Winter Sun •Soldiers Series•...

By janejane_jane

50.8K 1.9K 237

*Sequel to Soldiers* After their close call with death, Charlotte and Bucky have learnt to treasure each litt... More

Chapter 1: Tony
Chapter 3: Promise?
Chapter 4: A Quiet Morning With A Touch Of Matron
Chapter 5: Damaged
Chapter 6: Fairy Tales
Chapter 7: Lottie.
Chapter 8: His Name Is James
Chapter 9: The 89 Percent Plan
Chapter 10: 2:00 A.M.
Chapter 11: File Numbers
Chapter 12: Behind You
Chapter 13: Check ups
Chapter 14: Pins and Needles
Chapter 15: Behind The Veil
Chapter 16: Like Us
Chapter 17: Don't Give Up On Me
Chapter 17: Split
Chapter 18: Killa Move
Chapter 19: Belgium
Chapter 20: Found
Chapter 21: 6 Hours Ago
Chapter 22: 1 Year Later

Chapter 2: Raw and Exposed

3.4K 119 8
By janejane_jane

A hasty knock on the door catches my attention instantly. Yawning, I throw a quick glance towards the armchair, where Tony is currently sleeping in, while Sam invites himself in.

"A little birdie told me you're up and running again." The man pauses the moment his eyes settle on Tony. I press a finger on my lips at once. The confusion in Sam's eyes is genuinely entertaining. "Did you kill Tony with your laser eyes?" he whispers and I make a face at him.

"Seriously?" I hiss and pick up my plastic cup of water from my nightstand. Tony has helped me refill it before he crashes himself on the armchair again. He passes out after thirty minutes of gazing out of the window. It's strange how comfortable we are with each other in silence. "First of all, I don't have laser eyes. Where did you even get the idea from? Second of all, I'm not exactly running, am I?" I sigh and wet my lips with the cup of water.

The good old grin of Sam's stretches across his face. Throwing up his hands in defence, Sam shrugs and nears my bed. "Alright then, our cheeky lil Lottie is back," he murmurs playfully and sits himself on the edge of the hospital bed. From across us, Tony stirs momentarily before falling back into the deep realm of sleep again. "Stark's been working himself out then?" Sam questions while eyeing the fast asleep billionaire.

"You bet," I remark quietly, watching the spill of daylight drawing upon Tony's face. It's surprising how peaceful he looks when he's asleep. The relaxed brows and drooping lips; Tony doesn't look like the dickhead that everybody wants to punch in the face when he's awake at all.

Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh.

Astonished, Sam studies my expression candidly, causing me to flush in embarrassment. "What's up with you, Lottie? Did something happen with Stark?"

I shake my head at once, downing my cup of water as the Falcon frowns quizzically. "Anyway," I mutter and wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my hospital gown, "What brings you here, Sam?"

"Fury says you're ready to leave, so I'm responsible for escorting you back to the Tower."

Arching a brow at Sam, I peer over to Tony, who has just muttered something underneath his breath and turned away from the sun. "Fury could have just asked Tony to do that though."

Sam glances over to Stark as well. "Well, he wasn't told that Stark would be here. Oh yeah, why is he here anyway?"

"He arrived before six to tell Bucky something about Steve looking for him." I pause. This is weird. I would have imagined that Fury would know about this. "I thought Tony was being the messager for Shield, or Fury in this case."

"Nah, girl," Same shakes his head and plays with his sunglasses, his eyes trained on me. "We ain't told about Tony coming here. What did Tony say to Buck?"

My heart kicks at a faster pace as I recall my last conversation with Bucky. "Tony's said something about Steve looking for Bucky. It sounded urgent," I explain. "Is everything alright?"

Realisation dawns in Sam's eyes. "Oh!" He slaps his thigh triumphantly in pride of understanding the situation. Tony groans in the armchair from across us, but I'm too caught up with the whole thing to give a damn anymore. 

"Is Bucky alright? Sam!" I ask hurriedly, worries are eating away at my heart before the Falcon turns to me with a grin.

"Yeah, he's fine! I was supposed to come and get Bucky myself, before taking you back to the Tower. I didn't realise Tony know about it and has come to get Bucky himself."

"Can you guys shut it?" Tony hisses from the corner of the room, his arm drapes over his eyes in a weak attempt to block the brightening sunlight. 

I set my jaw and lean towards Sam, who's rolled his eyes at the billionaire and placed his shades on top of his head. "Where's Steve taking Bucky? No one's telling me a thing!"

Sam frowns at this. "Really? But don't you worry, Lottie. Bucky's only gone on a mission with Steve. It'll only last for a day or two." He pats my hand in an assuring manner, though my mind is wiped blank by his words.

A mission? Already? 

I sit back in shock. It was only three days ago when we almost lost our lives to save one another, now Bucky is already on the road for a Shield mission? 

Shakily, I squeeze my eyes shut and inhale. I don't believe there is a God or such in this world. Noted that I am ignoring the existence of our dear friend, Thor, for only this brief moment. But still, I imagine my hands crossing and my heart praying; I just want Bucky home, safe and sound. 

I knew it would have been too much to ask. All I want, is a calm and quiet life with Bucky. I thought it could have been possible after what had happened. After all, isn't every story supposed to have only one climax, later ensures by a happy ending? 

"Lottie," Same's voice pulls me out of my train of thoughts effectively. "You're looking a little pale there. Are you feeling alright?"

I lick my lips and flutter my eyes open. Meeting Sam's eyes, I force a smile onto my face. "I'm okay," I lie gingerly, a mixture of feelings arise in my chest. "Still doesn't explain why Tony's here though," I mumble and skip the fact that both Bucky and Tony didn't even mention a single thing about the mission to me at all.

Growling, Tony finally pulls himself up groggily and scowls at us. "Honestly," he starts with a yawn. "Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Good morning to you, too, Tony," I snap sarcastically, a nagging headache begins to grow at my temple. Sam peeks at me tentatively, his expression suggests that he want nothing to do with this at all. My "We were just discussing how you came here when the sun was barely up, and lied your ass to me just so you could get Bucky out on a mission with Steve," I pause to suck in a deep breath shakily. Tony's face pales. "Care to explain that?"

All the lights have gone out in Tony's eyes. The billionaire moves to his feet in frustration as he storms towards Sam. "You told her?" he exclaims in disbelief. Sam startles and his jaw drops. "Are you out of your damn mind?"

Jumping onto his feet, Sam defends, "Of course, I did! Fury's told me to get Bucky-"

Tony chimes in before the Falcon has even finished, "But he didn't tell you to tell Lottie, did he? Jarvis' informed me before hand and I knew you would have messed up, that's why I came here myself!"

"Messed up?" Sam scowls. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Tony throws his hands up in exasperation and paces away from Sam. "She's just waken up and you're about to tell her that her boyfriend is going to risk his life for everybody again! What do you think, smart ass?"

The room falls in silence. Sam's eyes dart between Tony and I. Suddenly, his expression is filled with panics. "Oh my god, I didn't realise," Sam mutters and faces me hastily, "I'm so sorry, Lottie."

I have to look away to hide my bright gaze. It doesn't hurt less that Tony has spoken the truth at heart. The billionaire is standing by the window once more, his hands on the window frame as he glares out of the window. Still, I stares after him with my body aching from exhaustion and anger. 

I don't even know who I am angry with anymore. Who am I running from, really? "It's okay," I croak and touch my cheeks subtly to check for tears. "Sam, I thought you're taking me to the Tower? My bag is over by the closet."

A moment of shuffling suggests that Sam is packing up for me. I still haven't looked at him once after the last commotion. I watch Tony carefully. His every movement, a slight hint that slips the fact that he hasn't slept properly for the last three days, or that he hasn't come to me only because of Bucky.

I get it. He was desperate for someone to talk to. And I, in that very moment in his mind, was the most vulnerable person, who has no relation to anyone in Shield or whatsoever. I am a carefree string, free to move about in the breeze and not leave any trace. With me, his secrets are safe. 

That's why he came. He needed a safe for his thoughts, and I will be that until he is ready to open up to Pepper.

So much for having a break from the chaos of the world. I sigh and pull the hospital blanket off of me. Sam is by my side at once. "I am so sorry, Lottie. I wasn't thinking," he whispers and throws a quick glance at Tony. No one in the Avengers likes to proves Tony right.

"It's okay," I lie again, accepting his help and get onto my feet. I pick up a ball of my clothing and head to the bathroom. "I'm going to get changed now. You boys behave."

Before I shut the door, I see Sam smiling apologetically at me. Behind him, Tony has turned slightly away from the window. His posture is rigid, while the lights from the city have shadowed his features and everything else.


I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter:) This scene was supposed to be a brief one, but I had only realised its importance while I was writing it hence this chapter is still evolving around the hospital room with Tony and Lottie. I hope the pace is fine with you guys, as I am trying to develop a stronger backbone for the story before I move onto something big *smirks* Anyway, thanks for reading! -Piper x

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