Tough Guy- ImmortalHD AU

By XxSakuraHDxX

12.8K 478 135

He was the icon of Denver. He looked like a regular guy on the streets but in the ring, he's one scary mother... More



383 13 3
By XxSakuraHDxX

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled at her.

She laughed. Tiffany flipped her hair and attempted to do a sexy walk. She placed her hand on my chest, which i harshly withdrew her touch.

"Is that a polite way in greeting your girl?" Tiffany asked.

"Your not my girl anymore and answer my god damn question. What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat. She laughed some more.

"Aleks. You do know that you didn't call anything off. I'm still consider yours and Brandon," she smirks.

"Just fuck off. I'm tired of your bs and i want you out of this area," i told her.

"But baby. Don't you want me to relieve your stress? You always relieve mine," Tiffany annoyingly cooed.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her off of me. She quickly grabbed my wrists and planted a kiss on me. Tiffany pushed me against the desk and grind her hips into me. I closed my eyes tightly. The pressure she was giving me hurts. Also, her breath and lipstick taste and stinks awful. I attempted her push her off of me, but i couldn't. I was stuck in her position.

I heard a gasp and a loud bang near the entrance of the gym. Tiffany pulled apart and smirked. I inhaled the best oxygen in the world and looked at the door. My baby girl was in shock. She soon took off, running on the streets of Littleton, Colorado.

I wiped my mouth and gripped Tiffany's wrists as hard as i could. Fear was placed on her face. I was angry but i controlled my breathing.

"Stay away from me and get away from this area. Do you hear me?!"

Tiffany doesn't response. My breathing soon got fast again.

"Do you hear me, you bitch?!"

She nods her head and i pushed her aside, to catch up with the girl of my dreams. I got to the exit and searched for Haley. She was already crossing the third street light from the gym. I sighed, starting to run towards her direction.

Fuck, another chase.
Haley's P.O.V.-

I ran as fast as i could out of the gym. I had no time to grab any of my belongings, i was running freely. My breathing was heavy as i ran. The cold air wasn't helping either. I had no jacket or any source of warmth.

My thoughts were a mess. I didn't know what was happening. Everything was going so fast. Even if my feelings for Aleks was weird, i felt heartbroken that he lied. I trusted him, i felt safe with him.

I stopped by a curb at the end of the street, catching my breath. I look behind me, seeing if he was running after me. After the last street's lights were green, Aleks came running as fast as he could. I sighed, running some more.

It felt like my legs are going to give out any minute. My mind was racing, as well as my heart. My mind travel to the last time we were in a similar scenario like this. I was running away from him because of the blood on his hands. He finally caught me, helping me and my injured leg to his place.

At the time, he murdered Monti. He killed him because he got in the way of things. Maybe that girl was in the way of things for us. Of Aleks and I. I'm not sure if it was a benefit for Aleks. I'm not sure if he really wants me. But everyone has been telling me that since Aleks has interest in me.

Maybe she was Aleks' ex. But why would he kiss his own ex? Why did she have to go after Aleks? What was happening?

Everything in my.mind was overwhelming. My surroundings soon started to get blurry and I started to feel dizzy. I stopped running and just stood in the middle of the sideway. My name could be faintly heard from a mile away. I placed my hands on my forehead.

What was going o-?

I soon collasped into someone's arms. Panting was heard over my head, sweat was dripping down on my forehead. I couldn't open my eyes. They were shut tight. My body felt numb. Body sweat was sticking to my clothing, making it stuck onto my skin. This feeling was unbearable. I soon rested my head on the person's torso and took a quick slumber.


My name was echoed a thousand times by numerous amounts of people.

"Haley. Please wake up!"

I hesitantly squinted my eyes open, but closing them moments later when the lighting blinded me. When I adjusted the lighting, I took a second to focus on my surroundings. Gasp and smiles were heard and seen.

Apparently I was placed in the middle of the ring in the gym. I was partially undressed, which I covered myself up quickly. As my pillow, it was Aleks' legs. I shot up quickly but laying back down as dizziness was my current vision. Aleks lightly massaged my shoulders.

"Just relax. You been through a lot Haley," Ashley said right beside me.

"What happened?" I asked. Many people looked at Aleks to say something. When he didn't say a word, they all sighed.

"You were running away from Aleks. But you fainted on the sidewalk. Aleks carried you back here," Jordan said.

That's right. I was running away from Aleks when I saw him kiss that mysterious girl. Who was she?

It felt like a drill was drilling through my brain. It was too much. It felt like too much. Someone patted my forehead with a damped cloth but it wasn't helping. Ashley announced the group of people to leave, which they did. A few people stayed and tried to comfort me.

I watched as Seamus whispered something in Aleks' ear. He sighs, telling more people to leave. Aleks slowly helped me up and dragged me into his little room. He puts me on his bed and brushes little strains of hair out of my face.

"You shouldn't worry about what happened earlier. Nothing happened," Aleks stated.

"Nothing happened? I saw you kissed her!" I screeched.

"She kissed me!" Aleks yelled. I was taken back by his sudden outburst. Aleks sighs, calming down a bit.

"She was my ex, Tiffany. She thinks we're still together and she wanted me back. I don't know why, but I think this is a plan between her and Brandon. I hate her guts, as well as your brother," Aleks explains.

I massaged my temples. This was all too much. I sighed, looking back at Aleks. His face held sympathy. Aleks moved his arm forward, to cup my cheek. My breath hitched as he got closer. Aleks was centimetres away from my face from kissing me. I panicked once again, but relaxed as someone opened the door.

It was Ashley.

"Time's up lover birds," Ashley told. Aleks sighed angrily as she pulled me away. Ashley dragged me out of the room and into Seamus' car.

"Where are we going?" I asked the two.

"I'm taking you back to your house right after i drop Ashley at work," Seamus replied.

After we dropped Ashley off, i was transferred to the front passenger seat. I sighed as memories of recent events occurred in my mind. Seamus grabbed my hand, calming me down.

"Don't worry about Aleks, Haley. He's been stressing over the fight and his fighter like how you been stressing over him," Seamus said.

"I just don't know what to do. Everything is building up in my mind," i stated.

"If you want, you can have a few days away from Aleks. I think he will understand."

"Will that actually work?" I faced him.

"Maybe he will 'coincidence-ly' bump into you but he will understand what you're going through," Seamus told.

I nodded my head and breathed out. My leg was shaking due to my nerves breaking in.

"You know. If anything is off or weird, you know what to do."

I looked at him

"Do what?" I asked.

Seamus smirks.

"Do your research."
A/N- my new schedule will be Saturday and Tuesday for on going story updates.

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