One Shots For Days

By AliceIsLost

425 4 3

One shots including all of your favourite characters. Romance, friendship and more. More

Target Practice (Shane Walsh- TWD)
Diner Food (Dean Winchester- Supernatural)
Unexpected Friends (Kili & Fili- The Hobbit)
Sweet Emotion (Dean-Supernatural)
The Original Musketeer (Slight Aramis- The Three Musketeers)
War (Ray Ferrier-War Of The World)
Sweet Things (Natasha Romanoff)
Imagination (Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead)

Don't Ask Me About Love (Castiel-SPN)

18 0 0
By AliceIsLost

I was sitting in another motel living room, watching re-runs of Friends. Sam and Dean where at the table in the kitchen. Sam trying to get some more information on the case while Dean sat back in his chair chugging a beer and spinning his knife in his hand. I put the popcorn I had gotten, in the pan and set it on the stove, I was hoping to watch a movie later, so I was flicking through the few channels we had while waiting for it to be done.
As I was flicking through a romance movie popped up on the screen, the two main characters started looking into each others eyes longingly and slowly began kissing. I huffed and sat back into the couch. As they kissed you could here the fireworks in the background, it was one of those really overly done romantic ones. I cringed at the screen. I closed my eyes and sighed. What I didn't hear was the familiar sound of soft fluttering wings from my little angel friend.
'What is the matter Y/N' a deep voice boomed into my ear, the air hitting my neck. I jumped at the voice, my eyes shot open and I looked to the side to see a pair of crystal blue eyes staring into my E/C ones.
'Oh hey Cas, you scared me. Nothings the matter' I laughed slightly though my heart was pounding in my chest.
'Oh' was all he said as he continued to look at me. The silence was beginning to get to me so I turned my attention back to the screen.
The kissing had progressed and now they were full on making out on their living room couch. I went for the remote beside me to change the channel but felt a hand clasp over mine and hold it to the couch. I looked up to Cas who was now staring intently at the screen.
'What are they doing ?' he asked suddenly.
'They're kissing' I told him still staring at him.
'Yes, but why are they kissing ?' he didn't look away from the screen.
'Well there could be a few reasons, but they .....' I was trying to think of the best answer to give the angel sitting beside me.
He stared at me, patiently waiting for me to continue.
'Well....hmm they're probably in love or at least like each other' I finished, I was beginning to blush. I didn't really want to start having this conversation with Cas but it was looking like it was heading that way.
'In love' he said, his eyes were glued to the two people smiling dumbly at each other while sharing intimate kisses.
'Y/N, how do you know if you're in love with someone.' he asked curiosity lacing his voice.
'Huh, Cas don't ask me about love' I laughed slightly. I looked past Cas to the two brothers who even though they looked like they were still working, where now listening on the conversation.
'Why not, I thought women were supposed to love the idea of love' he was staring at me. I could feel my cheeks flush red.
'Yeah b-but I'm not very good with it, I mean I've only even been in love once' I told him honestly. Well sort of, it was kinda like half truth.
'Who were you in love with ?' he asked me quietly, so quietly I thought I was just hearing things but when I looked at him he was studying me, patiently waiting for an answer.'Am' I corrected him. He cocked his eyebrows at me. 'That's a very strange name Y/N' he spoke to me with a hint of sadness in his usually monotone voice, it amused me.
I laughed slightly ' No No No Cas, I mean I still am in love with someone' I smiled.
'Who' he asked his voice as innocent as a childs.
'I can't say it's a secret'
'Well will you tell me how you know when you're in love then ?' I raised my eyebrow at the angel beside me but sighed.
'Ok well when you think of them you feel happy like theres this massive pressure that builds up and then theres an explosion in your heart. You can get butterflies in your stomach, but when you're near them, that's when its the best. Your heart beats 100 times a minute and it feels like they can hear it, your cheeks go red and you get nervous and you can't really think properly. When they're sad you're sad, When they're happy You're happy but mostly it's just that they make you feel loved, every good emotion fills your body, when you're with them, nothing else matters.' I finished speaking, by now I was blushing furiously, I had just shared my deepest thoughts on love, with these guys none the less. I love them but there's some things you keep to yourself.
I looked back to the angel who was now holding my gaze, slowly though he made his way closer to me. My hands were beginning to shake and when I looked down to them I noticed that Cas' hands where still covering mine. I slowly lifted my head to look at him. He then opened his mouth and began to whisper to me,
'Y/N what you described, well I feel that, at first I thought I had come down with some human sickness but I told Dean and he explained it to me. We had a feelings chat and he told me to talk to you about it. Now after hearing you speak about it, I think now would be a good time to admit that I have these feelings for you. I love you Y/N.'
My heart was pounding hard against my ribs as he spoke to me. I decided to be bold and I moved my head towards his slightly as he did the same. I closed my eyes and ever so gently my lips brushed his and all of a sudden I felt like a bomb went off. My racing mind suddenly dulled and all I could think of was Cas, this guy, this angel who I fell for was now kissing me. I felt like I was on fire, I could even hear the fireworks in the distance. It was amazing.
I pulled back from him and smiled widely like an idiot, but for once so was Cas I don't think I've ever seen him grin as wide.
'Well that was different'
'In a good way ?' he asked me.
'Most definitely' I grinned.
'So will you answer my question?'
'What was it ?'
'Well I told you I loved you, do you love me ?' he spoke innocently staring into my eyes.
'Do you even have to ask, of course I love you' I laughed.
'Good' he grinned and kissed me again.
I was still looking into Cas' eyes when I heard Dean cursing and I could smell burning. I stood up quickly and looked towards the kitchen. Dean was standing by the entrance with the pot I had used for popcorn.
'My popcorn' he frowned.
'I knew I forgot something' I grimaced.
Before I could say anymore though Cas stood up and held my hand tightly. He began to lead me to the front door as Dean and Sam looked on.
'Wow Cas you work quick, only after admitting you love her and now you're getting busy.' Dean smirked.
I was about to turn around and tell him off but Cas bet me to it. 'Yes Y/N and I will be very busy, no need to be Jealous Dean' he then opened the door and lead me through it. The last thing I saw was Dean with his mouth open and Sam laughing his ass off.
But hey I got my romantic kiss, fireworks and everything.

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