Quarter High Chronicles: Figh...

By Audralisa

17 16 3

This is a sequel to Life is a Cakewalk. You should definitely check Life is a Cakewalk out but it is not nece... More

Sleepless Backflips
Lockers and Hall Passes
Annabelle the Phone Thief
Not the Time for a Throw Down.
Daring Dylan on a Friday Night
Mysterious Rivers with a Mysterious Boy
Rooftop Rif Raf
Finding my guy
The announcement
This is a Girl's War
Innocent Stares
Me and the Mirror
Still As Nervous As Ever
It's Begging to Look Alot Like Brenter
Love Sick
First day of Winter Break
Sister Rivalry
Third Wheeling in a Camero
Here We Go
Show Time featuring my not boyfriend

The New Kid

1 1 0
By Audralisa

Lunch was especially gross because today is Thursday and Thursdays are casserole days. No one actually knows what are in these "casseroles". I'm thinking it may be a mixture of week old chicken, rotten veggies and expired gravy. Once I swear I found the missing front tooth of the head lunch lady in it. I know, disgusting.
On my way from lunch, I see Carter in the hallway.
"Yo, Cambridge!" I shout and he turns around.
"Sup, Sparks?!" He loudly replies with a smirk.
"Do you know where Brenda ran off too?" I ask when I'm close enough to talk to him.
"No, we were supposed to meet earlier but there is a new kid and I had to show him around." Carter says.
"Oh that's cool. What's his name?" I ask intrigued since this is Quarter High and we never get anyone new.
"Dylan Castillo , I think." Carter says before Oliver, our school's linebacker yells, "Bro did you see the game last night?! The Bears totally destroyed Raiders!". Carter's blue eyes dart to Oliver and I know I've lost his attention.
"Haha, you wish!" Carter yells back, then he runs off shouting football things. I decide to head to class.
In second hour, Drama, we had to pair up and find a skit to present to the class. Thankfully Carter paired with me. He has other friends in there but I don't have anyone. Brenda is too shy to speak in front of people and Annabelle can't pretend to be someone she isn't, even if it's just for an hour or two. Plus if Carter wasn't in Drama class with me I would not have anyone brave enough to make fun of Nancy with me. I think that soon we are going to hear about the annual school play. It happens on Christmas Eve, that is a quite a distance away but we need about a month to prepare for such a performance. Since there was no use in trying to get Carter's attention again I decide to make my way to third hour.
I walk into English and I sit in the back, beside me is a very unfamiliar face. I assume it's the new kid. What did Carter say his name was? Oh yeah, Dylan.
Dylan is strikingly handsome. He obviously works out because, well his arms are huge! He has broad shoulders, dark hair, dark eyes and beautiful mocha colored skin. He casually sits there on his phone slouching a little in his chair. Not at all how I would be on the first day at my new school.
The bell rings waking me from my stupor. I quickly get to my seat and pull out my phone to text Annabelle and Brenda in a group message.
"Guys! OMG! New guy is HOT!" I type.
Within a few seconds Annabelle texts back,"OMG! A new person?! That hasn't happened since like fourth grade! Details!" I divulge all the information that I know and soon Brenda joins in and we text all hour.
The bell rings, again snapping me back to reality. I grab my backpack and practically run to my fifth hour, Chemistry. It's the only class Annabelle, Brenda and I have together.  I get in the class room and I am instantaneously met by Annabelle squealing and jumping up in down by the lab table we normally sit at. I go over to them and as soon as I get over there, Dylan walks in.
"Is that-" Brenda starts but is interrupted by Annabelle yelling, "Dibs!". She shouts it loud enough that people hear and turn to look but she doesn't care. Her hazel eyes are bright. She confidently walks up to him. Annabelle is five-three so he has to be just shy of six foot.
"Hey! I'm Annabelle." She says excitedly.
"Cool." He says while looking at her then turns and walks to a lone lab table. He instantly pulls out his phone. Annabelle's face falls as she returns to our lab station.
"That was really rude." I say offended for Annabelle.
"Yeah, well maybe he is having a bad day or something." Annabelle says shrugging off his behavior.
"I don't know, most of the time hot guys are attractive, until they open their mouths." Brenda says with a chuckle. Probably remembering the time last summer when there was this super hot guy, that I guess is from a town or two over because none of us have ever seen him before, was just sitting on a porch which probably belonged to his aunt or someone. Annabelle being Annabelle walked up to him and asked if he wanted to hang out with us at the park. He replied with, "No thanks, I have to wash my dog."
"Oh you have a dog?!" Annabelle asked excitedly.
"Nope." He replied getting up and going inside.
We all stood there in shock until Brenda said, "Well he isn't hot anymore." and starts down the street to the park. Annabelle and I died laughing and followed.
"Speaking of boys, how are you and Carter?" Annabelle asks Brenda. Bringing me back to science class. I have to say Carter is one of those hot guys that isn't rude 99% of the time. In fact he is really sweet.
"He is great. He is a gentleman, everything a boyfriend is supposed to be. We went on a date last weekend and he literally is the cutest. He told me we were just going to hang out at the park. And when I got there, there were roses, blankets, and chocolates waiting for me on the picnic table by the playground. It was so cute! We ate and talked, then played on the jungle gym for hours until it was almost eleven."
"Oh my gosh! That's so cute! #Brenter all day everyday." Annabelle says making us burst into laughter. Seriously, I am surprised Brenda was allowed to be out that late. Her parents are really strict and borderline over-protective.
Mr. Watson gets in front of the class causing everyone to quite down. He tells us that we have to get in a group of two and that we have to make a poster or something, honestly after the first minute, I zone out. Everyone picks their undesignated, designated partners. Since there are three of us, one of us normally pairs up with this super quite girl named Janis. 
"Hey Janis isn't here so..." Brenda points out.
"That's cool, y'all can partner up. I'm gonna go give Señor Charming, Dylan an another chance at this amazing package of awesomeness." Annabelle says as she makes her way over to Dylan.
We are too far away to hear her but we can see her very animatedly explaining the situation. He does a little nod but returns to his phone. Annabelle turns back towards us giving us a thumbs up. I thought I saw a smirk from him and if it did exist then it was fleeting.
Brenda is really good at science, so she is doing most of the heaving lifting but I'm helping with what I can. I wasn't going to take this advanced class but Brenda didn't want to do it alone and had the good point, that we would have a class with Annabelle. Our school is small so instead of having teachers have a pre-ap hour they just put the advanced kids into the next grade's class. It works for us because it allows Brenda and I to have some classes with Annabelle. It just sucks that we can't get any college credit.
By the end of the hour we have a plan of what we are going to do and Annabelle has obviously annoyed the crap out of Dylan. She was excitedly telling him about something and he was completely ignoring her by being on his phone. The bell rings and I'm pretty sure I see him mouth "Thank God." to himself.
Annabelle scurries to us with a big smile while he gets up and calmly walks to the door. Before he could disappear into the hallways Annabelle shouts, "Bye, Science Buddy!".
Brenda and I just laugh and began to walk toward our next class while Annabelle runs off to the field for softball.

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