Bella becomes an angel (twil...

By gumibot

133K 3.8K 307

Bella dies when the Cullens are out hunting. But she has a chance to go back to earth. She has a month to com... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

4.4K 144 4
By gumibot

Bella's POV:

"Edward."  I whispered. He was standing about five steps away from me. His posture was kind of tense and he didn't want to meet my eyes for a strange reason. As I stared at him I didn't really know how I was feeling. He called me Isabella!! That meant he knew or had a clue about what was going on.

He quickly closed the gap between us only stopping a step away from me. Just out of my arm reach. He still didn't meet my eyes. "Edward." I whispered again. His head snapped up and he looked at my face. I saw his eyes and they were pitch black. I could hardly see his pupils.

"Isabella? Is it really you?" He asked in disbelief.

I felt my eyes fill with venom as I heard the hope in his voice. "Yes! Yes it's me Edward!" I choked. He smiled. "How did you find out?"

"Some of my friends told me about legends of the white angels.. and I don't know it's just clicked." He explained but he looked unsure like he was lying... but why would he lie? I shrugged it off cause I was just too happy that he was with me again. "I am so happy that I got you back Isabella." He whispered.

I frowned. "Why are you calling me Isabella? You always called me Bella?"

My question starled him but he quickly composed himself. "I think that name is the proof that you are back, that was what convinced me that you are indeed here." He said and I was just so happy. I felt hope feel me again. That didn't happen in a long time. Now that Edward knew, half of the weight was lifted of my shoulders.

I smiled at him and he was about to hug me but then a chill ran up my spine. It made me shudder. Then the sickening feeling filled me. I gulped because I knew well what this feeling was and now Edward was with me. I needed to protect him. I couldn't lose him now!

I turned around quickly, shielding Edward with my body. I searched the woods. I saw movements. As I focused on them I realised that we needed to get out. And fast.

I quickly grabbed Edward's hand and we left the cemetery.

"Isabella what's happening?" He asked.

"There's no time to explain we need to run. And really run Edward." I said seriously. He nodded in determination and started to run pulling me with him.

I was slightly worried when we entered Forks but fortunately the streets were deserted. I shouldn't have been so suprised it was already dark. It was strange that Edward was so confident in his actions. I thought that he would be panicked.

As we were running I glanced back. There was no sight of them. "Edward stop. I think we left them behind."

He reluctantly stopped but he showed his back to me. I looked around where were we. It was dark and we were in an alley. "Edward why are we here?" I asked. This wasn't the best place to hide from them. In fact it was the worst. There was only just one window on one of the walls.

As I turned to him I saw that he was shaking. He was still showing his back to me. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly and stepped closer I was about to touch his shoulder when he turned around and pushed me back.

I stumbled a little but managed to stand up. "What the hell Edward?" I asked in disbelief. He was facing me but he was looking down. He stopped shaking and his hands were in fists.

"You are so hopeless Isabella." His voice was nothing alike moments ago. It was raspy, low and just like when you are alone in the house and you imagine it for some psycho coming up the stairs calling your name.

I leaned down and quickly pulled out my knife from my boots. I cursed at myself that I didn't realise the danger sooner. I held the knife up ready to throw at him but a lightning hit my arm. I screamed out in pain and the knife hit one of the walls. My wrist was black where the lightning hit it.

I looked back to him and he was looking at me. When I saw his eyes I gasped. They were still pitch black but now there were spikes of blue and purple in them. It froze me. A sadistic grin spread on his face and he stepped closer. My mind was screaming at me to move but my body shut down. I saw a lightning forming in his hands. The whole alley was shining in blue.

His eyes never left mine as he spoke. "Well Isabella I hope you enjoyed your time on earth because it's over." He stated and let out the lightning.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. I am sorry Edward. I am so sorry I failed you love.

But before the lighning reached me there was a loud crush and I landed on the floor with someone above me. I opened my eyes and saw the lighting hitting a wall and the window was destroyed. Then I looked up to the person who pushed me out of the way and freed me from the frozen state.

I was met with a pair of dark golden eyes, tousled bronze hair, familiar lips and honey scent. I instantly knew who was my saviour. "Edward?!" I cried out in surprise. I hugged him around his neck without thinking and I felt the familiar electric current.

"Bella." He choked. My eyes went wide as my real name fell from his lips. He pulled me up carefully watching over my burned wrist. When we were standing we just stared at each other. His eyes locked with mine and all I could see was love and a little disbelief.

A maniac laughter dragged us back to reality. I turned to the dark angel who had blue eyes now but still Edward's body. "This is perfect! Two at a time!" Edward let out a growl and stepped ahead a little.

I pulled him behind me. This was my battle. I needed to protect him. He unwilling stepped back but I still felt his intense gaze on my back.

The devil was shaking again but before I realised what was happening to him a big wave of energy hit my chest and knokced the breathe out of me. I flew several steps back but maged to land on my feet. I immediately searched for Edward. The explosion threw him back against the wall where the knife landed a few moments ago. He was unconscious, just like last time.

Unfortunately there was no time to worry becasue the dark angel growled at me. He had his wings out and was crouching. I snapped my teeth at him and waited for him to attack.

When he lunged for me I jumped up and let my wings out. The light was blinding. I landed easily and saw him fell back with a thud. Before he could collect himself I jumped on his back and ripped one of his arm off. He screamed in pain. I pushed my foot between his wings. His back arched as I pulled on his neck while shocking him.

He trashed underneath me but I held him firmly. I was satisfied when I heard the final glass shattering noise. But then he exploded.

The energy being freed from him when he exploded was mind blowing probably that was the reason Edward was unconscious.

I got up from the ground and hurried to check on Edward but before I reached him I heard a woman's voice.

"Noo!" She cried out. I recognised her. She was the female dark angel. She was standing at the entrance of the alley, behind her was the fourth one. The dark angel without looking at me hurried to the dark spot where the other one exploded.

She stared at it blankly for a few moments but then turned to me with fury in her eyes. "You monster! You will pay for this! I will kill you!" She screamed and attacked me.

I dodged her attacks as she repeatedly lunged at me. She jumped up then high and prepared to jump down on me but before she could blink I raised my hand and shot out a lightning. It hit her on her chest and she fell back with a loud thud. Unfortunately the lightning wasn't strong enough to kill her.

I couldn't even take a breath when I was pushed to the ground by the other one. I bit back a yelp of suprise. He was growling into my ear. "You killed my brothers, you harmed my sister! You little bitch!" He snarled and grabbed my black wrist forcefully. I cried out in pain and he just tightened his hold on it.

He dragged me up and pushed me against a wall. He held me by my neck. He pulled his fist back and was ready to smash my face. However before he could I kicked his groin. He groaned in pain and loosened his hold on me. Then with my healthy hand I punched the middle of his chest so hard it sent him back flying.

I couldn't even look around because the girl suddenly had me in an iron grip from behind. She growled in my ear as she tightened her hold. The other one was on his feet too now. He was standing in front of me. One of his hand was glowing with a purple light. I looked back as much as I could and saw Edward still against the wall.

"Watch over me from heaven Isabella." He hissed then raised his hand.

I didn't waited longer. I threw my head back forcefully hitting the girls face. She whined in pain and let go of me. I pushed her back and then quickly kicked the other's legs out from underneath him. He fell down and I shook him until I heard a growl behind me.

The male was too weak now to fight or so I thought... I turned to the girl but before I could attack her I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down and saw the male. He threw a weak lightning at me. It didn't hurt as much as the other one. The boy was lying on his back. His hand fell down after he had thrown the lightning.

As I turned back I saw the girl attack me. She grabbed my neck and shocked me. I didn't know if I screamed. The pain was too much. I couldn't control my body. It was hopeless. All I saw was the girl's eyes, everything else was blury. I just hoped that Edward would survive.

Then suddenly the pain stopped. Was I dead? I fell to the ground and looked up. My eyes went wide as I took in what was in front of me.


Longest chapter so far! Was it good? I hope so. Anyway sorry for any grammar mistakes and thanks for reading it.

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