One Daunting Night

By dreamingofmars

8.4M 179K 30K

(This story is horrifying and horrible I dearly suggest you never open in because not only is it written terr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 - Part 1
Chapter 36 - Part 2
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 41 - Mature.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 21

211K 4.1K 1K
By dreamingofmars

Chapter 21 – unedited (Written 11/7/2013)

*Thursday 3rd July*

Early next morning, precisely at eight am, Ara was well awake with her baby lying on the carpet watching TV while she prepares them both breakfast – piles of pancakes. She had finally mastered the art of flipping pancakes successfully without making them look retarded. 

She set a pile of three on each, it may be a lot but they're big eaters with excellent metabolism. She sets them on her small table then walks into the living room and picks up Caleb. He just smiles with a small giggle as she places him into his high chair. 

When she was about to sit down, the doorbell rang. "You stay here and do not move, okay baby?" She says sternly in a soft voice to Caleb, but being the baby he is, he just giggles. 

When Ara opens the door, she wasn't surprised to see Faith all dressed up at her doorstep. The only thing that surprised her was how worried she looked. "You're okay, right?" Was the first thing she asks Ara. 

Ara nods simply and confused while Faith invites herself in. "I've got extra pancakes, Caleb most likely won't finish them all." Ara hints the offer to Faith. 

When Faith finally realizes that her friend and favourite baby boy are both healthy and alive, also untouched, she calmed down. "That'll be awesome. I just woke up and shot out of my door to come here." Faith replies, taking a seat across from Ara. 

Ara laughs, cutting Caleb's pancakes to pieces and putting it on her plate while she gives the other parts to Faith. 

"I'm going to have guests when come over around lunch time, you want to stay? I think I'll need moral support for this one." Ara asks while Faith looks at her suspiciously. Something inside made her feel uneasy about these 'guests', making her want to stay more. 

"I'll stay. So how's everything going with you two?" Faith asks to start a conversation, taking a bite out of Ara's delicious pancakes. 

"Awesome. Now that I think about it, I'm going to have to get some baby food! I forgot to go yesterday." Ara lies smoothly, not wanting to talk about last night's rough encounter. She was anxious for the next one with Xander.

"I've got Sydney White and pretty much all of the Amanda Bynes movie and in need of watching partners. Are you up for it? We can watch before these guests of yours arrive." Faith offers, reaching into her purse and pulling out discs of multiple Amanda Bynes movies. Ara laughs and nods. 

"We haven't seen those movies in a while, so I'm in." She replies with a small grin. Ara takes a bite out of the cut up pancakes when Caleb refused to eat one more since he was taking his time. 


Xander was excited for today. He was once again going to see his beautiful mate and son. He couldn't stop beating himself up for what he did; he knew that a girl would have guts to even talk calmly to the man who got her pregnant and disappeared the morning after.

Sebastian had to distract him that whole night from banging his head too much, afraid that people in the next room might be thinking that they were two gay partners getting it on. But they managed the night. 

They both exited their hotel room and decided to stop by the nearby market. Well, Xander demanded they did since he knew Ara forgot baby food for Caleb. He was going to start getting his shit together and man up. 

He needed to win Ara, most importantly he needed her trust. He wasn't going to give up, he was stubborn. This was his mate and son, the ones he didn't know about until a few months ago. He also knew Ara wasn't going to give in easily to him even if he's a hot European hunk because that doesn't change what he did to her. 

Xander quickly put in the things he remembered her dropping. It was faint, but he managed to get a few things and added fruit loops. After buying them, Sebastian was in fact struggling to keep up with Xander as he hurried his way to Ara's apartment. 

"Xander! It's only nine a.m.!" Sebastian says, keeping a firm grip on Xander's shoulders. Xander's determined face falls into a small frown. 

"I don't care. My son might not have food. He needs food." He states slowly, using it as an excuse, even though it's party true. Sebastian sighs, nodding and letting go. 

"Yeah, yeah, we'll go. But I think you'll scare the poor girl." Sebastian breathes out when Xander starts walking off in a faster pace towards Ara's building. 

In the elevator, Xander's right leg starts shaking nervously. He didn't care that he was early at all. He couldn't wait to see Ara and Caleb. Even if he may not be made out of love, Xander promised himself he won't touch her in anyway she won't like until she's ready. 

Either way, he wasn't going to stop until Ara loves him as much as he already loves her, and probably they'll have more babies. 

But it was far too early to think about that. 

Xander, now more determined to see them, walks confidently out of the elevator when a group of University Girls notice the both of them and giggle with flirtatious waves, but of course Xander ignores them. 

They're flirty smiles soon faltered and they left to mind their own business. When Xander and Sebastian both arrive at Ara's door, Sebastian's wolf perks up and he smells the most delicious smell possible. 

On the other side, Faith sits there playing with Caleb while watching 'What a girl wants' when her nose catches a mouth-watering scent and her wolf inside just chants one word, "MATE!" 

Xander knocks on the door while Sebastian is in his own little world as he thinks about the smell of fresh blueberry muffins and hot chocolate. It made his feel so warm and giggly inside. 

Ara is surprised by the knock on the door and gets up from her spot and opens the door where Xander and his unknown blonde haired green eyed friend. 

"Oh...uhm, hey Xander. It's only the morning. I'm guessing you're his friend, uhm you're a werewolf like Xander right?" Ara says nervously, twiddling her thumbs while wiping her hands on her white blouse then letting them slip into the pockets of her denim shorts.

Sebastian was shocked from not only what Ara said, but from the beautiful Blonde haired–grey eyed beauty sitting in a surf green halter top and ripped denim shorts which show off her long tanned legs. 

His mind was on both things, he now knew that Xander must have told her everything. And that means everything. 

Faith's head pops up at the delicious smell that starts consuming her. She picks up Caleb and walks to where Ara and Xander stand. Sebastian gulps, locking eyes with the girl. 

"Yes. He's also a werewolf." Xander says, unaware of Faith's presence but Caleb's. Faith notices the words Xander says and nearly falls back, but since she's holding Caleb she keeps her balance. 

"Wait a second. You just said werewolf. Ara, you know?" Faith says with a small gasp. Ara just smiles and nods. 

"Xander told me yesterday. He told me how my son is also half werewolf, why?" Ara replies, forgetting the fact she was casually speaking about werewolves to her best friend whom she thinks is human. 

"You know about the existent of werewolves. Xander, did you tell her everything?" She says sternly as Ara retrieves her son. Xander nods slowly. 

"Does she know?" He asks Faith as she shakes her head. 

"What don't I know?" Ara asks, obviously not catching up as she hitches Caleb higher on her hip. He grabs hold of her locket and puts it in his mouth. Ara gasps when she feels the pull of the chain. Using her free hand she pulls it out. 

"No, no, no, no. Caleb, don't eat that!" She scolds softly. He lets go, but reaches for it again. 

"That she's a werewolf – and my mate." Sebastian states, smiling widely at Faith. Ara's mouth forms a small 'O' while Xander stares at her adoringly. 

"Where are my manners? Why don't you all come in." Ara says, stepping back with the door and letting the boys come in. Faith and Sebastian stay close as they introduce themselves. 

"My name's Sebastian. And I definitely believe in love at first sight. Do you, or do I have to walk over again?" Sebastian asks with a wink. Faith blushes with a small giggle. Ara finally realises why Faith was waiting for the right guy. 

"Faith. And of course I do believe in love at first sight, I'm a werewolf." She replies flirtatiously while shaking his hand. 

Xander and Ara both watch the scene for the new lovebirds. While Faith and Sebastian slowly undress each other with their eyes, Xander turns towards Ara. 

"Well when you forgot to buy uhm Caleb's food, I came with food for him." He says shyly, holding up two plastic bags. Ara smiles up at him while Caleb just slowly puts Ara's locket into his mouth. 

Ara notices and pulls it out. "Jeez baby, Xander got you food. Eat them instead of Mommy's necklace." She coos with a small giggle and kissing his forehead. 

"How come you're not surprised about this uhm.." Xander starts but Ara interjects

"About this werewolf stuff? I had last night to freak out. But I got over it and decided to face it. Screaming and freaking out won't change anything really. It's not like I can get rid of it or anything." She answers calmly, taking the plastic bags out of Xander's hands. 

Her Hand lightly brushes over his while she gasps at the sparks. Xander just smiles like a fool. Nobody could deny the chemistry going on throughout the room, even if they're not the only couple there.

"Mature. Is it okay that we came early?" Xander asks sheepishly. Ara shakes her head 'no'.

"Nah. It's okay. Either way, you would have and Faith might have or have not met Sebastian." She replies, setting the plastic bags by her fridge.

"And thanks for the food, how much was it?" She adds, walking to where her purse was and struggled to open her wallet with one hand. Xander follows with a laugh and was shaking his head.

"No. You don't owe me anything, it's on me." He says kindly with a smile. Even after all he did to her, she still wants to pay back when he buys groceries for them.  

Ara looks at him with her nose scrunched up. Xander found her adorable, absolutely cute and looked very inviting. No. Don't do this again! These thoughts will make that horrible night happen once again, causing you to get in trouble once again, idiot! He scolds himself, but uses a smile to cover himself up. 

"You know, when you were going to come, I was planning to take a walk to the park near the University, do you think we can go and probably have lunch somewhere after it." Ara admits shyly, hitching Caleb a little higher on her hip. 

Xander smiles at her, an adoring glint in his eyes. "Sure. It does look like a nice day to go out." 

Ara returns the smile while walking to the new couple who were getting to know each other. 

"We're gonna go for a walk in a few minutes because I've got to pack up Caleb's things." Ara announces, with a small smile. Though to get ready she had to put down Caleb. She didn't have the heart to disturb Faith's happy time, she deserved after a long while of loneliness. 

Her only other option was Xander, and it wasn't like he was going to hurt Caleb. After all, it is his son. 

"Hey Xander, can you hold Caleb for a few minutes? I've gotta pack up his things. You do know how to hold a baby, right?" She asks, switching Caleb's position so that her right arm rest under his bum as he sits on it and her left arm holding him against her chest. 

Xander looks down at her sincerely, smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Sure. And yes, I know how to hold a baby." He replies with excitement in his voice. Ara carefully hands Caleb to him and naturally, he holds him like a pro. Ara was surprised he didn't start crying when Xander held him, he cried the first few times Faith and Heather held him, but he just acted normally around Xander. 

Ara rushes into Caleb's nursery where he picks up his Thomas the Tank Engine carry bag. She put in two changes of clothes, diapers, wipes and toys. She needed to change Caleb too, since he was wearing nothing but a blue striped onesie. 

"Xander, can you come here with Caleb please!" She calls out and just a few seconds later Xander strolls in, holding Caleb. From where Ara was, the two looked like twins, with their purple eyes wide open and a small gap in their mouths making Ara giggle. 

No DNA needed there. 

"I need to change him, can you set him on the table and put in some food into the bag for me? Just put in about three of the squeezables and you'll find his spoon in the top drawers. Make sure they seem appropriate for lunch!" She asks, opening Caleb's drawers and pulls out a plain white t-shirt with brown overalls. 

Xander nods, placing Caleb into his cot then taking the bag and doing what Ara asked for. He didn't mind, in fact he enjoyed it – he sort of felt like he was part of her family. 

She put her picked out clothing onto Caleb as he holds his feet, kicking up and down wildly. Ara giggles, blowing on his stomach making a fart noise. 

When he's changed, she picks him up and sets him on her hip, joining Xander who's in the kitchen finishing packing Caleb's food. He managed to find everything easily and set it zipped up on the table. Ara sends him a nod of appreciation. 

"Thanks." She mumbles softly. Xander smiles at her in once again, adoration. She was his mate and a wonderful, beautiful young lady who is an amazing mother to his son; he couldn't help but fall in love at sight. 

"No problem." He replies equally as soft. He swings Caleb's bag on his white V-neck-covered shoulder. It's a coincidence that all three of them were wearing something that's white as a shirt. 

Ara quickly walks back into Caleb's room and brings out his folded pram-like stroller. It was a black, cute and cheap i'coo pacific. She would probably stop using it when he comes into his toddler ages, since it is fit for babies. 

She quickly hands Xander Caleb and he gladly accepts, bouncing him on his forearm. Ara unfolds the stroller, and going back inside Caleb's room once again, brings out his favourite wolf toy that Heather gave him as a birth present. 

He couldn't sleep without it. She also brought in a few blankets she got as a gift from a small baby shower Ara got a year ago. She sets it up neatly, putting the rest of the blankets underneath so it wouldn't be too hot. 

She was a worrying mother, and wanted to make sure her baby had all his needs. The pram was now set up, Caleb's few favourite toys boarding so Ara now retrieves Caleb and gently lays him down. 

"We can fit the bag underneath if you want." Ara tells Xander as he stands there, playing with the bag's strip awkwardly. He looks up with a sheepish smile. 

"Oh, yeah, okay, sure." He mumbles, putting the bag under the pram. He forgot all about what he did and just felt like a normal guy helping the woman he loves and their son to get ready for a walk out in the park. 

Ara quickly slides her house key into her purse and hang it on her shoulder. She pushes the pram towards the front door, looking at the two new lovebirds chatting on the couch. 

"Hey, are you guys coming or what? Just to let you know, that's my couch. I don't want any funny stuff going on on it." She jokes, receiving blushes from the two. They get up, but don't keep their hands off each other. Typical action for new werewolf mates. It was cute to watch. 


She watched her from afar as they all exited their apartment building. She saw the way Xander looked at Ara and was infuriated by this. In fact, she couldn't look at it anymore. 

When they don't notice, she walks into Ara's apartment building and presses her level. She knew where Ara lived she knew how she would get in, she just knew. When she arrives on the level she quickly walks up to Ara's door. 

She first checks under the 'welcome' mat for any key. When there wasn't she checked for a key above the doorframe. When there wasn't, she took a bobby pin out of her hair and did her best to pick the lock quickly.

She watched millions of videos on YouTube and searched online to figure it out. She even practiced it and mastered it.  In just a couple of minutes of twisting and twitching, she managed to unlock the apartment. 

"Aw. It's a pretty apartment. What a shame that I must ruin it." She growls to herself, closing the door. Xander's scent still lingered throughout the house, making her more determined. Before she knew it, she through the TV to the ground and ripped the couch cushions in half. 

"The party's about to get started." She mumbles evilly, a wicked glint in her eyes.


A/N: Heeyy (: Well, I just want to let you know that if you're wondering why the hell Ara acts the way she does, it's because I want her to. She's more of the forgive-but-I-won't-forget-much kind of girl. I mean, it's sort of ridiculous to do anything about it since well, Xander is seems like a nice guy who made the mistake of raping her when he was drunk, not to add that he was entranced by her smell. So telling him off or something won't do anything, won't give her back her virginity or the memory of giving birth but will probably put him behind bars. That's how she sees it anyways :P

And Andrea? Well, she's some crazy biatch, ain't she? Haha! This chapter took forever to write since I had writers block and all :P

  © 2013, rinnyhere  

**2020: no one hates this book more than i do.

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