The Eighth Deadly Sin (Nanats...

By LionsSinofPride

63.9K 1.4K 409

All over Britannia, word of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins spreads like wildfire. They were seven deadly crim... More

The Eighth Deadly Sin
Bearer of the Wolf
The Visitor
True Ability
Fox's Battle
Second Meeting

Leap of Faith and Sorrow

4.7K 129 23
By LionsSinofPride

I do not own anything from the Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai!)

Robin looked up at them. Holding Arion, he backed up from them.

"W-who are you?" He asked cautiously.

Ban and King looked at Robin, then at Arion.

They spotted the mark of the wolf on his hand.

"We're here to help." Ban said. "He's one of us.🎶"


Robin backed up even further.

He couldn't trust two complete strangers just after what had happened.

King cantered forward.

"What happened here?" He asked, just noticing the shrivelled corpse of the once werewolf king.

King turned and walked up to the corpse. He turned it over, examining it.

"Looks like all the moisture from his body was removed. Not a single drop was left. But how?"

He put the two together. He glanced over at Arion.

Ban also realised. He looked at Arion and grinned wildly.

"Oho!🎶" He said, as he walked over to where Robin was holding Arion. "So the new guy is pretty powerful huh?🎶"

He walked around Arion, examining him as how someone would examine their enemy before a fight.

"W-who are you?" Robin asked again. "Please leave us alone."

"Oi, you brat🎶" Ban replied. "Listen up. This guy is one of us. Which means we aren't leaving without him.🎶"

"Ban," King said. "Let me handle this."

Ban scoffed and proceeded to lay down in rest.

King pointed at himself. "I am the Grizzly's Sin of Sloth, King."

He then pointed at Ban. "That scoundrel over there is the Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban."

Robin just looked at them in confusion.

King sighed. "We're a newly formed group of Holy Knights from Liones. You may have heard rumours of some group called the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Robin shook his head.

"King.🎶" Ban popped up again. "I say we take all his stuff, take the guy and leave. This guy is a dumb shit not knowing who we are.🎶"

"Shut up Ban." Ban just resumed his little nap.

"Look." King said. "We don't want to hurt you. We've just been tasked to bring him back to Liones. Seeing as you're his friend, you can come along too."

Robin really had no other option but to agree. He couldn't fight being injured, and these two guys seemed really powerful to him.

"We can wait till he wakes up right?" Robin asked.

"Of course.🎶" Ban shouted. "I'm not gonna drag his lazy ass to Liones am I?🎶"

Robin stood up and attempted to pick up Arion. But his injuries prevented him.

He slumped back to the floor.

"The bunks.. Over behind us." Robin said.

King motioned his finger forward. Out of nowhere, a green pillow appeared and picked up Arion, taking him to the bunks.

The pillow came back to King, who proceeded to rest on it.

"You should get some rest too," He said to Robin. "We'll get moving in the morning."

"The name's Robin by the way." Robin said. "Thanks.. For helping Arion."

He fumbled his way to his bunk, and immediately fell asleep.


(Third Person POV)

"Leofrick." The leader woman said. "Lycaon has fallen. You will have to bring me the king now."

Leofrick gulped. He lacked his usual mischievous looks and his icy blue hair was messy.

"Xara, my ladyship." He bowed as he spoke.

"We have just witnessed our new kings power. Wouldn't it be more wise to wait a while?"

Xara, the leader, turned away from Leofrick.

"Remember well, Leofrick." She said. "This place does not favour the weak."

She started walking away.

"I'll have you leave in the morning."

Leofrick was drowned in fear. "Y-yes ma'am."

He turned towards the darkness of the sky.

He sighed heavily, as he tried to recollect his past.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the dark behind him.

Leofrick spun around and brought his whip out.

"Who's there?!" He shouted.

Out from the darkness stepped the Puppet, whose blood was one of the ingredients used to locate their new king.

Leofrick put aside his whip and turned to face the night sky again.

"What do you want Puppet?" He said quietly.

"Family." She replied.

Leofrick turned back towards her in confusion.

"Family?" He exclaimed. "You can't have a family! You're nothing but an object!"

Puppet flinched as she heard those words. But she regained her composure.

"But that's what you want isn't it?" She said softly. "You want to see your family again don't you?"

Leofrick face turned to rage. But his eyes showed the truth, the sorrow.

"Puppet.." He said. "Watch what you're saying here..."

"Come," Puppet said. "I can show you them."

She swiftly stretched both her arms out, and a rip appeared in midair.

The rip wasn't on a wall or anything, it was simply a rip in the air.

She opened the rip, and an image formed. Then, the image shimmered, and the features of the image began moving.

The image in the rip showed a little house in town.

Leofrick was stunned. Tears started forming in his eyes.

"T-that's.." Leofrick started.

Puppet took hold of Leofrick's hand. "Come."

The rip extended to the size of a human, and Puppet and Leofrick walked in.


"Yo, Ban." King said. He laid back on his big green pillow. "We should inform captain that we found him."

Ban whistled. "Long trip to Edinburgh though.🎶"

"We could tell Merlin." King replied. "I'm sure she could easily tell captain."

"Still a long trip back to Liones though.🎶" Ban said. "A lot of effort really.🎶"

King sighed.

"And I thought I was the lazy one..." He mumbled.

Ban overheard and grinned.

"I could make it." King said. "I could get to Edinburgh quickly."

"Oh yeah?🎶" Ban replied. "How would you do that?🎶"

King faltered. "Uh, I'm fast on my own. Yeah that's it really."

He was still contemplating on introducing his pet, Oslo, to the group.

Ban sat up. "But wait.🎶" He said. "If you leave, I'm stuck here with two injured bastards, which I won't really like...🎶"

King smiled. "It's settled then Ban. I'll leave tomorrow in the morning."

Ban growled. "You bastard!" He shouted.

He got up and ran towards King, and tried to grab him.

But King anticipated it, and flew up higher on his pillow, out of Ban's reach.

"What's the matter Ban?" King mocked. "Can't reach?"

Ban just sat down.

"Huh?" King questioned. He knew Ban didn't like being mocked.

Ban grinned, and pulled out a beer bottle.

King was surprised. "What! I took that off you before we got here! How did you get it back?"

Ban opened the bottle, and started chugging down the beer.

"Bloody drunkard." King said, but his smile was clearly visible.

King lay back on his pillow, and closed his eyes for a good nights sleep.


"T-this... This is my house.." Leofrick stated. His face showed his sadness.

"How did you do this?" He asked Puppet.

Puppet smiled.


"My ability is to create a tear in the world, to travel anywhere you want. You can go to the past, or you can simply travel to a location. A very helpful power to escape tough situations."

Leofrick blinked back tears of joy.

"Thank you." He said.

He walked up to his hut, and peered inside.

"M-my son..." He choked.

Inside the hut, his son sat drawing pictures on the sandy floor.

His son's blue hair rustled in the slight wind, and his face sported a mischievous grin.

Leofrick reached out towards his son, but Puppet put his arm on his.

"You cannot." She said softly. "We are not visible to anyone here."

Leofrick pulled his arm back.

He turned around, and spotted someone coming in through the door.

It was himself. His younger self, when he used to have a normal life.

He watched as his younger self came in and sat down on the bed.

"Oi!" His younger self shouted at his son. "Get me a drink!"

His son scampered to the back of the hut for a minute, and then emerged with a bottle of beer.

As his son held out the bottle, his younger self snatched it out of his hands and pushed back his son.

His son fell to the floor.

Leofrick reached out to help him, but realised he was just a spectator in a chain of events that had already occurred.

He walked out of the hut and outside, with Puppet behind him.

"No wonder he ran away that day with his little sister." Leofrick said. "I wasn't a good father. I was an asshole."

Puppet put her hand on his shoulder.

"He probably had enough of the abuse he received from me. When I noticed he was gone, I didn't go looking for him. I was too drunk to even care." He sobbed.

"Three days later I went looking for them. I found Xara that day, and she promised me world treasures. My greed overcame my responsibilities."

He stood there in silence for a while.

"We should head back now Puppet." He finally said.

Puppet swiftly stretched her arms out again, creating a rip.

She opened it, and it showed where they were before, back at the castle.

Leofrick stepped in, followed by herself, and out they came, back to the dark corridor of the castle.

"I need to rest," Leofrick said. His eyes were full of sorrow. "I could use your leap tomorrow to get to the king."

Puppet nodded.

Leofrick started walking, but after reaching halfway, stopped.

He turned back to Puppet. "Your real name." He said. "What is it?"

Puppet was surprised. Nobody had ever asked her for her name.

"Eden." She said, smiling.

Leofrick turned back around and started walking again.

But his gratitude could be heard.

"Thank you." He said. "Thank you, Eden."

And with that, he walked off in the distance.

Eden smiled. For the first time in her new life, she felt useful.


(Morning, the next day)

(Arion POV)

I woke up with a startle.

My recollection of the day before was hazy.

But upon seeing the state of my clothes, it all came back to me in a flash.

I had killed the King of the Werewolves. I had used the power I swore never to use again. And that power had drained all my energy.

I sat up in my bunk. I looked to the left.

There was Robin, sprawled over his bed.

I then heard a man's voice. Singing.

I turned towards the sound and saw the tall, blue haired guy from my dreams. One of the guys who were looking for me.

I spotted the other resting on a green pillow.

The guy with blue hair had made a fire and was cooking something that looked like a rabbit.

My hand instinctively reached for my sword, which somehow always appeared at my side whenever I needed it.

"Robin!" I whispered. "Psst, Robin!"

"Huh..?" He woke up with a startle.

Once he realised that I was the one calling him, he burst up with a jolt.

"Arion!" He exclaimed, obviously loud enough for the others to hear.

The guys stopped what they were doing and started walking towards me.

"Robin," I said. "Do you know who these guys are?"

My hand was still at my sword.

Robin yawned. "They helped us. They're good guys."

My hand slowly edged away from sword. If Robin said they were good, then they most likely were.

They walked up to us. The tall guy grinned.

"So..🎶" The tall guy said. "The sleeper finally awakes.🎶"

I said nothing.

"Not a talker eh?" He carried on. "Well I'll go finish the food then.🎶"

He walked back to where his makeshift fire was.

The stout guy approached. He held out his hand, and I shook it.

"I'm King." He said. "That guy was Ban. We're here to take you to Liones, on orders from King Baltra himself."

I looked at Robin. He nodded.

Even here in Camelot, King Baltra of Liones was powerful. If he was calling for me, it'd be bad for me to deny.

I got out of my bunk. My energy had restored after last night's horrific turn of events.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"After breakfast." King said. "But you'll be traveling with Ban."

I made a sour face. I would've preferred to travel with this guy instead.

"I have to relay a message," King said, before I could even ask. "Ban should be able to get you there safely anyway."

We walked over to where breakfast was prepared, and ate quietly.

After eating, we got up and walked through our field.

King then separated ways with us, heading into the forests.

I watched him go, zooming on that pillow of his.

The rest of the morning was just walking through Camelot.

The weather was hot, so walking for long made us tired.

Ban, despite how irresponsible he looked, actually managed to get us out of Camelot and onto the main road leading towards Liones.

But Liones was still many miles away, so we decided to rest.

We sat in the shade of a tree in silence.

Suddenly, I heard a snap.

I looked at Robin.

The part of the tree behind Robin was hit so hard, a hole went through it.

I looked ahead, and saw a man wearing a sleeveless tunic which showed off his well tones muscles.

In his hand was a brown whip, with a sharp pointer at the end.

No doubt he was the one who made the hole in the tree.

Ban stood up.

"Oi..🎶" He called out to the man. "I don't appreciate you making my job harder for me.🎶"

The man walked closer. His icy blue hair stood out.

As he came closer, I noticed something strange.

I looked at Ban. Then looked at the man.

Ban's hair rustled in the wind. The man had one hell of a grin.

I studied both of them, who both looked like they were about to engage in a fight.

The similarities were too real.

It was as if.... No....

It was almost like I was looking at a father and a son.


A/N - Thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Sorry if it was a bit late, I had a busy Christmas period😁.

P.S - if you haven't already realised, King is in his bigger form, seen as before the events of the anime the other members had not seen King as the young slim guy. Therefore his behaviour might be a little different than as portrayed in the anime, as I assumed his behaviour was different in both forms (more dignified and polite). So yeah sorry if he might seem a little out of character.



Yeah, so I'm sure I made it quite clear there that Leofrick is Ban's father. In the manga, it was revealed that Zhivago was kind of like a father figure in Ban's past, but seen as we haven't seen Ban's biological father yet, I thought I'd make one myself. So yeah, that's for anyone who might misunderstand after having read the manga.

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