A Tale Of 2 Sparks

By TransformersRules

10K 385 119

Matrix (Max) Crystal Kaon, discovered the Autobots after her friends did. She had a feeling they were hiding... More

Chapter 1: New Car
Chapter 2: Captured
Chapter 4: Confession
Chapter 5: Team Prime Meets The New Allies
Chapter 6: Hanging out with Maggie
Chapter 7: The truth and Sick
Chapter 8: A Day With Sire
Chapter 9: The Talk With Primus
Chapter 10: Upgrade
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Gone
Chapter 14: Mission: Get The Matrix
Chapter 15: Returning Home
Chapter 16: Surprised
Chapter 17: Night Out
Chapter 18: Trouble
Chapter 19: Going Against Megatron
Chapter 20: NightScar ~ Last Chapter!
A/N ~ Extremely Important

Chapter 3: Reuniting With Comrades

776 24 8
By TransformersRules

I started getting the cuffs off by focusing all my strength in one of my arms, or feet. I felt an electric shock going through my body and the cuff coming loose. I continued doing this until I was free. I glanced back at my dead father.

"I am so sorry, Jordan. I didn't mean for you to get killed.", I whispered and left the room.

I made my way to the cells and I had to destroy troops on the way.

"Lord Megatron, the girl e- *chokes*", he commed the almighty gladiator, great.

I decided not to kill the troops, but instead I used my newfound power to knock them unconscious. I found the cells, but I forgot which one Jazz was in. I looked in every cell and soon found Jazz. I opened the cell and took the keys from one of the unconscious Vehicons.

Once inside, I ran over to Jazz and started un-cuffing him. He groaned when he fell on the ground, but soon realized the situation.

"Dee?! How in the pit did you escape?", I smirked.

"Skills, Jazzy boy skills.", he raised an optic ridge but refocused on the current problem.

"Ok, what's the plan?", he asked and I thought for a moment.

"Can you still transform?", I asked and he nodded, "Ok, then lets get going."

He transformed into his vehicle mode and we sped off. Soon, Megatron, Dreadwing, Starscream, Arachnid, Knockout, Soundwave, and Breakdown found us. I cursed under my breath and focused all the energy into Jazz's frame, so anyone who touched him would get shocked.

We eventually made it out.

"Wowza, you sure are the daughter of a Prime.", I smiled.

"Thanks, Ja-AAAHHHHHHHH!", I screamed through the pain I was experiencing.

Jazz drove into a cave and the door opened. I climbed out of Jazz's V-mode and his holoform flickered on. His holoform came out of his mode and stayed a safe distance away. I have no idea what the frag is going on, but Jazz must know.

"What's going on?! AHHHHHHH!", I continued screaming.

"Your body is upgrading! If I get too close, it could break my holoform's spinal cord!", I nodded in understanding.

3rd person POV. ~Autobot base~ ~Just after they escaped the nemesis~

The Autobots were trying to formulate a plan to get 'Dawn', Jazz, and 'Dawn's' dad off the Nemesis.

"There must be a way to get them off that ship without any human casualties and without Megatron killing Jazz.", Optimus said pacing back and fourth.

An alarm went on and the Prime immediately stopped pacing and walked over to the computers.

"Optimus! 2 Autobot life signals came online. Jazz must have escaped the ship, but I don't know who the other bot is.", Ratchet said completely forgotten the encounter he had with the Prime's sparkling.

"Roll out!", all the bots except Ratchet transformed and drove through the portal.

Matrix POV.

A portal opened and I freaked out. Jazz transformed and took me in his hand and ran deeper into the mine. We heard voices, but we were too scared to look back. Since my upgrade, I grew 5 ft in 2 hours. I was still smaller than him, but he had to hold me with both hands instead of just one.

When the voices grew faint, I smiled at Jazz. It has only been 3 hours since we escaped the ship. Yes, I was upgrading for a whole hour. It was about 11 o'clock and I was getting tired.

"You should rest. We are deep enough in the cave that no one can pick up our life signals.", he thought for a moment, "Want to sleep in the back of my alt mode?'

"It would be softer than the ground, so yes.", I smiled and he transformed.

I stopped my growth rate and shrank just enough so I could fit in the back seat. Once, inside a boy about 20 sat in the passenger seat. I jumped when he talked.

"Wake me up if you need anything, ok? We will have something to eat in the mornin'. Lets just hope your new form can have Energon.", I smiled at him, it was Jazzy, "And sorry for scaring ya. I tend to get a little over excited to show off my holoform."

"It's ok Jazzy boy. Lets just hope we get some good recharge.", he nodded and we both fell into recharge.


Megatron stood in front of me, Jazz in his hands. He was choking Jazz and he squeezed hard enough to make his head pop off. I cried. I looked around me and seen My dead mom, dad, younger siblings, friends, and other human family members.

"No, you couldn't have found them. You don't have the technology!", I looked back up and I was frightened.

"Yes, but I can find things easy and fast. Now, Matrix because you didn't tell me that your my daughter, your going to die.", he transformed his hand into a gun and the other into a sword, "And I will make sure your death is slow and very painful."

"I am sorry, I never told you. I just wanted to see you trying to find me like your message said you would. I am so sorry! I will never do it again!", I screamed and tears streamed down my face.

I felt someone shaking me, "MATRIX WAKE UP! MATRIX!"


I woke up shaking and it wasn't from Jazz trying to wake me up. Without hesitation, I jumped into the holoform's arms and started crying. Jazz rubbed my back trying to get me to calm down.

"Shhh its ok. It was just a spark-fear. Your alright.", he rocked me and I slowly stopped crying, "Want to talk 'bout it?"

I nodded, "It usually helps me. Anyway, the thing that frightened me and that turned my dream into a nightmare was that my dad threatened to kill me. My real dad, not Jordan. He kept saying that he was killing me because I didn't tell him who I was."

"I am just going to say one thing: Optimus would never do that. Even if he did I would be there to protect you.", I smiled, "You gonna be ok?"

"Maybe.", I blushed a little, "Could you sleep with me? Just to be sure?"

He nodded and we cuddled up. I instantly felt safe and when I heard Jazz snoring I giggled and fell asleep in his lap.

When I woke up, Jazz was still snoring. His arms were wrapped around me protectively. 'No wonder I felt a little overprotected last night'. I carefully moved his arms and slipped out of his vehicle mode. I walked around the cave until I spotted some ripe Energon.

When I was finished mining the crystal, I made it into cubes and it was enough to last us a couple days.

"MAX?! MAX!", I heard Jazz yelling for me.

"Cant you boys ever be patient?! I was making our Energon!", I yelled back and carried 2 of the cubes back to Jazz.

"I just thought the cons took you....", Jazz trailed off, his optics full of relief.

I handed him his Energon and we drank our cubes in silence. I remembered him talking in his sleep and I smirked.

"So, what happened to the paint, glitter, and cupcakes?", his eyes widened and he blushed.

"I'd prefer not to talk about that.", I giggled and finished my Energon, "We should try and contact the team. That or get on the road."

"Agreed. You try contacting the team and I will start making more Energon cubes to take back to base. No doubt you guys are running low on Energon supply.", he nodded.

"You got it ma'am!", I smiled and shook my head.

A bridge appeared outside of the cave, but I ignored it knowing it was the bots.

'Wait, bots.....Autobots....DAD!', I quickly changed forms.

"Dawn! The bots are here!", Jazz called out.

"OK! Did Optimus bring his trailer? We got a lot of Energon here!", I smiled.

"Yeah he did! Want him to bring it over?"

"That'd be great!"

A Peterbuilt came around the corner with a trailer and I smiled. Behind him was a black and yellow custom muscle car. They both transformed.

"Hey, Jazz! Get your aft over here and help us pile in the cubes!", Jazz came around the corner with Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

"Wouldn't it make sense to use your other f-", I cut Jazz off.

"Don't even say it! Unless you want everyone here to know what happened between you and the you-know-what!", he blushed and nodded.

We packed the trailer until it couldn't hold another cube. Each of the other bots carried a couple in their car forms. Bulk was big enough for 2, Jazz had enough room for 1, Optimus had enough room for 3, Bee had enough for 2, and Wheeljack could carry 2.

Once the others were through, I closed up the mine so no cons could get in. I climbed inside Jazz's V-mode and we drove through the bridge. When we were back at base and I got out of Jazz's alt mode he transformed and I glared at him.

"What?", he asked noticing my glare.

"Med bay. Now.", I ordered.

"But I- you-", Jazz was speechless.

"That's an order, Jazz.", he hung his helm in defeat.


I glanced over at Optimus who was at the computer nervously searching for something or someone.

"Optimus what cha doin?", I asked trying to sound like my old self again.

"Trying to find my daughter, Matrix. I just hope to the primes she is alright. She is just a sparkling!", he had worry, concern, guilt, determination, and hope in his optics.

"Optimus, I have a confession to make.......", I started worried he would kill me then and there.

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