Thank God I Found You

By TCforever22

2.7K 295 44

How can her love save him from his despair and grief? More

Thank God I Found You


35 4 0
By TCforever22


As Zach went into the recording area, I can't help but to be concerned for him. I mean, he's falling again for a girl that he doesn't even know that much yet.

I'm not saying that I don't like Kristine for him. It's just that I'm scared... Well me, Trent, Jayden and Julian are all scared for him because he's been hurt so many times... Oh wait. Let me rephrase that. HE'S BEEN USED SO MANY TIMES BY THE GIRLS OUT THERE. And I'm afraid that this girl, Kristine is one of them.

All of you might be thinking why am I not bothered with Mariah. Well, from my point of view, she's different. She never fangirled over us when she met us. She just acted normally just like any other human being in this world. And I can see that she likes Zach for who he really is and not just because he's in some kind of a boy band...

And let me tell you all something.

I'm kinda annoyed with Zach because he doesn't want to let go of his painful past. I mean, Kat's already dead and no matter how hard he cry and mope around, she's never gonna come back to life. SHE'S ALREADY DEAD.

It's just a sad thing that Kat a.k.a Keeda's fans don't know that she's already dead. And in my opinion, they should know because they are her fans. They have the right to know... And sometimes, the truth hurts most than a lie.

"Do you think Zach's serious about Kristine?" I asked Trent.

"Yeah." He answered timidly. "But... Do you think Kristine really likes him back for who he really is? I mean, she likes him not just because he's Zach Russell from The Collective."

"That question is the hardest one that I've ever encountered." I said.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Jayden asked.

"Kristine." Both Trent and I answered.

"Oh. The girl that Zach met just recently? Yeah. So what about her?" Jayden asked.

"Do you think she likes Zach not for just being a member of this group?" I asked.

"I don't know and I don't want to answer that. Like, c'mon guys! We haven't even met her yet!" He said.

"How rude of you guys to leave me here out!" Julian said.

"Oh hi Julian! I haven't noticed that you've been there for a while." Trent said as he waved at him while smirking.

"Yeah coz you were busy talking about Zach's mystery girl! Uh... What's her name again?" Julian asked. "Krou? Kree? Kroutons?" (A/N: As in Croutons. :p)

"It's Kristine, Julez." Jayden said.

"Oh yeah. Right." He said.

"You know Julez, you're the youngest but you have a large memory gap already." Trent teased him.

"Excuse me for being like Dory!" He pouted.

"Who's Dory?" Jayden asked.

Then we all looked at each other and laughed except for Jayden who sat there, dumbfounded.

"No. Seriously. Who is that person?" He asked.

"Seriously, Jaydog? You don't know who that is?" I said while laughing.

"Oh! I knew who that is!" Jayden said, proudly. "It's Julez's girlfriend!"

"I wouldn't go out with a fish, for fuck's sakes Jaydog!"

"Watch your mouth Jules! Remember that I am still older than you."

"So? I'm taller than you anyway."

And both Trent and I laughed, knowing that Jayden has this insecurity about his height. He gave him a death glare and then his face lit up suddenly.

"Oh! Dory! The one from 'Finding Nemo'!" Jayden exclaimed.

And the three of us sighed.

"Finally, he got it!" Trent said.

"Slow much, Jaydog?" Julian said.

"Mean much, Julez, Trentos and Will?!" He shot back.

"Yeah. Don't worry. We're always here to pester you for life." I said as I winked. Then we all laughed.


You guys have probably known me.

Yeah. I'm that idiot who insulted William and his gay boy band. What can I say? I hate them. They're just another stupid boy band here in Australia. Their answers when they're interviewed were too staged.... Too predictable. They aren't not that good looking and talented too! And obviously, this country doesn't need another One Direction!

Sigh, I don't see why Mariah likes them! Like for god's sake, they would lose their career when they reach their middle age! Of all the people that she'd like, why them?

Why not me?!

Yes. I like Mariah. No. Wait. I'M IN LOVE WITH MARIAH. There, that's in capital letters so you guys can see it.

And I would do anything just to make her mine.


Please don't hate me about Clarence's POV! I just based it on one person's POV on twitter who hates The Collective. I wonder why famous people get so much hate these days???? It's making me really sick and lonely. xd

Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

3 votes for the next chapter!


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