felt a stinging pain through his left ankle, but he ignored it, hearing the sound of a broken door from inside. He had to find a place to hide and fast!


The young woman stretched with satisfaction after closing the book she just finished. She had a long day at work. Even so, it was passed one AM and she was still awake. Levy smiled knowing she never kept her own promises to go early to bed. Although, a loud yawn convinced her it was time to go. She donned a pyjama, closed the lights and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth when she froze. Steps! She heard step sounds in her apartment. Ignoring her tremors and her fear, she ran silently to her wardrobe from which she took out a baseball bat, a present from Droy, one of her best friends. When he gave her the bat, she first thought he was paranoiac... he wasn't that paranoid after all.

Gathering her courage, she came closer to the noise source. A man was truly there. Taking a deep breath to give her additional courage, she made a couple other steps to get closer to the intruder who was looking nervously at the window. The closer she was, the scarier the man looked. He was wearing only black and his hair, as black as his clothes, was long enough to reach his lower back. As for his arms, each of them were marked by three piercings. And his shape and height... he wouldn't have any difficulty to steal anything if he wanted. She had to act now, before being noticed. With a big swing, she hit him with the bat.


After his ankle, it was his back's turn to feel pain.

- What the hell! He snarled, turning to origin of the pain's source.

He wasn't expecting that. A tiny blue haired girl was holding firmly her baseball bat, ready for another blow. He had to admit, she had spunk for someone so small, but he would not let a small fry boss him around. With a single hand, he caught the bat threatening to hit him a second time and ripped it off her hands. He saw the terror in her eyes as she gasped in surprise. She was about to scream. With that pain in the ass still out there, he couldn't let that happen. Not letting her any time to react, he rushed to her, gaging her mouth with his large hand. He saw tears forming at the side of her hazel eyes as her head slammed on the wall. Shit, maybe he has been too ruff.

- Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, but you have to shut you trap, he said before her imploring eyes.

She didn't seem to be reassured at all but Gajeel couldn't do anything about it, his social abilities seriously lacking. Most of people feared him anyway, why would it be any different why this pipsqueak? That was one of the reasons he didn't have an actual job. Since his father's death, he had to make it on his own the best he could. It wasn't an easy task. Whatever, he tried to convince himself, he needed the money more than the rich owner of the hostel. If only he could get out of this shitty situation...

He did not have that luck. The door opened in one kick from the blond guy who found him after all. Gajeel let the bleunette go. There wasn't any use to keep her quiet now. He had to find another way out, but sadly, as tolerant to pain he could be, he couldn't hope to run again with the shape his ankle was in. Whatever, he told himself, he wanted badly to fight the man, ignoring the small amount of reason that was left in him.

- Laxus? Recognised the surprised girl, obviously overtaken by event.

- Who you think you are to steal from the old geezer? Barked the one named Laxus, ignoring deliberately the girl.

Clenching his fists, Gajeel hit him. Laxus was surprised but, when a smile was drawn on his bloody lip, Gajeel knew he would be up against a dreadful opponent. Adrenaline flowing into his veins, he couldn't help but smile himself. A lot of punches were exchanged, but Gajeel felt himself weakening. This guy was strong, too strong for is taste. When he took one step back to block an attack, the overwhelming pain crossed his wounded ankle again. He must have broken it for reel this time. Caught off guard, the punch he had tried to avoid reached its goal on his face and he fell on his back. Dizzy, all he could do was to wait the final blow. It never came. Why? He opened his eyes to see the bluenette between Laxus and him.

- Get out of my way you idiot! You want to get your own share off beating?

- You did enough Laxus! At this rate, you'll kill him!

Her voice was trembling, but she still stood up to him.

- How is it my problem? He tried to steal my inheritance! He can kick the bucket for all I care!

She couldn't do anything while he pushed her out of the way with no restraint, ready to complete his work. He was, one again, interrupted, this time by a tiny old man.

- Laxus Dreyar!

Gritting his teeth, Laxus turned to the newcomer, obviously pissed off.

- Mind your own business old man!

- I think I'm concerned if my grandson is caught in a fight in the middle of the night.

- You think wrong.

- Get out of this house, NOW! Threatened the man with a voice so strong it was hard to believe it was coming from a man that small.

Laxus hesitated, lowed the fist he was about to use and left without a word. Gajeel didn't know who the small man was, but despite his frail frame, a halo of power seemed to be radiating from him.

- Levy, can you wait in your room? He asked as if nothing important just happened.

She nodded then left the room. Now alone with Gajeel, he turned his attention back to him.

- So? Ruff night?

- Go to hell!

- Okay... let's consider your answer as a yes.

Gajeel couldn't help but smile.

- I guess you're the owner of the hostel, he sniggered. Now I understand why the other one listens to you like a lapdog. But he needs a little more training.

- What's your name, young man? The geezer asked, ignoring his last call.

- So you can deliver me to the police? No way!

- If I really wanted you to be in jail, do you think you'd still be here? Especially in the state Laxus put you in...

- So what do you want from me?

The odd man stared at him for a moment, like he was trying to read through him.

- I want to offer you a job at the hostel, he finally declared.

There was another silence, the time it took to the word to finally be analysed by Gajeel's brain. A sarcastic smile was now on his face.

- Gihi! You know there are places for senile persons, right?

- I'm serious.

- That proves my point. Some screws loosened up with the years.

Gajeel let out a loud laugh but the old man's expression stayed serious. His stare was bright, intense, not the one of a senile man, yet again... He just offered him a job. Neither did he call the cops. Could he really be serious?

- So? You're in? He asked with a bright smile that could compete with the white hair receptionist.

His instincts were yelling to refuse. After all, alone with the old owner, he could escape with the money with ease. Yes, that was his best option...but sooner or later, he'll be needing money again. Nothing would have changed. With hesitation, he shook the hand of the man he stole from less than an hour ago, accepting the most improbable offer ever.

So this is it! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

How was the writing? Did it contained a lot of grammar or vocabulary mistakes? Since it takes me a considerate amount of time and concentration to translate those chapters, do you think I should translate the other ones? Please give me some feedback and comments :)

Lily xx

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