Sweet Tragedy

By Bananahamic7

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Rebecca was a spoiled child. She had everything her heart desired. Her father gave her the world because he f... More

Sweet Tragedy
Chapter 1
chatper 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chpater 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

chapter 8

466 10 5
By Bananahamic7

Chapter 8

Rebecca sat by the edge of the stream. Her eyes were all red and puffy from crying. She wanted to leave. But she had nowhere to go. She had no family or any close friends. She was stuck right here with an attractively deceitful man and his wonderful daughter. Since she has been at the farm, Adelaide and Rebecca had become friends. Adelaide would help Rebecca with the chores. She would make comments how Rebecca was not very good this whole cleaning and cooking thing. Rebecca would laugh because Adelaide was absolutely right. She was terrible at this stuff. She did not want to leave Adelaide. She felt it would do more harm then good.

Deep in her own thoughts, she did not hear Samuel come and sit down beside her. When she finally saw him, her bright blue eyes were wide and shocked. She stared into his beautiful grey eyes and felt herself start to melt and forget why she was crying to begin with.

“I am sorry Rebecca. I wish it did not happen the way it did but I do not regret you being here. Adelaide is so happy when she is around you. You make her smile like I have never seen before. Please do not go.” Samuel said with affection. He gave Rebecca a choice of leaving… But he knew she could not. Rebecca smiled slightly. She also knew that she could not go. But it was nice that he pretended she could.

“im am not leaving Samuel. I am hurt because I was used. My family was hurt because you. It was selfish and childish of you.” She said as she wiped the tears from her face.

“you are right. I am sorry.” Samuel declared. He smiled down at Rebecca. She was so stunning, the way her black hair was falling into her face. She looked so innocent and vulnerable to him.

“Thank you for telling the truth. I know it was not easy for you.” Rebecca admitted. With that last statement, Samuel could not resist the urge to touch her. He put his arm around her shoulder and let her lean her head on his shoulder. She fit perfectly in his arms. He loved the feel of her body pressed against his side. He could smell her hair. She smelled of jasmine and lavender. She was intoxicating. He was afraid that this simple touch was never going to be enough. He pulled away quickly, as he did not want to offend her. The simple touch was innocent enough, but it was doing things to him. He felt his himself getting excited with that thought of her body pressed against his.

The second Samuel pulled away, Rebecca felt cold and alone. The warmth of his touch was overpowering. The simple gesture had Rebecca’s heart racing and all her senses were tingling. She still felt where Samuel had his arm around her shoulder. It felt like the heat of his arm was forever embedded in her skin.

“I am going into town this afternoon. Would you like to join me?” Samuel suggested, bringing Rebecca back to reality somewhat.

“Sure I would like that. There are some things I need to get.” Rebecca smiled at Samuel. That smile drew his attention to her mouth. It took all his will power not to take the soft luscious lips into his. He felt the tingle of his body responding to the thought and looked away from her mouth quickly. He took her hands and pulled her to feet. He held her hands longer then need be. After a few moments, he reluctantly released her hands and they started to walk toward the house.

The ride into town was quiet. Especially after driving Adelaide to the Thompson’s farm to play with them and their dog Gally, in which Adelaide adored. The Thompson’s never had any children so Adelaide was always welcomed.     

Rebecca and Samuel made pleasant conversation the way to town. They talked about the weather and about some shops in town. Samuel told her about the area and some of the history behind the town. Rebecca listened as well as she could. All she could really focus on was the heat radiating from Samuel leg. HE was barely even touching her yet it felt like there were no clothes between them. Rebecca felt she was always blushing around Samuel. She could not control the feelings she was having toward him. No matter how she much she tried. It was no use. They were getting stronger by the second.

Samuel dropped Rebecca off at the library, as per her request; while he headed to the hardware store for supplies for the farm. They would then head to the butchers, bakery, and other shops in town.

Rebecca browsed the self help books. She found the books she had been looking for. She got a cook book, a sewing book and a few books to help teach Adelaide how to read and write. The Librarian was helpful and knew who Rebecca was, so there was no trouble signing the books out. Apparently most of the town knew who Rebecca was. It did not surprise her considering it was such a small town. She knew people talked. So she checked out the books, sat outside and waited for Samuel to return.

“Well who do we have here? This must be Miss. Armstrong. I have heard a lot about you Miss and my you are a looker. They forgot to mention that, they sure did” this man made Rebecca fell very uncomfortable. He was staring at him licking his lips. He had a wide grin on his face. Rebecca could do nothing but look away. “Hey pretty lady, its rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you, especially when they are complimenting you.” The tall dark haired man stepped closer to her.

“IS there a something I can help you with, Richard?” Samuel said from behind the man. That was a huge relief to Rebecca.

“This here don’t concern you Adams. Go be a good boy scout somewhere else.” He said looking back at Rebecca.

“Actually that is where you are wrong Richard. This lady here is my biggest concern at this moment. She clearly does not want to talk with you, so leave her be or we are going to have some trouble on our hands.” Samuel said sternly. Richard stepped away from Rebecca and took a step toward Samuel.

“Look Adams, this here square rigged nemmo, is not your wife. She is merely a servant. She is up for grabs.” With that, Samuel swung a left hook squarely in Richard’s jaw sending him flying to ground.

“You will show Miss. Armstrong nothing but respect do you understand me?” Samuel barked at the man. He stumbled to his feet and glared at Samuel.

“You’ll pay for that Adams. Mark my words. You will.” Richard threatened as he staggered away.

Rebecca stood there is shock. She had never seen a fight before especially fighting over her honor.

“Samuel, you did not have to punch him. I appreciate you making him leave thought. He was making me rather uncomfortable.” Rebecca said with sincerity.

“ He should not talk to anyone the way he does. Sorry if I offended you. But Richard Crass is always starting trouble. I usually ignore him but he went too far this time. Shall we continue shopping or do you want to go home? Samuel asked with a great deal of concern. It brought a smile to Rebecca’s face. No one had ever been so thoughtful to her feelings before. Samuel was an amazing man, she thought to herself.

“I am fine to continue. He is gone now. Besides we have no food to eat.” She commented as she began to laugh. Samuel laughed as well. He loved hearing the sound of her laughing.

“Alright then Miss Armstrong. Lets go.” Samuel placed his hand on the small of her back sending shots of electricity through her body. It was a simple gesture but made her body go wild. She felt an ache in the pit of her stomach. With her cheeks bright red, she let Samuel lead her to stores to purchase what they needed. They would finish and head home. That was easiest to keep distance between them.  

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