Tough Guy- ImmortalHD AU

By XxSakuraHDxX

12.8K 478 135

He was the icon of Denver. He looked like a regular guy on the streets but in the ring, he's one scary mother... More



357 16 5
By XxSakuraHDxX

"Hey Haley," Aleks waved. His voice sounds so soft compared to the past few weeks I was with him.

"Hey," I shyly said. "What's up?"

"Haven't practise at all at the gym since you left," Aleks stated.

"Why baby?" I questioned.

Aleks quirks an eyebrow. I looked back into what I last said. Baby. I have never said baby to Aleks before. He soon smiles when my face flushed into a deep red.

"Well beautiful, I can't practise because my motivation wasn't there."

Motivation? I looked at him confused. Aleks chuckled.

"In case you didn't know, you're my motivation," Aleks smiles.

I opened my mouth, then closing it. I'm his motivation? Wow... I looked at Aleks' smile. It was sincere and cute. I blushed as Aleks stroked my cheek. He leaned over placing a light kiss on my cheek. When Aleks tried to deepen the kiss, I pulled back, remembering the research I did yesterday.

"Aleks I have to tell you something," I told him.

"I have something to tell you as well, Haley," he said.

"Well, um.... You can go first," I said. Aleks asked if I was sure with my decision and I nodded my head.

"Well, I talked to Seamus last week and it was about how to improve our relationship. I don't wanna lose you, it will break me. Seamus told me how you're afraid of the 'darkness', meaning my dark side. So I wanna change that for you. I wanna be that sweet, loving guy that you'll love. I may be dark, but I'll try to be soft for you," Aleks explained.

My heart melted. I leaned over the stool to hug him. Aleks pulled away and kissed my lips.

"I'll try just for you, even if it doesn't work out in the end," Aleks said in the kiss.

We stayed like this for a good, long minute. Aleks soon pulls away from our comfort and stared into my eyes.

"You said you wanted to tell me something?" Aleks asked.

That was right. I did have something to say. I don't even know if it was the right moment after what Aleks just said to me. I looked at my lover. He was just waiting for me to speak.

"Th-this isn't the right place to say it," I told. Aleks nodded, getting up from his seat.

"Ok, let's go to my car and talk about it," Aleks suggested. I nervously gulped, following him to his vehicle.
We were sitting in Aleks' car that was parked in a parking lot in front of a residential apartment. Aleks turned the heat on earlier, so we can stay warm. It was getting colder, getting closer to Winter.

Aleks comfortably sat back and looked at me. I nervously smiled at him when he intertwined his hands with mine.

"What did you want to say beauitful?" Aleks asked.

"Before I say anything, let me explain myself," I warned him. Aleks nods his head. I breathed in then out.

"Well, whenever I think of a situation that I'm in is weird. I tend to go on my laptop and research on what's going on. So recently, I was having a tough time So I look you up an-"

"You searched me up and found my records didn't you?" Aleks said. I looked at him, he had no emotion on his face. Guilt stated to grow in my body.

"I'm sorry?" I somewhat asked.

"Don't worry. Seamus told me that aswell. He said I shouldn't take it in a bad way. It was suppose to help you in a way to get to know me," Aleks explained.

"Is that why you said you will change?" I questioned.

"Yes. I knew that you'll feel uncomfortable with me having all these records and accusations."

"So is it true? The accusations?" I inquired. Aleks nods his head.

"Is it OK if I ask you some questions?" I wondered.

"Go ahead. It's time to know more about the true me anyways."
"Do you still do drugs?" I asked.

"Nope. I quit 2 years ago."

"Why did you have people Hostage?"

"I wasn't. I was trying to protect them. The police thought something else," Aleks explains.

"What happened?"

"Well, the convenience store was being under attack. So we all went to the back of the store. I brought out my gun so I can kill the that person but the civilians thought I was killing them and was apart of the plan. I got arrested for something I didn't do," Aleks told.

"You had a gun?" I asked, raising my voice a bit.

"Yes, but for safety reasons."

"Ok. Um, did the Creatures do drugs when you were accused of the possession of Meth?" I quietly inquired. Aleks stroked my cheek. It calmed me down slightly.

"The group wasn't formed then. It was formed later in 2011. I did drugs because of my ex and Brandon. They forced me and I got into it. I soon stopped because they were out if my life and the guys didn't like me doing it. I will never touch a drug or a cigarette ever again," Aleks stated.

"Last question. Ok?" I warned. Aleks nodded, getting comfortable in his seat. I inhaled.
"Why do you have interest in me?"

Aleks chuckled.

"I swear I answered this before," Aleks said.

"I wanna know why. I'm confused why a fighter would want a girl like me," I whined. Aleks sighed.

"I like you because you're different. Different than any other girl I've dated. All the girls used me, but you; you make me wanna chase you. You're beautiful, You're like my everything even though I met you like a month ago. I hate cheesy sayings, but I would change my whole life just to make you happy," Aleks told me.

My heart melted. I love this kind of side of Aleks. It makes me wonder if it was a promise or not, but it didn't matter. If Aleks wants to change, he can.

I found myself leaning towards Aleks. He leaned in aswell and we kissed. We stayed like this but Aleks pulled away, making me pout. He laughed, poking my cheek.

"Can I ask my questions now?" Aleks cutely said. I giggled.

"Sure. Be my guest," I smiled.

"Why won't you have sex with me?"

Oh boy...

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