Not his time!

By Sarah95

200 15 6

He loves her. She loves him. Everyone knows except them. Best friends from birth, what do the pair do when Sa... More

Not his time!
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

40 5 0
By Sarah95

I hope you enjoy it, if you are reading this it means i finally have some readers on this and i'm happy :) x

Chapter 2

I woke to the front door slamming shut, no goodbye, no have nice day. Ahh well at least Sam is back at school today but then again we do have double maths which to be honest is hell itself to me and Sam. I got up, my head hurting from my braids, luckily they had stayed in place so I didn’t have to try and tame it today. I looked at my clock and saw the time 7:30am Sam would be over soon to have breakfast with me. I make toast and that’s the limit to my food making knowledge. Most of the time its burnt but its okay it eat. Just.

I wander into the bathroom yawning and rubbing my eyes. I clean my teeth for ages, to be honest the length wasn’t as much about bad breath it was about almost falling back to sleep just standing there. I jolted at the doorbell, dammit he is early. For gods sake. I rinse my mouth out and run down the stairs two at a time, slamming into the door due to the speed.

“Ow” I moaned, I heard him laughing “Shut up or I wont let you in” I shouted out to him. I opened the door and he saw my pyjamas and just smirked, ok yes they had tinker bell on them but that’s not a crime. I shoved him into the kitchen.

“ Make me some tea and get breakfast ready I’m still waking up.” I commanded running back upstairs. Getting dressed ultra quick and sitting at my dressing table, I apply my eyeliner and mascara carefully, mouth gaping and eyes wide, I apply blusher to pronounce my high cheekbones and add some lip-gloss, done. I walk down the stairs and yawn again walking in to the lounge, I slam into Sam who catches me before I fall, he scoops me up and sets me on the sofa.

“ Your breakfast madam” He passes me some toast and puts the tea on the table beside me.

“ Don’t start that again with the posh accent, its not you” I laughed. He dropped onto the sofa beside me lazily and closed his eyes. He was a morning person but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t ever miss the opportunity to take a nap. I chomped my way through my toast and downed my tea before yanking him up.

“ Time to catch the bus” I called as he still lay there snoring, I grabbed my bag and walked into the living room, he still lay there, I shook him and he moaned. How could this boy fall asleep so deeply in a matter of minutes.

“ SAM!” I bellowed in his ear and he jolted and blinked around figuring out his surroundings

“ I wasn’t asleep” he said, yawning.

“ Sure that’s why the snoring was so loud” I laughed and flashed my a grin and got up. We walked to the bus stop. He was out of breath by the time we got there and its only a five minute walk. I looked at him concerned.

“ Sam are you sure your well enough to come into school?” I frowned at him, concerned.

“ I’m fine, its the weekend tomorrow, I can get through today and we can have a lazy weekend watching movies on your flat screen.” He flashed me another smile, with my flat screen he was always hinting to sit around watching it, I sighed, of course he was better. He was milking it like his father had said. The bus arrived. I board first.

“ Hey Rory” I say, Rory is in his twenties and is a bit nerdy, big glasses take up most of his face, black curly hair frames his face, lanky and thin. He smiles at me and nods his head.

“ Hey Maya, ah Sam you back today feeling better mate?” His tone seem to change as he started talking to Sam, more tense and forced. Huh maybe he doesn’t like Sam.

“ Much better Rory ” Sam stared back they both narrowed there eyes at each other, I couldn’t understand why though, Sam’s mouth was set in a straight tight line and he pressed his hand into my back pushing me gently forward, I sat in one of the empty seats and he flopped down beside me.

“ What was that about Sam?” I stared at him incredulously.

“ It appears that Rory has a crush on you,” He looked annoyed about it, why in the hell would he be annoyed about it “ he doesn’t like me being such a close friend of yours he thinks I’ll steal you from him” he laughed

“ Okay, come on seriously, Rory, he isn’t my type.” I laughed.

“ Good” Sam stated and the conversation disbanded about the subject. We talked about school and making plans to do stuff in the school holiday coming up in a few weeks. My mind kept flashing back to the stares between Rory and Sam, why was Sam being so protective over me. I mean we had both dated people and never really been bothered about it. I don’t even like Rory, he kind of freaks me out a little. We arrive at school and socialise with our friends the bell goes and I say my goodbyes to Sam and the others and head to English, double how fun, ah well, we are watching of mice and men so I settle into my chair and watch the film, its actually pretty good, it turn to my friend Lacy beside me half way through and see tears falling down her cheeks.

“ Why are you crying?” I urgently whisper to her

“ Why did the dog have to die, it never did anything wrong?” she sobbed, trust Lacy the animal lover to cry at that. I patted her on the back and she stopped crying and carried on watching the film. The bell went before we got to the end of the film and everyone rushes out the door before the teacher even has a chance to dismiss her, I head to the field, dumping my bag down as a goal past and walk up to the boys.

“ Yo, Maya, wanna be on my team?” Nate shouted to me as I wandered up to them.

“ Sure,” I smiled and he passed the ball to me, we played kick about until everyone got there.

“ Sam, come on my team” Jay commanded of Sam. Sam nodded and smiled at me. We were on opposite teams for once.

“ Yo, we have finally split them up, lets see how they are against each other” Nate shouted to the teams I laughed and shoved him. We played, I tackled the boys resisting the natural instinct to pass the ball to Sam. Half way through Sam walked to the edge, and sat down, his head between his knees. I kept playing for a minute or so scoring a goal before walking over to him and sitting beside him cross legged.

“ You feeling iffy?” I asked sympathetically.

“ Nah just a little dizzy I’m alright now, come on lets go play again, I wanna beat you!” He smiled but he looked pale and tired. I sighed and followed but the bell went before we could reach them.

“ Game continues at lunch be there.” Jay commanded, you don’t argue with Jay unless you want trouble but once you get to know him he is quite a good laugh. I play football with the boys everyday, I know its not my favourite game but that doesn’t mean I’m not good at it, Sam plays because if you don’t you’re cast as gay and to be honest once someone says it once your street credit is nil.

“ Rightio maths time, you excited Maya, I know you are, look contain your excitement girl” he started shaking me, laughing I pushed him back and he backed into a girl and she smiled in a flirty way at him but he ignored her. I jealously gave her evils. Okay, I know I moaned about Sam being protective earlier but he doesn’t feel the way I do. I actually love him.

I walked ahead and he followed, the pushed my way through the sweaty crowd, that’s the worst thing about school, the crowds on the stair cases, its quite scary sometimes especially when a fight breaks out between the boys then basically you get in the middle or you fall down the stairs, like now with a fight between Jay our friend and some bulky year eleven with his hair slicked back with gel, though to be honest it looked disgustingly greasy, he rolled his sleeves up menacingly, Jay standing in the crowd a smug look on his face arms crossed.

“ Jay don’t, for gods sake just get to class!” I shouted. The yr 11 looked at me

“ I’d listen to your girl friend if I were you” he hissed at Jay.

“ She isn’t my girlfriend” Jay shoved his way through the crowd, towards the boy and rugby tackled him but for the effect it had on the year eleven it might as well have been five year old having a tantrum. Suddenly I was pushed into the middle of it.

“ Trying to protect him are we” The boy hissed taking a hold of my wrist.

“ No let me go” I begged.

“ Get off her now, now Jay walk away and go to lesson and you let go of her and we wont have any trouble” I heard Sam behind me, he seemed to tower over me, anger flashing in his eyes and his fists were clenched I noticed. But he looked so ill, a layer of sweat covered him. He pulled me away from the boy and just walked up the near empty stairs. People had wandered off the class not bothered by the almost fight it was a common thing in these halls but I guess I had never expected to be in one. Sam’s hand was wrapped around my wrist, he was clammy and cold.

“ Sam, please let me take you to medical,” I begged him and he released me.

“ Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you did he?” He opened the door to the classroom and we walked in, the class was just settling down and the teacher told us to take our place.

“ I’m fine, you on the other hand are not” I said, forcefully trying to sound stern. He smiled and patted my hand and got his maths book out. We settled down into the lesson, damn polygons, I cant figure them out. Sam settles into doodling in the back of his book, I see him dotting the page and know to prepare for a harsh game of lines and squares. I lay my head on the table and close my eyes. I’m tired, to be honest this is still early in the morning for me, I know its hard to believe but in the six weeks holidays my usual wake up alarm is at 1pm.

“ Maya!” I heard Sam choke, I open my eyes and see scarlet red, the table covered in it, all around his mouth, I saw the look in his eyes and I knew he was scared. I saw tears fall from his eyes. I couldn’t breath normally as I tried to help.

“Sam!” I panicked. I waved the teacher over getting tissues out of my bag, I held my hand up to Sam noses a wad of tissues in my hand and pulled his head back drying to stifle the bleeding. This much blood isn’t natural I thought.

“ He is ill, we need to get him to medical now!” I shouted at the teacher in a frenzy and he frowned at my rudeness but I didn’t care. We needed to get Sam medical help and fast. He motioned to the assistant teacher and they murmured. Everyone was chattering now, some trying to help some laughing. Why the hell were they laughing, this wasn’t a laughing matter. This was serious.

“ Okay Mrs. Lander here will take him off your hands Maya, you go to the bathroom down the hall and get cleaned up” Mr. Mortley said but I just ignored him and help Sam up taking his arm and trying to take his weight for him. He didn’t seem to stable.

“ I’m going with him” I said, firmly and I felt Sam grasp my hand and he looked me in the eyes again and I saw a look that scared me, Sam never got scared, he’s scared which makes me petrified. He looked so young, so innocent, so much like his five year old self.

“ Maya, you will do as I say now go clean up” Mr. Mortley shouted at me. Sam’s hand tightened around mind.

“ No I need her” Sam spluttered blood spluttering on the carpet. We walked out of the room before the teacher could protest. Me on his left and Mrs. Lander on his Right. We hurried to the lift, I pressed the button over and over but he would come quick enough. Finally the door opened before I could start going mental. I helped him in and pressed the close doors button.

“ Maya, don’t leave me” He whispered, his hand frantically clutching mine

“ Sam, come on, I’ll stay with you, I’m not leaving you I promise” I sobbed. Tears were falling down my cheeks now, I was scared, more scared than I thought could ever be possible. He collapsed onto the ground neither me or Mrs. Lander able to keep him upright.

“ Go get help Maya” She stammered.

“ No I promised him I’d stay with him” I cried. But the look she gave me forced me to go. I ran faster than I have ever ran in my life. Slamming into the receptionist window. Slamming my fist against it, the women walked over, looking bored. I was furious she could see it was an emergency and yet she didn’t pick up the pace.

“ How may I-” she started but I soon interrupted her.

“ An ambulance, Sam Diner has collapsed from loss of blood, nose bleed you need to call an ambulance” I saw the panicked look on his face and she knew I meant business. She shouted for the medical helpers to go with me to find Sam and she was on the phone to an ambulance immediately. I ran back to Sam, two helpers on my heals. I skidded to a stop where Sam lay in the recovery position. They shoved me out of the way and all I could do was stand and watch, shaking like hell and freezing cold.

“ Maya!” I heard him whisper and was down on my knees beside him in a flash.

“ I’m here an ambulance is on its way” I could here the sirens in the distance and I thanked god that the school is so close to a hospital. I held his hand through it all, he would let go even as they loaded him into the ambulance. Watching them stifle the bleed I knew in the back of my mind this was the beginning of something big. Everything seemed to slow down, they told me Nat and Terry were on there way but I was numb. All I was focused on was Sam. I know I said that the hospital was close but I have never been on such a long journey in my life the ten minute drive felt like ten hours. I knew Sam wasn’t in that much pain just scared and numb. We arrived and they pulled him out of the ambulance and one of the nurses took me off even when I screamed at her to let me stay with Sam she wouldn’t let me go. I sat in the waiting room, head in my hands. Almost hyperventilating. The nurse kept offering me drinks but I constantly refused. I wanted Nat and Terry to get here quicker. My mind was racing. The tears flooded my eyes whenever I pictured Sam’s eyes, so scared and young. For once he needed protecting.

Terry came sprinting through first, Nat a few seconds later, both out of breath, I raced to them as they looked around desperately. I threw myself into there arms and they held for a few seconds while got myself together.

“ Blood, it was everywhere, they wont let me see him, they wont let me, why wont they let me?” I sobbed, Nat brushed my hair out of my eyes.

“ My dear Maya, you have been so brave, come on they have told us he has stabilised and lost a lot of blood,” she explained though I could see her lips quivering, her pale face gave away how scared she was. Terry waved us over he was talking to a nurse.

“ Come on, there letting us see him now” he smiled bravely at us. But like everyone else here he was scared.

“ Not her, I’m afraid she isn’t family” the nurse pointed at me. Nat wrapped her arms around me and I sighed and shrugged out her embrace and started to walk back over to the chair I have been occupying.

“ She is family” Terry’s voice piped up “ Maya is in our family, she will be with Sam all the time, we cant keep them separated” His voice firm and the nurse couldn’t argue with him. He pulled me alongside him, with his arm wrapped around Nat’s waist and his hand on my shoulder we walk into the room.

Sam is lying there, propped up by masses of pillows, a monitor attached to him recording his heart, grinning, pale and looking tired but grinning. I laugh and shake my head.

“ Unbelievable, only you could smile after having that happen” I run to him and he sits up enough to hug me back as I squeeze him tight, never wanting to let go. “ See I knew I’d be able to scare you eventually” he whispered to me.

“ Next time I beg you to not go to the extremes to do so” I joked but we both knew the situation was serious. Nat fussed about Sam, you know being a typical mother. Sam pats the space next to him and I sit next to him drawing my legs up. I finally feel at home next to him, seeing him semi okay allowed my heart to unclench at little. Sam smiled reassuringly at me and held my hand. Looking at him now it was like he had not been covered in blood only a few hours ago, my hands were still shaking at the thought, the memory. A doctor walked into the room, young and he looked too young to be a fully qualified doctor, his blond mess of a hair made him look like he should be in a band not in a hospital. He smiled and Sam and I when he saw us and he still had that teenage boyish grin.

“ Hello, I’m Doctor Reeves and I’ll be your doctor today, now then shall we see how young Sam is doing yeah?” He announced himself and we all just stared at him, not sure what to say.

“ Ah, Sam, you have given your family quite the panic today haven’t you? How are you feeling?” He asked, he was friendly and he made the atmosphere calm and light.

“ I’m feeling fine now,” Sam answered but we all knew he wasn’t.

“ Now Sam, if we are going to find out why today happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again then we are going to need you to be honest okay?” The doctor ordered, his voice calm and friendly but serious.

“ Okay, I’m not feeling to peachy doc, I feel woozy and I have the biggest headache believe me.” Sam looked guilty about lying.

“ Okay Sam, can you give me a run through what you have felt in the past couple of days?” he asked

“ Um, fever, headache, aching in general, feeling dizzy” Sam said thoughtfully.

“ Doctor, do you know what’s wrong with Sam because we are going out of our mind here with worry” Terry asked, his face pale and wanting to get to the point.

“ I’m not sure at the moment but we are going to take some blood tests and if you allow us permission we will do a lumbar puncture to rule out any serious illnesses” Now the doctor was getting down to business and talking about finding out what was going on.

“ What’s a lumbar puncture?” I asked suddenly, to be honest it came out of its own accord.

“ We put Sam under local

anaesthetic and we place a needle into his spine to collect fluid” he explains to me and to Sam and he was looking pretty confused to.

“ To rule out what kind of diseases?” Sam piped up, I noticed Nat was sitting watching Sam constantly she looked to sad and when she saw me watching she smiled at me but it was one of the saddest smiles I have ever seen.

leukaemia mainly and for your age the most common is Acute promyelocytic Leukaemia” he stated and my heart stopped for a second, leukaemia? No, not Sam this kind of thing didn’t happen to people like us does it? Please god I beg you don’t let him have it. This time my heart didn’t relax it was tight and I felt the lump in my throat and I held his hand tighter than ever, as if focusing on holding onto him would make him safe.

“ At your age it is unlikely but we must do tests to make sure, we can start as soon as you say so, Sam will stay in tonight anyway just in case and if you give the okay we will go ahead with the lumbar puncture in the morning. I couldn’t speak.

“ Of course you can go ahead, we will do anything to get Sam better” Terry said firmly, Nat’s head bobbing in agreement. I wanted to curl up next to Sam and never move, I wanted to make all this go away but I realised it was time to grow up, forget the imaginary games we used to play, forget being a child, it was time to be mature, time to pretend you weren’t breaking inside. I looked up at Sam and his face was blank, staring into space, ignoring everything. He finally looked down at me and moved his arm and wrapped it around me and pulled me very close.

“ Its going to be okay Maya, its just some stupid illness, I’ll be right as rain soon” He smiled reassuringly but I saw in his eyes he was trying to convince himself as well. I also saw that he didn’t believe me.

Hours later Nat shook me awake, Jake was sitting up watching me, I could hear the TV on in the corner, he smiled at me when I opened my eyes. I smiled back, a yawn coming through.

“ Come on Maya, you have to go home now, we will come back in the morning, you’re parents aren’t happy, sorry honey, I’ll talk to them” Nat explained as she kissed her son on the forehead and murmured goodbye.

“ Oh, okay, thank you, bye Jake, get well, cya tomorrow” I said, hugging him and he held me tightly.

“ I’ll miss you Maya” he whispered.

“ I’ll miss you to, don’t worry its only for tonight, you’re lucky you don’t have to face the wrath of my parents” I laughed and he smile.

“ Yeah, you’re right, I wouldn’t want to be in your place right now” he said, we both knew that when my parents weren’t happy, boy were they not happy. Which meant a massive argument between me and them would go on tonight.

“Bye” I said.


I love you please get well i thought.


Hope you liked it!!

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Peace out <3 

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