love Me Till the End

By bookslover16

169K 1.7K 191

Summer's ending, and with it, the school season starts for Alycia Summers. She's hoping it's going to be a go... More

love me till the end (student/teacher)
Food fight!
He's HOTT!!!
The Smirk
Detention Mr. E's POV
That was close
Secrets revealed
First Kiss
Car trouble and new neighbors
let's just pretend
Wait, What?
The date
What a Surprise
Don't Go
To Fight or Not to Fight?
This is Awkward...
Just my Imagination
Come back home
Unneeded Jealousy
Take a Break
Intervention part I
Intervention part II
Almost Halloween
Yes, Date
Christmas Already?
New Year, and a New Start
Birthday Jitters
A Good Time
The Truth Comes Out
you really did it this time
What do I do now?
What can I do now?
That Note
On My Way
Breakout? Maybe not...
It's Done
Love is Amazing
not an update
Story update


4.4K 47 1
By bookslover16

Dedicated to misslalaland23. Thanks for pushing me to upload! I would have done it tomorrow, but since you asked, i will do it now! have fun and i hope you like it!

<3 ninja turtle


I sighed again as I sat down in my usual chair.

"Nuh uh, you sit up here," Mr. Eriksson pointed to a chair up at the front of the classroom. I sighed and sat up there.

"What's with all the sighing? I can't be that bad, can I?" He had one eyebrow raised and I smiled.

"No, it's not you, it's my family. They are always going away and travelling, so I don't really see much of them. They just got back from one of their trips, and they bought me a car, but that doesn't really make up for all the time they spent away from me." After I said all this, I wiped my eyes. I shouldn't be crying over something like this. I looked up and met Mr. Eriksson's eye.

"I'm sorry. If I knew you were having trouble at home, I would have laid off. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that..." He muttered something at the end.

""I'm sorry, what was that?" I copied him from earlier, placing my hand against my ear. He smiled, the nice one.

"I said, I was just curious about you. You're not like the other girls." He smiled at me again.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, sincerely wanting to know.

"Well, all the other girls try to flirt with me, and you don't. I mean, I appreciate that because it's nice not to be hit on by hormonal teenagers, even guys, but I'm just curious why not." He finished. I played with my hands nervously.

"Ummm, well, probably because your off-limits for being a teacher, and I'm really not all that interested in dating guys right now...or girls," I added quickly when I saw the same glint in his eyes that my dad had this morning.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" He asked.

"Well, your eyes get a glint when you're teasing me, and my dad said the same thing to me this morning, and that's what I said to him." I laughed. He laughed along with me. I looked at him.

"How come you're being so nice all of a sudden? I kind of liked it when we were butting heads together." I asked him, blushing and looking down. He smirked.

"Well, it's just because I'm a nice person and I'm FABULOUS!" He said in a high girly voice. I cracked up laughing. I fell off the chair and hit the floor, stilling laughing.

When I was done Laughing, I looked up to see Mr. Eriksson staring at me.

"Uh, Mr. Eriksson, what are you staring at?" I asked him, still trying to stop laughing. He smiled.

"Please, call me Sven. I was just staring at you, because you act so crazy, but you're a nice girl. Why do you wear boy's baggy clothes? Just wondering." He said. I blushed and sat down in my chair.

"Well, I just don't want people to think I'm flaunting or anything. I don't need to impress people to have a good time and make friends. I already have friends that love me and would do anything for me, and I feel the same way about them. It's jut that I don't feel the need to wear clothes that show off what I have when I don't care." I took a deep breath after that big speech. I looked over at Mr. Eri...Sven and he had his mouth hanging open. I smiled self-consciously. He snapped out of it.

"Well, when you put it that way, I think I get it. I have a sister that's the exact same way. She feels like that too." Sven said.

"Sven, It's just a question, it doesn't mean anything, but do you really have a girlfriends?" I asked him. He blushed! aww, he blushed. So cute! What? Whatever.

"Aww, you're blushing!" I told him.

"Shut up!" He told me playfully. Right now I didn't fell like a student and him the teacher. I just felt like we were friends.

"No." He said. I was confused.

"No, what?" I asked him. He chuckled. It sounded like a waterfall flowing smoothly down the side of... Oh my god! Stop it! Focus.

"No to your question, I'm single. I don't have a girlfriend!" He whispered. I smiled.

"Thought as much." I told him. He frowned.

"Wait, how did you know? I told Katy I had a girlfriend." He said, confused. I laughed.

"Anyone who has any sense tells teenage girls, especially ones with fake eyelashes and possibly fake boobs too, that they are in a relationship. It doesn't stop them from flirting, but it does stop them from throwing themselves at you. Well, most stop from throwing themselves at you." I stated, serious. For a minute he was silent, then he let loose a loud laugh, I thought I was going to fall off my chair again I was surprised!

"Jeesh, tone it down, will you?" I said, covering my ears. Then I smiled. He started to choke, so I went over and slapped his back. he stopped coughing.

"Thanks," he croaked. I smirked.

"I can't have my teacher die on me when I was supposed to be in detention. The girls would think I did it on purpose so that they can't have you." I said innocently. That sent him off into another round of laughter. I sighed, throwing my hands up, then looked at the clock. 15 minutes left! Yes!

"Hey, so what kind of music do you like?" I asked him suddenly. He looked up at me.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well, we have 15 minutes left, what better way to kill time than 20 questions?" I asked him.

"Sure." He told me.

"Well, I like Deff leppard, kid rock, and bon jovi, with a little country and gorillaz." He smiled. "What about you?" He asked me.

"Uhh, well, I also like bon jovi, but I'm more of a country girl. Oh, and survivor." I told him.

"Well, I don't mind country but I don't particularly like it. So, what is your favorite color?" He said. I thought for a while.

"I guess it would have to be purple. What's your's?"

"I like blue, and yellow. So that also includes green, because mix the colors and that's what you get." He said. I smiled.

We talked for a while, then I glanced up at the clock.

"Well, I guess I'd better get going. My detention time is done." I told him as I went to stand up. He smirked. Damn!  I almost got away with it!

"Well, don't you mean you have and hour and a half left? Because you still have to help me clean out the lab equipment." He told me smugly.

I pouted and started fake crying. He softened.

"But, but, I want to spend as much time with my parents as possible before they decide to go on another random trip, leaving me alone, Mr.E...Sven." I told him teary-eyed. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He looked incredibly sexy when he did that. I don't care anymore. It's just a thought.

"Well, okay, when you put it like that...fine, you can leave." I smiled at him. "But," and he looked at me. "you will have to spend an extra half an hour with me every other day for the rest of the week cleaning. Sound good?" I considered playing another pity card, but decided against it. I'll hold onto that one for the time being. I nodded silently.

"Good," He said. "Now, stay here and I'll be right back. I need to get some things from the back room." He got up and started walking away. Perfect. I smiled evilly. Just what I hoped he would do!

I dug through my bag and found what I put there in Art class. A big old bottle of superglue. I smirked. This will show him to give me detention. Serves him right. I don't care that he was actually nice to me. He'll just go aback to being and annoying prick. i opened one of his desk drawers and smeared the glue on the sides. I quickly closed it. That stuff dries super fast. I did the same with all his other drawers, except I left one open. I smiled to myself. "Not bad," I thought. You couldn't even tell they were glued shut! Mwah ha ha! I'm so evil. I quickly put the lid on the glue, and just in time put it in my bag, because Sven walked in. I smiled up at him, then stood up.He was dressed and he looked like he was ready to go. He had his papers in one hand and his coat in the other. He smiled.

"Hey, could you pass me that file on my desk? I need it. Thanks!" he said as I grabbed my stuff and walked over to him. I smiled. That was fun.

"Hey, want to walk out with me?" I asked as I caught his arm with my hand and pulled him out with me. He frowned, then shrugged.

"Sure, I guess. Why?" He wondered.

"Well, I want to show you my new car." "And I don't want you to go in your desk yet," I added silently.

"Well, okay." He sped up until he was pulling me with him. I laughed.

When we reached the parking lot, he looked around.

"So...which one is your car?" He asked me curiously. I just smiled and silently led him over to my 'vette. His eyes bugged out. He gasped.

"This is you car?" He asked breathlessly. I nodded and unlocked the car. He ran his hand over the outside gently. He then bent down to have a look at the tires. He got up and crawled into the back seat to take a look at the seats and the dash. I smirked and took out my phone. I took a photo of him Softly touching my dash like it would break. His head snapped towards me.

"What did you do?" He asked suspiciously, eyes narrowed. I shrugged. I don't know what you're talking about." By that time I had my phone in my pocket. He climbed out of my car and came over to me.

"Well, I had fun even though it was detention. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I waved at him. He waved back and started walking over to his car. I got in the driver's seat. When I was just about to pull out, I heard a shout. I looked in my mirror, and the boys were chasing my car frantically. I smilad and put the gas pedal down a little more. They were gasping for breath. I stopped the car then. I wasn't that mean! They reached the car gasping.

"What are you guys still doing here?" I asked them.

"Well, we all had sports tryouts. We told you this morning." Blake said. I shook my head.

"No, you didn't. But maybe it just slipped your mind when you saw my beautiful car." They nodded, agreeing with me. They all hopped in the car.

"Ah ah ah," I said to Jake, shaking my finger in his face. "Remember what I said this morning? You aren't riding with us because of what you did in class." His face was so priceless, I burst out laughing. "I'm just kidding! You should have seen your face! It was hilarious!" I laughed, skaing my head.

"Oh, guys. check this picture out of Mr. Eriksson. Isn't it funny?" I showed them all the picture of him sitting in the backseat, leaning forward to touch my dashboard. They all started laughing.

"How, did you get this?" Ben asked me, still snorting.

"Well, I brought him to see my car, and he started inspecting it like it was a baby. He was gently running his hand along the outside of my car. I think he is one of those people who like classic cars a lot." They all stopped laughing by that time and gave me my phone back. I put it in my pocket and started driving to my house.

Well, that was a fun, eventful day. I wonder what tomorrow will be like?

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