Stay With Me Your All I Need

By jimmynewtron

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Book #2 This is the sequel to In Love Bye Now. If you haven't read the 1st book you gotta read it 1st. Don't... More

Chapter 1 The b.s.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Yes Dani
Chapter 4 No He Didn't !
Chapter 5 Why her ?
Chapter 6 If there's a question of my heart
Chapter 7 Oh that's how you feel
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 I miss Him
Chapter 10 Maybe I should Call
Chapter 11 Wonderland
Chapter 12 Superman
Chapter 13 Damn
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 For you I Will
Chapter 17 I still, he still, we still
Chapter 18 You
Chapter 19 P & G
Chapter 20 Ain't gone beg
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Could We Get a Room
Chapter 23 King
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 All things Go

Chapter 24

385 27 17
By jimmynewtron

Lee's Pov

"I gotcha bro" pysch just told me he got word Dani I mean Danielle was rushed to the hospital but she'll be induced tomorrow morning. So I gotta fly out tonight. It takes like 5 hours from Cali to NY .

I know he's not going to be mad but idk. He's been in the car for only half of the conversation though.

"Bae ? "

"I know Lee let's just go home so you can pack for you and Jr. " Jr so he going to make me take him.

" I see your face and yes I said Jr. I trust you'll be ok but he needs to see his mom. And I'm not going to press the issue now but when you get there I need you to have and idea of how long will you be there. I don't want to have to go to NY and fuck shit up. "

"I got you shaw-bae " I pulled off making our way home.

When I got in went to the kitchen to make dinner because I know Chulo will be busy with Zay.

"Bae I'm almost done with dinner and I need to shower can you watch the stove please? "


I kissed his forehead and left to go to our room and shower. While showering I was making plans to eat quick and load up the car with our luggage then straight to get Jr.

"Ahh shit, you scared me " Chulo just looking around at me all naked. He's standing there in boxers.

"My bad, I miss you and your not even gone yet. I wish you didn't have to go." I was drying off while he whinned. I pulled him into a hug and kissed him.

"Chulo bae you know I hate to leave you but I'll be right back but if it takes more than 3 days I'll fly you in. "

"I really don't wanna go but for you I will." I kissed his lips some more until he pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees and took me in his mouth.

I'm not complaining about it but this is the wrong time for this to go down.
"Bae you tryna start shit and I'm trying to give you this good dick real quick so drop them boxers."

He bent over on the sink and I squatted down to eat his ass real quick and I got up to slide in but I heard my phone ring. Chulo lifted his head and looked in the mirror at me.

"I'm trying to fuck I'm not thinking about that phone." He put his head back down as I tried to get in his tight hole. After I ate him out some more i got in.

Let's just say I don't think he can drive me to the airport much less walk. I showed no mercy on that ass.


We got to my parents house for Jr, I just finished eating while Chulo drove. "Bae go inside, I'll get Zay. "

He sighed loudly and got out. I grabbed Zay, ran after Chulo and slapped his ass. He's already walking funny so I know he's mad now.

"Fuck you Levi! " see what I mean.

Surprisingly La answered the door.

"Hey yall ! Awh Zay come here auntie baby. " He waddle over to her after I put him down.

After we made it inside I seen all my brothers except Chase. But he plays college basketball so I know he's always busy.

"Aye bro you straight, need some company? "Darien asked

"I'm good D but aye come holla at me out back." I stopped at the den to say hi to my mom and pops.

After that I went to the back to talk.

"So what's good lil bro ?"

"Man I gotta fly out tonight but I don't want to but my daughter will be born tomorrow. "

"Sheesh, uh, you gotta step up bruh. But uh, do ya mans know ?" I nodded my head.

"Then you straight. At least you not hiding shit from the one you love. So is he going with you ?"

"I wish but I can't force him to go"


Carlos Pov

I was going outside to sit by the pool and clear my head while Kayla had Zay. I seen Lee and Darien talking so I wanted to be nosey.

I'm almost sure I'm getting the last part but oh well.

"Then you straight. At least you not hiding shit from the one you love. So is he going with you ?" Darien asked

"I wish but I can't force him to go" Lee answered kinda sad.

"True but Jr is right ?" He shook his head yeah

"Lil bro I love you man but I gotta tell you something you know already but don't want to hear. I was shocked finding out your gay or whatever you call it but when we met my in law and I see how yall are I love yall together. " Darien said but Lee look like he was going to cut him off.

"Let me finish. I hated the shit you did to him but at the end of the day your my brother. That man called me up so many times about leaving you but I told him you'll get it together for yall. But the last time he came to me was about the baby. You hurt him but he still loves you and you gotta respect that. So him not wanting to go is probably not just her or the baby it could be Zay, school or whatever but don't look at it as a bad thing, that nigga dumb in my opinion for loving you but he does."

"I understand but I wouldn't risk losing him due to insecurities. I don't want him thinking we getting back together again and that's not it. I want him to see that I'm only interested in my daughter. "

"Well tell him that not me." Darien snitching ass said pointing to me. They walked over to me and Darien went back inside the house.

"I love you Chulo and I don't want you to forget it. I know I've done wrong but I need you to trust me while I'm gone, plus I'll have Jr."

"I don't doubt your love or loyaltyto me, I just don't trust her. I'm just praying you make it there safe and back home. " I kissed him and he pulled me into him and slapped my butt.




"N O"

"You love to play but I think you should say your see you laters cause it's almost time to go. "

"Ok but gimme kiss" I kissed him. We went back inside and mom was cooking.

"Wow ma I just made this early, right bae? " Lee asked

"Yeah but I think ma rice will be better. " He stale faced me. Mom is making shrimp Alfredo for pops I'm guessing but she also making greens, sweet potatoes, fried fish and dirty rice. Lee made white rice and we also had macaroni and cheese from the night before.

Lee went to the den with the guys and I went were Kayla was to talk to her.


Lee's Pov

"Alright yall we'll be back in a few days."

"Bye daddy. " Jr said running to me.

"Don't start with the bye crap. You coming with me so let's go. "

"I not want to go home dad."

"Your coming with me to see mommy, I don't have no time for your games today " This is the reason I want him living with me 24/7 cause now he spoiled and think he can do whatever he wants which happens when he's with anyone except me.

"Nooo, I stay with grammy or big man" He yelled running to Chulo.

"Jr calm down don't make me pull out my belt."

"Hey, hey what's all this yelling about ? And don't threaten my grandson in front of me " Pops said

"We got a hour before the plane leave and Jr wanna act out. He knows it's not a threat "

"Jr come here.... what's wrong with you ? You don't want to see your mommy and new baby sister? " Pops asked

"No, I have brother Zay, no more babies. Mommy don't liked me and I stay with big man and Zay. "

I walked over to him and picked him up and walked us over to the couch and sat down. "Jr you know daddy loves you right ? Are you mad at me "

"I'd knowed silly, I not mad just sad you leave"

"So you love me too ?"

"You did knowed that "

"What about mommy?"

"Mmmnn Mmmnn " He shook his head no. I decided to let it go and let him stay with Chulo.

"Ok you can stay with big man but if big man come you have to come too.


We're sitting waiting for my flight to be called. Jr's sleeping and Zay is dosing off while I'm holding him.

"Bae ?"

"Levi "

"Bae don't do that. I love you man, you gotta promise me you not mad."

"I ain't mad at you, I'm mad that she's having your baby and you have to go all the way to new york leaving your family behind."

"So what you saying, you want me to stay ?"

"Of course I do but I can't be selfish about it, you have a lil girl added into the picture, I want you to be there for her birth and hopefully bring her home to us. "

"I know bae, I know. "

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