The Weird One.

By okaythenbruh

1K 47 4

Madi Morris is the nobody in the family compared to her brother Mathew Morris or well known as Matty B Raps... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chpater 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

19 1 0
By okaythenbruh


I didn't even go back to class , we have 10 periods a day of school and I didn't even make it threw the first day.

I left my phone were it dropped because it broke to pieces, I ran to my locker grabbed my stuff and went to my car.

I drove home and put my stuff away. I drove to the studio and bursts in screaming for my dad.

"GUESS WHAT!!" I screamed at him

"Calm down" he said

I was out of breath.

"What?" He asked

"I made it" I said catching my breath

"What" he asked again

"I'm second best dancer in the country, I'm going to fucking world competition!" I yelled

"Oh my god !" Dad yelled

He called his friends and mom .

It was now 12:13.

School ends at 3 and so does Tyler's.

I drove to Tyler's.

I got there at 1:24.

I went into his house greeted his mom who was home and went to his room and sat on his bed.

It was eventually 3. I got very anxious. I couldn't wait to tell him.

He walked in at 3:21 and set his backpack down by is door and looked up and was surprised.

"Madi! You missed me already" he hugged me. "How did you get here so quick school ended like 20 minutes ago"

"I didn't last through the first day. Guess what guess what GUESS WHAT!" I started screaming.

"What" he laughed

"I made it, I'm second in the country, world comp is in a month!" I screamed

His mouth dropped. Then smirked

"Wait till my sister finds out you made it and she didn't" he laughed. I smacked him for being mean.

"Are you gonna come to the competition?" I asked

He looked at me as if I were retarded.

"Of course not" he said sarcastically.

"I can't believe I made it" I said sitting down "sorry"

"For what" he asked

"I'm like freaking out about making something really good and I'm probably making you feel bad, I'm just gonna leave" I said getting up

"What Madi stop, it's fine, I'm proud of you, this is your first year of dancing and look at you, your second in our whole country. That's amazing , you should be freaking out, I think anyone in your spot would." He paused "you look better in person"

I smiled and relaxed.

"I don't even know what I'm gonna do, like what the hell, thew already went back to L.A who is gonna teach my a routine, I can't make one" I said freaking out

"Madi, I bet thew will come back, or maybe you can go to L.A, okay just chill." He laughed.

"I seriously should probably go, I'm probably annoying you" I started down the hallway.

"Madi, what's wrong, the other day we were a cute couple and now your like puting yourself down" he said turning me around to face him

"I guess over the summer I just ... I don't know I guess I didn't have anyone to compare myself to, now I'm back at school and I'm ugly as hell, you probably don't even like me, your gonna go to school and find someone better than me anyway. This isn't gonna work" I said

"Okay okay okay doubting yourself is one thing, doubting us, is another. I don't ever want to here you say anything like that about you and especially about us" he said pulling me closer " we said we could make this work and we will okay"

I nodded.

"Madi I will change schools for you and drive an hour to school everyday if I have to okay" he smiled "I love you"

"I love you too" I kissed him. We did our homework together and I left.

I got home about five and told my dad about my phone, Matty walked in the door and threw his book bag.

"Thanks for picking me up" he said rudely. "I had to walk home"

"Sorry" I said "but I was at Tyler's and .."

"I don't care" he said "It took me 2 fucking hours to walk home and I don't want hear it"

"Matty this is IMPROTANT" I said

"Oh is it? Is it so important you forgot to pick me up cause your boyfriend is better than me? Of course he is cause your boyfriend is way batter than your own family, oh wait that's not what you told me before when I was have relationship problems, but its always about you, and just you" he said

"Look here MATHEW it's not always about me. It just not all about you for the first time. Oh wow what a big fucking difference it is cause all the attention isn't going to you for once, and you don't like that so go all mad at me! And I really am sorry for not picking you up but I fucking made world competition! I'm going to compete to see who's the best in the world! Can't you be excited for me for once and happy that I'm not some weirdo who lives with you! I'm your sister not your maid! But no you don't like that I'm getting the littlest bit of attention, I'm sorry that I'm actually happy for once!" I said and stormed to my room

I really was sorry and I completely forgot to pick him up.


The rest of the week I drove Matty to school told him to get out and drove away. After school I picked him up and we went home.

We didn't talk the whole week except for me telling him to get out of the car.

After school I talked with Tyler and  went to the studio. Thew said that he was coming back for the first two weeks of the month before world competition and that I was to go back to L.A with him the last two weeks before the competition.

I'm nervous.

This is gonna be on international TV.

Holy fuck.


It was now Friday morning and I was dropping Matty of at school.

I sighed instead of saying get out.

"I'm sorry" I said as he opened the door, which weirdly he said at the same time I did

We looked at each other weird for a minute then he got out and I left.

Talk about awkward.

"SAMI! TAYLOR!" I ran and hugged them

"Tonight we get to meet Tyler" Sami yelled

"He said he can't wait to meet my probably annoying friends, I told him he was right" I laughed and they nodded their heads in agreement and laughed too

School went by normally.

I made Taylor and Sami sit in the back of the car so that Matty could sit in the front.

We got to his school and he came walking over with his friend.

He opened the door and saw Sami and Taylor in the back.

"Ry you can sit up front so you don't have to sit back here with these losers" he said

"Hey do you want to walk home again?" Sami snapped at him

"No, sorry, their cool" he said and sat next to Taylor who sat in the middle and Ryan sat in the front.

"You didn't bring Jocelyn?" I asked

He didn't answer.

"They broke up" Ryan said

I ran it through my head of why they would have broke up for a minute.

"Well you know Taylor and Sami aren't interested in you but I got some other friends I could hook you up with" I said which made Ryan crack up

"Madi you are in 11th grade and I'm in 7th, no thank you" he said with disgust

"Believe me many girls in my school come and ask me for your signatures and crap and say they would date you, you have an easy supply of girls" I said and Ryan just laughed even more

"Stop Madi I don't want to hear it" Matty laughed a little

"FOOTBALL FRIDAY" Sami really yelled out of now where

We arrived at the house and we all got out.

Sami and Taylor talked about guys while I texted Tyler. The game didn't start till 7.

I couldn't text Tyler for long so I joined Sami and Taylor's discussion.

"Guys I forgot to tell you but I'm kinda going to L.A for two weeks" I said

They looked at me wth big eyes.

"Ummm this is gonna be awkward" Taylor said

"Really awkward"Sami added

I gave them a confused look.

"5sos is gonna be in L.A, for a concert, and well they kinda are working with Matt Steffanina and well I'm guessing your going to L.A to be with him to soooo" Taylor said , which she know ms everything about 5sos cause she is the ultimate 5sos fan

"And Um Justin also is working with uh that Steff guy" Sami Said who is the ultimate Justin fan

"Great" I crossed my arms.

"We will call you 24/7" Taylor smiled

"I'll be in the luggage" Sami smiled

I laughed

We got in the car to go to Tyler's game. Matty and his friend came along.

Since we didn't know anyone there to hang out with we sat in the bleachers.

Matty and Ryan found some girls who were fans of Matty to hang out with.

The game was over and we waited for Tyler to come out of the locker rooms.

"Tyler" I said as he came walking out all sweaty in shorts and a tee with slides carrying his football bag.

He had two friends walking behind him.

"Hey babe" he hugged me with the free arm he had

"Are those your friends?" Taylor asked nodding her head to the guys following Tyler

"No their my fucking butlers" he laughed and so did his friends

"Well you have some hot butlers" Sami said looking at his friends, who starred back at her and Taylor

"That's jack and the other is Paul" Tyler introduced them

"This is Sami and Taylor" I introduced them

I invited everyone to come to house, the guys rode with Tyler and Sami and Taylor rode with me.

Once we got home Matty and Ryan got out of the car from riding with Tyler and his friends and came over to me.

"Your boyfriend is awesome" Matty said and him and Ryan laughed and walked into the house while I shot Tyler a look and he smirked.

"I just told them how to pick up girls" Tyler smirked

We all hung out down in the basement and ended up sleeping down there.


Updating more❤️
Also I may start a new book💚
Oh and I just finished another book, it was the sequel to "more than I need" called "Dysfunctional Family"
If you haven't read those two book please read them they were my first books and comment what you think💜

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