The Return to Black Woods (Dr...

By ForestMist

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The second book of my Dragons vs. Wolves series. Tegan and Tessie flee Iceland when their parents are brutal... More

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Four

460 24 0
By ForestMist

Tegan's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and found that Tessie was still passed out next to me. I climbed over her and stood next to the bed then peaked down at her. She was still fast asleep. I chuckled at her and went out of my room. I guess I can take a shower and see if she's up after that.

I go into our new upstairs bathroom and remember that we didn't have any supplies to take a shower with. No shampoo, no towels, no face wash. Nothing. I walk out of the shower and decide that I'll just go for a run instead.

I walk back into my room and pull some basketball shorts out of my new dresser. I look to see if Tessie is still sleeping, and sure enough. She is. She keeps wrinkling her nose in her sleep haha, it's kind of cute. I go over to my bed and whisper to her.

Me: Tessie?

Tessie: Hmm?

Me: I'm going to go for a jog and be back in a half hour. After that we'll go get breakfast and some more house supplies.

Tessie: mmkay.

I laugh lightly and walk out of my room with my shorts still in hand. I go to the bathroom again and change. I slip my shirt off and pull my pants down revealing my boxers. I fold those clothes and set them on the back of the toilet. I slip my basketball shorts on over my boxers. Time to go for a jog.

I run down our dirt road and try to avoid all of the potholes that are there. I swear that there's one every 5 feet. I'm about two miles from my house and I figure that I can probably go to the end of this road then go back home. I run for another 5 minutes until I reach the extra mile to the end of the road. I touch the sign with the name of our road on it and stop for a second to catch my breath.

I glance around the little opening and see that it's off of another dirt road. There are tall pines everywhere and if you can't see through the pines, then there's little shrubs blocking the way. Either way, you can't really see much besides trees. I turn back towards the way of our new house and start running. I get about a half mile down the road before I start to get the weird feeling that someone is watching me. I keep running but start to smell the air for something else's scent. I catch his or her scent and that's when I realize, it's another wolf. I start to wonder if it will be a threat to me or if I should be prepared. I guess my best bet would be to get prepared.

I strip my shorts and throw them on the ground. I launch myself through the air and transform before I reach the ground again. I turn around and see a giant reddish brown wolf standing there in a position ready to attack. I feel my fur stand up and I bare my teeth. The weird thing about this wolf that I'm standing against, is that it's a girl. Most of the time, female wolves are ½ male wolves' size.

However, this one is just about a foot shorter than I am. I can feel the power radiating off her, which means that she's either the alpha or the beta. I feel her trying to get through to link with me so we can talk in this form. I have a block up but decide to take it down so we can talk.

Female Wolf: What are you doing in our territory?! Asking to get killed rogue?

Rogue? What the heck is that?

Me: I'm not a rogue. I just moved here yesterday. What are you doing? Am I not supposed to be here?

Female Wolf: No, you aren't supposed to be here. Not without permission and I surely didn't give you permission.

Me: Are you the alpha around here?

Now that I think about it, wasn't the soon to be alpha the guy that we ran into last night? Glad I get to meet the whole pack and they throw one heck of a welcome party. I shake my big wolf head and slouch down some. I quit baring my teeth at her and await her reply.

Female Wolf: I'm third in command.

Me: I figured.

Female Wolf: What's your name?

Me: Why? Going to attack me?

Female Wolf: No, I'm just curious.

Me: Then I guess you'll have to find out the hard way.

Female Wolf: Fine, play it that way then. I'll see you around spunky.

The female beta wolf takes off running in the woods again. I quickly lose sight of her then turn around. This time I'm not so thrilled. Standing in front of me is a big red wolf that almost looked like the female wolf I just encountered. Only this one didn't look so forgiving.

I put up my mind block again so this wolf can't read my mind. But that's when I remember something my mother once told me when she was still alive.

Xera: Sweetie, there are these things in life called your mate.

I remember blushing like crazy when she said the word mate. I mean, it was such a powerful word and shouldn't be tossed around lightly. It's your mate for petes sake.

Me: How will I know when I find her?

Xera: You'll feel at ease and relaxed. But you probably won't notice. It's easier to find them when you're in your wolf form and you'll know for sure when you kiss them. The whole world will disappear and you will feel like you're on cloud 9.

My dad walked into my room and kissed my mom on the cheek.

Robby: What are you guys talking about?

Me: Mom's telling me about mates and when we know if we find them.

Robby: Well, you can tell easily by if they can mind link with you.

Then that's when I realized that my mate was just within my reach and I didn't realize it until too late.

Female Wolf: Fine, play it that way then. I'll see you around spunky.

I realized that I would see her again. She realized that we were mates. Why didn't she say anything?

I would've thought about it more if I didn't see a pair of jaws come flying at me. Then the thought flew through my mind. "Rogue."


Dylan's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with a bad feeling in my gut. I try to shake it off by taking a shower. It didn't really work much so I decided to feed my growling stomach. I had to go to school again today so I couldn't go see Tegan and Tessie until after school. I walk in the kitchen and immediately hear my parents talking about rogues that have been coming into our territory. I never really thought too much on the whole "rogue" topic. It was unwanted stress. I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl on the counter.

Mom: You really need to eat more than that.

Me: I would if I had more time. I slept in again.

Dad: Well have a good day at school son. Do you want me to take you? I already have to take your sister.

Me: No, I'm going to run. My wolf needs to get out for a bit.

Mom: Well okay, be careful.

Me: You too.

I run out of the door in the kitchen and run into the woods. I strip all my clothes off and stick them in my backpack then zip it up. I transform into my big gray wolf and pick up my bag. I take off running in the direction of school, but that bad feeling comes back. Only this time, along with the bad feeling is the scent of blood and a couple wolves whose scents I don't recognize. My parents were just talking about rogues so maybe that's what the smell is. Maybe I should stay away. I get that nagging feeling again so I decide to say screw it and check it out. I start running towards the place I smell blood, and let me tell you. It's overwhelming. I think there's enough to drain a wolf of their life.

I get to the road that Tegan lives on and see two wolves. A giant red wolf's lying on the ground and covered in blood. I can't hear a heartbeat from him, the other wolf killed him. That's when my eyes flashed to the other wolf. He fell over and onto the ground. I drop my bag and run over to him. He's covered in blood and has scratches all over him. No wonder he fell over and passed out. It's when he becomes unconscious is when I realize that I know exactly who this wolf is. He has power coming off him in shock waves that would tell anybody that he has more power than an alpha. I look around figuring that I have about 30 minutes to clean this mess up before school starts. I walk over to my bag and transform back into a human. I pull on my boxers and call my mom. The phone rings about three times before someone answers.

Mom: Hello?

Me: Hey mom, can you do me a favor?

Mom: What's that?

Me: Call my school and tell them that I'll be arriving after lunch.

Mom: Why? What happened?

Me: This new wolf in town got in a fight with a rogue and the rogue is dead and the new guy is passed out. I have to clean up so no humans see this.

Mom: New wolf? Rogue? Wait, the new wolf killed a rogue?

Me: I'll explain when I get home tonight. I have to get moving. Thanks.

Mom: Just be careful there aren't any more rogues around.

I hang up the phone and look around again. I guess it'd be best to take care of the dead rogue first. I look over at Tegan again. Poor guy, his second day here and he's already encountered rogues and had to kill one. I look at my new friend one more time and see him transform back into a human. I walk over to my bag and pull out a small blanket that I keep in there just for emergencies. I walk over to Tegan and cover him up. He owes me for this.

A half hour later, I'm dragging my backpack around because it's wrapped around my ankle and have Tegan hanging on my back. This seems like it's going to take me forever to get back to his place but luckily, I'm almost there. I feel relief when I finally reach his front door and knock. I completely forgot about his sister until I was five feet from their house. I just hope she's home and she wasn't the rogue back there. I'm pretty sure the rogue was a guy though. I hear footsteps running down the steps. I guess the little princess is home. The door is whipped open and her face falls from excited to horrified.

Tessie: What happened!?!

Me: Heheh, well, it's a long story and I don't know it all.

Tessie: What do you know Dylan?!

Me: Let's get your brother cleaned up and in bed then I'll tell you. Have you ate yet?

Tessie: No… Tegan was supposed to come home in a half hour and we were going to go out to get something to eat.

Me: Okay. I'll take you out to get something to eat. Now, lead me to the bathroom.

Tessie: For what?

Me: So we can get him cleaned up.

Tessie: We don't have that sort of supplies yet.

I sighed heavily, is there anything they brought with them from England?

Me: Okay then…bedtime for Tegan then.

I carried him up the stairs and plopped him down in bed.

Me: Do you have any money so we can get you some supplies? We'll go shopping at the dollar store for the small stuff you need. Then get some food in this house. Tegan can deal with the rest later.

Tegan, you definitely owe me now.

Tessie: Yeah, I'll get some. You go down and put on more clothes.

I look down and realize that I'm still in my boxers. I run out of the room and hear Tessie burst out laughing. I grab my bag that I left on the porch and pull a shirt over my head. I grabbed some jeans, pulled them on, and started buckling them. Tessie came walking down the stairs with a bundle of cash in her hands. My eyes widen as soon as I notice that they're all hundreds.

Tessie: Will this be enough?

Me: Holy... yeah, that's enough. Grab your bag and let's go.

I go into the kitchen and try to find a post it. Tessie walks in and looks at me curiously.

Tessie: What are you doing?

Me: Looking for a post it so we can let him know where we are.

Tessie: Don't worry about it. We should be back by then.

Me: Yeah, let's just hurry. McDonalds sound good for breakfast?

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