Royalty (Harry Styles AU) / #...

By snapbackharry94

41.6K 1.4K 235

Prince Harry did not want a wife. He was happy bedding the women of the kingdom without a care. But when Prin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14*

Chapter 5

2.4K 83 8
By snapbackharry94

"I'm going to let them take me, Harry."

Screams and the smell of burning wood filled the air.

"What!? No. You --"

The footsteps of a galloping horse drew closer.

"You are destined to be king. They will leave with one of us. I want it to be me."

"Gemma, don't --!"

"I am so sorry."

They found her.


"Gemma," Harry moaned brokenly, writhing against the sheet. "Gemma... Gemma, please..." A broken sob ripped from his throat.

The touch of cool hands to his cheek had him gasping, eyes shooting open. Everything was blurry and he was hot. Much much too hot. He grasped the hand desperately.

"We have to save her," Harry rasped.

Harry's whimpers started to get loud. What was wrong with him? She was a bit scared, she didn't know what to do.

Broken whimpers of 'Gemma' and sobs were leaving him, making her panic. Who's Gemma? And why is she making him this distraught?

"Harry? Harry get up! Come on Harry, wake up, I'm right here." He soothed, stroking his warm cheek.

Suddenly his eyes shot open and he grabbed her hand looking frantic, and he repeated the Same sentence over and over.

"Hey, shhh. It was just a nightmare Harry. You're safe. Breathe for me, I'm right here." She soothed, pushing hair out of his face. His fever must be getting worse.

"We must save her. We must. They've taken her," Harry couldn't stop his frantic repeat of those words. Gemma was out there somewhere, all alone. Harry couldn't just /lay/ here! He had to go find her!

Eleanora's hands eased him back into bed when he attempted to climb out. It had a weak cry of protest leaving him. What was she doing!?

Rapid breaths had his chest heaving, body trembling with his fear and weakness. Sweat matted his curls to his face. His eyes were half-blind as they searched the room.

The smell of death and ash clogged his nose, driving him crazy. "Save her... Gemma... gone..." Harry whimpered, clinging close to the warm body next to him, shaking with sobs.

She felt awful. Harry's fever was making him have dreams that he must have felt were real.

Sobs wracked his body as he clung to her, repeating 'save her', 'gemma', and 'please, no!' Over and over again. Her hand tried to soothe him, but he wasn't seeming to react to it.

She took his face in her hands and knew she had to snap him out of it.
"Harry! I'm right here. Look at me and calm down!" She said loudly, making him flinch and look at her.

His chest was heaving and his face was wet with tears as he looked up at her whimpering, eyes wide. He truly looked like a scared young boy, and it broke her heart.

"Shhh, I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you, everything is alright." She assured, using her hands to wipe his face.

He was still breathing heavily when she pressed a long kiss to his forehead, hoping the action would calm him.

The harshness that broke his cries had Harry flinching away. Eyes widened where they stared at her and, slowly, things came into focus. A shaky whimper sounded from his throat when he realized it was Eleanora looking down at him.

Gemma was nowhere to be found.

More tears cascaded down his face. Every inch of him hurt, not only physically but mentally as well. There was no denying that he was sick now. This was most definitely a fever and it was high enough to have him delusional.

The press of lips against his forehead had Harry sobbing. Fingers grasped at the front of her gown, body trembling due to his influx of emotions.

"I am sorry," he mumbled. "Sorry... so sorry...,

Eleanora was a staying calm for his sake. She knew how to care for the injured but she wasn't sure on how she would cure him if she didn't have the right herbal teas.

"Shh love, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe." She kept repeating the words so he would fully grasp them.

His fever was so high it was messing with his head. And that was scary. He had been awful to her but she cared about him more than she'd like to admit.

"Harry, should I call the doctor?"

"No," Harry moaned the word, shaking his head back and forth against her neck. "Arnold hates me... The entire manor hates me... I do not want them to see me like this." That made him want to cry for some reason. "Having you here is enough," he whispered, fingers loosening just a bit.

The remnants of the nightmare still clung to him like the sticky strands of a spider web. Her presence was making things bearable, though. Harry swallowed around his irritated throat.

"Don't leave me..." He pleaded gently, a hand coming up to cup the side her neck. His touch was gentle as he leaned into her skin, breathing shakily. "Stay."

"Arnold just gets tired of your antics, he doesn't hate you. I promise." She tried to soothe him.

"I'm not going to leave you Harry." She cooed as her hands worked through his sweaty locks. He needed a bath.

"Would you be able to get up for me? I want to run you a bath, it'll help cool the fever."

The fingers through his hair made him want to cry even harder. Harry felt absolutely horrible, yet that one simple touch was enough to keep him from losing his mind. Not only was Eleanora good for his nightmares... She was good for him in general.

While moving didn't seem like an appealing thing to do, Harry knew he must have smelled of alcohol and sweat. Reluctantly, he eased away from her comforting embrace.

Ignoring her cries of protest, he eased himself out of bed. The room spun dangerously, causing him to press a hand to the wall. "I am fine," he reassured her gently.

"No you're not, Harry." She said softly, taking his arm and Putting it around her shoulder, much like the method she used to get him in here, and brought him to her bathroom. She sat him on the counter as she filled up the bath and added a soap that was supposed to help with illness, and it helped that it smelt like mint.

Once the water was at the right temperature, not too cold but slight warm, she turned to him.

She took his shirt in her hands and unbuttoned it shakily, letting it fall to the floor. God he was a beautiful man, gorgeous chest even when it was damp with sweat.

"are you able to take off your trousers?"

The cool air against his now bare chest was both pleasant and painful. Harry leaned back against the wall, eyes closed and neck arched back. "Give me a moment," he rasped, trying not to move too quickly. This fever was killing him.

Eventually he managed to ease his trousers off, placing them next to his sweaty top. There wasn't a care in the world about his nakedness; he hadn't ever been bashful about it, not even as a little child.

With that done, he opened his eyes to stare at Eleanora. "Is the water cold?"

Eleanora was a bit nervous having his naked in front of her. This certainly wasn't how she pictured her first time seeing her soon to be husband, naked.

"It's warm. It's not hot, or it wouldn't help the fever. But I promise once you get out, I'll lay with you and get extra blankets so you're warm.

She helped him into the tub, avoiding looking at his lower area, and let him settle in the bubbles. "I'll be right back to help you wash your hair. I have to request some blankets and tea." She said kissing him on the forehead again before walking out.

She went to the guard outside her room, Niall, and requested some tea, toast, blankets and Harry's clothes to be brought and left on the bed.

A hiss of displeasure sizzled from between his lips as he eased into the tub. The coolness of the water was excruciating against his fevered skin. This was nowhere near the temperature that he like his bath water to be. Harry was quite spoiled when it came to bathing.

When Eleanora returned, he turned his head enough to look at her. There were dark circles under his eyes, standing out due to the paleness of his skin. He was panting because he was uncomfortable, and shivering due to his fever.

A hand reached up when she got close, and he wrapped his fingers around her upper arm. The touch was gentle as he eased her down closer to him. "It's too cold. It hurts."

"Oh, dove." She said sympathetically. She started flowing a bit more warmer water to soothe him.

"There we go. You don't have to be in here long, just maybe for a few more minutes." She said softly, taking the small bucket she would use to clean his hair.

"Now close your eyes, you don't want to get water in them." She said and once they were closed, she poured the warm water on his head. Then she proceeded to get the soap meant  for hair, a lovely rose smell and worked it into his hair.

Little purrs of contentment left him as she massaged his scalp, working the soap into his hair. He had a lot of it!

She once again warned him to close his eyes as she rinsed his hair out. Once all the soap was out, she took some of the clean clothes and handed them to him.

"Are you able to was yourself? Or shall I do it?"

Harry could have fallen asleep throughout the whole process. He actually might have. Eleanora's fingers felt wonderful where the scratched and massaged his scalp.

As time went on, Harry found it a bit easier to think. There wasn't that blurriness to the edges of his vision, and the ache of his muscles was greatly reduced. The bath had helped a lot. Not only was his fever down but he also felt refreshed.

Harry eased himself out of the tub, feeling water trail down his stomach and legs. He waited until Eleanora had grabbed a towel before stepping out. It was a bit funny that he had to duck down so that she was able to run it through his dripping curls.

She ran the towel through his soaking curls and smile softly at him as he looked at her with a slight smile.

"Yes, I suppose this is kind of funny." She laughed before finishing his hair and dropping the towel to the ground.

Taking his hand he lead him back out, happy to see the sheets have been changed and the requested items were in the room.

She handed him his sleep pants and shirt, but he threw the shirt back on the ground... Alright then.

Tucking him back into bed, she sat next to him with the tea and one piece of toasted bread.
"You must drink and eat a little something Harry, or you won't get better." She urged, handing him the cup and small slice.

Remembering the feeling of sweaty material clinging to his front had Harry discarding the top with a wrinkled nose. Hopefully the lack of clothing would keep him cool -- and maybe it would keep Eleanora's eyes on him. He couldn't help but smirk at that thought.

Easing into bed, he pulled the blankets up to his shoulders before rolling over on the side that faced her. The toast was given a long look, his stomach rolling, before he reached for the tea. It was still warm and smelt of herbs.

"Tea first, then I will eat."

She watched him drink the tea, taking small sips like she instructed, and small bites of toast in between. Gulping it all down would hurt his stomach more.

Once the tea was finished, she set it down in the bedside table and took the oils she knew would calm headaches. Peppermint and lavender always seemed to calm a rolling stomach and pounding head.

After applying the oils she laid next to him and was surprised when he immediately tugged her smaller body to him, resting his head back in the crook of her neck.

She laughed lightly and began to run circles on his back, enjoying this moment. Feeling him so close, and having his affection on her was better than she'd like to admit.

God, how she wished he would do this every day, when he was not ill. Every night, come in bed and hold her, touch her gently and cuddle into her.

"Is this better now, Harry? Do you need anything else?"

Eleanora had rubbed the oils into his skin, the motions of her hands across his skin both exciting and soothing him at the same time. Harry couldn't be happier at the moment, and that was saying something since he was rather ill.

Once she had laid back into bed, Harry curled up against her, nose resting in the warm crook of her neck. A slow breath was exhaled as he dragged his fingers over the exposed expanse of her wrist.

"Nothing else," he mumbled against her pulse, lips brushing the skin. His hand moved up until he was cupping her cheek. Harry eased his head back to get a better look at her.

"You are so beautiful..."

Eleanora swallowed harshly. His lips brushed her neck and his hands were touching the skin of her arms and she almost felt dizzy herself.

His large hand coming up to cup her cheek shocked her. He had done this before, but every Time he touched her, her body felt warm and tingly.

His rough hands felt nice on her cheek, warm.

What shocked her the most was his words. She was beautiful? But she thought she was plain? It was the illness talking. It had to be. He wouldn't say this in his right mind.

"thank you Harry, but you don't mean that." She smiled sadly at him.

Harry hummed, pressing their foreheads together before letting his eyes flutter shut. The thumb of the hand that cupped her cheek brushed a back and forth pattern across her smooth skin. Eleanora still smelt like roses and was warm like sunshine. At this moment he couldn't help but think of her as a vibrant garden.

The fever was definitely muddling his brain.

Even so, he relished in the peace at mind that their contact gave him. Harry brushed his nose along her other cheek, inhaling slowly. "Thank you." His lips brushed over her skin. "For taking care of me. I know I have been a brat and do not deserve a single ounce of your kindness. Yet you are still kind enough to give it. I appreciate that."

Was she the one having fevers now? Was she hallucinating? Oh lord, her whole body felt as if it were melting and on fire.

His hot forehead pressed against hers, his warm breathe warming her skin, nose running along her cheek..

Oh how she wished this was something he actually wanted, and not due to sickness. She wanted this daily, the amount of affection he was giving her. He was so gentle and tender with her right now.

She shivered as his lips brushed her cheek and the corner of her mouth.
"Do not thank me... I was happy to do it." She whispered back.

"When you get better, are you going to go back to hurting me?" She asked quietly.

That question had Harry swallowing hard. Not even his fever could melt away the sticky ball of self-hatred that settled in his stomach. Why did he feel like this? Never had he regretted any of his actions until now.

His mother's words from earlier came back to him. Suddenly he understood why. Des' health was keeping him in bed and away from Harry. The lack of influence on him from his father, and the influx of influence from his mother was already changing him.

Just another reason why he wanted the man dead.

"I --" Harry's voice was shaky and barely audible. "I... I will try." His feverish eyes looked into Eleanora's. "If that is what you desire."

A small smile came on to her face, and she leaned forward to kiss his forehead gently.
"That means a lot to me. I know it is not what you would ideally have in your life, but I thank you."

Moving down, she rested her head on his chest, pushing them together more. She had craved this touch and affection, and she slowly guided his hand to wrap around her waist. He needed guidance with relationships and she would help him.

"You are very handsome as well, Harry." She whispered, returning his earlier compliment.

Harry felt a bit stupid when Eleanora moved his arm to wrap it around her waist. What kind of man needed help with that? Shouldn't he know to automatically do such a thing since she belonged to him? He was a man and he should know how to claim what was his.

Those thoughts had his eye fluttering shut, a deep breath entering his lungs. Those were Des' thoughts, not his. Harry wasn't Des. Harry didn't need to live by the horrible ways his father had taught him.

The compliment had his eyes snapping back open, going wide when he realized what Eleanora was doing: returning his compliment. A blush rose to his cheeks while his body squirmed. Harry looked away, completely flustered.

She looked up at him and giggled at his pink cheeks, wanting to coo at how cute it was.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, it is true." She said and tilted her head up to press a small kiss on his jawline before leaning back on his chest.

It was warm and board and he smelled very nice, like the mint and Rose bath products  she had provided him. "And you smell very nice. You're a good person to lay with." She decided to add, trying to making him more comfortable with her.

Did Eleanora really mean that or was she saying it to get on his good side? Either way, Harry found himself enjoying the returned words. It was satisfying to know that she found him attractive as well, even if his personality was not.

The press of lips to his jaw, combined with her laying against his chest, had even him even more surprised. Harry hesitantly brought a hand down to pet over her hair. Was this alright? Was it too much? And why on earth was he questioning it? He knew how to hold girls. Hell, he had held plenty of them on this very bed.

Eleanora was different. She wasn't like one of the whores he had bedded. She was smart, and sassy, and beautiful, and... and... Harry found himself blushing again.

"I do not understand why you are even bothering. If I were you, I would stay as far away from me as possible. I have been terrible to you. How can you stand to be in my presense?"

She sighed and traced his chest, fingers lightly touching him, not saying anything about the goosebumps raising, but felt her heart warm knowing he was effected by her touch.

"Harry... I don't believe you are a monster. I truly believe you are a caring and lovely man, under all the armor you hide behind. And I'm not asking you to change completely for me. But I think that you need a strong support system, and you'll be a great King. I'm willing to be there for you." Eleanora said softly, staring at the pretty skin of his neck.

"And we are to be wed. I've always dreamt of being in love, and I think I can fall in love with you... Even if you don't love me back."

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