TMNT One-Shots

By ERWritings

337K 5.7K 6.3K

Just a collection of TMNT X Reader One-Shots. Will take Requests. Will not do any with Casey, or any villains... More

Leo X Reader: A Reality Check
Raphael X Shy!Reader: Tough Love
Donnie X Reader: Importance
Michelangelo X Reader: Skateboard
Raphael X Reader: Losing Spike
Leonardo X Reader: Betrayed
Leonardo X Hothead!Reader
Donnie x Suicidal!Reader: Safe
Raphael x Depressed!Reader: Let Me Go!
Raph x Reader: Beyond The Lock & Key
Raph x Reader: A Different Girl Than You Knew
Donnie x Request: Just A Crush (Pt. 1)
Raphael x Shy!Reader: Halloween is NOT My Holiday
Turtle x Reader:
Mikey x Reader: AU
Donnie x Child!Reader: Friendship is...
AU Leo x Reader: Leader's Girlfriend

Leo x Reader: Betrayed Cont.

19.5K 323 96
By ERWritings

A/N: So I got a lot of requests asking for a Part 2 for the One-shot Betrayed  that I did. Also, I would like to acknowledge NINJAWSOME for helping me with the plotline for this second story. Well. Here it is!

Leonardo's POV

It had been days since you had been awake. After you passed out, I had desperately grasped your hand, calling out to Donnie to come take a look at you. For what had probably been the millionth time, Donnie had to stabilize you. April suggested she take you to the hospital, but we had denied for several reasons. The first being I refused to let you leave my sight after what happened the first time, and the second being that there was no way April could come up with an excuse good enough for why you had such a critical wound. No. It was best for you to stay here, where we could keep an eye on you. More importantly, where I could keep an eye on you.

I had convinced Master Splinter to let me stay here with you while Raph led the team, though they didn't go out much either. Once again, for multiple reasons. Mikey was stuck babysitting (Y/s/n) because she refused to stay away from the lair and away from you for longer than a couple of hours, Raph was being Raph, Donnie couldn't leave for too long either in case you had some kind of issue with your monitor or your health and Sensei didn't know how to do the technology like Donnie and me? Well, I refused to leave your side. It was taxing, and even now I was feeling the weight of not sleeping for days, but I couldn't sleep. What if something happened to you while I was sleeping? I would never forgive myself!

"Oh, (Y/n)..." I sighed softly, looking at your body on the bed, your breath so soft it was hard to tell if you were even breathing sometimes.

I was so exhausted that I had no idea that I even fell asleep. I didn't notice my eyelids dropping, or my head resting on the edge of the bed you were sleeping on. I noticed none of it.

"OW!" A high-pitched yelp caused me to shoot straight up, nearly jumping out of the chair I had been seated in, eyes wide and scanning the area for potential threats when I gasped. You were awake!

"(Y/n)!" I cried out in joy, but then quickly realized you were trying to sit up much too fast for a sword wound as serious as the one you had endured. "What are you doing? Lay back down." I instruct gently, but firmly, and I carefully place my hands in order to soothe you back to sleep, noticing the way you flinched away from me and trying to ignore the intense feeling of guilt I felt as I remembered why you flinched. 

"B-But.." You attempt to protest, being as hardheaded as you always were.

"No. Just lie down and rest, please?" I beg, looking at you with nothing but concern. I could feel how worried for you I was, and you must have seen it in my eyes, because your own softened and you complied to my request by laying back down on the bed that had constricted you.

"Thank you.." I say, relaxing my tense muscles in relief.

"L-Leo.. w-what.. what happened?" You ask, looking at me with your beautiful (e/c) eyes which held confusion within them. "I-I thought.. I thought you hated me." Your voice cracked, and I winced, feeling guilt gnaw at my heart.

"I could never hate you. Now please just get some rest, I will explain everything later." I beg you softly, looking at you. You nod and slowly relax into the bed, inhaling deeply and wincing, but then getting comfortable. It didn't take too long to soothe you to sleep, and once I was certain you were out, I got up and went to look for Donnie. He needed to know you woke up and were currently just resting.

"Donnie!" I call out, looking around. I spot my younger brother and let out a sigh of relief. "She's awake. Finally." I say, grinning.

Donnie lit up, smiling brightly. "She's awake? That's amazing! RAPH! MIKEY! (Y/N) IS AWAKE!" He yells out, and I quickly shush him.

"She's resting right now, but she did wake up." I tell him, and he nods his head, blushing a little out of embarrassment.

"I will go check on her. Run a few more tests to make sure she is really okay." Donnie says, starting to head over to the lab. He paused on the steps and looked back at me hesitantly. "Uh.. Leo.. You might want to stay away from (Y/n) for a while. From what we got out of Karai and that mutant, you were the one they transformed into most when attacking her.. You being there when she fully wakes up and processes things.. well... she is going to have some kind of PTSD and you being there might trigger a panic attack and she could accidentally hurt herself.." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry man.."

"N-No, no. It's okay. I... I understand." I say, feeling nauseous. This was all my fault. I couldn't do anything about it either. What good was I? As a leader? As a friend? I seemed to fail no matter what decision I made.

I promise, (Y/n), I will make it up to you. Make it right. And never again will I ever do anything so stupid again.


It'd been a while since then, and I was trying to figure out how to get you to warm up to me again. It wasn't exactly turning out as I was hoping so childishly, but it was better than nothing. For months you would not even look me in the eyes. I had to stay away. Watch over you from a distance, because the scarring that had been done to you was too much for your mind to handle.

It's not like you hadn't tried, of course. You'd occasionally sit by me or ask me a question, and over time you would even let me help you walk. By the time the wound fully healed in your abdomen, your entire personality seemed to shift. You were in better moods, you would play with (Y/s/n) and Mikey. It was so relieving to see you were back.

One day, you even gave me a hug for being so patient with your mental recovery - which was going slower than your physical one. I had stopped caring about Karai completely. Whatever she was doing wasn't important. The last time we had run into her on the single night we were forced to go out during your recovery when you were stable, I had almost put a sword into her myself out of sheer rage at what she had done to you. Raph, surprisingly, had been the one to stop me. For once I was angry that he wasn't getting as worked up about it as I was.


You sat there, cuddled up to Leo's side while watching Space Heroes. After months and months of fighting the nightmares and memories of what the fake Leo had done to you, you had slowly begun to let yourself be around him. Even though you had known it was a fake Leo, you didn't want the real Leo to see you so vulnerable when the flashes came to you.

So instead you had gone to Raph. Leo hadn't liked it, but the red-masked turtle was surprisingly understanding about when you needed to sleep with someone because you were scared. It was completely platonic - Raphael was Leo's brother. You were in love with Leo, which was why the scarring had been so traumatic to you.

Now, though, you were much better. The nightmares still came and went, but you were healing, and Leo was doing his best to make sure you were comfortable and you appreciated it. While the road wouldn't be easy or short, you knew you weren't alone in traveling it, and that made you so grateful to him. You smiled up at him and pecked his cheek. "Thank you for being so patient, Leo." You murmur softly.

"Anything for you, (Y/n). Anything." Leo replied.

A/N: So rough ending but I hadn't been planning on doing Part 2 anyways so please forgive me! I tried to get less action and stuff but I think that kind of made it bland. I don't know. I might edit it or something because I don't know how I feel about this... Let me know what you think! Please, if you think it's as bland as I do, let me know.

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