My Slave [Demonstuck DirkJake...

By DirkJakelover

31.5K 796 571

This story is done and I mean not completed, I mean I'm done with it. I made a remake of it so please go chec... More

Chapter One: Oh Fuck
Chapter 3:The Neverending Dance of Darkness
Chapter 4: The Hurting (dead) Heart
Chapter 6: For Those Who Seek Comfort...
Chapter 7:About Time (punintended)
Can I Get Uhh, Explanation? ((wowza, yet another author's note, who knew??))

Chapter 5: The Hunter is Being Hunted

3.9K 107 29
By DirkJakelover

A/N: Alright, so before I start this chapter I just want to thank IzzeDasEgbert for this AMAZING idea. It was a bit of a Hussie move but eh, it happens. This is still a homestuck story. Also, for those who will get upset over something like that, also keep in mind this is demonstuck. Demonstuck involves blood, gore, violence, death, and I won't do this, but rape. Sorry if that's a sensitive topic for some of you out there, it is one for me too. This is why I will not put it in this demonstuck story. Anyways, I am VERY excited for this chapter thanks to that lovely person up there that helped uwu I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed typing it!


Roxy's (my bae ('∀`)♡) POV:

"Roseyyyy, we should go out and do something~!" I purred as I leaned against my younger sister, having an arm over her shoulders with a half-full margarita glass filled with vodka. She glanced up from her book, as she usually was. I do love the girl, but she needs to have some fun! I bet it's boring reading all your life! "Like what?" She deadpanned, as always too. She wasn't emotionless like Dirky or Davey though, she did smile and actually showed emotion when she wanted. So she wasn't all that dead inside-wait. Ha! We are all actually already dead inside! Whoops! I forget things so easily!

I must've been giggling because she gave me a weird look, thinking I must've been some sort of loon. Well, I am in ways. Many ways. Especially in bed *wonk*. "I was thinking' we could help ol' Dirky out by getting Jakey's 'sister', err, what's her name?" See? I'm always so forgetful! "Jade, and carry on. You've gotten my interests." I saw her put her book down, settling it on her lap and of course I had to mentally give myself a high five! It was hard, even for me, her own sister, to make her do such a thing! But I gotta make it snappy or else I'll loose her again!

"Well, their suppose to be out n' about tonight around now so why don't we run out and kill her or somethin' while we got the chance! I'm sure she's weak from loosin' Jakey~." I grinned ear to ear as I purred out my plan to her. I noticed a small glance of thrill in her eyes. Yes!! She loves it! "Sure. But we have to sneak out because you know what Dirk will do of he sees us-" I shushed her up by placing a finger to her lips, causing her to raise an eyebrow at me. "Shshshshsh, your older sis here knows what she's doing! Just c'mon and follow my lead!" She hesitated before nodding. But before I could get up, she bit my finger harshly and ow that hurt! "Ow! Rosey!" I whined before she grinned, letting go of my finger from those jaws of death. "Never put your finger on my lips then."

~Time skip to an half an hour later uwu~

Rose's POV:

I was currently sitting down on a rooftop with my older sister, who was off her rockers all the time, sitting beside me. I was awaiting for Jade in our usual meet up sight. Usually me and her would just fight a bit before talking. She was pretty cool, but she was still such a bore. I don't care if she dies just as she doesn't care if I do too. Surely she doesn't care now about Jake being taken away from her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts from Roxy shaking my shoulder, whisper yelling, "Looky! It's that chick herself!" She had a sickening grin on her face and if I were human still, I would be scared out of my mind. But I'm not, sadly. I'd rather be an alive meatsack filled with all sorts of emotions instead of being with a drunkwad for my sister. I did love her though, she had her quirks as so does everyone else.

She grabbed my arm and I glanced over at her as she didn't speak, but moved her lips which said, "On" I didn't even have to watch her say three as we both jumped down at the same time, landing right on top of Jade. She screamed from practically breaking her nose, but she did smash her glasses. That must've hurt a lot. I would ask her but we dont have much time, especially since I know Dirk would've heard that and Jake, who was bound to be with him, knows that scream. I looked over at Roxy and she nodded at me as I did the same back in return. She quickly picked up Jade, smashing her facing forward into the brick wall, holding her arms pinned on her back.

Roxy might be drunk, but she is sure as hell not weak. I walked over calmly, leaning on the brick wall, looking at our prey. She gave me a cold glare and I just smiled slightly back. Oh, now I really can't wait to kill her.

~Le time skip again to after Roxy and Rose beat the shit out of Jade (sorry not sorry :) )~

Dirk's POV:

You know how hard it is to fly with a Jake flipping his shit in your arms? Let's just say its close to the impossible. We both heard a scream as I was tracking down John to get answers, but when that scream was heard, Jake quickly started to freak out. He even tried running towards it but shouted curses as he was practically choked to death trying to do so. It was kind of funny in all honesty.

Anyways, we were getting close to the screaming and sounds of sobbing. I smelt desperation and the wanting of death near by. That had to be where it was. As soon as we got close, Jake froze in place as I let him onto the ground. I was confused at first until I caught a glimpse of long black hair under the LaLondes. No. Fucking. Way. I didn't order them to kill her! That is practically Jake's sister! What the hell were they thinking?!

"LaLondes, off. Now." They both looked at me and they both got off of Jade with wide eyes filled with fear and regret. Okay, regret not so much, but still slightly there. Jake was already trying to run towards her, tears running down his face as he was trying to hold back choked sobs. I followed behind so he wouldn't actually choke on those sobs. He fell to his knees, holding the girls head to his chest as he silently cried, shaking badly. I heard some sort of gibberish coming from Roxy as she was trying to explain herself along with Rose, but I wasn't going to take it. I gave them both a cold glare through my shades before they cowered away.

I would send them off back home, but they could be of some help. Well, at least Rose. Roxy was on the ground crying for mercy. I beckoned Rose over to me and she was hesitant, but did as I asked. "Yes Dirk?" She whispered to me, which I respect. She wasn't trying to get Jake more upset. "I need you to transform Jade so she doesn't die and Jake ends up killing himself." I whispered as well as it did only seem fit for such a moment. She nodded and walked over to Roxy to tell her the plan.

As they were discussing it, I had to pry Jake away from Jade, even if he was kicking and screaming like a child who couldn't get what they wanted in the candy section. I knew he was upset, but I didn't want him to see Jade get transformed. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight to see. It even sent shivers down my spine. I'll have to tell Jake that later.

~last time skip to after Jade is transformed~

Jake's POV:

I have been crying for such a long time. I promised to keep Jade safe and away from demons so she wouldn't end up like her grandfather and my grandmother. She was practically my little sister and seeing her...cold lifeless body. That image would not go away soon. I feel as if I am on one big hellish rollercoaster of emotions of her death but they all lead downhill.

Dirk has been trying his best to make me feel better and trying to tell me I'll see her soon enough. What, was he planning to kill me too? Well, it wasn't unexpected. Although, something that I have noticed from Dirk has caught me off guard. He seems...different. If he was like his normal self he would've let them killed Jade and told them good job. But no. He....was mad? He seemed pissed off at the two. Has he actually been trying to protect me? Is that why he pulled me away?

Ugh, I really dont need new emotions to be thrown into this mix of them I already have. I rub my temples, getting a headache as tears still refused to stop coming out, but they were slowing down somewhat.

I soon felt arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. It felt...warm and nice. It was so comforting. I couldn't help but melt into it, letting held back sobs escape as I grasped it. I glanced up to see it was none other then Dirk. I would've let go....but I couldn't. I let him pet my hair and tell me calming things. For once in my life, I felt some form of peace. Who would've guessed peace would come from a hug in between the hunter and the beast.

Jade's POV:

All I remember is waking up not feeling like myself and seeing Jake being taken away from Dirk. Now I was being taken somewhere by Rose and Roxy and I feel so weak. I would kill them if I had the chance, but I can't move. I'm so numb its almost suffocating. It seems to be like this until we get to their headquarters and dragged into a bathroom. They leave me alone, leave me looking at a horrid creature in the mirror that looked way too much like me.

I touched my face where the fangs were peeking out of her lips...and they were there. I reached up and touched the white dog ears on her head and...they were there too. I felt myself feel weak, crashing into the wall, barely able to stand. There's no way I can be a demon....No. I dont want this. Take it back! Let me be dead! I dont want to be the creature I have been hunting my whole life! All I can do is tremble as I sob, hugging myself as I slid down the wall. The door swung open and Jake was standing there with Disk standing behind him. He seemed to be crying a lot recently. He stared at me before attempting to hug me. I pushed him away. No. I am not the Jade he knew, his sister he knew.

He seemed hurt and tried to do it again but Dirk pulled him away, whispering something to him that I couldn't hear. Jake started to tear up from what he said, falling back into Dirk's chest, crying into the palms of his hands. Dirk shot me a look and I shot one back before he took away Jake. I curled up and began crying. Why the hell did this happen to me? I fucking hate it. I hate myself for letting this happen and being this hell spawn. So for now, I'll just let me have my moment of weakness, sobbing. Now I wish I could cry the world away....yeah, that sounds nice...

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