Barely A Mother [A Teen Pregn...

By XxTiCkLe-xX

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Jody Black. The girl who made one mistake that changed her life completely. Her teenage life was focused on c... More

Barely A Mother - Chapter One
Barely A Mother - Chapter Two
Barely A Mother - Chapter Three
Barely A Mother - Chapter Four
Barely A Mother - Chapter Five
Barely A Mother - Chapter Six
Barely a Mother - Chapter Seven
Barely A Mother - Chapter Eight
Barely A Mother - Chapter Nine
Barely A Mother - Chapter Ten
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twelve
Barely A Mother - Chapter Thirteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Fourteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Fifteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Sixteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Seventeen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Eighteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Nineteen
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-one
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-two
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-three
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-four
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-five
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-six
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-seven
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-eight
Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-nine
Barely A Mother - Epilogue
Information on Sequel

Barely A Mother - Chapter Eleven

48K 739 180
By XxTiCkLe-xX

Chapter Eleven



I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. It’s been a busy weekend why can’t I sleep in longer?!

I sat in bed with the sound of the alarm clock beeping in the background; it really was a manic weekend! I found out I was pregnant, told my parents and they were disappointed with me, told the father and he didn’t believe me, and I nearly fell down the stairs. I would of rather of had the dullest weekend ever instead of what actually happened.

A loud knock on my door made me jump. I knew it was my brother because he only does that when I wake him up, I guess he was planning on missing homeroom again.

I threw off my covers and turned off my alarm to find a note with my name on it. When did that get there?

I opened it and read it, it was from my brother.


I spoke to Andrew, I know you didn’t want me to go over there but I had to. It’s good I did because he got to get things off his chest. Anyway this note is to tell you that Andrew is coming round after school tomorrow to talk properly to you. Be nice he’s really sorry for what he did and he’s scared but don’t let him know that I told you that :) I’ll see you tomorrow sometime, not sure what I’m doing.



Ugh why did he go over there when I told him not to, why doesn’t he ever listen to me! Hang on a minute d-did he say Andrew was coming over tonight. Crap! I don’t want to face him not now and maybe not ever, he hurt me bad and I really want to get over him but I can’t do that if I keep on seeing him.

‘Be nice’ … be nice! Did my brother write that? Why should I be nice to him, it’s his entire fault! Wait Jody stop that, you’re to blame as well, if you didn’t stop him then we wouldn’t have been in this mess. It’s both our faults.

I could hear that someone was in the shower so I decided to choose what I’m going to wear today. Looking through my closet I found my light blue skinny jeans that compliment my figure and a cute pale pink floaty top to go with. I also picked out a black cardigan and a pair of red high heels that I love.

Still waiting, I looked at my jewellery until I heard my brother say the bathroom was free. It was coming up to seven so I needed to hurry up as school starts at eight. I collected my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and it was heating up quickly so I stripped down and stepped into the shower.

Like always it was nice and refreshing. I washed my hair and stayed in the shower for about twenty minutes. Once I got out I towel dried my hair so it wouldn’t drip on my clothes and got dressed. I left the bathroom after brushing my teeth and went into my bedroom to blow dry and put a few curls in my hair.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:40am so I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast that had been placed for me and left the house to walk the 10 minute journey to school.

 At School


 I just got to homeroom on time. I was running late because loads of people kept on getting in my way when I needed to get my biology book for my second lesson out of my locker.

Homeroom was pretty boring, no one talks to me in it and the announcements had nothing to do with me, so I just sat and read my book P.S I Love You. I love that book and have read it about five times.

Homeroom was only twenty minutes long so it went pretty quickly and before I knew it I was running, yes running, to my next lesson, which was on the other side of the school.

Even though I ran, I was late to Algebra and I got given a detention. Great, just what I need to start the day.

“Umm Sir I-I can’t do the detention today.” I told Mr Sacker, the teacher, in front of the class.

“Why’s that then.” Ugh I really hate Mr Sacker; I swear he’s had it in for me since the day I started in freshman year.

“Could I tell you late-“ He cut me off “No, go on tell us why you can’t do tonight.”

Oh my god he wants me to tell him in front of the class “I have family problems that need to be resolved tonight.” What? It’s not like I’m going to tell him and the class that I’m pregnant and I’m talking to the baby’s father today am I?

“Oh what type of problems Miss Black?” The cheek he really thinks I’ll tell him. No way!

“I’m sorry Sir but I don’t think it’s any of your business!” I snapped at him, which caused the class to cheer. Mr Sacker was shocked and said sit down to me and then he carried on with the class. I felt pretty proud of myself.

The class carried on with nothing else exciting happening apart from some people saying to me about how funny me and Mr Sacker was and stuff like that. Dawn and Grace are in barely any classes of mine so I don’t talk to many people that were the most I’ve talked in a while. I know sad right.

When algebra finished I packed up my stuff and walked out of the classroom, heading to my next lesson. I’m going to be on time I thought to myself when BANG someone walked into me and I fell to the floor dropping all my stuff in the process.

“Crap! Are you ok?” Said a familiar voice. Hoping it not to be the person I think it was, I looked up to face a very worried Andrew. Why him, out of anyone it had to be him! I don’t want to face him yet, later I can handle just not now.

“Yeah I’m fine Andrew. Help me up.” I said reaching out my hand. His face was full of shock; I guess he didn’t know it was me he knocked over. He finally took my hand and helped me up; I swear there was a tiny shock that went up my arm. I rubbed my arm where it tingled and then took a look at my bracelet watch. It said 9.40.

“Damn I’m late again, thanks a lot Andrew! I’m going to get another detention where I’ll have to tell the teacher that I can’t do it tonight because I have ‘family’ issues to deal with again.” I snapped at him. I didn’t mean to I was just really annoyed.

He stood there shocked again. Why is he always like that with me, geez? Finally he snapped out of it.

“Don’t worry, what teacher you got for your next lesson?” He asked then waited for the answer.

“Uh I have Miss Turner for biology.” I told him, slightly confused as to why he wanted to know.

“Alright, come on. No need to worry.” He said while picking up my books and walked a few steps ahead.

“Don’t say that!” I said nearly shouting at him, he looked confused and then he realised why I said that.

It was the last thing he said to me before we had sex that night.

“Ah yeah, I-I’m sorry about that. Come on let’s get you to class we’ll talk about everything later.” All I did was nod and follow him.

We walked in silence to my biology. I dared not to say anything because I know Andrew was thinking of something.

We got to my classroom and I nervously knocked on the door and entered the room. Everyone’s attention went straight to me, I hate it when that happens.

You're late!” Shouted Miss Turner. Ugh why did she have to shout, I could have happily heard her if she talked normally.

Andrew then stepped into the classroom. Everyone froze. He has that effect on people.

“I’m sorry that Jody is late Miss Turner, it’s my entire fault. I bumped into her on the way to class and knocked all her books on the floor. Please don’t punish Jody for my mistake.” He said to Miss Turner in his charming voice that happened to sound like music to my ears.

Miss Turner was sat there at her desk nearly drooling at the sight of Andrew; it took a pencil dropping on the table to take her out of her trance.

“Oh that’s fine then. Thank you Andrew for coming to explain why Jody was late, you’re a gentleman. In you come Jody, sit down.” And that was that. Andrew left with a slight nod and Miss Turner went back to talking about a biology test that is coming up.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly after that. Drama is always good especially that I have Dawn in my class. World History was fun as we had a supply teacher and we were allowed to do anything. English I had both Dawn and Grace with me and we got to go in a group that lesson and then Health education I had Grace with me.

I was quite surprised; the girls didn’t say one thing about me being pregnant to me and I went through a day without having to think about me being pregnant at all.

I started walking home pretty happy with life when I realised… me and Andrew are talking tonight.

How are we going to start the conversation? Wow it’s going to be so awkward!

I walked up to my front door and put the key in the door. God I hope he isn’t here yet!

I really wish I was luckier because sat there in my living room was Andrew. Great!

“H-Hi Andrew. I didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” I admitted to him, I was quite nervous about talking to Andrew.

“To be honest neither was I but I thought we might as well get this over with so I came straight over after school.” He told me straight.

All I could manage was “Oh.” That caused Andrew to give a chuckle.

“Oh is that all you can say?” I nodded making him laugh again “Ok well where do you want to start?” He asked me, I shrugged. It’s all I could manage to do.

“O-Kay, so how are you feeling with all this?” He asked me awkwardly.

“Umm well I guess I’m good now, I didn’t want to wake up this morning because it was such an emotional and manic weekend but I’m glad I did because today felt like I was normal teenager and everything was what it used to be like before I became pregnant, I wasn’t feeling hurt or scared, just happy. Oh sorry I'm just rambling stuff to you that you don’t care about, I-I’ll just shut up now.” I said and put a cushion over my face, it was embarrassing just telling him that.

Andrew slowly took the cushion from my face and stared into my eyes and said “No I’m glad that you told me that, seriously. Don’t be embarrassed.” He said soothingly.

“H-How are you feeling?” I asked as I know this has affected him just as much, David told me.

He looked down and then brought his face slowly up “It’s been… weird. Yesterday once you told me I didn’t know what to think, it got so much that I even… cried. Today, like you I didn’t want to get up I just wanted to lie in bed and forget all my worries but I decided I needed to face everything. Did you know, when I found out it was you I knocked down I was so worried if you were hurt or not but I just couldn’t move. I’m so sorry, I really am.” He confessed to me. Wow I knew he was shocked but I didn’t know that he felt like that.

“I-I’m sorry.” Was all I could think of to say.

His face was full of confusion and shock “Why are you sor-“ I cut him off “It’s my fault, I should have stopped you, and then we wouldn’t have been in this mess.”

“No! It is not your fault Ok, don’t ever think that! It’s my fault, all my fault!” He said to me in a firm voice. “Now,” he said “what other stuff do we need to talk about?”

“Umm well the biggest one we should start with would be… are we going to keep the baby?” I whispered, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

“Ah yeah, I don’t know what you want to do but I’ve been thinking, I don’t think I could live with myself if I aborted my own baby. W-What do you think?” He asked me nervously.

“To be honest I’ve had no idea but what you just said about not living with yourself made me realised that I don’t think I would either. It’s going to cause so many problems; I think” I paused for a second “Andrew I want to keep the baby!” I exclaimed, joy was slightly filling me.

Andrew picked me up and swung me around while saying “I do too!”

He set me down and I said softly “We’re going to be parents!” We looked into each other’s eyes and slowly we started to lean in at the same time, and before I knew what was happening our lips brushed each other's and we were kissing.

The kiss didn’t last for long because Andrew pulled away, I guess he finally realised the mistake he was doing. We sat down in an awkward silence. After a while we started to talk about the baby. What it will be, boy or girl? What will it look like? Where will it stay? What will it need?

We talked about all that type of stuff until Andrews’s phone rang; it was his mum asking where he was. While he was on the phone I took a look at the clock, 8.48. Wow its getting late, no wonder I was getting a bit tired.

“We’ve been talking for like four hours, all about the baby pretty much.” I said to him once he was finished on the phone.

“Yeah I know, that’s one special baby. That was my mum on the phone she wants me home, sorry.” He said whilst standing up.

“That’s fine. Thanks for today it really helped me get round this having a baby thing.” I did mean it, he really has helped.

He pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear “You really helped me to! Goodnight Jody, see you soon.” He said and then left.

I decided I had nothing to do so I went to bed early. Today was a great day!


Heyy :) Ok so this chapter is longer but it was also harder to write. I went on holiday last week and I don't know why but it was hard to get back into it. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think!

This chapter is dedicated to I_am_enigma for making an awesome book trailer for Barely A Mother, I love it!

Thank you for the support!

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