(The Hunted Contest Entry for...

By FuturisticBetty

145 8 7

This is my entry for iVesper's writing contest for The Hunted. Enjoy! :D Pallynne the Aether wolf hybrid is o... More

Chapter 2. Wounded
Chapter 3. Glitches Being Hunters?
Chapter 4. Close Calls
Chapter 5. Twisted Mind

Chapter 1. Discovered

54 3 5
By FuturisticBetty

P.S. Media is the OC I'm entering. Just wanted to give you a clear image on what she looks like.
Oh! Better tag le senpai iVesper . Now hopefully she'll take notice of this book.

Okay, *sigh* I'm trying my best to make things descriptive in this though I'm not quite sure if I have a chance at winning this contest. I'm using an OC that'll be in one of my future books so if you like her, then get ready to see her again.

The tiny pearl white fox lay shrivelled up in the corner of an old wooden house wreckage. Smoke particles would float off the remaining pieces of wood that were just barely intact and whirl around the creature until they begun to grow bored of her presence. They would stretch in tiredness and exhale up to the pale blue sky that was splattered with cotton-like clouds.
A crack would be heard every couple of minutes and the fox would shift position after the loud crunch of a wood block crumbling and hitting the ground with a THUD!
Her fur was stained with charcoal and small flakes would cling to her face while she lay there. Her small blue streaks placed into her fur were covered in so much dirt and grime, you'd expect her to just be a normal wolf pup. Her big icy blue eyes let off a small glow when she opened them, but because of the sadness that had overcome the small creature, every passing second the glow would falter.
Suddenly, there was a loud BOOM in the distance and the pup whimpered. She moved her legs and curled up even tighter into a clump of blackened fur. There was a robotic whir type of noise and a wave of blue code travelled through the creature making her fur flash transparent and exposing the bones underneath her flesh. It only happened for a second, a blink of an eye, a heartbeat. She looked completely normal after and you would have thought it was just a trick of your imagination.
There was another loud BOOM which wrung through the wolf's tiny blue ears. Shouting and screaming of players were heard in the distance and the pup saw smoke rising on the edge of the horizon. Notch's Aether guards had arrived once again to the small village to wipe out another dozen of glitches.
Screaming and crying grew nearer to the creature's spot and before she knew it, a huge crowd of Minecraftians came running past the wolf with wounds and scratches of all sizes. Nobody noticed the frightened creature hiding though they probably wouldn't have cared anyway if they saw her. Fear and pain were plastered onto all of their faces as they ran. Women carried small children as they sobbed into their shoulders. Some of them were holding lifeless bodies of their once living offspring but still, they took no notice of the tiny wolf. Well, except for one particular boy. He had messy white hair that almost seemed to glow. His bangs and edges of his hair were tipped with gold and the wolf assumed that it was sparkling in the sunlight. He wore gold and grey headphones around his neck that kept moving as he ran and half of his face was covered by his golden bangs. The only eye that was exposed to the world was glowing a vibrant yellow. Encasing his body was a long black cloak with the hood flung down as he ran. The wolf caught a glimpse of small designs embedded onto the fabric. In one of his smooth pale hands was a spiralled ball of glowing gold fire. It crackled and popped in his clutches and it begged to be thrown at an opponent. It took the wolf a few moments to realize that he was a glitch running from the Aether guards.
For just a split second, the boy's eyes (or one eye for that matter) flickered over to the house wreckage. His expression changed just the slightest to a bit more shock and he came to an abrupt stop, causing a man behind him to nearly run into him with a stern expression on his face. The boy apologized and looked back at the wolf. He approached the creature whilst squeezing the ball of gold fire back into his palm so he didn't look too much like a threat. His feet didn't make any noise as they touched the ground which was quite shocking because of all the ash and soot layering the dead grass.
He held out his hand but the wolf just backed up farther and curled into a ball once more. She begged that she wouldn't make such a loud glitch as before otherwise, it would pull attention to her from the other players.

"It's okay little pup. I'm not gonna hurt you." He mumbled just loud enough for the wolf to hear. He outstretched his hand more and approached the wolf cautiously.
This time, the feature sniffed the hand just the slightest. If you hadn't guessed, the wolf isn't a normal one. She could smell if a player or someone could be trusted depending on their feelings. She could even catch some of their thoughts when she was focused enough.
The wolf unfurled a bit from her furry clump and attempted to stand up on its tiny blackened paws but collapsed. The boy took out both hands in the blink of an eye and caught the wolf in his arms. His brought her closer to his chest and stroked her messed up fur. The wolf rested her head on his arm and closed her eyes for she knew, she was safe.


The boy sped up his pace as he whirled his head around quickly. The Aether guards were right on his heels but they didn't have a chance against a glitch like himself. He closed his eyes and focused on where he wished to go. Then in a heartbeat, he glitched a few blocks upward and slightly farther away from the guards. Small golden flakes of code flew off him as he ran faster but they soon faltered back to nothing as he kept running.
His gaze flickered over to the tiny white wolf pup in his hands. She was incredibly thin and tired. He was so curious on how she had gotten in that wreckage and who she was. He wanted to take care of her until she had the will to venture on her own. It would definitely be a change from his usual lonesome life of running from hunters and occasionally stealing a couple sacks of gold nuggets.
His pace quickened when he heard the guards' heavy metal boots getting slightly closer. He willing to lose them at any cost, other than letting the tiny wolf go or anything.
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion heard and the boy was thrown off his feet. He flew through the the air at a rapid speed and clung even tighter to the wolf. He closed his eyes and just at the last second of hitting the ground, he glitched about ten blocks away and onto a roof. He panted rapidly and a volt of adrenaline shot through his veins as he caught the handle of his breath to slow it down. He took deep even breaths and looked behind him. His large headphones shifting position for the millionth time today.
There was a large crater layered with swirling rising dust where he had just been. He was extremely dumbfounded at what or who had caused it but sighed as he saw a boy dressed in green standing behind a nearby house. His toxic green eyes revealed himself as a glitch and the boy knew that he was the one responsible. He had just saved him and the wolf.
The green dressed boy waved and smirked in a positive fashion and the gold and white boy thanked him with a simple wave. Then in a blink of an eye, the green boy glitched away.


The tiny white wolf awoke after a few minutes and saw herself laying comfortably on the roof of a spruce wood house. The boy was laying on his back with his hands folded neatly on his chest and his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell in a steady motion and his hands twitched every couple of seconds.
The wolf tried to stand up but felt slightly strange. She looked at her paws and jumped. They weren't paws anymore, they were pale hands! She reached her hand up to her head and felt the smooth white and blue tipped curls resting on her shoulders. She had morphed back into a human in her sleep!

Oh no no no no no no no. How am I gonna tell him? She said to herself in fright. What was the boy going to say when he awoke to a girl in the place of a wolf? How was she going to persuade him it she was actually the wolf?
She stood up and paced around on the roof of the house. Her mind raced as she thought of a way to tell him. Her heavy white boots tapped against the hard slanted, wooden surface.
Suddenly, the silence was sliced in half by a yawn. The boy's eyes (or eye) fluttered open and his glowing yellow gaze shifted over to the girl. She jumped and froze as he didn't look away. Then he looked down and saw the white wolf was gone and the girl was put in as a replacement.

The boy stuttered. "W-w-where's the wolf?" His mind spun around in confusion inside his blocky head. He'd never encountered something so out of the ordinary.

"Wh-who are y-you?" He asked. His gaze continuously flickering back and forth to the spot on the roof and to the girl.
The girl sighed. Her two large blue and white ears drooping. "I'm the white wolf you found. I'm not an ordinary player either. My name is Pallynne, and I'm an Aether wolf hybrid. Also a glitch. I'm one of the very few that's still existing. I thank you for helping me at that time when no one else did." She explained calmly. Her breaths were frightened and you could probably tell she's not used to talking to people. Her tone was scared and nervous but deep down, you could see a brave person that would defend anyone at any cost.
Pallynne kneeled down and crawled slightly closer to the boy. She held out her hand and he cautiously took it.

"My name's Jax. Just a golden glitch that's been on the run for far too long. If you'd like, you could join me but I assure you, it's more definitely not fun being the hunted." He explained slowly getting used to Pallynne's presence.

The female glitch smiled. "I'd be more than happy to join you. I have no one as well."

And that's how the friendship between Jax and Pallynne began. They went through countless twists and turns together and obviously, neither of them were perfect. Pallynne always had trouble with controlling her glitching, but Jax barely ever did it. He could teleport a couple blocks away with ease. But Pallynne couldn't.
Jax was incredibly skilled with close combat, but Pallynne could barely pull a sword out of its sheath. She could fire a gun, bow, crossbow, and even knives at opponents but she can't hold a sword because of her permanently weak arms and legs.
That all continued for approximately five years. Now, they are such good friends on the run, you'd expect them to be brother and sister. Well, until one peculiar day.

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