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"There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes." [Book 1] // © 2014 Qveendom. All Rights Reserved. |... Daha Fazla

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Say something, I'm giving up on you.❞


[Angel's POV]

Harry was looking at me with his lips slightly parted, his eyes were dull and looked tired. My eyes moved down again to his hands which were covered in blood and I could feel myself starting to panic. This was not good. Did he get in a fight at a bar?

"Oh my God, Harry." I exclaimed and immediately rushed to his side, forgetting everything that I planning to say to him moments ago. My hands were shaking as hesitantly placed them on his shoulders and looked up at him, examining his face carefully. He had a small cut on the corner of his lip, his nose was also bleeding a bit, his face was covered in dirt and his wet curls were sticking on his forehead. The more I looked at him the more I wanted to cry, I was scared. He had done something stupid, I was sure of that.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, taking his face in my hands. At the moment, when my fingers touched his face, something snapped inside him and he glanced down at me, furrowing his eyebrows in anger. He raised his hands and grabbed my wrists roughly, applying pressure and then pulled them down harshly.

"Don't. Touch. Me." He said through gritted teeth as he let go of my wrists. I stared shocked at him as he pushed me on the side and started walking towards the staircase, not even bothering to say anything else to me. He had come back home hurt and bloody and he acted like nothing happened.

"Harry!" I called his name, but he disappeared from my sight.

I was getting tired of this, of him constantly ignoring me without even letting me explain myself first. I, at least, deserved to be heard, if he really cared about me and trusted me he wouldn't jump into conclusions so easily. Harry thinks he knows everything, but in reality he knows nothing. What that woman told him in the orphanage wasn't the truth. He doesn't even know a small part of the truth.

I ran behind him and followed him as he got inside his bedroom, turning on the lights. He took off his wet coat and then he started unbottoning his shirt, turning his back to me.

"I'm fucking speaking to you!" I exclaimed in frustration, shutting the door behind me with a loud this. That managed to catch his attention.

"Get out of my room." He said in a low threatening voice. I took a deep breath, not moving.

This time he would listen.

"What happened, Harry?" I asked him, taking a few steps closer to him and keeping a straight face. I saw as the muscles on his back tensed and he turned around slowly, a sly smirk forming on his lips and his eyes darkening.

"I met, Ethan." He replied, crossing his arms over his broad, firm chest. I gulped, my eyes widening. Oh, no. "What is it, Angel? Are you scared I killed your lover?" He asked, bringing his face closer to mine. The overwhelming smell of alcohol coming from his mouth hit my face, letting me know just how drunk he was. I glaced down at my wrists which had blood on them due to Harry touching me and I cringed. Many scenarios were running through my mind.

"What did you do?" I asked him, my voice barely a whisper. I was scared to know the answer, but I knew that the blood on his hands wasn't his. It was Ethan's. "Please, Harry. What did you do?" I asked him again, louder this time.

"I talked with him, at least that's what I was planning to do in the beginning. But then he said some things about you that angered me and I lost control." He said.

"Like what?" I dared to ask. Harry pursed his lips together and walked around me like a pretador, eyeing my body up and down before stopping in front of me again. His eyes softened a bit as they met my pained ones. He realised that I knew what Ethan had told him, it was something that I would never forget.

Those nights were printed on my mind, they had scarred me badly. I was seventeen when it first happened and Alexander did nothing to stop him, he pretended like he didn't notice Ethan sneaking into my room late at night completely wasted. At first I liked Ethan, he was nice to me and showed interest in me, but that changed when he started touching me in ways that I didn't like. The innocent kisses and hugs were long gone, they were replaced with lust. He forced me to do things that I didn't want and he took advantage of me so that he could satisfy his own needs. Nights of crying and begging him to stop haunted my dreams since then, but Harry had somehow managed to make me forget. His touch and kisses made me feel loved and not dirty, his smile and the way he looked at me made me feel beautiful. Now I lost him, too.

"He has hurt you. He caused you pain, physically and emotionally." Harry said in disgust, lifting his hand up to touch my face with his warm fingers. My eyes filled with tears as he said that and I bit my lip. The feeling of his fingers brushing my cheek delicately relaxed me a bit and I wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch, but as I closed my eyes he dropped his hand down and his stare darkened once again. "Yet, you ran back to him like a good Doll that you are. I gave you everything and I was willing to change for you, I wanted to show you love, but you ruined everything! Anything good that I felt for you is now gone. You chose to be with him behind my bad and you helped them destroy me!" He yelled in anger, clenching his fist and I flinched.

"I was forced to do it, Harry. I had no choice!" I told him. He chuckled darkly, shaking his head.

"What do you mean you had no choice? You could have chosen to tell me the truth. Don't try to deny it, Ethan told me everything, he told me that you helped them and he even confessed that he killed Agnes. They are planning to ruin me and you fucking helped them. I should have never taken you from the Dollhouse. I just needed an excuse to be there again and see them, but it was a stupid thing to do. I was a fool to even believe that you were different from them, you are just like them, Angelina. A slut willing to open your legs to Ethan and any other man, for money and attention!" He said. His words pierced my heart like a knife and even though I knew that it wasn't him talking, but the alcohol in his system, I did what I probably shouldn't have done. I raised my hand in the air and slapped him across the face.

His head turned to the side and I brought my hand up to my chest too shocked by what I just did. Harry licked his lips and clenched his jaw as he titled his head to the side to look at me.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stammered.

Before I could form another word, though, Harry was on me. His hand wrapped around my neck and he pushed my back against the wall roughly, knocking the air out of me. His grip at first wasn't strong, but was enough to stop me from moving and his other hand was placed on my hips as his fingers dug into my flesh.

"Harry." I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks. My heart was thumping wildly and I was breathing heavily. I was truly scared, he wasn't himself anymore.

He tightened his grip around my neck and slowly brought his face closer to mine, his hot breath fanning over my lips. He looked at my lips and then back at me, seeing for the first time my tears.

"I don't even want to look at you. You disgust me. Whenever I look at you I picture you with him and then I remember Agnes. It's your fault, everything happened because of you." He said in a low voice, staring deep into my eyes. I tried to raise my hand to touch him, but stopped myself when I saw him flinch away and felt his nails on my skin applying preassure.

"Please, Harry. I never wanted to hurt you. I-I lov-" I cried.

"Don't fucking say it! I'm tired of your lies. I don't want to hear any more bullshit." He yelled in my face, tightening his grip around my neck and causing my hands to grab his wrist. I shook underneath his and moved, kicking my legs in hopes to make him let go of me. He was suffocating me and I couldn't breath properly.

"Harry." I chocked out, pulling at his arms.

Suddenly he let go of me and I rested my back on the wall gasping for air as I brought my fingers up to my sensitive skin, which I'm sure held his fingertips. Harry took a few steps backwards, staring at his blood stained hands with wide eyes and then back at me, parting his lips.

"I-I didn't mean to d-do that." He said apologetically, collapsing on the bed and running his fingers through his hair. He kept staring at his hands and I could hear his heavy breath in the silent room. I was standing on the wall opposite him, too afraid to approach him. "You ruined me, you broke me. Are you happy now? Is this want you wanted to do? To make me lose control and hurt someone?" He asked, his voice cracking in the end. His face turned to me and I held my breath as I took in his appearance. Tears were streaming down his face, mixing with the blood. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with regret and pain.

Harry Styles was vulnerable.

"Harry, I never intended to cause you any pain." I told him, building up the courage to go next to him. I sat down on the bed near him, placing my hands on my lap. I didn't want to touch him, because I knew that he would snap again, so I stood still. "Alexander wanted me to hate you and help him so he filled me with lies and told me that you were the one who killed my parents. I believed him at first and decided to help him so I told him that you were adopted. Ethan then came and forced me to go with him at the orphanage, he wanted to find information about your real mother. I never went there because I wanted to and Ethan definitely isn't my lover. He has hurt me badly Harry and I will never forgive him for that. Actually, I'm terrified of him." I started to explain to him. I paused and waited for him to say something. I wanted him to talk to me, but the only thing that could be heard from him were the soft sobs that escaped from his lips so I kept on speaking.

"When I learn about Agnes' death I was devastated because I knew that part of what happened was also my fault. Alexander appeared at the funeral but not for the reason that I told you. I told him that I wouldn't help him anymore and that angered him so he threatened me. He told me that if I didn't do as he told me he would kill the ones I cared about and I didn't want to see you or anyone else dead Harry, so I did as he told me." I told him. I closed my eyes and rested my head in my hands sighing deeply. "Say something." I pled him.

"You should have told me." Harry whispered softly.

"I should have, but I was a coward. I let my fears win, I am scared of them Harry. You don't know what these people are capable of doing. You didn't stay long enough with them to see, I did. Telling you wouldn't have changed a thing." I confessed.

"You don't know that, Angelina." He replied quickly, wiping his tears with the back of his hand and standing up. "It would have changed something. It wouldn't have broken my heart the way it did. It would have prevented me from doing what I did."


"I didn't kill him." He whispered. I tilted my head up to look at him and frowned in confusion.

"What?" I asked him, causing him to groan in frustration.

"I didn't kill Ethan. Even though I was mad, even though he caused me all this pain, even though that every nerve in my body urged me to end his life... I didn't do it. I had him, I could kill him so easily he couldn't even stand up for himself, yet I stopped. Because I thought of you." He said, staring down at the ground with furrowed brows. "And now I regret it." He confessed and walked past me brushing his arm against my shoulder as he entered the bathroom. I sighed deeply standing up.

"You shouldn't regret it. If you had killed him then you would get in trouble for that and as much as I hate Ethan I'm glad he is not dead. What you did was wrong." I informed him. Now Ethan knew that Harry had learn the truth and he would tell that to Alexander. Alexander will get mad that I failed to do what he ordered me to and I don't even want to know what he will do. Fuck!

"I don't care." I heard Harry say from the bathroom. I could hear the water running and I knew that he was probably cleaning his hands and washing his face, something I should do too. I don't want to have Ethan's blood on my wrists.

"Because he will tell, Alexander." I simply replied. Harry stepped back inside the room, holding a towel in hands as he wiped his face.

"You know that I'm not scared of him." He stated and I stepped in front of him placing my hands on his bare chest to stop him from moving. I looked up into his eyes.

"But I am."

"Then don't, there is no reason to." Harry frowned and took my hands in his before taking them off of him like he did earlier. He really hated me. I wanted to cry again, but I held back and instead took a few steps away from him. I wrapped my arms around myself protectively and looked down at my feet, avoiding his intense gaze. The look in his eyes was killing me, it reminded me of everything that happened and it made me hate myself.

"Take this." Harry said after a while. I looked at his hand and stared at him in surprise. Between his fingers he was holding a plane ticket.

"What is this?" I asked him. Harry took in a sharp breath and then exhaled as he looked down at the ticket in his hands.

"This is for you, it's a ticket for New York. You are leaving in the morning with my plane and you are not coming back here again. I have already spoken with some friends and they will help you when you get there."

"What do you mean, Harry? I don't want to go! I don't want to leave you!" I protested. Did he really think that after everything that happened between us I would leave his like this?

"This is what you wanted from the beginning, it was part of our deal to help you escape from Alexander and this is me keeping my promise. Alexander will never know where you are, I'll make sure of that. You will go!" He said sternly, grabbing me by arm and pulling me closer to him. He was getting angry again, the veins on his neck were popping out and his nostrils were flaring as he tried to control his breathing.

"I don't want to go. Alexander will hurt you. " I repeated softly. Harry laughed bitterly.

"But I don't want you here, Angelina! I can protect myself. I don't want to see your face and think about how happy you made me and then how you broke me. I don't want you here. I hate you!" He shouted. His words knocked my breath away and my eyes watered. My chin was quivering and my whole body was trembling as I replayed his words in my mind.

I hate you.

I hate you.

"Y-you don't m-mean that, Harry." I sobbed, looking at him and trying desperately to find any kind of emotion or sign in his face that told me he was lying. There was none.

"I mean it, Angelina. I'm done with you." He stated, emphasizing each word. I cried and hit his chest with my small fist, pushing his hands away from me.

"Why are you doing this to me? I care about you, Harry, I did what Aldxander told me to because I wanted to protect you! I didn't want to see you dead. Why can't you listen to me! I tried to tell you the truth, but you kept ignoring and interrupting me, you wouldn't listen to me!" I told him angrily, but he remained unfazed. "You're the liar, Harry. If you really cared about me you wouldn't jump into conclusions like that and you would listen to me!"

"You're right. Maybe it wasn't that real after all." He whispered. I nodded my head, wiping away my tears as I smiled sadly at him. So it wasn't real. For once again a man used me and now I was left alone to pick up the pieces.

"Fine, Harry. If that's what you want I will leave." I said and took the ticket from his hand. I looked at it and wet my lips before staring back at him. "I will leave right now."

"Zayn will come in two hours, you don't have to go alone. Also a friend of mine will be at the airport to give you your passport. You will have another identity since I'll to hide you from Alexander." He informed me. I shook my head. He had everything fucking planned. How long was he planning this?

"No. I will leave now." I insisted. I wouldn't bear to stay in the same house with him after knowing that he hated me so much. It would cause me more pain than what I could endure.

I approached him slowly and stood on my tip toes bringing my face closer to his. He watched me intently, but didn't make a move to stop me so I continued and when our lips were only inches apart I touched his face. "Goodbye, Harry." I whispered and placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips.

I didn't wait for him to say anything and before he could hurt me I left the room and didn't look back at his beautiful emerald eyes.

* * *

Everything was over and I felt numb. I thought that I had a chance to explain to him what happened and be forgiven, but I was wrong. Harry chose to sent me away so that he wouldn't have to see me ever again and that hurt me a lot. He told me that he hated me that what he felt for me wasn't real and as much as I wanted to not believe I had no choice but to do it. The look and hatred in his eyes was evident to me, his words were the truth. And now it was all over.

I thought that escaping from Alexander would make me happy, but I didn't feel a thing as I stepped out of Harry's house. Not happiness, not hope for a better future... nothing. I was too damn naive and let myself fall in love with a man that I knew would eventually hurt me, my need to feel for once loved by someone clouded my thoughts and now I was heartbroken. I trusted him, I thought he felt something for me, I could feel it when he kissed me, but I was wrong.

I hate you.

It wasn't real.

I held the small suitcase in my hand as I stepped out of the gate and exhaled deeply. I glanced on last time at the mansion in front of me and then turned around starting to walk down the street. The sun was rising slowly and it wasn't dark anymore, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get to the main road and get a taxi to take me to the airport.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat from behind me and I stopped in my tracks. My heart started beating fast and a big smile formed its way onto my face. Harry. Did he regret what he said and decided to come and stop me from leaving? Oh my God, he didn't me want he said.

I immediately turned around smiling like an idiot, but that smile slowly disappeared once I saw who was standing in front of me. It wasn't Harry.

"Hello, Angel. Are you happy to see me? Or were you expecting Harry?" Alexander asked, smiling evilly at me. I gulped and moved away from him. "You failed me, my sweet Angelina, and now Harry knows. But don't worry, I took care of that. Now I'm here to take you." He said and lifted up his hand to show me the gun that he was holding. I gasped and threw down my suitcase preparing to run.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"Oh don't worry you will find out soon enough. And don't you dare run away from me because I won't hesitate to shoot you and you know that I keep my promises." He threatened and walked to me. He gripped my jacket and pushed me against a tree with force, causing me to hiss in pain.

"I thought you were smarter than this, Angelina. You had one job, you could have done what I told you to do and then you would be free, but you are stupid and naive. You should know by now that men don't care for you, they don't want your love what they want is a good fuck. You gave that to him, he promised you the stars and now when he learned the truth he left you." He said clearly enough for me to hear. I started to sob again because I remembered that he had told me those words before. He sighed in frustration and placed his palm over my mouth, shutting me up. "This is the last time I tell you this, Angelina. No one will ever love you, you don't deserve to be loved. You are a Doll and your job is to please men not fall in love with them. You're a prostitute for fuck's sake."

When he stopped talking the sound of sirens reached my ears and my eyes widened as I looked at Alexander with confusion. He pulled me on the side so that we couldn't be seen and then moved behind me without taking his hand from my mouth. Then a cold object was pressed against my temple and my body stiffened as I realised that it was the gun he was holding previously.

"Be a good girl and I won't blow out your brain." He whispered in my ear. I didn't dare to move against his firm grip, the only thing I could do was stare as the police cars stopped in front of Harry's house and then a few policemen got out. They were banging on Harry's door and after a few minutes the door opened.

I tried to move a bit but Alexander stopped me and only pressed the gun harder on my skin as a warning. The officer was talking with Harry and then anothen man put handcuffs on him. They were taking him to the police station, but why? He said that he didn't kill Ethan and he hasn't done anything bad either. What the hell is happening?

"Looks like he isn't that innocent after all." Alexander said against my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Harry was walking towards the car, but before they would push him inside his head turned towards my direction and his eyes widened. He tried to move but the other man pushed him inside the car roughly.

"And now my sweet Angelina, you are mine."


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Any thoughts on what will happen next?

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