Fireproof | L.S. AU ⚓

By kingkyliestylinson

263 28 3

"Nobody loves you, baby, the way I do..." Warning: Lots of fluff and maybe smut (; Hope you enjoy xx All the... More

Chapter 9


23 3 0
By kingkyliestylinson

When Louis is telling his funny story to Harry later. So cute aw.

Harry hasn't shown up for school for a few days. Louis can't help but think all of this is his fault. Technically it is, but he only did what he did to make Harry see that Zayn doesn't care about him. He didn't mean to hurt Harry so much. But Louis is glad that Harry won't be used anymore.

Louis drags himself out of bed, careful not to hurt his knee. It's Thursday and Louis just did not want to deal with people. He got up anyways. He limps over to his dresser and puts his red and white away and takes out dark blue skinny jeans Lottie got for him. She's been telling him to dress more for his age so she got him these jeans. He also grabs a white tee with black stripes. He takes his undies with him so he can put them on right after his shower.

He comes back from the shower in his undies and gets dressed, cuffing his jeans at the bottom. He blow dries his fringe and feathers it out. He finishes his look with his black vans, making sure to wear no show socks. He goes downstairs and is greeted by his mum and his sisters eating breakfast.

"Good Morning Boobear!" Louis' mum says. "Bacon?"

"Sure, thanks." He takes some bacon from the plate his mum is holding out to him. He kisses her cheek and grabs his bag from the closet.

"Have a great day, sweetie. I love you" His mum says.

"Love you mum."

Louis starts making his way to school, putting in his headphones playing the same indie music he always listens to on the way to school. He remembers the first day of school when Harry had joined him on his way. They had listened to this same song and sang every word together. Harry has such an amazing voice. He could listen to it all day.

He arrives in the school lot and spots his Irish friend leaning against his car, texting someone. Louis runs up to him and yells, "Nialler!" at the top of his lungs before tackling the blond lad to the ground and play-wrestling.

"Jesus Lou! You scared the piss out of me! I was just texting you!"

"Sorry nail file. Won't happen again" Louis say still laughing his arse off.

"God why do I still talk to you?" Niall says dusting his pants off.

"'Cause you loooooove meeeee," Louis says smiling and acting cute.

"True. You're my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anyone else. I really do love you, man." Niall admits, smiling weakly.

"Aww Nialler. I love you, too, buddy." They share a hug and make their way inside.

Louis arrives at his English Lit class and sits in the same seat Harry had saved him on the first day. The seat next to him, is sadly still empty from the curly haired boy's absence. Louis heart sinks. He wishes Harry would come back. He still has some time to kill before class starts so he gets out his phone and plays a few games.

"Hey, Captain." Louis head shoots up and is met by those perfect green eyes.

"Harry! You're back!" Louis gets up and hugs him.

"Yeah I'm sorry I haven't been 'round. Getting over a few things." Harry says, taking his seat beside Louis.

"I understand. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, tons. Zayn and I talked it out." Harry says. Louis face goes from smiling and cheery to frowning slightly.

"Yeah?" Is all he says.

"Yeah. But by talk I mean he didn't get to say a word and I did all the yelling. It made me feel a lot better actually." Harry says smiling.

Louis instantly perks up, smiling when Harry says that. "That's good that you feel better, Harry."

"I've been hearing things about Zayn. Like how he was using me to get popular. How could he do that Lou?" Harry says, his smile fading.

"You don't deserve that, Harry. I'm sorry he was using you. At least you don't have to be used anymore, right?"

"Yeah. Thank you for caring, Louis." Harry smiles at Louis, looking deep into his blue eyes.

"Mr. Styles, happy to have you back, love. Have you got any homework to turn in?" Harry is brought out if his gaze and turns to the teacher, Louis still blushing from their conversation.

"Er, yes I do. Here," He walks up to the front and hands her the packet.

"Thank you dear. Have a seat" Harry walks back to his seat and shares a small smile with Louis before writing down the notes on the board.

"I have a way to make you laugh. I mean, I hope it will" Louis says shyly. Harry looks at him and smiles, waiting for Louis to begin whatever he is planning.

"Alright, listen to this little story I have. One time, my sister Lottie and I went to the carnival okay? Well, we decided to go on the ride where the chair spins you around really fast. Keep in mind, Lottie and I had eaten right before getting on the ride." Louis continues telling his story, making sure to include very single detail.

Harry just sits, listening intently to everything Louis says. He's actually mesmerized at how.. beautiful Louis I'm how has he never noticed? The way his eyes crinkle whenever he smiles and how much he talks with his hands and his beautiful blue eyes. Harry can't help but stare at his eyes and his lips.

After Louis finishes his story Harry laughs loudly but then covers his mouth and giggles quietly, making Louis swoon at how cute Harry's giggles are.

"Harry, Louis, pay attention." The teacher snaps.

"Yes ma'am." Harry and Louis say. Harry looks at Louis and smiles at him, Louis smiling back before both if them turning their attention back to the teacher.

After class ends, Harry turns to Louis. "Lou, do you want to hang out? We don't have footie today and we never got to hang out that one day. So... do you want to today?" Louis blushes when Harry takes Louis' hand and starts playing with the bracelet that's around Louis' wrist.

Louis' heart flutters at his words, hypnotized by his deep, angelic voice. "Of course, Harry."

"Good. I'll see you after school then. Bye babe." Harry winks and releases his grip on Louis' hand and leaves the classroom.

He can't wait to tell Niall.



"I GET TO HANG OUT WITH HARRY NIALLER!" Louis says tackling Niall for the second time.

"Again with the tackling, Lou? AND WHAT! When did this happen?"

"He asked me to hang out with him after school today! God, I don't think I can do this. I feel like I'm going to pass out every time I think about it. Oh god I'm going to die. I can't do this Ni!"

"Louis calm down! You get to hang out with Harry! You should be excited!" Niall yells.

"I know! I know! Just, I've been crushing on him for so long. I didn't even think he knew what my name was!"

"You'll be fine, Lou. I think he likes you to be honest."

"How do you know?"

"Well, for one, he's looking over here at you right now." Niall says.

Louis tenses up. "What?! Right now? Where is he?"

"Don't look at hi- you idiot."

Before Niall finished his sentence Louis looked to where the curly lad was. Harry was sitting with Liam, looking right at Louis, smiling like an idiot. He waves at Louis, and Louis nervously waves back before looking back at Niall.

"Told you" Niall says smirking.

Louis can't help but blush.

Thoughts? I'll update soon. Much love xx -Ky

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