(The Hunted Contest Entry for...

By FuturisticBetty

145 8 7

This is my entry for iVesper's writing contest for The Hunted. Enjoy! :D Pallynne the Aether wolf hybrid is o... More

Chapter 1. Discovered
Chapter 2. Wounded
Chapter 3. Glitches Being Hunters?
Chapter 5. Twisted Mind

Chapter 4. Close Calls

18 2 0
By FuturisticBetty

Pallynne darted past dumbstruck looking players walking throughout the streets trying her best to lose the two hunters. They were about two blocks away from snatching her and ending her life, but she could run faster since she was part Aether wolf. She heard through her large blue wolf ears the panting noises coming from right behind her. They were getting quite tired but didn't stop like Pallynne assumed they would.
She narrowly swung past every player that came after the one before and she assumed she was near the town square because there hadn't been this many players where she was before.
She felt a sudden shooting pain travel from the back of her neck and all the way down her spine. It seemed to roll off her back and leave behind absolute pain. With the sudden shock, Pallynne tripped and glitched right through a women just a few blocks from her, and landed face first on the cobblestone sidewalk. She tried to move but the pain in her spine jolted her to stop and collapse again.
She heard the two hunters running towards her at a rapid speed and she heard the scraping of a weapon being pulled out of its sheath. In a split second, Pallynne morphed into an Aether wolf and she saw the blade coming down just inches away from her left ear. She jumped up, but whimpered at the feeling in her spine, and leapt again as high as she possibly could and landed square on Malik's face. He shrieked and clawed at the wolf but it was no use.

As fast as she could, Pallynne leapt off and landed on the ground in a bad position. She whimpered again but morphed back to a human to just see Nightshade after her with two pistols in her smooth white gloved hands.
Pallynne ran even faster than she had before and soon, all the players wandering about the streets thinned out and it was easier to run, but not as easy to lose the angry hunter. Both her crimson eyes were narrowed into slits and she clenched the pistols tighter in her hands.
The Aether wolf hybrid looked a little far ahead and caught sight of Jax still seated on the bench. Unfortunately, she sucked in a sharp breath when she saw the magma cube hybrid running towards Jax with a spark of flame igniting and growing in his palm. Pallynne ripped out her dagger and saw a building coming up fast. She ran extremely close to it and leapt up and shot the blade of the weapon into the cobblestone wall. There was a loud CRACK with the dagger inside the wall and she held on with all her might and begging not to let go. She looked below her and saw Nightshade below her ready to pull the trigger, but just at the last minute Pallynne glitched on top of the roof just as the bullet was fired. The loud noise rung through Pallynne's large wolf ears and she winced.
Nightshade smirked at her in a horror-some fashion and her eyes flickered over to her partner who now was extremely close to Jax. He now had his dark hood down and had a golden ball of flame forming in his palm ready for the attack.
Malik leapt up just as Jax stood up and was knocked over with great force onto the ground. The magma cube hybrid had accidentally grabbed a hold of Jax's shoulder wound and he shrieked at the feeling.
Suddenly, there was a horrible BOOM and a small metal object hit the cobblestone wall forming a dent, just inches away from Pallynne's right foot. The Aether wolf hybrid jumped a bit and another bullet was fired. Pallynne glitched and a large wave of blue code rippled throughout her body. The metallic object passed right through her and soared through the air eventually hitting a tall building behind the one Pallynne was standing on.

"Smart!" Exclaimed Nightshade while smirking once more. She fired another bullet and Pallynne darted to the ground just barely missing it.

"You'd make a good hunter." She said and adjusted the bulky black and red headphones hanging around her neck.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not really interested for a type of career of killing off my own species." Replied Pallynne. She tried to sound as brave as she possibly could but there was slight fright in her tone as the words rolled off her tongue.
There was a loud male scream and both the girls' heads whipped around to see Malik on the ground with a sizzling gold burn on his forearm. The fabric of his vest was burnt and slowly but surely still evaporating and spreading throughout his entire outfit. Above him was a frightened looking Jax still clutching his wound but there was a small glow on his palm from just firing a ball of flame. His black cloak had sizzling holes from Malik's attacks and the two girls could see they were both in a lot of pain from different wounds.
There were several loud cracking noises and Pallynne leaned over the edge of the building to see Nightshade climbing up the side of the wall with twin daggers in both palms instead of pistols. With every second ticking by, Pallynne thought her lifespan was growing shorter the closer Nightshade got.
Before the huntress could pull her hand up, Pallynne kicked her in the forehead and she went crashing down to the ground. Nightshade groaned and put her daggers away. When she looked back up at where Pallynne was, all that was left were a few flames of icy blue code dancing around the area, which eventually faltered to nothing.
Her crimson red sight darted past the rusted bench, several buildings, and then the two fighting boys. Unfortunately, that wasn't what she was looking for.
Suddenly, there was a sharp volt of pain in Shade's right arm and she shrieked. Her head whirled around and she locked eye contact with the Aether wolf hybrid clutching an old scraped bow in one of her smooth pale hands.
The huntress growled through clenched teeth and glared at Pallynne. Rage shot through her veins and bubbled to the surface making her growl.


The two boys, a hunter and glitch, ended up in a full on fistfight with a few balls of flame mixed in. Malik swung an uppercut to Jax but he dodged and head butted the magma cube hybrid in the knee. He screeched but bit the inside of his cheek trying not to make too much noise. He pressed his thumb and ring finger together on his right hand and shooting out of both fingers came a snake of hot fire soon colliding with each other and bursting into a large ball of flame in his palm. It crackled and popped in his grip but no pain bubbled to the surface while it expanded. He broke into a run and leapt toward Jax with his palm outstretched. He was about fifteen inches away from his throat when Jax formed a fireball in his hand and stopped the other one with great strength. The two boys locked hands and a golden red glow whirled around their grip in small sparks and snakes. The heat consumed both their hands and they both yelled in pain. A wave of vibration rippled through their bodies and only expanded in feel. The extreme pain grew more and soon the two boys were thrown back in shock.
A ripple of heat, golden red light, and a rumbling sound cascaded throughout the town of Oceaniktyle. All the players wandering the streets were thrown off their feet and screams were heard throughout the map. Most of their heads were whirled around and searching at where it came from and stopped at the two glitch boys laying opposite from each other slowly recovering from the explosion.


When Pallynne saw Jax being thrown backwards and into a nearby tree, she screamed in shock and glitched over to him. The robotic whir and snap of her glitch echoed around the area in an ominous fashion.

The Aether wolf hybrid carefully helped him up and checking his shoulder again. Small sparks of flame licked away at the flesh and the small silver bullet was still embedded inside. The wound looked quite infected now but luckily, Pallynne had a medical kit in her inventory.

There was a loud SNAP of a twig and the two glitches' heads popped up and they both locked eye contact with Nightshade and Malik charging towards them with weapons ready. Both Jax and Pallynne's eyes widened in fear and the Aether wolf hybrid tried to help her partner as rapidly as she could.
She just got his right foot on the ground when a large ball of glowing, sparking flame flung through the air and smashed into the oak tree right behind them with a CRACK! The two jumped at the sudden move which shockingly made them glitch (Which Jax rarely does) upwards so they were hiding in the burning oak tree.

Pallynne grabbed Jax's good arm and swung it over her shoulder so she could help him up the tree. She gestured for him to lift his foot up onto the upper branch and he did as quickly as he could possibly manage. He brought his leg up and tried to shift his position on it but ended up slipping and having to start over again.

The two hunters looked under the tree with Nightshade having two pistols ready, and Malik two spiralling spheres of heat ready to fire. He snapped his fingers once and the flames licking away at the flimsy bark of the tree flickered away into nothingness. The trunk slowly, but surely, rebuilt itself and the base of the tree was more sturdy every passing second.
Shade tapped her foot on the grassy ground impatiently. She had a usual smirk plastered onto her face with a drop of anger on the edges of her mouth.

"We know you're in there. You might as well come out you lâches (cowards)!" She said with her smirk turning into more of a grin.
Pallynne held her breath begging not to make a sound and a sudden thought mentally smacked her in the head. She slowly slid out one of her silver pistols and slipped her pale fingers onto the trigger. She straightened her arm and got the position at just where she wanted to hit. She squeezed her eyes shut, folded down her ears waiting in frightened anticipation for the noise to blow, and clicked the trigger.
There was a loud BANG and a shriek following right after. A male one! At the very end of the string of sounds came the sound of something landing in a closet. THUMP!
Pallynne opened her eyes just a slit and out of the corner of her sight saw the magma cube hybrid laying on the ground with code flowing out of his left hip.
The Aether wolf hybrid grabbed Jax's arm and pulled him over from the branch he was trying to reach. He yelped at the sudden movement and in a flurry of blue flakes of code, the two glitches were gone!

Sorry for the crappy chapter. I'm trying to get this done as soon as I possibly can just in time for the deadline. iVesper, I hope you're still liking this and aren't getting too bored with it. I'm trying so so hard to make this descriptive and I don't know if I'm doing well.
Anyways guys, the next chapter will be the last but have no fear, Pallynne WILL be in another series.
See ya'll later!

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