Children of Night

By shadowqueen5511

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Shade and Shadow Nox, are two privet investigators who act more like thieves then vigilantes. All is going go... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 5

110 9 1
By shadowqueen5511


chapter 5


Shadow had just returned home after collecting money for his sister when he was greeted to the unusual sight of the vampire sitting at the edge of her bed looking across the doorway watching his sister sleep. Shadow casually leaned against the doorway in the way of Sage's view. "So should we call you Sigil or Sage now?" Shadow asked ignoring the thoughts going through the vampire's head. "Sage is fine" She said looking up at shadow now. He smirked "You know if you really want to bed her that bad I could leave for the night" He said.

                The vampire immediately frowned "Can you not read my thoughts?" She asked and Shadow shrugged "I didn't have to read your mind to know you want to bed her. It's written all over your face... plus you're watching her fuckin sleep?" he said glancing back at his sister who was very sound asleep.  She was a very heavy sleeper so he wasn't worried about waking her up but she was scowling in her sleep. "Do you know if she...?" she couldn't finish the question but Shadow knew exactly what she was going to say.

                "How about we play a game? A hypothetical game?" he suggested but before she could answer he smiled and continued "Good, alright so Hypothetically she likes you back? Then you two fall madly in love or something right? Then you two start fucking but I actually think that part becomes before falling in love part. Either way you're in love and want to stay with each other forever? Well now you both relies wait, You are a vampire and Will Live forever" he put the punctuation in on the last line but before she could say something he continued. "Now you're faced with, break up because you don't want to see your love one grow old and die... or turn Shade into a vampire. But before any of this Shit, back to when you're fucking and all. You lose control and bite her? Better yet hurt her unintentionally because of what you are. You have to ask yourself. Can you see past the fact she is what you eat? That she isn't food to you but family? Could you ever see past her blood?" he let the questions hang in the air. The vampire was in deep thought with a grim look on her face that turned into a sad one.

                "I... I don't think I could forgive myself if I hurt her" She admitted to him and he leaned his head against the door frame. "Do you trust yourself?" he then asked and her sad look stayed the same answering the question for him. "So unless you turn her into a vampire, there is nothing that could safely happen between you two" he said and she was about to say something but he held his hand up. "Plus, one more question you need to ask yourself, Does she deserve a regular human life? To live and breathe the air? To Live in general? Could you really take away her life?" he asked her.

                He was purposely putting a lot of doubt into the vampire's head but he believed it was to protect his sister. Beneath Sage's beautiful youth skin, she was a monster. A killer who needed to feed off human's life to live her own dead life. He didn't want his sister getting hurt and he feared that was all she would cause her. Then there was what V had said, if Sage's husband found out, Shadow didn't think he could protect his sister.

                "Sweet dreams vampire" He said turning on his heel walking into his own room. He mentally noted to himself to put the doors back up since this was a door less house except the front door. He took off his boots and laid down beside his sleeping sister who was still scowling in her sleep. It wasn't the usual nightmare so he thought she would probably be fine for the night.


                He woke to someone hitting his back and he groaned loudly. "Where's my pet eagle?" the words were hissed into his ear and he groaned louder. "It's on its way" he said talking into his pillow. This time his sister groaned "I want one now" she whined hitting his shoulder. "Don't be such a child" he groaned and she huffed getting up and off the bed leaving him alone. He sighed in relief and began to drift off again when he woke to loud breaking sound and he jerked himself upright.

Followed by the loud crashing sound where a string of curse words that told him exactly what happened even though her words explained nothing but maybe a dimension in oblivion. He got up running down the stairs. Shadow was somehow up on top of a bookshelf in the dining room, Sage was looking very confused at her and on the table in the dining room was black cat. "It's just a stray cat?" Sage said and Shadow knew she was going to laugh so he covered her mouth before she could do so.

                "I'll get it" he said and glared at Sage before removing his hand and picking up the stray cat that proceeded to shred up the map on the table as he lifted it up. He huffed and walked outside and let the cat go. As he walked away he looked back making sure the cat hadn't followed him. Instead it was now sleeping on some homeless person.

                When he made it back in the house Shade was now back on her two feet on the ground in the dining room as Sage was just giving her a weird look. "Why is the fearless Shade Nox Afraid of-"her words cut short by Shadows hand again. Shadow glared at her once more "Unless you want to see the bad side to her, I suggest you shut up" Shadow whispered so only the vampire could hear. He removed his hand and looked to his sister who had folded her arms and was pacing. "How did it even get in?" She asked.

                Shadow looked around at the windows, they were all closed. "No idea"' he mumbled and scratched his head. Sage glanced at both Shade and Shadow with a look of disbelief. "Are we not going to talk about how you crammed yourself into a corner on top of a book shelf??" She asked and Shade stopped mid step. It was far too late for her now. Shadow silently started to back away to the door. Shade then turned on her heel glaring at Sage. "I, Protected myself from being cat food. I don't see how that's an issue" she growled at her. Shade's usual amber eyes were turning a very dark red now as her anger was now taking over. The last time this happened she burned half the city down. Sage held up her hands as if hostage to the small thief "Ok, I get it, you don't like cats, but how in oblivion is a small stray cat going to eat you? If anything you would skin it alive before it could move?" Sage suggested and Shadow stilled as Shade glared at him knowing he was trying to escape. The glare made him freeze and then she turned her attention back to Sage. "Do not question my methods of self preservation" she growled the words and Shadow was starting to think this would all blow over calmly without any limbs being broken.

                "Fine, I guess if your methods have kept you alive this far you must be doing something right... but a starved house cat?" she questioned once more and Shades fist came down against the table so suddenly the vampire and brother, flinched, jerking a few steps back as the table collapsed in two. "I SAID, DON'T QUESTION MY METHODS! AND WHAT DO YOU FUCKING DO?" she was shouting now and Shadow was trying his best to inch to the door. Next thing the two of them know was Shade flipping one of the two pieces of the table over to the side as she slowly approached Sage. She backed up so her back was now to the wall. Now was his chance, he turned sprinting to the door but before he even made half a step a dagger skimmed his nose as if flew right past his face and he jerked back tripping and falling on his ass. Two dagger now planting themselves through his clothing on either side of his pants. "I didn't say you could leave" she growled and he feared to look back now but he did.

                She still had Sage pinned to the wall the vampire actually looked afraid. But still the thoughts going through her head was of how turned on she was by the younger women. Shadow groaned heavily at those thoughts and images burning in his head. "Don't question me ever again" Shades cold and soft voice said directly to the vampire. Shadow thought they were actually going to kiss for a second but Shade turned away from her going to her brother still sitting on the floor. She held her hands open and the two daggers went flying into her hand. She then sighed raking her free hand through her hair, her eyes now there usual amber color. "Did you get those invitations yet?" Shade asked him as if nothing had just happened.

                "I found out a set I could steal but there's a problem" he said trying not to raise Shade's anger anymore today knowing she would definitely be a short fuse today. "What's the problem?" she asked and he tried to say this the nicest way possible. "Well, for starters almost every noble we ever worked for is going to be at this party so they all know me by face... I can't go... and the invitation is for a man and a woman..." he said and her eyebrow rose not quite sure what he was getting at. "One of you has to dress as a man" he connected the dots for her. Before her short fuse could blow again he did a somersault out the door and began to run as if his life depended on it. He could only pray to any god that might be listening that Sage would still be alive when he returned.


He had made it all the way across the city running like a madman. Shadow was now crouched and in a ball rocking back and forth behind Velvet's wooden throne. She was still seated at the throne not even noticing him for a while as she was reading more reports.

                after a few moments Shadows breath returned to normal and velvet sighed "What did you do now?" she asked un amused and quite duly. "Sage... said some things... there either fighting or having sex now and frankly I don't want to see either" he said wrapping his arms around his knees as he rocked trying to calm himself down. He was always scared shirtless when Shade was angry and for good reason. Shade wasn't herself at all when she was angry, she was quicker to think violently like Shadow often did, which was a problem since she was suppose to be the smart one of the two twins. Shade also had a tendency to laugh at other people's pain which freaked Shadow out. Shade in general when mad was someone Shadow avoided all together. He tried to save Sage but it was too late and she kept on talking about it.

                "What did the vampire do?" Velvet asked not even noticing how shaken Shadow was. She remained oblivious. "Oh you know... said things she shouldn't have said and Shade vary mad now" He said shortly. A letter silently fell to the floor as Velvet finally understood "Should we evacuate that neighborhood?" she asked concerned now knowing exactly what the fellow thief was capable of. "Oh no I would just want to know if I should prepare a funeral or bring hangover food?" Shadow asked and Velvet turned around peering behind the throne to a still cowering Shadow. "The vampire is old enough to fend for herself, doubt she is dead" Velvet said with a hint of remorse. As if she wanted Sage dead.

                "Ya I tried to get her to back off and all but I don't think that's going to stop the vampire" Shadow said and stood up slowly making his way in front of the queen of thieves. "Do you know where Freddy is?" Shadow asked changing topic deciding if he was going to be in hiding for a while he was going to be hiding in a bed somewhere. "No, haven't seen him since you disappeared with him. I'm actually getting a bit worried about him" she admitted. She would have never said the last part to anyone, but Shadow was a guy people told their problems too in hope he would actually do something about them. He usually did, if it paid well enough. "Really? What about the women that left with us?" He asked and velvet frowned "There was no women?" she question and Shadow scoffed "Yes there was, I remember quite well" he said in assurance. "Haven't heard of her?" velvet said confused. Now this was troubling. A women walks into a bar full of eyes and none see here except Shadow? The queen of thieves saw everything... "That's very strange... why don't you check his home? He might just be sick?" she suggested though the last part was mostly just to calm his nervous. "Well I'll be back then" He said walking off.

                He walked his way to Freddy's small house near the thieves' tavern. The neighborhood was full of smaller wooden buildings; by no means 'shacks' liked the ones in front of his own house. But this place wasn't the wealthiest either. People here hid their things really well since the thieves influence was very heavy.

                The walk to the house was uneventful and Shadow was knocking at the wooden door. "Freddy? It's me?" he called out but there was no answer. Just silence. Something was definitely wrong. "I'm coming in" he announced as he swiftly kicked the door, not as heavy as he would have but enough to break it open with the door still on its hinges.

                The home was very plain like the last time Shadow had been here. He walked through the house to the bedroom only to find nothing. Shadow then began to smell the sheets. Not for whatever pervert reason there was to but to smell if he had been here recently. His scent was faint; he hadn't been here in a few days. Definitely something wrong. Shadow quickly walked out and began to smell the air trying to catch the scent of his friend.

                Shadow had been walking around the streets for a while before he came to a stop to where the scent went away. He was sniffing around like a dog looking up and around. It had ended in a alleyway between houses. He then looked down finding a sewer entrance. Didn't Shade say something about a sewer entrance to a cult? Something like that. Shadow found himself lifting the round lid and tossing it to the side as he jumped down.

                He followed Freddy's scent with an ungodly smell of blood with it. He found himself walking into a room. A cult room Shade had once explained to him and he scowled looking at all the bodies and blood. On an Altar to Ebony was Freddy. He looked around for anyone else. Once he deemed no one else was around he went to Freddy checking for a pulse and very relieved when he felt one. Freddy was shirtless but his pants on, though stained with blood from all the small cuts Shadow found on his body. Bloody and beaten, they didn't even need to tie him down since it looked like they broke his feet. Shadow wanted to kill whoever did this but he held back the beast as he knew he had to get Freddy to safety first. He gently lifted Freddy up in his arms and walked out of the room.

                He couldn't just leave this place though, not after what they did to him. He looked around finding a support beam and finding it would send the right message he kicked it making the metal snap and fall to the ground. The earth above began to crumble and Shadow ran fast as he heard the ground behind him quickly causing a cave in.

                He managed to get out quick enough as the sewers collapsed, or at least that section of them. Hopefully whoever did this got the message. Looking down at the limp boy in his arms he knew he had to return him to his guild, they had medics there, as much as Shadow wanted to stay with his bed partner he had to tell Shade about this, and hopefully she was cooled off by now.

                When he returned to the guild with a beaten and bloody Freddy in his arms a table was quickly cleared as the tavern turned into a fully working hospital. The thieves were helping Shadow put him on the table gently as their main physician came running with his bag of equipment.

                The thieves stood by as the doctor did his work and Velvet herself came into the tavern which was quite a rare thing. "Who did this?" The authority in her voice made the tavern dead silent as she came in. Shadow met her eyes "The cult, strikes again. That women I was with probably had something to do with this. Keep your thieves alert" He said and turned on his heel leaving the tavern even though every muscle in his body told him not to leave his partner there alone again.

                He walked his way back to the house, just in time for the sunset. He hoped that Shade had cooled off because he needed his smart sister to figure this shit out. As he walked in and shut the door his nose scrunched up smelling sex in the air. His foot then hit an empty bottle on the ground. She had been drinking, any hope of her being smart for a moment or serious faded. "YOU TWO BETTER BE DECENT WHEN I GET UP THERE!" Shadow yelled as he picked up the empty bottle. He looked to see what she had exactly been drinking and his eyes widened.

                Fire Brand?? Shade didn't weigh enough to drink this all, gods he was in trouble. he made his way ever so slowly up the stairs. when he reached the top he turned and jumped seeing Shade leaning on the doorway dressed in her white shirt and black pants. "And where have" before she could finish the sentence she got this really confused look "Hashe you alwash ben taller thens me?" She slurred so heavily. He smirked amused that his sister had gotten this drunk. "And what did you two do without me all day?" He asked amused but couldn't see through Shade to see how her better half was. She smiled back at him "All Fuucking Day" Where the only words she needed to say and then she frowned "I'm sore in pashes I shoudnn be" She whinnied leaning her head on the door frame. "Drink water" was his only advice as he went back downstairs to get her some.

                When he returned with a large steel mug of water Shade and Sage were making out in the middle of the hallway right in his way. "Really? Ok, I'm putting back up those doors today. Drink this" He said forcing the mug into his sister's hands as he stomped his way back downstairs going to the storage room and getting the two doors to both bedrooms.

                By the time he was back up there they were both passed out on Sage's bed. He thought it was pretty cute. The vampire had her arms wrapped around Shade's thinner frame with her head nuzzled into Shades back. Shade was drooling like she usually does when she goes to bed drunk. She usually hates drinking which was why we didn't have any decent amount of alcohol in the house. And the reason why they only had Fire Brand in the house and not anything... less alcoholic.

                Then turned his attention to getting these doors set back up.



I woke in a cold seat and reached behind me finding a warm body. My first thoughts were that it was my brother but my brother didn't have a soft body. Then all the burning started. My head, my legs and for some reason my back. The arms that were wrapped around me pulled me tighter against the body and I forced myself to calm my heart beat. Closing my eyes but that was a mistake.

                The vivid images flashing through my head again. I almost whimpered but stopped myself knowing it was best not to wake who ever I just slept with by crying. I kept my eyes trained on the wooden door that was just across from me. I took some deep breaths but another wave of the images came and I felt trapped between this woman's arms. I had to get out and sit up but I didn't want to wake her. Another set of the same images burned in my head harder than the last time. This time I jolted straight up.

Only now did I look back at my bed partner. I was a little surprised that it was Sage, I really didn't think the vampire would like someone as young and immature as I was. Then again those traits didn't show much in bed... I hope this didn't complicate things between us.

                Sage sat up with me not even a second after I woke her. "Sorry for waking you" I breathed still trying not to panic. I was very glad we did have clothing on when we did fall asleep. Even though I don't remember half of it I know it was good. "It's fine, are you alright?" she asked me. She sounded concerned like she had those other times she woke me from my nightmares. "No" I wasn't going to try and lie this time. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked me and I looked back at the door not able to look at her anymore "No" I answered again. I flinched when I felt her hand on my back; I began to relax as she slowly rubbed my back.

                There were no words said between us as her hands slowly began to take away the pain in my back. It was a comfortable silence that I allowed myself to relax in. Her hands after a while went under my shirt. I flinched again at the contact on the sensitive scar tissue that covered most of my back. After a while I felt like I was going to fall asleep sitting up.

                "I care for you" her soft words made my eyes open and remember where I was. "I care for you too" I mumbled feeling very tired now. "Let me help you" She was whispering into my ear. I frowned "I'm tired right now" I said and I felt her wrap her arms around my waist pulling me back against her. I felt her fang graze my ear as she spoke "In the morning then?" she asked and I just nodded not really thinking about what I was agreeing too. We laid down once again and her arms where wrapped around me again. This time it felt comforting and I fell asleep easily in her arms.

                I woke to Sage kissing the back of my neck. I relaxed myself knowing I had gotten very stiff at the action. I wasn't used to this 'affectionate' thing, I mean I was a dam good huger because of my brother but kissing and these loving touches? No clue. "Morning" I mumbled not wanting to move from her warm embrace. "Morning" she whispered into my ear. A dreadful question immediately made my mood sower. Should I tell her I don't love her like this? That it was a onetime thing? I could feel it, she was in love with me. I knew the feeling since I got it a lot from Velvet. I wasn't ready for this love thing yet... maybe just let her down gently? Tell her I need time?

                "What are you thinking about?" She then asked and I frowned "Cults" now since I was relaxed I was able to control my heartbeat and lie without triggering anything that would tell her I was lying. "Hmm, going to tell me what bothers you now?" She asked. I groaned "Right now?" I asked her. "Right now" she confirmed and I regretted agreeing to this. First off, I didn't want to move from where I was right now, Sage was so warm. Second I didn't want to get worked up over this and I was perfectly calm right now.

                "Do you just want to know what bothers me or how it happened too?" I asked her. "I want to know all of it" She said and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before getting this over with. "When me and my brother where traveling to Rekkel, we slept outside, didn't stop for any village or tavern. So when we were only a mile away and he stopped for the night I took first watch. I was trying to learn how to throw knives at the time throwing them at a tree as Shadow slept" I said and began to feel the burning in my back at just remembering it. Well that and I'm sure there were other reasons my back hurt. "Well, there was a... mountain lion up in the tree we decided to camp out at so when I heard it start growling I turned my back to the beast and I jumped me" I couldn't say anything more than that right now, my hands were already shaking and my back was tingling.

                I stood up leaving Sage's warm embrace, as I stood up I took off the white shirt, (which for some reason hurt a lot) turning my back to the mirror to see the scars left by that day.  There were three long claw marks from my right shoulder down to my left hip. The scars were deep and ugly looking. Then there were fang marks on my left shoulder from when it was trying to take a piece of me. Then there were red scratch marks all over my back from last night.

                "Do you think my back is ugly?" I asked her wanting to know if it was just me. I mean I had a lot of scars on my chest and arms but none were as deep or as visible as the ones on my back. Sage then got up approaching me, her hands were on my shoulders then slowly trailed down my back feeling the scars. I still don't think I'm going to get over the fact I can't see her in the mirror as she did this.

                "A warrior's scars show how much they survive through. I think you're beautiful" She told me and I smirked. "Oh stop, you're makin my heart melt" I said sarcastically and her hands rested on my hips now. "Do you love?" she asked the vague question but I knew what she meant. As I looked up into her eyes I noticed they were now orange again, her hair completely black too. "I can physically if that what you're asking, emotionally? No, not right now" I told her. Her face remained neutral but I felt the pain I caused her. "I can wait" She said speaking soft. "Maybe after all this cult stuff, there's too much on my mind right now... but you know sex is always on the table" with that I winked at her and I felt her back hand me. i saw that coming but still I said it. I mean how could I resist. Now Sage was glaring at me. "Is that what I am to you?" She growled at me. And I knew I overstepped a line "No, no, see I'm not good with this? The only type of relationships I've been in ended up with one of us trying to kill the other" I said and huffed knowing I probably shouldn't say more, women were complicated and I was making things more complicated, why couldn't I just like men instead?

                "You're bleeding" I was a bit confused by her words and checked back in the mirror seeing nothing so I turned around. Then I saw it. The ugly black bruise over my right rib. The memory of two nights ago flashed in my head remembering letting that over five hundred year old vampire infused with Ebony's power hit me. I didn't see how it was bleeding though; it just looked so... purple? A dark purple and of course I touched it. Hissing at the contact of my finger even though I was gentle. Now I was taking time to focus on how my body felt. Headache, breathing hurts, legs are burning, and my whole chest area hurt like hell. I was really good at forgetting I was hurt... and let me tell you, it sucked. "How did we fuck last night with this??" I asked not thinking about what I was saying once more. I heard Shadow laughing in his room through the walls and door.

                "Well if I remember correctly we did try and you complained you hurt too much so went off to get drunk" She said and I groaned, that explained the headache, I hated drinking. I remember when after being attacked that was all I would do to get my mind off it... that was until I almost killed myself doing so. Ever since then I rarely drank. For pretty good dam reasons. "Well I'm glad someone remembers last night, it's all a blur for me" I admitted though I doubt she wanted to hear that.

                I decided to change topic before she could comment on that. "We still have vampire's to hunt" I said and was about to put my shirt on but I could Sage grabbed my arms keeping them to my side "I don't think you should be moving around too much, you're bleeding" she said that again though I saw no blood anywhere "Where?" I asked looking at my reflection now asking some different questions. Why is her clothing invisible too?? "Inside your body, I think you need a doctor" she said actually sounding concerned for my health but other than the pain I was fine. "I'm fine" I said and put on my shirt any ways besides her protest saying I shouldn't move my arms for some reason. "See? Fine?" I said and that was when I had to cough so I turned away from the Elven vampire and coughed into my elbow. That was when I tasted blood in my mouth and looking at my elbow there was a lot of blood on it. "Son of a bitch" I groaned more in frustration then fear of actually being hurt. "I'm getting a doctor" She said and quickly left moving faster than I have seen any vampire move. Hell I don't think I saw her actually move to the door... she was just gone...

                "What?" Shadow asked opening the door to his room and one look at me and he grimaced "You got a little blood" he then gestured to my mouth and I sighed "If I die I hope those are the last words you ever say to me" I growled at him and he smiled "You want to know something worse than that?" he asked me gesturing for me to come in his room. Which I did and he sat me down whipping the blood off my mouth like he was my father or something. Like I couldn't do it myself, I wanted to growl at him but I also wanted to hear what he had to say. "When you're going down on a woman and you taste blood-" I slapped his face before he could continue. "Fuck, off" I spoke very softly as my throat began to burn and took the rag from Shadow's hands and coughed into it.

                "Son of a bitch" I hissed seeing there was more blood than last time. This was bad. I really didn't think this would happen. Velvet always said our cockiness would be the end of us, and I suppose it is. For me at least. "Oh come on, you're stronger than that" Shadow teased me and I glared at him. If looks could kill, I'd be strangling him with his own intestines by now. I was going to tell him to fuck off again when Sage returned dragging a doctor with her. The man looked quite dazed but as he looked at me he seemed to understand and went to work.

                He was looking at my wound as I held my shirt up showing him. he felt it up making me want to cry out in pain but I couldn't afforded to show Shadow how much of a wimp I was so I gritted my teeth together hoping for the pain to go away.

                The doctor finally pulled away and was frowning. "Tell me doc, am I going to die?" I asked more sarcastically but he sighed heavily. "Your rib is broken and a piece of it might have hit your lungs, but your breathing all right so I don't think it punctured it" he said and I rolled my eyes "When will I be healed?" I asked and he shook his head "No telling when but I give it a year to fully heal correctly" he said and my eyes widened, I couldn't sit on the fucking bench for a fucking year, I had things to do! Like today! "Is there any way to speed up the healing process?" I asked hoping to the gods I really didn't have to suffer like this for a fucking year. "I normally wouldn't suggest this but I heard of your reputation  and you seem strong enough... Vampire blood has been known to heal humans at a very fast rate, we use it in case of a disease outbreak in the city. Most humans become feral because of it though" he said and both me and Shadow looked at Sage. She looked back at me She was about to say something when the doctor stood up. "I'll mail you a bill for my services" and with that the man walked himself out.

                I sat there silently for a moment then looked at sage and whinnied "I don't want to suffer, so either kill me now-" I had started but her glare cut me off "He wasn't lying when he said humans go feral because of this" she said but then I countered "That's when you drink blood of a diseased vampire" I corrected. See? I read a book once... "Yes but you would be... different" she said struggling to find words. "Different?" I asked her needing her to explain this. Before she could explain Shadow cleared his throat "I'm going to go search for some vampires so if you excuse me" he left rather quickly at that leaving me alone with Sage.

                "As in, you'll feel things you aren't feeling... you'll be connected to me" she said rather uncomfortably shifting. I cocked my head to the side "I thought that was only if we both feed off each other?" I asked her and she shook her head "Blood magic is something vampires are inherently good at when turned and having my blood in your body will also make it easier for me to manipulate you" She said. "I think I can deal with the consequences of this another time, we kind of have to save the city remember? And we don't have a lot of time to find all these vampires and stop this army?" I suggested and she sighed walking further into the room and stopping in front of me. "Are you sure?" she asked me and I nodded as I looked up at her.

                She brought her wrist to her mouth biting into her own flesh and drawing blood, hell I think she cut her vain. Then she offered her bleeding wrist to me. "Is it going to taste bad" I asked putting one of my hands on her elbow to keep her hand steady and the other one under her wrist. "Shut up and drink" she growled at me and I suppose I couldn't just wait around for her to bleed out.

                I pressed my lips to her wound licking the blood already spilling onto my hand. I felt her shiver and move closer to me as she put her other hand on my shoulder. I wasn't exactly sure what it tasted like, it was definitely cold but not that bad like I thought it would be. I tasted the metal in her blood but also something else I couldn't quite name. As I was sucking on her wrist I think I might have blacked out for a moment because I wasn't exactly sure how long I had been doing this. All I knew was that my hands on her arm where gripping her like my life depended on it and her nails were digging into my shoulder drawing blood.

                I pushed her wrist away panting heavily and feeling very strange. "How long will it take to heal?" I asked but when I looked up into the vampire's eyes they were glowing that bright red, glowing with hunger. She didn't answer instead she moved closer till her knees hit the bed and she stood between my legs. I felt a strange irresistible urge to kiss her then. My mind clicked back to normal as she was leaning down. I put my hand on her shoulder stopping her "Sage" I growled her name knowing what she was trying to do. But I doubt it was intentional. Her eyes then went back to orange and she stumbled back.

                "Sorry, you just... took a lot" she said and I had blink up at her a few times to register what was going on. "You were right, this is weird" I said and she smirked at me "I believe this is what humans call 'high on life'" she said and I blinked a few more times. I was really fucked up. What the fuck was happening. I mean, I would be a liar if I said I never did those weird drugs, but this was nothing like that. "Did I even wake up?" I mumbled more to myself then to her. I heard her laugh yet didn't register it. I was looking at my hands, they were shaking and my muscles began to twitch uncontrollably.

                Suddenly our faces were inches apart and I was standing right in front of her. When did I get up? "I need you to stay right here, and don't move" she said. She repeated it a few times to me too. What the fuck. She was gone and I was alone. I looked around, I was in Shadows room. When did I get here? Wait... the doctor said I was bad... I looked back at the bed and slowly stumbled my way there and laid down.

                Next thing I know Sage is sitting on the bed side looking at me weird. "Shade?" she asked speaking so soft. I was going to fall asleep, I could feel it. "Yee" I said but forgot the 's' sound at the end. "You're healed" she said and my eyes blinked at her slowly. "Where the fuck am I?" I asked her and she sighed. "Yea we're not hunting vampires today" She told me and I sighed looking up at the ceiling. "Can I ask you something?" She asked me and I nodded not trusting my voice. "Could you love me?" She asked and I looked back at her blinking a few times to clear my vision. "Love you?" I asked her and then began to laugh but not at the question. She stood up and began walking to the door. I could tell she was very angry so I tried to get up falling on my knees only catching myself by my hands. "Wait" I wheezed suddenly so out of breath. Suddenly she was picking me up as if I weighed nothing and put me on the bed again she was going to leave again when I managed to sit up and grab her wrist. "I" I was trying to think of how to speak at this point, this was worse than being drunk. "I, wasn't laughing at you" I said leaning my head on the vampire's arm. "I was, laughing at... you asked if... I could... love... I love you" I said not even thinking about words. I felt her sigh and she petted my head "I don't think you know what you're saying" she said and I closed my eyes my head now on the vampire's stomach "Correct" I agreed. She sighed and put her hands on the sides of my face making me look up at her. She was using her powers on me again and I was helpless to it. "Could you love me?" she asked and I felt the answer crystal clear. "I could, I thought about it but... you're a vampire, even better you're a elf. I have a bad history with Elven lovers and I'm afraid of getting hurt again" it felt like a wave of relief as I finally got that off my chest. "What do you mean?" she asked me still using her hypnotic powers on me. "I was in love with this young Elven girl a year back, didn't end well" I said and her eyes, oh by the gods her eyes were making me feel things. I felt the urge to continue. "I thought I loved her, until she started trying to change me. it ended in a argument and her throwing a knife at me" I said smirking remembering that. I remember what spurred her to do such a thing. 'I only wanted to fuck you'. ya I deserved that. With a heavy sigh Sage stopped using that magic on me and lying me gently down on the bed. I wasn't prepared when she went full force with that magic "Sleep" and I was out without a second thought.


                I woke jerking awake sitting straight up. Sage was sitting on the other side of the bed reading a book. I noticed we were in her room and no longer Shadow's. "Sleep well?" Sage asked her eyes not leaving the book she was reading. "I think so..." I answered and lifted up my shirt sighing in relief when nothing but my smooth white skin was there.

                I suppose we had vampires to hunt. "It's night?" I asked not bothering to look out the window to see for myself. "Yes" she answered her eyes still on that damn book. I don't know if it was her blood that made me feel jealous or if it were her emotions. I took the book out from her hand careful to save the spot she had just left off at. I took off the red strip of cloth that wrapped around my pants and put it in-between the paged before closing it and rolling onto her.

                I sat on her lap looking her up and down slowly. I would be lying to say I wasn't interested in her but there was too much to do right now to dwell on that. "I know where to find a vampire" I said and then got off her and off the bed. I went to go get my jacket and knives before heading out for the hunt.



                As soon as he ran out of the house he immediately ran off to the thieves' tavern. Were Freddy was taking shelter since he didn't want to be alone. He had heard from a passing thief that he was recovering well and was asking for him. Of cores at this point he knew he was fucked. Not because the thief cared for him and may even be in love with him, but the fact of the manor was Shadow was in love with this thief. It went beyond just wanting someone to sleep with at night. He never wanted to let anyone touch him ever again. Hell he hated the idea of anyone even touching his mate.

                When he did finally arrive at the tavern he came to the conclusion he would ask Freddy to be his.

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