The Return to Black Woods (Dr...

By ForestMist

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The second book of my Dragons vs. Wolves series. Tegan and Tessie flee Iceland when their parents are brutal... More

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Six

450 24 0
By ForestMist

Tegan's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I thought for surely that Tessie would still be sleeping. I immediately climbed out of bed and looked at the time. 7:15am. I stand up and walk over to my dresser to pull some clothes out of the thing so I can wear them to school. I pull out a monster shirt and some jean black shorts with chains on them. Good enough, right? I hurry up, get dressed, and go down to the kitchen so I can whip something up for Tess and me very quick. Maybe even Dylan too since he said he would be here.

Me: TESS!!

I stand in the kitchen and don't hear any reply.

Me: Tessie?!

Still nothing. Well what the heck?

I walk up the stairs and start checking rooms to see if she is in any of them. My room is empty of course, the bathroom door is open with the light off, I open her bedroom door to see that it's empty too. Well crapperdoodles. Where is she?

I go back downstairs and that's when I hear something heavy being dragged across the floor. I follow the noise to one of the main floor rooms, I think it's supposed to be a laundry room. I walk in to see that Tessie is standing there with a door wide open.

Me: What are you doing?

Tessie: I was exploring the house because I couldn't sleep and I found this thing.

Me: Have you gone in it?

She just shakes her head. Well, that's a bit weird. I guess I'll go check it out.

I start walking towards the opening when Tessie grabs my arm. I turn to look at her with a questioning expression on my face.

Tessie: I don't want to go down there.

Me: Then don't. Stay up here. Dylan should be here soon and I won't be down there for long. I'm just going to go see what's down there and then I'll be right back up.

Tessie: Alright. But if you don't come back within 15 minutes then I'm sending Dylan down to find you.

Me: That's fine. I'll be back.

I turn back towards the door and that's when I hear the front door bell ring. Well at least Dylan is here now to watch over Tessie. I hear her say something under her breath and then run to let Dylan in. I continue to walk down the hallway. There are cobwebs everywhere and there's old fashioned lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I walk past them and I start to get this weird feeling in my gut, and I mean really weird feeling. My wolf is telling me to turn back, but I choose to ignore him. The farther I go, the darker it gets. Common sense, right? I finally reach the end of the stairway and a bad smell hits me like a brick wall. It smelled like dead animal. One must've crawled in here before the last owners could clean it out. I run my hands along the wall looking for a switch for lights when I finally mannage to find one. Once I flicked it on, I felt my heart start to pound so hard in my chest that I thought it was going to pop out.

At the bottom of the stairs was a black room with cages stacked along the walls like in a vets office. Only, the cages weren't empty. They had wolf skeletons in them, every single last one of them. From full-grown werewolves like me to little baby ones. I stood there for a few minutes just trying to take in what my eyes are seeing. I shake my head and try to clear some of the terrible thoughts that were going through my mind.


I hear some talking in between Dylan and Tessie before he replies.

Dylan: Yeah?

Me: I found something! You should come check this out. Tessie, go get ready for school.

Dylan & Tessie: Okay!

I can hear slow footsteps heading down the stairs and other footsteps running away quickly. I await Dylan to get here and tell me what he thinks. He gets down the stairs and his reaction looks about the same as mine was.

Dylan: So that's where they all went. They were held captive in our own territory.

Me: What are you talking about?

Dylan: About a year ago, werewolves from our pack started showing up missing and no other pack knew what was going on either. Two wolves a week would disappear, it started from children to full-grown adults. No matter how prepared they were, they would always be caught by surprise. I guess this is where they were being held captive.

Me: That's messed up.

Dylan: Yeah. But now that I think about it, we should probably tell the alpha about this.

Me: Go ahead.

Dylan: Why?

Me: I don't exactly know the guy.

Dylan: But you do know his son.

Me: You think that'd work?

Dylan: It's worth a try. Right?

Me: Yeah, so we talk to him at school and then ask him to help us get rid of it so Tessie won't find it?

Dylan: Sounds like a plan.

We make our way back upstairs to see Tessie dressed and ready to go with her backpack that we brought from Iceland. She looked at us and waited patiently for us to get back upstairs. I notice that her face is a mix between curious and fear. I do the one thing I can think of and give her a hug. She hugs me back then pushes me away.

Tessie: Someone else showed up to our house saying they needed a ride to school.

Me: Huh?

Tessie: She's waiting by the front door.

Dylan follows me to the front door and I open it to reveal a little girl about Tessie's age. She looked at me and nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Dylan.

Little Girl: Jerkwad.

Dylan: What are you doing here Jordan? I thought dad was taking you to school.

Jordan who I am guessing is Dylan's little sister crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. Wow, look at that attitude.

Jordan: No, I told him that I needed to go for a run and that I'd go with you. But it's nice to know that I finally discovered that you've been running away to play with your gay lover.

Did that little girl just call me gay?

Dylan: We aren't gay Jordan. He's new to town and I was helping him get used to it.

Jordan: Whatever. We have to get going to school.

Tessie walks up and stands next to Jordan. I have a feeling that those two will be trouble when they're together.

Tessie: She's right, we don't want to be late on our first day, do we?

Me: Nah, let's go.

Dylan and I grab our bags and head out the door. The girls start their own little conversation on their way out to the jeep. We get in the front seat while our little sisters get in the back. I turn around and make sure that the girls buckle up.

Jordan: We know to put our seatbelts on father.

Me: Quit with the attitude or you'll walk.

She turns her head and stares out the window. Tessie glares at me and I glare back. There's no reason to get snotty with me. We are giving her a free ride to school. Tessie looks out the other window and I turn my head back to the front. I glance over at Dylan and he shakes his head. I completely know what he means.

We arrive at the elementary school and Tessie and Jordan get out of the car. I roll down the window.

Me: Tessie, I'll pick you up at 3:10. Jordan, would you like a ride home?

Tessie mutters an okay and Jordan looks through my window towards Dylan.

Dylan: We'll pick you up with Tessie.

She nods and the girls walk off. I hope Tessie doesn't get bullied. People in public schools can be mean. Well, kids in general can be mean.

I sigh and roll up my window as we make our way to the high school. The elementary is half the size of the high school. So I think I'm glad I met Dylan. I know he won't ditch me. We pull into the high school parking lot and I park my car in the row closest to the road.

Dylan: Why are you parking so far away?

Me: I don't want to have to battle my way to my car if I need to go. Plus, it's less likely to get scratches on it out here.

Dylan: Good point.

We get out and lock the doors. I don't want anybody stealing anything out of my new empty vehicle. That'd be the worst thing ever. Not.

A lot of people do the bro hug with Dylan as we make our way up to the school. There's a couple people that asked him where he was yesterday morning and he just said that he accidentally slept in. The other half of the people were asking who I was and what Dylan was doing hanging out with me. Then lastly, there were a bunch of girls that would keep their distance and just stare at us.

Dylan leaned into me and whispered in my ear.

Dylan: I told you that you would be popular with the ladies. As I said, you're hot. They'll dig you.

Me: Is that a good thing?

Dylan: To be honest, not always.

Me: Well, let's just find Garret and get down to business.

Dylan: We have 15 minutes before classes start, we should have time to talk to him.

Me: But where is he?

Dylan: Where he always is of course.

Dylan cups his hands around his mouth and yells.


I hear shoots back that tell us that he's in the lunch room. Dylan nods and leads the way.

Dylan: We'll grab your schedule on the way too, well since we're going right past it.

Me: Sounds good.

We stop by the office and grab my schedule.

1st hour: English

2nd hour: Biology

3rd hour: World History


4th hour: Algebra II

5th hour: Art

6th hour: Gym

Dylan: Sweet, I have third hour until the end of the day with you.

Me: I can deal with that.

Dylan: Did you bring gym shorts?

Me: I have my one's that I go on runs with.

Dylan: That should do.

We walk to the lunch room and immediately spot Garret who is surrounded by a bunch of people. What surprised me was that as soon as we walked in the door, his head whipped towards us. He holds up a finger and walks over to us without any of his followers. He stands right in front of us and just stares at us.

Garret: You come here now?

I'm pretty sure that was directed to me.

Me: I haven't graduated yet, so yeah.

Dylan: That's beside the point. We have to talk to you about something.

By the look on his face, we caught his attention.

Me: Who was the person that lived in the house I do before me?

Garret looked at me weird. It's not like I'm speaking jibberish.

Garret: Why?

Dylan: Remember a couple years back when two wolves a week would disappear? Then no matter how many houses we search, we would never find them?

We sat there in silence until you could see that it clicked in his brain. He finally understood and looked at me like he was ticked.

Me: I just moved in that house. You can't blame me. I'm from somewhere around England.

Dylan glared at me as I mocked him in my sentence.

Dylan: His little sister discovered this hidden door in their laundry room this morning when she was exploring.

Me: Then I went down there and found about 20 wolf skeletons in cages.

Dylan: Then he called me down there and asked if I knew anything about them.

Me: And that leads up to now.

Garret looked like he was deep in thought. I glanced at Dylan to see if he knew what the alpha was thinking. Then something clicked and Dylan opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. Wonder what he was going to say, he looks like he's about to burst.

Garret: Would you mind if I came over to check it out after school? I'll bring my beta and third in command to see what they think and we'll decide what to do with them.

Me: I don't mind.

Dylan: Garret, I have to talk to you about one more thing.

Garret and I both looked at Dylan curiously.

Dylan: Tegan here killed a rogue yesterday morning. He was a full-grown, well to be honest, I haven't seen that big of a rogue in a long time.

The future alpha looked at me in shock.

Me: It wasn't a problem. Really.

Garret: I'll talk to the higher up's about having him join our pack.

I was in shock. Join a pack? I just moved here.

Garret: I wouldn't think too highly of running around by yourself right now pup, you're considered a rogue  too.

Me: I'm not in danger.

Garret: What is your deal? We just offered you a spot in our pack and you're thinking about turning it down?

Me: If you haven't noticed Garret, I'm strong and an alpha. I'm not too worried.

The bell goes off and Dylan grabs my arm and walks towards where I'm guessing is my first hour class.

Dylan: You really shouldn't get on his bad side Tegan.

I smile at Dylan.

Me: It's fun to get on his nerves though.

Dylan: So would you actually join our pack?

You can hear the high hope in his voice as he asks me this. I just smile bigger.

Me: Of course, I can't leave you by yourself with a crapload of big bad wolves, can I?

Dylan: Thank you!

He shows me to my first hour class and runs to his so he won't be late. My first couple of classes flew by. I wasn't really paying attention until I had my class with Dylan in world history. Dylan told me that we watch the news and talk about what's going on in the world. It wasn't that bad of a class until I heard the news reporter say "The crowned prince and princess of the southern part of Iceland disappeared after their parents were brutally murdered."

I felt all the color drain out of my face.

Dylan: okay there Tegan?

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