Proving You Wrong

By Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... More

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Three: The Following Days
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Chapter Ten: Getting Closer
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Fifteen: The Night After
Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats

4.1K 143 27
By Laklynn_Hanlon

~Faith's POV~

"Come on. He wants you there," Kaden pleaded.

"You're just trying to get me to come. I do not want to be surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenage boys more than I already am."

His arms came down on the counter on either side of my body, enclosing me in, so that I couldn't walk away from him. Trapped, I turn around to face Kaden as he speaks, "No, he asked for you personally. I think he's really taken a like to you. Please. You don't even have to stay the full time."

"If I say yes will you finally let me leave my kitchen?"


"Why not?"

"I kind of like this position." He said, smirking and leaning his head closer to mine.

"That sounds like a you problem," Giving him sass, I used my fingertips to push his chest away as I spoke and crossed my arms over my chest in victory.

"Then maybe you could help with that problem."

Without any kind of warning I was being roughly pushed against the countertop by my waist. I became flushed and could feel the heat radiating from his chest. His hands that were resting on my waist sent a shock throughout my body, leaving me with a light headed feeling. Due to the quick movements, I had to grab something, and my arms automatically went up and grabbed onto his shoulders, temporarily keeping myself stable.

We were so close. Too close. This wasn't safe proximity at all. My body was enveloped in warmth, but I don't think it was warm in the way of temperature. I then spoke in attempt to get out of the unwanted feeling. As I did so, I stared into his eyes and my lips rubbed against his.

"You know, part of our game says that we only need to act like a couple in front of others." As soon as I finished, I felt his grip tighten on my waist and he pulled the bottom half of his body even closer to mine. My breath caught in my throat. I think I made it worse.

"Are you scared?"

With shaky breaths, I replied, "What is there to be afraid of?"

"That maybe this isn't just a game anymore..."

Just as I inhaled an unsteady breath, Kaden's lips connected with mine. The moment they touched it was almost as though it was full of passion. Maybe that's what it was, I don't know, but it was something. As cliché as it sounds, we moved in sync. Pushing ourselves against each other heatedly and leaving no space between us. He was in control as always, but I was just along for the ride.

It continued for a minute, until he moved his lips from mine, slowly moving to my jaw.

"If you're not gonna leave my kitchen could you at least help me cook?" As he was leaving trail of kisses down my neck and I had a hard time speaking normally.

Mumbling against the tender skin he retorted, "I'd rather not, I could think of some better things to do with my hands."

I felt a chill go down my spine. "I'd rather not," I managed to push away from him and walk to the other side of the kitchen where all my supplies were laid out and started working. I could hear him groan after I did, and grew nervous as his audible footsteps drew closer. Speaking erratically, I tried to diverge from recent activity, "And anyway I really need to cook tonight's dinner and make sweets for your brothers party tonight..."

Hearing his footsteps come to a halt, I waited for a reply. Instead, I felt all of my hair being shifted to my left shoulder. Suddenly I could feel his lips on my neck again. What's up with him? He's acting strange. Right? I mean, he's never done anything like this.

Though it was unusual, I couldn't deny the... pleasure, I guess was the word I was looking for. Being that it was such an odd occurrence and me being who I am; I freaked. I didn't know how to feel or what to do so I kind of threw powdered sugar in his face. Well not kind of, I did, but it just happened. I didn't know what I had done until I did it. I know it wasn't exactly a normal or even a semi-smart thing to do, but it was the only way I could think of to get him to leave me alone. Though, I probably misjudged what his reaction would be.

"What the hell was that?" He was wiping his eyes so that the powdered sugar wouldn't get in them and looked at me with a flabbergasted face.

"Umm. I thought you were a little too bitter?" In astonishment, he raised his eyebrows. Almost amused by my reasoning.

"Is that so?" His arm reached behind me to grab something and I knew I was in for it. "Well if that's the case I think you could be a little less salty." Powdered sugar floated down in front of my face and I could see Kaden's grin as big as ever. I guess that's what I get. Hair covered in powdered sugar just as his was. Did he stop there? Nope. He picked out the reddest and plumpest cherry and placed it directly on my head. "And the cherry on top."

"Thanks." With a fake, tight lipped smile, I just stood there. You could just see the pride he brought himself. Yes, he was quite proud of his actions, and I couldn't let that be the case. I turned around grabbed an egg from the carton and smashed it on top of his head. His face then turned back to one of shock and I took it one step further. "That's a great egg-spression you've got right now." His hands slid through the stands of hair catching the egg on them and messing up his hair completely. After he did so he surveyed the gooey mess left on his hands. There was no way I could hold my laughter in anymore and it came out spastically. Clenching my stomach I continued on my dangerous path. "I guess I just crack my self up. I really am sorry for all the yolks." While I continued to die of laughter, and constantly wheezing, I forgot that Kaden could still get me back.

Which he did.

"Aren't those puns just legen-dairy?" Soon white liquid was dripping down my face and into my shirt. Milk. I bet he thinks he's so clever.

"Now, isn't that just milking it? You butter be ready for this!"

Before I knew it, we were both throwing, squirting, and smashing all sorts of substances on each other. Liquids, powders, and semi-solids, covered the kitchen tile causing Kaden to slip and fall. But of course, he had to bring me down with him. Landing on top of him I came with a thud, but he didn't seem to be hurt by it. We were both still laughing and his arms lifted up to my waist while we were laying in our own mess.

We said nothing. No more puns. No jokes. And soon our laughter started to fade. An uncomfortable silence came over us as we did nothing, but stare into each other's eyes. My head slowly started to lower, closer and closer to his, our breaths matching and mixing just as our lips touch. Just then the front door opens and thudding footsteps seem to get louder by the second. Jumping up I fix my disgusting hair as much as I could and leave Kaden slowly getting off the ground. Christian walks in with a bright smile before he notices the condition of our kitchen. A look of confusion crosses his face and he points in our direction, absentmindedly, his hand kind of making circles while trying to figure out what has happened.

"What uh- what exactly... Do I want to know?"

I answered before Kaden could. "Not really."

"Just clean it up, please."


Later that night, after cleaning up our mess, Kaden and I parted ways. I cooked all that I needed to and he did everything he needed to for the party. Now all that was left was to get ready and to actually show up. What do you wear to your fake boyfriend's younger brother's fifteenth birthday? Has anyone ever been in this situation before? I doubt it.

I live next door, but by the time I got there, the house was already filled with freshman kids. How was I late? Even though this wasn't a house party, it still seemed like one. Music throbbed throughout the house and I looked in the crowd for a familiar face. I found Jordan before I could Kaden and weaved in between people to get to him.

"Hey kiddo, happy birthday!" Giving him a small hug, I handed over the present in my hands. "Do you by chance know where your brother is?"

"No idea, but you can check his room. He's probably there."

Walking up the stairs, the music started to fade, but it was still audible. Kids are scattered around the upstairs just as the downstairs is and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were in the rooms as well. Even though the party was mostly freshman, I could tell that they were drinking. Well, some of them anyway. The bitter and poignant smell was something I could always recognize.

Kaden's room was pitch black when I got there. When I flipped the switch my eyes adjusted and I still didn't see Kaden. Where could he be? Maybe he was getting more snacks or with his mom in her room-because Jordan didn't want her ruining his party. Just as I was about to leave, light reflecting off of a polished plate flashed my eyes. Stepping out of the doorway I grabbed the plate of brownies. These are probably store bought, because I doubt that he can cook. He just must've forgot to take them downstairs. They do look really good, store bought or not. Shoving the whole brownie in my mouth at once-to get rid of the evidence- I started carrying them down stairs to the snack table. 

Jordan was talking, smiling, and laughing with some of his friends at the bottom of the stairs when I returned. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and did a double take. His face dropped and he went pale. It looked like he muttered the s word under his breath, but  I could be wrong. Facing me, he smiled and started asking questions.

"Hey Faith, what are those?"


"Oh uh, where'd you get them?"

"They were in your brother's room. Whom, I still haven't found."

"Why don't I take these and you go look for him down here some where." Almost forcefully, he took the plate from me with a big, fake looking smile. Reluctantly I handed them over, and started searching for Kaden again; however, just before I left the stairway Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Did you or anyone happen to eat any of these already?"

"They looked really good, so I tried one, but I didn't want to eat all of your snacks."

He just nodded and I walked away.

I finally found Kaden hiding in the corner, while watching over the party with Shane and Logan. I settled myself into Kaden's side, letting myself feel his warmth. The party just began and I'm already for it to be over. Being with the guys will help the time pass, but I'm just ready to go to bed.

As the party continues Jordan eventually needed Kaden for a problem and with the intensity of the rooms' volume Jordan had to yell for Kaden to understand what he was saying. Even though it was just barely, I could still make out what he was saying.

"She ate one of the brownies!!"

Hey guys I know I've been MIA lately and I apologize, but I really wanted to update for you guys and I just uploaded the second half to this chapter so I hope you enjoy!


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