Thank God I Found You

By TCforever22

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How can her love save him from his despair and grief? More

Thank God I Found You


38 5 0
By TCforever22


I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I looked at the clock and saw that it's just 8.30 in the morning... And of course, I knew that Zach would have left already last night.

I went to door and opened it and to my surprise, I saw Clarence Thomas. He's my best friend since high school. But wait. I thought he's in Albany? Doing some business shit with his dad? I'm sorry for the potty language but that's how he calls it. He's not really close with his dad. He's closer to his mom, who unfortunately died of brain cancer last year.

"Clarence?!" I said in delight.

"The one and only." He said with a clever smile and hugged me. "Wow, you're pretty warm."

"It's because I'm sick. I've got fever." I replied.

"Aw... My poor baby Mariah's sick!" Then he pulled me in again for a hug. I pulled away from him, annoyed. Seriously, I'm not in the mood for his stupid jokes. My headache's just becoming worse.

"Clarence, if you're just here to annoy the crap out of me, you better leave." I said, scratching the back of my head.

He laughed, "Of course! I'm here to annoy you a little bit but I'm here to check on you as well." He said. "So, how are you? Feeling any better?"

"Much better but then you came so I've got that sick feeling in me again." I said while smirking and we both laughed as I motioned him to come in.

"So... What are you doing here? I thought you're in Albany?" I asked as we both sat on the couch.

"I heard from your parents that you moved here in Sydney and since that my dad won't be needing my help anymore for his trip in Darwin, I've decided to go back home and besides I'm already living here for freakin' two years, I might as well pay you a visit." He said.

"Aw... Thank you Clarence. I love you." I said then I hugged him. What I mean is I love him as a friend. Nothing more than that, okay?

"I love you too Mariah." He said then he hugged me and I know that he meant the same thing as well.

It wasn't long until my door burst open and I saw William came in, "Mariah, your food--- Oh. Sorry. Am I disturbing the two of you?" He said. I laughed and let myself go from Clarence and walked up to William.

We smiled at each other and then he spoke up, "Zach wouldn't be able to see you today because he's busy at the studio so he asked me to deliver your food to you."

I laughed, "He thinks that I don't know how to cook, aye?" I said.

Then he gave me a lopsided grin as he shrugged his shoulders.

"By the way... Clarence, my best friend from high school. Clarence, Will. Will, Clarence." I said.

"Hey." They both greeted each other.

"Wait, aren't you that guy from a gay boy band? Just saying." Clarence said and both William and I gave him a death glare. Seriously?! What is wrong with him?!

"Uh... I gotta go Mariah." William said then he leaned in and whispered something in my ear. "I hate your best friend." Then he smiled evilly and then left. I turned to Clarence and threw him my slipper.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?! YOU'VE JUST OFFENDED WILLIAM SINGE OF THE COLLECTIVE!!!!" I said to him while hitting him with anything that's hard. And his remark a while ago just tore my heart... Well, I'm a COLLECTOR so I guess it's just fair enough to feel that way.

"AND NOT ONLY THAT! YOU'VE INSULTED THEIR GROUP! MY GOODNESS CLARENCE! If the other 'Collectors' heard you, you would be mobbed and I will be one of them." I added.

"Why are you so overprotective of that band? They wouldn't last forever, you know! People would get tired of them eventually!" He said. "They're just some other kind of a gay boy band!" Oh my god. I can't believe that he's saying all of these stuff.

"Clarence, leave." I said firmly. I don't wanna burst in front of him like a Krakatoa volcano. "Leave before I could kill you."

"Fine." He said, raising his hands up in the air. Then with that, he left. I sighed and rolled my eyes. God. He never understood my love for that boy band. Sigh...

I ate the food that William had brought me and then I drank the medicine and then I went back to sleep.


I was watching and listening to Trent while waiting for my turn to record when I saw William came in. His expression is undescribable. He really looked like he's ready to kill somebody.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"That faggot. How dare him to call our group gay!" He grumbled as he slumped on the couch.

"What?! Who?" I asked.

"I came to Mariah's house to bring her her food and then I met her best friend, Clarence. And you know what? He just called our group gay!" He said angrily.

I just stared at him. "But you know... There's something suspicious about that guy... I think he likes Mariah." He said.

"How do you know that? You guys have just met." I said.

"Well, I saw them hugging on the couch when I came in."

"Will, they're just hugging. Friends do that." Then I pretended to hug him but he raised his hands and said, "Hold the fuck up there Zach! Don't hug me. I get the chills whenever I remember them hugging."

I laughed. "Will, friends hug each other, okay?" I said but deep inside, I'm starting to get doubt in me.

They're just friends, right?

Nothing special.

Then my phone vibrated and I looked to see who it was and it's Kristine. Yeah. We've been textmates ever since I got her number. And a while ago, I just asked her out and she said yes.

"Who's that?" William asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"That person that you're texting. Who's that?"

"No one. Just Telstra."

Then he burst out laughing, "Wow, you're textmates with that network company?" he said.

"What can I say? I'm already famous." I said and then we both laughed.

"No. Seriously, who is that?" He asked again.

"Kristine." I said.

"Oh. That girl that you met yesterday."

I nodded in return.

"Zach, if I were you, I'd be careful with that girl." He said.

"Will... I know. I know what you're trying to imply." I said then exactly, Trent finished.

"Zach, you're next." Trent said when he got out of the recording area.

I nodded then went in but still, there are so many questions in my head...

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