Vanished Into Thin Air

By BeeHappySisi123

603 0 3

When Sammantha's family moves to a clique little town. Not is all that it seems. After finding a ghost who li... More

Vanished Into Thin Air
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 2
Vanished Into Thin Air, Chapter 3
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 4
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 5
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 7
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 8
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 9
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 10
Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 11

Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 6

39 0 0
By BeeHappySisi123

AN: Ok you guys I felt like I was negeleting(I just killed that word. Hopefully you can fingure it out lol) my fans. My summer has just been like super bussy so as a reward for being so panicent, I am posting all my chapters of Vanished that I hvae typed up. WARNING: IS UNEDITED SO EXPECT MAJOR SPELLING ERRORS.

One Is Super and One Is Normal

Walking home was…..weird.I was fully aware Tyler’s hate for David, and David being joyful that Tyler hated him.The walk seemed longer than it normal felt. We all walked in total silence, Tyler scowling at David, and David looking over practically every two seconds to see if he was still being hated. Then, smile about it. Ok, I don’t know if it’s just girls or something. But, when someone hates us, we don’t smile about. Some girl even miss like a week of school and cry in their rooms for that amount of time because they are hated by a group of girl or whatever.We finally reached my house, thank God. My mom rushed out and hugged David, then looked over at me and Tyler.

“Oh, Sam you brought a friend. And, he is a boy.” My mom looked shocked as she studied Tyler from head to toe.In Florida the only guys that I came home with was Jamie’s new boyfriend.Jaime was never too attached to any of her boyfriends. I guess when you know that when word gets around the school that your single again, guys will be lining up to date you. Her boyfriends lasted about, two or three weeks, but the guy that Jamie has been obsessing over is a guy named Will.This is the most intense crush Jamie has ever had on a guy since the second grade, which in my book does not count. So, anyways, I stood there bushing, while mom looked at me then Tyler, Tyler then me. Finally at Tyler extended his hand to shake my mom’s hand.

“Hi, I’m Tyler. I was planning to show Sam around town after we got our homework done. I hope you don’t mind that we made arrangements without conforming them with you.” Tyler said with his all-American boy smile.It was clear that Tyler had a lot of practice with talking to parents, meeting them before a date.Me, I had no idea what to when you go out with some one. I stood there twisting a stand my hair between my fingers as my mom took Tyler’s hand and shook it.

“Hello, I’m Mrs. Colden. I don’t mind you show Sam the town. I think that is very kind of you. You have my permeation to go, but be home at 10 o’clock. Oh, what the heck make it 12 o’clock its not a school night. I was very nice to meet you Tyler.” My mom said then gestured us into the house. David and Tyler sat on different sides of the black leather couch.

“I’ll go get snacks.” I announced, and headed to the kitchen.My mom fallowed me by the heels and when I turned around from the pantries, with my arms filled with vanilla wafers, granola bars, and assorted nuts, she was standing in front of me. It made me jump, so like always I dropped everything. David rushed to my side and helped me pick up the big mess.

“Sorry, I heard a crash in here. And, knowing Sam, she most likely dropped something.” David snatched the snacks out of my hands. “Here let me get those so you don’t drop them again.”

“Thanks you really don’t have to do that.” I said gridding my teeth and trying to do my best to smile. David was showing my mom that he was the better choose for me.Hoping, that if Tyler breaks my heart, that mom will arrange me to go out with David.

“Anything for you Sam.” David said then rushed to the living room with the snacks in his pale arm.Mom glanced over at me, her jaw dropped.

“Well, it looks like you’re the Jamie at school.” My mom said as a worried look covered her face. I could tell she was thinking what it would be like if I was the next Jamie. Tons of my friends coming over at once, planning all kinds of parties and becoming insanely busy. “So, what the story between you and the guys?” She pointed to Tyler and David with her finger switching back and fourth between the two of them.

“Nothing!” I exclaimed so loudly that both Tyler and David turned around to look at us. Then, after a few seconds of looking at me and mom returned back to homework. “Nothing Mom, they are both friends for now.Don’t worry about it, and I remember Dad’s promise that if they hurt me in anyway he would pepper their bumper from shots from his rifle.”

“That’s my girl. Ok, well I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” Mom dashed up stairs not looking back, and, hopefully, not coming down again.I made my way to couch, and sat right in the middle of it. Doing homework was just like the walk home….strange. Lot of silence and staring.Tyler scowling at David, who stare at me for a few milliseconds then when back to work. This time it was David who broke the awkwardness. He stood up and when upstairs to find my mom and start helping her tend the garden. I sucked at spelling and I was writing a summary of the book we read in reading. I was stuck on the word ‘choose’ I keep spelling it ‘chose’ and I knew it was wrong. Finally, I looked over at Tyler and looked as inanest as I could.

“Tyler, I can’t spell to save my life I only have to finish this sentence and then I will be done with my homework, but I’m afraid that there are tons of misspelled words in it. Can you help me?” I asked and that incented he moved to the middle of the couch with me and put his arm around my shoulders. After five minutes of fixing my mistakes we were both done with our homework. We grabbed our things and headed to the dinner.

“It’s called Localville Dinner.” Tyler informed me.

“Just like Localville High school, Localville general store, Localville church, Localville library.Did you guys make the map because everything in your town is named after the town’s name?” I asked trying to make a joke that Tyler got he laughed and soon we reached the dinner. The dinner’s floors where a grassy green color.The counter, the tables, and the dividers that separate the tables were made up of beautiful red wood. I gave the dinner a kinda earthly feel.I and Tyler pick a window sit. The night was perfect; you could see all the stars that shined like diamonds in the sun light, and the full moon created a slivery light that filled the whole town. The waitress came and we both order the same thing, a cheeseburger with no pickle, but with lettuce.

“So it a beautiful night isn’t it.” I said breaking the silences as we waited for our food to come.

“Ya,” Tyler replied. “Almost as beautiful as you.” I blushed unwilling and he started to laugh. “I love it when you blush. I look so nice against your pale skin.”I put my head down to embarrass to look at him. “Hey. I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be back.” I nodded, and then he vanished off the bathroom. A few seconds past and our waitress came back. She set the food on the table in front of me and stared as if I had something on my face or something thing. Her long blond hair was pulled back into a pony-tail, freckles where splattered on her checks that looked natural rosy, her eyes where a pale blue that reminded me of ice.

“Hello. Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked as she remanded to stare at me.

“Oh, sorry. You’re Sam Colden right?” She asked her southern accent showed. I nodded and she started talking again. “I’m Kamie, but you can just call me Kam. I go to your school. So, I’ll see you around.” She disappeared behind the double doors that lead to the kitchen. As I turned my attrition back forward, Tyler was back in his sit.

“Well the news that we went out will be all over the school on Monday.” I laughed at his complete and then we ate in silence. Kinda like the first night that I was moved to Indiana with my parents’ staring at each other like they where just going to start making out right in front of me. We finished soon, so at least too awkward. He paid the tap as I stood outside then we walked aimlessly around the town. I stopped and lends against a tree that was located in the middle of the park. Tyler walked up to me and stands in front of me.

“So, this was not a horrible date was it?” Tyler asked looking at me eyes blue eyes almost looked white in the full moon light.

“This was a date? I though it was just two friends seeing the town.” I tried to make Tyler say that it was a date and me think that it was a date and it not be because that’s just plan humiliating.

Tyler looked at me confused “Did you think it wasn’t a date? I mean I meant for it to be a date, but if you’re not ready to start dating people I totally understand, it’s I really hope you’re ready to start dating people. I mean….”

“Stop, I was just checking. I didn’t want to think it was a date when it really wasn’t that’s just plan humiliating.” I stopped him by placing my finger to his lips. When I relied where my finger was I quickly removed it from his lips and put my hand behind my back.Tyler started to laugh, but then it faded when he started to lean in toward me.

“You know, you are very beautiful in the moonlight.” He whispered when he was about four inches from my face. I started to lean backward to try to stop him, but then he kept coming toward me. The back of my head banged against the tree I was leaning against and that’s when he put his and around my chin. Soon, his lips meet mine; it was my first kiss ever. I closed my eyes hoping that, that is what you’re supposed to do. I mean I have seen this scene played a thousand times on the movie screen, but you never know what you are really supposed to do in till it happens to you. I few seconds later he let go of my chin and leaned away smiling.“I hope that was not too uncalled for.”

I smiled “Nope it was perfect timing.” We walked back to my house, both of us not saying. It was nice. I mean it was not like in movies where you see fireworks going off in the background, or that my body felt like it have been jabbed with an electrical pole or something. It was just nice. The walk home was quite, but it was not awkward, like it was with the walk to the dinner or the walk home with David. Every few second we would exchange shy glances at each other. When I reached the door step it was 10:30 we had a few hours left. But, there was really nothing to do, like really. The dinner was closed, there was no movies playing at this hour, and well there was no one to talk to. As we stood on the step waiting for one of us to move or say something, Tyler bent down and a rose from the newly planted rose bush that my mom and David had planted. He held it in front of him with a dumfounded look on his face. I laugh at his look, and took the rose.

“So are flowers like your thing that gets all the girls?” I asked as smelled the rose and twirled it around with my fingers.

“No,” Tyler laughed “most girls like flowers. I mean I could start getting you something other than flowers.

“No, its find. Thanks for the date, I had a great time.” I said then opened the door, and when inside, and closed it behind me. I closed my eyes and smelt the sweet aroma of the rose again, when I opened my eyes, David was standing their looking at me and my rose.

“Well, isn’t he a little Romeo?”David asked as took the rose out of my hand and placed it the vase with the other flowers Tyler got me.

“I guess you could call him a Romeo. He’s nice, good boyfriend material.” I said taking the vase of flower up to my room, David fallowing me behind me.

“Oh, come on Sam. I know you liked that kiss more than you are going to let off.” I turned around staring David in the eye.

“You where spying on us?” I asked and a smile growing on David’s now transparent face.

“Well, I don’t see the point in paying for a movie when there is something just like one happening right here in town.” David smiled his sinister smile.

“David!” I shirked as I hit him on the arm. “That is not cool. If I was a ghost, and I knew you, and you went on a date I would not spy on you!”

“That’s true. You would most likely get caught spying. Judging by your sense of timing and balance.”

“Ok, leave I got to get ready for bed. So, go and if you spy on me while I do that I getting a restraining order.”

“Aw, it’s sad that you would ask the most breath-taking creator you have ever seen to leave.” I stood there with my mouth wide open. He read my emails. A few seconds later I shoved him out of my room, and slammed the door.

“I’m serous about the restraining order.” I yelled though the door and I could hear David’s quite laughing though the door. I turned on my computer and checked my emails. Jamie replied to my message and this is what it said:

Dear Sam,

OH MY GOSH!!!! You have two guys fighting over you!!!! And you have a change of being head cheerleader!!! Sam your turning into another me!!! Oh and just to let you know, I am so over Will, he chose a stupid preppy over me. Her name Marlene, she made it into cheerleading, she’s a base. I’m thinking about kicking her in the face ‘accidently’ when she has to throw me up in the air. Well, tell me more about these guys.

With love from Florida,


I laugh about the though of Jamie kicking that girl in the face. I remember she broke a girl’s leg ‘accidently’ before for stealing a guy that she was going after. I replied:

Dear Jamie,

You know violence is not the answer to every problem, but I give you permeation to kick that girl in the face, what a scank. Well, Tyler asked me out and we went out today. That’s why I’m writing you so late. He kissed me Jamie! Like on the mouth kiss, and he gave me flowers! Tyler is awesome, like really awesome. David, his nice. He spied on us and I’m thinking of getting a restraining order. But, I like him much better than Tyler. I don’t know why, I just do. They are so different Jamie. One is normal and one is super. I don’t know what to do. HELP ME!! Oh, and I am head cheerleader now! (Yay me)

Needing your help,


I hit ‘send’, and got ready for bed. Preparing my self for another day in Localville.

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