Demon's Tale.

By purescent_

329K 15.6K 7.9K

#674 in FANFICTION #128 in FANTASY #4 in BAEKHYUN #240 in EXO Dark secrets are meant to be kept till death. B... More

Special Chapter I
Special Chapter III
Special Chapter IV
044 - FINAL
Special Chapter V
Special Chapter VI
Broken Hearts Club

Special Chapter II

6.5K 292 154
By purescent_

Hey, check out for my cute, supporting friend, who loves me a lot and who I loves a lot AngelsGucci . My forever favorite babe who I know since 6 years old x)

Andddd any Sehun's biased here? I'm going to publish Sehun's fanfiction which will make your mind 360 degree flipped xD nahh just kidding xDD or maybe not? hahahha xD

Anyone loves BTS? I think my face was the closest to Jin's ones. Thank you JIn, I'll treasure you :')

Let's stop talking nonsense and start the special chapter! >\<

Note that Chan Neul is 5 years old in this chapter and remember this is special chapter not the continuous chapter.
Warning alert : Baekneul moment + carrot .. Oh my.. Did I just spilled about carrot? I'll stop from spilling anything more xD



"Hey Baek, You woke up late" D.O greeted without looking at me as soon as I get out from my room. D.O was busy washing the plates and other things in the kitchen sink.

I glanced at the clock that hanging on the wall - 11.25 AM.

"Hey" I greeted groggily and take a seat on the chair in the kitchen. My head was dizzy as I could felt my mind spinning.

I saw Chan Neul was sitting on the chair, next to me and was drawing something on the paper. By the time, Chan Neul had already reached 5 years old. Times passes so fast. I could still felt her warmth in my arms.

"What's wrong?" D.O asked, still busy washing the plates.

"I had a headache. Maybe because I overslept" I said with a chuckle then rub my temple.

"Want some medicine?" D.O asked.

"You know it won't work for me" I said. "Go get some rest. Maybe it will make you better" D.O said and I nodded.

"Oppa!" Chan Neul exclaimed and I turns my attention to her since she was calling for me. But her head was looking at D.O.

"Oppa" She calls once again while looking at D.O.

"Hey, she was calling for you" I said to D.O.
"I know.. But I don't want she kept calling me oppa. I did explain to her numerous time but maybe she needed time to understand" D.O said and let out a sigh. "Didn't she call you appa when the first time we met her?" I asked. "She become confused with the word oppa and appa since all of you teach her new words everyday.." D.O sighed.

"Baek appa sick?" Chan Neul asked as she look at me. Since when I'm his appa @.@

"It's oppa.. Not appa.. Your appa is there.. I'm oppa" I explained and her mind buzz and so does mine.

"Baek.." She paused. "Oppa" I said it for her.

"D.O.." She paused once again. "Appa" I said and she scratch her head.

"It's okay, Baek. You don't need to stressed up with her" D.O chuckled. "You should get some rest" D.O said as he finally wipes his hand using the small towel and walks to us.

"I'll go first" I said and walks into my room.

I plopped on my bed and dizziness controls my head. It's been a long time since I didn't catch cold and being a demon, I need heal myself. No other medicine that I could take.

I couldn't sleep well because I could felt my eyes were rolling whenever I close my eyes.
I hear the doorknob twisted then I heard little footsteps walking to me.
And I could felt my bed dipped down a bit.

"How was he?" I could hear D.O shout from Chan Neul's room.

"Baek appa sick!" Chan Neul shout back. "Take care of him!" D.O shouted back.

"It's oppa not appa.." I sighed. I could felt my head being hammered whenever she calls me appa. Maybe it's the cold side effect..
I think if she call me appa once again, I might threw her out from the window.

"Baek oppa?" She asked and I thanked God for that.

"Yes, that's correct" I said as my eyes flutters open.
I saw Chan Neul was sitting next to me and she looks worried.

"Is it hurt? Where does it hurt?" She asked in concerned tone.
Since I'm a bit boring, I think I should play with her.

"Here" I pointed to my chest where my heart located.
"If you could heal me.. Hmmm.." I paused.
"I'll teach you how to draw just like a Picasso" I said and her lips curls into a smile but then she frowned.

"What is Picasso?" She asked and blinks innocently and I chuckled as I mentally bangs my head on the table. She's still a kid, of course she didn't anything about Picasso.
"It's somebody who can draw very well!" I said and her lips curls into a smile.

"I can heal Baek.." She paused. "Oppa" I said. I chuckle as she still couldn't make a right sentence by herself.

She put her head on my chest and listen to my heart beat.
I slowly strokes her hair as I could felt her in my arms again.

"You heard anything?" I asked with a chuckle.
"She said she hurt" Chan Neul said as if my heart really hurt and it makes me let out a soft chuckle again.

"Ohh.. My heart is a she?" I asked her, trying to make her mind confused.
"Yes, it's she" Chan Neul said and I chuckle while ruffling her soft black hair.
"And why is that?" I asked playfully.

"Because.. Baek's oppa heart is.." She paused. I was proud that she finally calls me oppa.

"..Chan Neul" She added and giggle because she said her own name.

"So Chan Neul is Baek's oppa heart?" I asked to her as I chuckle again. Why she's so cute?! I'm gonna pinch her on her cheeks so hard until it swollen once I recovered.
"Yes!" She exclaimed confidently.

"Naughty girl. Is that how you going to flirt a guy when you're in highschool" I asked as I touch her nose and shook my head in disbelief. She just giggled and I know she didn't understand a thing.

"So if my heart hurt and Baekhyun's oppa heart is Chan Neul.. Does Chan Neul hurt now?" I asked playfully.
"Erm! It's hurt" Chan Neul said.
"Where does it hurt?" I asked and Chan Neul pointed to her chest where her heart located.

"Why?" I asked.
"Because Chan Neul's heart is Baek oppa and Baek oppa is hurt" Chan Neul said and I chuckled.
"You're so cute" I said as I pulls her into my embrace and tickles her.

She giggled as her little hands try to stop my hands.
I finally stop tickling her and she breathe heavily as she plopped next to me.

"Baek oppa is not hurt anymore?" Chan Neul asked.
"Baek oppa is fine now because Chan Neul is here" I said while ruffling her hair.
I could felt my world was upside down and that's when I stopped talking and moving.

"Sleep..." Chan Neul mumbled as she sit next to me.
"You think I should sleep?" I asked and Chan Neul nodded.
"Just for awhile.." I said and close my eyes.

I'm so dizzy that I couldn't sleep at all. I was just resting my eyes.
I felt a soft head landed on my chest and I open my eyes.
Chan Neul had slept.
I pulls her up to my body, so she was sleeping on top of me.
I close my eyes while patting her back.
My left hand wrapped around her waist while my right hand was on her back to prevent her from falling to any side.
And that's when I drifted to dreamlands.

My eyes shot open when I couldn't felt Chan Neul on top of me. I get up and try to find her on the floor because I worried that she might fell down.

The door shot open and Chan Neul run inside my room with a big white paper and some colour pencils then put it on my bed before climb onto my bed.

"Baek.. Oppa.. said you'll teach me to draw.." Chan Neul smiled and I just remember about it.
"Okay.." I groaned as I get up, feeling the wave of dizziness washes my head again.

I sit next to her and she handed a colour pencil to me.
I couldn't look straight on the paper as my eyes rolling and my vision turns blurry.

"What do you want to draw?" I asked.
"I want to draw all of us!" Chan Neul said excitedly.
If I said stickman..
She'll asked what is stickman and how to draw it...

I couldn't think straight because my I could felt my head spins and blurred vision didn't help me at all.

"You know carrot?"


First update in 2016, *le cries*

Anyone still remember chapter 7 where Baekhyun said her drawing was more to carrot instead of them? It's because Baekhyun who told her to draw like that xD Isk3 Byun Baekhyun..

Anyway, how was this chapter? I love Baekneul moment lolll..

I'm going back to school next week which bringing me to tears.. I'm not ready to go to school! I'm not ready to wake up early for school yetttt .. TT  This year is a bit challenging for me TT why? Because I'm learning new subject TT

Oh, how I missed the question of 1+1 when I was in grade 1 TT~TT

Votes and comments for the next chapter and upcoming Sehun's fanfiction? You could choose ;) 

purescent_ loves her reader so much! <3

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