A Barrel Racer

By JaynaGullic

5.9K 259 36

I finally got back home from the PBR(professional barrel racer). I got out of my truck and unloaded my horse... More

chapt 1- Coming Home
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Shifting
chapter 4- My Best friend Found Her Mate.
Question Time!!
What Is That Amazing smell?!
Did You Call Me Pretty?
I Will Not Leave Your Side
Softball Game
Rapest(part two)
Royal Prankers
hear this.....
Aunt Caral
Because Its My Life
Volunteer Week(day one)
Volunteer Week (Day two)
Volunteer Day 3- (part 1)
Please read!!!2nd book!!!
Volunteer Day 4-

Volunteer Day 3-(part 2)

137 6 0
By JaynaGullic

Sky's pov

"Up and Adam ladies! We got work to do!" I yelled clapping my hands.

"We don't have any extra clothes." Stacy groaned.

"Yes you do. I went and got some clothes for us and Amy already has her clothes. So get up you lazy bums!" I yelled the last part throwing them their clothes.

They all groaned. "But it's 5:30am." Amy groaned.

"Well that's when we're suppose to get up for work."

The stayed still.

"If you don't get up in 30 seconds I'm spraying you with a hose.

They all got up and got dressed.

"Much better. Okay, jack and Jackie are at a farm moving cattle and they won't be here for a day or two. So that means we are doing what they told me."

They all nodded. I got the list out.

"Okay, today there are 3 horses coming so we can break them, it's one guy bringing them all, and that will be around 6:00-6:30 a.m. Next we have to feed the animals and sweep the barn. We have to go to town to get some feed. Then around 4:00 p.m. people are coming for trail rides. Then we are done...for today." I mumbled the last part.

Tomorrow we will be setting up the barn and ranch to get ready for the town dance.

"Let's get to work. We need the bucking saddles and bridals. Amy you go get Carrot tacked up. Remember how jack showed you." She nodded and went to get Carrot. The rest of us went to get our supplies.

****6:04 a.m.****

We were all in the barn putting put spurs and hats on when we heard,"hello is anyone here?"

I smelt the air and it was Mason.

I put on a fake smile and walked out of the barn. "Hello, you must be Mr. Young." I shook his hand.

Once I got close enough he whispered," I asked before coming on your territory. Calm down." I nodded my head.

"Well the horses. What are their names?" I asked.

"Bullet, Asteroid, and Rocket." He answered.

I nodded. "Okay. Oh and before they all come out, I want you know to the human girl is still here. " I said in a 'don't mess with her' look.

He nodded. "okay, I'll be right back. Get the horses out and we'll help put them in."

I walked to the barn and told Stacy to get Bullet and Alana to get Asteroid.

"Alana you will go out last." She gave me a confused look. "Okay..." she slowly dragged.

I walked out of the barn and went to the pin with Rocket. I sat down on the fence and called Stacy over. She sat on the fence.

"Watch this. Alana is about to meet her mate." I said pointing.

Alana walked out and her eyes widened. She walked over to Mason and shook his hand. They both smiled. They went to the back of the trailer.

We lost sight.

"Follow me." I whispered.

She nodded and smiled. We made our way to the trailer.

When we go there we peeked around the trailer and saw nothing. I pointed towards the window that looked into the trailer.

We looked in to see them kissing. We bent down from the widow and giggled. This was to funny. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked through the window again. They were still kissing.

I took a picture. After that I went to the back and opened the doors.

"Smile!" I yelled and took another picture.

I smiled and looked up to see an irritated Mason and a red faced Alana. I laughed.

"You're going to delete that picture." Alana said pointing her finger still red faced. "Yup. After I post it on Facebook and instagram." I said waving my phone. I ran away grabbing Stacy, we were laughing and giggling. I put my phone back in my pocket and got rocket ready.

He was saddle trained but I don't know if he was ridable.

I slowly got on and he started to buck.

Damn he got some kick.

*****skip to trail ride*****

Alana and Mason went...somewhere and we were stuck with the people for the trail ride. We were splitting into two groups. Stacy and Amy. Then just me.

"Hello, my name is Sky and this is Stacy and Amy. We will be your guides." I said to the group of teenagers.

There were 5 guys and 4 girls. "First, before we go...does any of you know how to actually ride a horse properly.

One girl and two guys raised their hands. "Okay great. Ya'll will be on Rosie, Apple, and Classic." I said pointing to the horses.

They nodded and walked to the horses.

I turned back to the other group. "Okay, ya'll will be on the other horses and Amy and Stacy will be your guides." I smiled walking off to Buck.

"Okay, we ready?" They all nodded.

"Let's go." We were on the trail and I remembered.

"Oh wait. Do you guys have phones?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" The guy asked.

"Because just a few day ago one of our riders phone went off scaring this horse I'm riding making him buck. I dislocated my collarbone so if you wouldn't mind turning them off. If we need to contact anyone we, the guides, have walkie-talkies." They took out their phones and turned them off.

"Thank you." We continued riding.



I know short. I'll make it up to you. Thanks for reading. Sorry for being really slow too. I have had writers block, and I have been up really late with band, basketball, and homework! It's hard..... I have detention Tuesday for one flipping zero in English! I wasn't even there that day! Then I wasn't there this Monday so I didn't get there then. This Tuesday I had a doctors appointment. Wednesday she wasn't there. Thursday I was at a basketball game, once again I couldn't get the missing work from that class. Friday, that is when I was told I had one zero in English so I now I have detention next Tuesday. My principal is awesome though he said it would affect my sports, band, go on my collage record, and he said I don't have to take semester test! Thank you Mr. Wilson!!!!! I hate you Mr. Ham....

Again thanks for reading.




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