Vanished Into Thin Air

By BeeHappySisi123

603 0 3

When Sammantha's family moves to a clique little town. Not is all that it seems. After finding a ghost who li... More

Vanished Into Thin Air
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 2
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 3
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 4
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 5
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 6
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 7
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 8
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 10
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 11

Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 9

37 0 0
By BeeHappySisi123

AN: Ok you guys I felt like I was negeleting(I just killed that word. Hopefully you can fingure it out lol) my fans. My summer has just been like super bussy so as a reward for being so panicent, I am posting all my chapters of Vanished that I hvae typed up. WARNING: IS UNEDITED SO EXPECT MAJOR SPELLING ERRORS

Unnatural Things

I walked though the crowed of evil glares and rude mouthed words until I reached the metal bench and plopped myself down upon it. I scanned the crowed looking at the girls on the green football field, stretch and bend their bodies in ways I didn’t even know possible. Luckily, before Gina could come over and lower my selfsame even lower, Mrs. Batman called practice to order. “Now, this year, our caption has changed. Now, our team caption is Samantha Colden.” She gestured me to stand up and come stand next to her. I fallowed her commands and she put her muscular arm around my shoulders. “Now, for Samantha’s sake and for all freshmen I will introduce all the cheerleaders. When I call your name please stand up. Our flyers: Gina, Lena, and Danny.” The three girls stood up as told to. Gina glared at me as so did the other flyers, who I noticed from some of my classes at school. Lena was a short, slender girl with straight light brown hair, and huge dark brown eyes. Danny had long black hair that twisted and turned all the way down to her waist, she was about the same height as Gina, and has dull blue, almost black, eyes. Of course I have seen the girls prancing around school as if they ruled the land and we were just the servants. But, even Lena and Danny knew, no matter how high and mighty they may think they may be, Gina ruled the land, and it had been that way since they stepped foot on the school in their stilettos. Until, of course, I came into the picture and destroyed the kingdom. Almost like the plea did to the Middle Ages. They sat back down in unison, almost as if they had been controlled by someone or something.”Next,” Mrs. Batman continued, “are our bases: Tracy, Don, and Tony.” Coated with large muscle that appeared to cover her entire body was Tracy, Tracy also had cold, hazel eyes and short, brown hair. Next to her was short, stocky Don. Don had tiny brown eyes and light brown hair that stopped at her shoulders. A wide, huge smile stayed on Don’s face contently. Then, there was Tony. He was the only guy on the squad. He wasn’t bad looking ether. Muscles made themselves quite noticeable in his crossed arms, and I wouldn’t doubt that he had a six-pack. He had long blond hair that stopped at the nape of his neck.Tony sat down and the two girls fallowed almost awkwardly. “Next are the dancers: Jackolen, Reba, and Mary-Ann” The three girls sprang up, their blond ponytail swaying violently. All three girls had blue eyes and judging by them bouncing up and down contently, I would say they all had a good amount of energy. But, one, Jackolen, wouldn’t stop laughing. Then they bounced back into their spots in order by how Mrs. Batman called them in. “Then the rest of the squad will be doing different thing, until I find a good place to put them in. Oh! Almost forgot. Kashia is the co-caption.” A tall, skinny African America came up to me and smiled at me. She had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail on the top of her head with strands of her short black hair stood out.

“Hi, I’m Kashia.” She said in her high pitched voice.

“Alright, everyone sit.” Mrs. Batman called at us. We all sat as commanded “Ok, well. I think we have a really promising group this year. Now, let me tell you guys something. It doesn’t matter how many trophies we get, all that matters is that we have fun and get the crowd motivated. Now it is our duty-.” Her speech was intruded by giggle come from Jackolen’s direction.

“She said duty.” Jackolen giggled away like an immature three year old.

“Anyways, we have to get ready for anything we are thrown into, and if we can do that, we should have a great year. Alright don’t kill each other, and I will hand out your uniforms.”

“It’s kinda a cliché. The speech, I mean, it seems like everyone who is a couch of some sort tells that same speech.” I heard the high pitched voice of Kashia say beside me. I turned my head and saw that she was talking to me.

“Ya, I know. When will they ever learn you can’t copy some of the lines from ‘The Sandlot’?” I answered that got a small giggle from Kashia.

“So what happened to Tyler? I though you two where like an item.” Kashia said lowing her voice as Gina, the rest of the flyers, Tony, and some freshmen that I could tell would take the place as most popular people in school once Gina and her group graduates.

“We were.” I informed Kashia, once the group was out of earshot. “But, he tried to freak out when I told him me and David were studying at the library on kite day and then me and David got together”

“Ya they are a weird group. They have their own little private club. I guess they believe that in Localville there are ‘unnatural things’. Like they think Gina is a witch and David is a ghost and that Tyler is like a werewolf or whatever. All the people that hang out Gina are in that club it is so weird. They stay up to like 5 am in the morning trying to cast spells on people or whatever.” When our convection ended at that Mrs. Batman plopped my uniform in my lap, and announced we could leave. Kashia got up and waved good-bye to me as I just sat there comprehending everything. Did people know that David was a ghost? Also, does Gina have some powers pasted down by generations? I guess David saw the confused look on my face because when he sat down next to me he asked.

“Sam, what’s wrong?” I stared at him for a second the final muttered

“Unnatural things.”

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