The Boy With The Blue Lamborg...

By DivineCollision

634K 17.6K 5K

Here we have Shay Dennis: the witty, emotional damaged, shy, good girl. Once her and her dis-attached mother... More

The Boy With The Blue Lamborghini
Life After Dark
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Spoiled Bastard
Falling Into The Sky
Am I More Than You Bargained For?
Show Me What I'm Looking For
Mess Up!!!!
Part II
What Does Your Heart Beat For?
Wild For The Night
Definition of A Rider
Just A Taste
Long Live The Sexual Vixen
Viva La Vida
You Say You A Gangsta
Fifty Shades Darker
Killing Me Softly
Throwing Stones At A Glasshouse
Fire In The Water
Holding You Down
Darkest Before The Dawn
Damaged Goods
His Happiness/Her Dismay
*MUST READ* BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! Not update sorry guys :(
All Or Nothing
Important!!!! READ ME!!!!

The Perfect Mistake

23K 704 191
By DivineCollision

That night, I had a repeat of the night before. Yes, that means no sleep. Bryce is starting to fuck up my sleep pattern and I don't like it one bit. Ever time I thought about him confessing he's liking to me I nearly broke out in hives. Gosh damnit! I'm acting like a hormonal teenager. Oh wait, I am a very hormonal teenager. Not to add, a hormonal teenager that hasn't even been kissed by a boy in her life. Well besides the kiss on the cheek I got from one of the boys that lived in my neighborhood. But I was five then!

Anyways, here I am slumping over my bowl of..air. I forgot to grab the cereal. I got up and headed over to the pantry and to make my morning even more joyful we were fresh out of Cinnaimon Toast Crunch. Guess I have to go to the store after school since someone doesn't like playing parent around here.

The sound of my phone virbrating caught my attention. I grabbed it and an unknown number flashed across the screen. I frowned who the hell was this and why were they calling me this early in the morning? I pressed the 'answer' button and pressed the cold phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said groggly.

"I'm outside," my eyes widened. Byrce? Why is Byrce calling me..oh yeah that's right he's giving me a ride. Oh yay. Hint the excitement.

Before I had time to answer him, the line went dead. Well isn't someone pleasant in the morning. I looked over at the clock on the far wall and frowned. Maybe I should stay home today. I'm beginning to feel that way every day now. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and dragged out the house towards Bryce's car.

I flopped into the comfy leather seats with the light thud. "Morning sunshine!" Byrce chined as he smiled brightly at me.

I grunted in return. He chuckled as he pulled out of my driveway. "Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine in the morning." He chuckled again. "What? Not enough sleep?" he asked.

I wanted to say, 'Yeah because of your stupid ass with your damn confessions and shit,' but what came out was, "Something like that."

He nodded beside me as we speed off. Surprisingly, I wasn't holding on for dear life this time. Probably because I was nearly half awake and not fully aware of how fast we were going. I leaned my head up against the warm tinted window and closed my eyes.

"How did you get my number?" I muttered.

I didn't hear Byrce reply back so I opened my eyes and saw him giving me that sexy smirk of his. Automatically, I knew what he was talking about. "Jade." I said through my clenched teeth. That damn traitor.

He chuckled. "Yeah you'll be surpised what a smile and a little seducing can do." he said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you would know that,"

Byrce frowned. "Whatcha mean by that?"

I huffed and leaned back on the window and closed my eyes. "Nothing. Just drive man."

With that, surpisingly, Byrce did just that. I'm pretty glad he dropped it because it was too early in the morning to start up an argument with that boy. Though, it did spark my entertainment.

Finally, we made it into Loriella's school parking lot in one piece. Everyone was scattered around the parking lot, socializing and killing time before classes started. Suddenly, there was this huge knot in my stomach. I wonder if their gonna think I'm Byrce's girlfriend or something! Cause I'm not!!

"Ready Bambi?" he's delicous voice found it's way to my eardrums.

Not trusting my voice I nodded slightly. In unison, Byrce and I slipped out of he's luxurious car all eyes on us. I then knew what it felt like to be the spotlight of attention and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

"Who's that girl Byrce is with?"

"Is she new?"

"Are they dating?!"

"Well at least she's pretty."

"Lucky ass bitch!"

"Why her?!"

"Oh my God!"

All these voices surrounded me as I sheepishly walked beside Byrce up towards Loriella. Guessing that Byrce noticed my damn near nervous breakdown he grabbed my hand in he's, ingolfing he's long fingers with mine. I shot my head up at him and he winked in return. I had to admit, this was very soothing nonetheless. Today is just full of surpises, and it's not even noon yet!

Once we entered into Loriella's hallways, the wondering eyes only got worse. Every one, and I mean everything stopped and stared at us. Even Tyke and Jade who where causually standing over by my locker. I looked over at Byrce who looked as if he didn't have a care in the world. The bastard must be used to this.

"Wassup man," Byrce said breaking the silence and giving Tyke a manhug.

Tyke's eyes snapped from me to Byrce and back again. Then a big smile forced on he's lips. "My nigga! You got the cheeks!" Tyke cheered.

My face dropped. "I told you she wouldn't play hard to get for so much longer." Byrce said with a chuckle.

I punched him in the arm with only made Byrce laugh harder. "Don't encouarge him asshole!" I turned to Tyke and punched him too.

"Oh Shay don't be like that!" Tyke pulled me into a bear hug and swung me around from side to side. "We're just joking! Lighten up!" he boomed.

"Jade! Get your cousin off of me before he wouldn't be able to have kids." I told her. She just laughed at me.

Tyke stopped all together and let me go. "Fiesty. I like that," he whispered into my ear.

I groaned and pushed Tyke aside to get to my locker. Punching in my combination and popping open the lock, I grabbed my morning classes items that I needed. I turned over to Jade and glared at her.

"What I do!?" she protested.

"You know what you did." I said.

"Hey that wasn't my fault!" Jade pointed over to Byrce who was leaning against the other set of locker in complete aloof. Jade leaned over towards me and whispered, "He seduced me! You know how hard it is to resist that man?" she defended.

I rolled my eyes slamming my locker door shut. "Speak for yourself." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Are you guys..?" Jade asked with a excited smile.

I glared at her again. "No. We're just friends."

Jade rolled her brown eyes at me. "Friends my ass."

"Believe what you want." I smiled.

"Your full of shit Shay I swear!" Jade slapped my arm. I laughed. "I'm serious Shay, you keep denying that your not even remotely attracted or interested in Byrce, you're going to regret it."

I just looked at Jade and everything about her body language proved that she was serious about her statement. "Take this opportunity and just see where it goes. That's all I'm saying." Jade then walked over to Tyke and Byrce.

The morning bell rang meaning the start of another day in this hell hole has begun. Tyke and Jade waved goodbye to me and Byrce and made their way to their scheduled classes. Byrce turned to me and that's when I noticed how close he was to me. I could feel the heat radiating off he's body and the coolness of he's breath hitting my cheeks.

"See you later Bambi," he's voice was low and husky.

It felt like all the mosture evaporated out of my mouth. I licked my lips nervously. "B-Bye."

He smiled placing one of he's hands on my cheeks, rubbing slightly on it. He leaned in and pressed he's plump pink lips against my left temple. "Don't do nothing stupid while I'm gone." he whispered.

"I should say the same thing for you." I whispered back.

He chuckled. "Bye Bambi."

With that Byrce headed down the oppsite hallway. I was in complete utter shock but I finally got my body to move. In complete daze, I made it into my English class just as the late bell was about to ring.


I was in the middle of 4th period which was Chemistry, and I hated Chemistry. Today we were learning about the differences between an acid and base. Mrs. Hamltion lazily spoke out the different ph levels as I jotted down my notes. My body was here but my head wasn't in the game today. Why? You guessed it, Byrce stupid ass Kelly.

Jade's statement repeated in my head like a broken record.

"You keep denying that your not even remotely attracted or interested in Byrce, you're going to regret it."

"You keep denying that your not even remotely attracted or interested in Byrce, you're going to regret it."

"You keep denying that your not even remotely attracted or interested in Byrce, you're going to regret it."

Was I denying Byrce? I know for a fact that I'm attracted to him, who isn't? But I never admitted that out loud to anymore, not even to Jade. Maybe I'm just in denial about the Byrce Kelly liking me. It's like trying to mix oil and water together. We're just....different.

The sound of the classroom door snapped me out of my thoughts. A pale girl with thick red glasses promended into the classroom. She handed a orange piece of paper to Mrs. Hamilton before spinning on her heels and disappearing back into the hallway. Mrs. Hamilton glanced down at the piece of paper and signed.

"Shayla," she annouced. My head snapped up. "Grab your things, your needed in the office."

Every one turned and looked at me. Blushing, I shyly closed my textbook and pushed all my things into my backpack. The two girls sitting in front of me started smiling at me.

"Hey you're Byrce's girl, right?" the one with big long Poetic Justice braids asked.


"Yeah girl that's her! I seen them walking together." the other one with a gap answered. "Don't listen to what all those other bitches got to say about yall. I'm all for Byrce and Shayla! Girl yall are so cute!"

I smiled halfheartedly at her. "Um thanks,"

She smiled in return at me. I headed up the aisle and Mrs. Hamiltion handed me the study guide for the test next class. I thanked her and headed down the hallway. Wait, why was I being called down to the office? Oh god! What did I do?! I didn't do anything? Well beside stealing a couple of extra chicken nuggets at lunch, but I didn't think anyone saw me!

Then they came into my view. And by them, I mean Jade, Tyke and Byrce all gathered over by the school bathrooms. "About time!" Tyke said pushing himself off the wall.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We're leaving sweetheart." Byrce said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"W-What?! I can't skip school!" I began to protest.

"Awe c'mon Shay!" Jade said smiling. "It'll be fun."

Yeah and the last time you said that...

"Come on Bambi. Me and Tyke got some business to take care of and I didn't want to leave you behind." he smiled.

"So I guess I'm just invisible here." Jade frowned.

"And Jade." he added.

I signed. "Fine." What the hell right? I'll only be missing Study Hall? It woykfnt hurt right? Please tell me I made the right decision.

"YES!" All three of them cheered. I rolled my eyes at these dumbasses. I'm starting to think this is becoming a love and hate relationship.

We all headed out of Loriella's doors and made it towards our vehicles. And yes I had to ride with Byrce again. I tossed my backpack on to the floor of the car. And buckled myself in. I looked over and saw Jade and Tyke sliding into he's car. I heard Byrce reeve the engine loudly before dashing out of the parking lot.

"So where are we going excatly?" I asked breaking the silence.

"You'll find out," was he's reply. I'm beginning to believe that Byrce is bipolar. One second he's all open about he's feelings - and yes I'm talking about he's feelings for me- the in a quick twist he's right back to he's usual cold, confusing demanor.

I bit down on my lip. "It must be awfully important to up and drag me out of school." I pressed, grinning slightly.

Bryce huffed. "You never give up do you?"

"You never answer questions do you?" I hired back.

He chuckled easing in and out of traffic. "Can't argue with that."

I rolled my eyes and decided on just dropping the subject all together. One thing I picked up on with Bryce was that he was as stubborn as a Taurus. I wonder if that's he's zodiac sign? Anyway my mind wondered back to my dad. I wonder how he's doing now. I haven't spoken or seen my dad in over 5 years now. Not that I didn't want to see him, that part was on my mom.

Once my parents first got divorced back when I was 8, they both had joint custody of me. One week with mom and one week with dad. With my mom being a doctor she was just as absence as she is now. My dad on the other hand was always there. A normal dad, went off to work around 9 and made it back home just in time for dinner. I loved my daddy and he loved he's little girl.

When I was 10, my mother decided it was a good time to introduce her new man candy to me. Apparently at the time they had been dating for about 5 or 6 months then. My dad had found out through some of he's co-workers and completely went down hill from then. My dad slowly slipped into a depression and I was there to watch it all and there was nothing I could do about it.


I snapped my head in the direction of my name being called. Bryce stared down at me with a hard expression. He's jaw clenching and on clenching again. "Are you okay?" he's voice was stern.

I nodded. "You look like you're about to cry." he noted.

"I'm fine Bryce." I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to open up the door I had finally been able to close.

At that instant, I noticed that we had now stopped. We were now parked outside a brick building with blue neon lights plastered on to the roof reading: The Silver Dollar. Through the lightly tinted window I could see the a few people walking throughout the place.

"C'mon," Bryce declared slipping out of the car.

I followed suit and slammed the door shut with my hip. Bryce glanced over towards me and I could almost see a glimpse of worry rushing through he's chocolate orbs. He gestured for me to follow him inside. Once inside I noticed that we were in a bar. How classy of him taking me to a bar. Which in fact, I can't drink.

A brown skinned woman with huge breast beamed at Bryce behind the bar. "Hey honey how you doing today?" she said her voice coated with a thick Southern accent. Bryce simply answered with a 'good' and a genuine smile. "You want a drink?" she asked whipping down the shot glass in her hand.

Bryce scrunched up he's face a little. "Yeah let me get a Black Russian." he asked.

"Coming right up!" the woman said. Then her dark eyes met with mine. "Oh! Where are my manners?" she chuckled to herself. "My name is Cecilia but every body calls me Sissy." she smiled brightly at me as she moved throughout the bar.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shayla." I smiled.

Sissy smiled at me then looked over at Bryce almost like she was sending him a warning. "Pretty name. Would you like something to drink sweetie?" she asked.

"No thank you," I said politely. Sissy kind of reminded me of my Grandma Lou. From her down south accent to her large boobies.

Sissy handed Bryce he's drink. "I'll see you later Sissy," Bryce announced as he took a long sip of he's drink.

"Bye bye! Nice meeting you Shayla, come back and see me some time alright?" she smiled wider.

I chuckled. "I will."

With that Bryce grabbed on my wrist and lead me down the narrow hallway. That was when I noticed two absence presences, Tyke and Jade. Bryce lead me down past the bathrooms and into the broom closet. My heart pounded in my chest. Oh God, he's going to do nasty things to me in here isn't he?

Bryce turned around and looked at me. It was hard to make out he's facial expression with the dim light hanging above us. "Now what your about to see isn't probably what you've seen before. And I don't want you to go all goodie two shoes on me and flip shit, okay?"


"No buts. But promise you wouldn't flip shit." He's lips pressed into a fine line.


He signed, the smell of alcohol hitting me in the face. "Remember when I told you everything you wanted to know will come about in due time?" he asked. I nodded, remembering. "Well now is one of those times."


He smirked down at me before brushing the back of he's hand against my face. "You look so damn cute when you're all innocent." he complimented.

Before I had time to process what he said he opened up a door that I hadn't seen before. And through that door was the gateway into another life. Byrce gentely placed a hand on the small of my back as we eased into the scene. So many people. So many cars. There was so much going on my brain was going into sensory overload.

"Welcome to the Garage Bambi,"

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