Protecting my Ex

By heyitsmae68

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I was fifteen years old when I got my heart ripped by my first love. I was clueless, naive and madly in love... More

First day
Never again
In his mind~
Revenge is sweet
Authors Note~
Miami Baby!
Teach me how to...
My turn
Dance with me
The Ball
Will always be


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By heyitsmae68

Holy Cow, you guys are awesome! I'm on the what's hot list for the first time :]]]] Thank you so much <3

Anyways here's another chapter, hope you like it :]


 Picture of Ellie/Melissa -->

 Chapter 2- Mission

The rain poured down, thunder and lightning joining this dark and moody day. I looked at my window admiring over the city of Sydney everything was beautiful; I couldn’t get enough of it. It’s as beautiful as Korea.

Living for four years in Korea was a blast, there’s always a thing to do and new discoveries to be find out. But through those couple of years, even if it’s just a few. I change into someone that I never expected to be, a strong, confident nineteen year old girl. Sometimes I do feel guilty for leaving my poor mother all alone back home, and for neglecting my friends, especially Tia. I had to do what I had to do though, I needed to change, I needed to forget.

Four years ago when I decided to leave home, I was clueless of what’s in store for me in that foreign country. Aunt Harriet never really explained what that ‘important’ thing was, but now I’m glad that I agreed to do it.

Let’s just say that my Aunt’s work is being the head of an international fighting school that is located in Korea and also in a few other countries. I was very afraid I admit, to be holding guns instead of books, fighting instead of chilling, killing instead of shopping. It’s was hard at first but I’ve gotten use to it, and I’ve gotten really good at it. Good as in I am in the top three fighters of my school, and one of the most feared fighters of this generation. I tell you it’s no big deal but it is.

The phone rang interrupting my thoughts. It was my Aunt Harriet.

“Baby girl where are you?” she asked, sounding stressed

“I’m in my penthouse” I lied. I hate lying to her, but I can’t tell her that I’m in Australia instead of Korea. It was an order from someone she hates, and I couldn’t say no to him.

“I guess you finished the job right on time, how was the trip to France?”

“Yeap” I said popping the ‘p’. I had a mission last week in France. It was lovely there, but I wasn’t there for the view. I was there to do my job, but I can’t help checking out French hottie’s. Couldn’t resist my hormones, figures. “It was good, lot’s of fighting, cute boys, same old, same old” I said smirking at the memory of my day in France.

“Naughty girl, you know sometimes I regret bringing you to my world” she said chucking in the other end of the phone.

I laughed along with her, yeah I used to be little Ms. goodie-two-shoes and Ms. Innocent. Ah those years, was now forgotten. This was better for me though, I thought. 

“Allie” Collin, my target of the day groaned on the bed calling out my fake name.

“Well I better get going, I’ll call you when something comes up” She said

“Ok, bye Aunt Harriet” I said hanging up and putting on my lace tank top that slightly showed my stomach . I looked at the naked figure lying down on the bed looking drunk as ever. I smirked, my job here is done. Sleeping with this guy wasn’t in plan, I may not be innocent anymore, but I’m most definitely not a whore. This is just a job; parts of that job is seducing him and get him drunk so I can get what I needed, the key to his house to be exact.

He has important documents that I needed to get, I thought it was going to be hard because I was warned by Mr. A(my other boss also my aunt's love/rival) that this guy will do anything to keep those documents hidden and protected. But I guess he’s not all that, adding to that I found his weakness making everything a piece of cake.

I grabbed the rest of my stuff and made my way out, leaving poor Collin in the room, groaning in pain. Maybe I put too much of that medicine into his drink? Oh well. Walking in the quiet parking lot, I found my black BMW parked in the very end of the place. I stepped inside and started the engine; I seriously need my beauty sleep, I’m getting eye bags which I don’t like and my face looked err, not good... gotta love my work.

I arrive at his house which was surprisingly quiet, too quiet for my ears. I headed at the side of the house and got inside with no problem. Now to find his study room, where could it be? If I was a person who’s trying to protect important documents, I wouldn’t hide it somewhere too far away from me so it’s gotta be near his room, and I think this is the place. There’s a bed, a creepy portrait of him (Eww) and a suspicious door just waiting to be opened. I opened the door and...Jackpot, his study room.

 The room looked like any ordinary study room, which was odd because I thought it would be much fancier that this old wreck. I found a small volt sitting on his desk, something is not right? This is too easy, I hate easy.

After a few moments of figuring out the lock combo it’s finally open. I stared at it with my mouth hanging slightly open. There was...nothing?

“Well, well, well what a surprise” I didn’t have to turn around to figure out who it was. I knew this was way too easy. I arrange my face into a seductive look before looking at Collin.

“Collin, baby” I cooed

“Save it Allie, you think I’m that stupid” He gave me a wicked grin; I tried to control my anger.

“I wouldn’t let this baby get out of my sight, ever” he said waving the folder into my face. Clearly he doesn’t know the meaning of stupid, If I where him I would have hidden it instead of showing it to your enemy. My eyes didn’t leave his, rule number one: do not let your eyes wonder anywhere else but your victim.

“Oh Collin honey, I wasn’t here for that” time for plan b, I walked over to him and caressed his cheeks. He shuddered from my touch, just as expected. I leaned into him so our bodies were touching; I gave little kisses in the neck which made his grip on the documents to loosen. While I trailed kisses on his face, it was time to release inner Ellie.

“Thanks honey” I said grabbing the documents from his hand. Before he could attack me I pressed my fingers in the sensitive area of his neck making him loose balance and falling down the floor.

“Until we meet again my love” I said sarcastically, as I jump off the window. I sprinted to my car and called Mr. A.

“The documents will be there soon” I said starting the engine of my car

 “I knew I could count on you” a husky, deep voice said

“Well I got to go, if Aunt Harriet finds out I helped you she’s going to kill me”

“Ok, wait! Speaking of your Aunt Harriet, tell her I’ll be in her bed later” Oh my gosh I can’t believe he said that, so gross. Why does he always say stuff like this to me? It’s going to ruin my poor ears.

“Eww! Stop telling me these things. Pretty soon I’m going to lose my hearing” I said faking gagging sounds.

My Aunt’s and Mr. A’s relationship is goes on and off all the time. One day there all lovey-dovey and the next day their pointing guns at each other. Will you believe me if I say their husband and wife? Yeah I wouldn’t believe it too, but they are.

I heard him laugh “Sorry Ellie but don’t expect me to stop, anyways thanks again”

I turned off my phone and drove to the airport, a disturbing image popped in my head making me pressed on the break. I thought I forgotten about him, but why now? Why in all this years I have to remember him now? I shook my thoughts aside and began to drive again.

A few minutes later I arrive in the airport with a scowl on my face. Stupid Ellie, I said slapping my cheeks lightly, that’s the past forget about it. Pulling my case behind me, I made my way to the boarding area and into the plane. Luckily being part of my Aunt’s agency, I get to sit in the first class area.

I sat on one of the seats and slumped back. Boy, I’m tired. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at the name on the screen. The agency has one specific rule if I want to keep my job, and that is too never have any contacts with anyone I know, except my mother of course. I wanted to call Tia so bad, but I can’t. Even if I did get a chance to talk to her I doubt she’ll even talk back to me, heck she won’t even recognize me.

My golden brown short hair was now dark brown that went up to my waist. I used to have slightly pale skin, but now my skin is beautifully tanned, adding to that I have a body that can make my victims go crazy.  It helps with some of my mission. For example leading guys into my trap, and when they bite it that’s when I attack. I’m admitting that it’s super fun.

The flight home was tiring and boring. I didn’t get to sleep at all which made me really cranky, trust me if I don’t get my beauty sleep soon something bad will happen. Finally after ten hours of seating we finally landed. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out, glancing at my watch I made a run for it.

“Shit, If Auntie finds out that I’ve been working for her enemy/husband I’m going to be in so much trouble” I said blabbering to myself

I was running too fast that I couldn’t stop myself making me bumped into a large figure. He was tall and lean middle aged man.

“jega joesong haeyo” I said bowing

(A/n: Correct my translation if I’m wrong, I’m using Google translation since I don’t know how to speak Korean. I wish I did, so I could talk to my hubby Lee Min ho *sigh’s dreamingly*)

“Oh sorry, I don’t speak Korean” he said waving his hand.

“Uh Sorry” I said again smiling at him politely

“It’s alright dear” I watch him as he walked away from me, there’s something different about that guy. Now that I think about it, He looked rather familiar. It’s on the tip of my tongue; I can’t seem to get it.

“Fvck, I’m dead” I sprinted out of the airport and made my way to my Aunt’s Harriet’s house.


“Care to tell me where you’ve been?” When I walked inside the house, my Aunt Harriet greeted me with scary, cold look with both of her hands rested on her hips. I gulped and smiled at her innocently.

“Uh I was at my penthouse, remember” I said fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. I was about to say more when a figure stood beside my aunt with a sorry look written across his face.

“Penthouse huh?” her voice gave me chills, she’s angry alright.

“Your husband made me do it” I said casually as I pointed at Mr. A, his eyebrows furrowed and gave me a playful glare. Aunt Harriet sighed in defeat since she knows fighting and scolding us will just waste her precious time. I gave my Aunt a kiss in the cheek before running to my room.

“Come back down, I have something important I want to discuss with you”


After a couple of minutes of unpacking my cases, I headed back downstairs and into the living room where my Aunt and Mr. C are pointing guns at each other, their typical married couple fight. I wonder what their arguing about now. I ignored them and sat on the couch eating a chocolate bar while I watch my favourite show, the Anderson’s gun fight (Anderson’s is their last name).

“You son of a b!tch” my aunt cussed

“Yeah I heard that one before, you got anything else” Mr. C said smirking at my poor, poor aunt.

“Ugh, I don’t what the hell I saw in you. Get out now” Aunt Harriet yelled venomously “Now!”

Mr. A sighed “OK then, I’ll see you later Ellie” he smiled at me, and winked at my aunt. She rolled her eyes in response making both of us giggle.


He was finally gone leaving me and my angry aunt alone in the living room. I could still feel the tension in the room; I’m guessing aunt hasn’t cooled down yet.

“You guys are totally in love” I said grinning

“Don’t push it Ellie” she warned, massaging her head. She sat down across me and took out her laptop. “Anyways, I have another mission for you” those words made me jump up and down on the sofa, like a little kid waiting to open her present.

“This is one will be a lot different than your usual work, and it’ll take a little longer to finish” she trailed putting on her glasses “ There have been reports of attacks and treats to a very well known and important family in the US, most likely to their son.  Basically your job will be kind a like a bodyguard. You will be attending university but you’re not really there to study, just keeping an eye on their son. Only you, the school board, and the person that you are protecting knows that, the rest of students will be clueless” I listened carefully to everything she said. This has just been interesting, I can’t wait.

“The location is in California. Your mission, protect the only son of Cade corporation. Here is some other information you have to know about him, and a picture is included in that. So do you understand?” she asked handing me the laptop

“Yes, Ma’am” I said saluting to her, and made my way back to my room.

I sat on my bed and clicked the little folder that consist everything that I should know about the guy. The more I read about him, the more I suddenly got interested. He sounded hot; I have a feeling that this mission won’t be so boring. I scrolled down the page, getting more nearer and nearer to the end where there was a picture attached.

“Time to reveal who this Hottie is” I said smirking.

The smirk on my face faded when I saw a familiar dirty blonde hair, and dazzling hazel blue eyes. No this can’t be. Out of the all the people in this world, it has to be him.

Mission: Protect my Ex boyfriend, Aiden Cade.


 So what do you think? still any good?

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thank you again for all the wonderful comments on the last chapter, it really motivated me to write more<3

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