Goode High (Kane chronicles/H...

By cherryblossom480

28.8K 445 531

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Clarisse, Rachel, The Stoll brothers, and eventually Sadie and Carter all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Sequel deets
Don't want the Harry Potter crossover?

Chapter 8

1.5K 26 24
By cherryblossom480

Hi guys, not sure if it's a great chapter, basically just a filler, I got tired of waiting for the new year so I decided to update now. Btw: some of this doesn't make sense
Percy's POV

    Suddenly, the wall in front of us exploded and standing their in front of us was Sadie and Carter Kane and with them, was Annabeth, all of there eyes were wide. "We have to go, setne broke free and he sent a monster after us, let's go!" Sadie said
   "How are we going to leave with all of us? Run?" Thalia asked
   "Nico and Hazel are going to meet us in the front of the school and shadow travel us to camp," Annabeth explained
   "We can't run through the building, Mrs. Moore locked the door," Jason said
   "Sure we can, stand back," Sadie said as she walked towards the door. "Ha-Di," (not sure I spelled that correctly) the door exploded. "C'mon, let's go, Percy you lead, I'm still not so familiar with the halls," Sadie said
   We all started running through the halls, if we had school today, the teachers would start yelling at us to stop. We finally made it out the front doors and saw Nico and Hazel. We ran towards them as they shadow traveled us out of there.
   New Rome. We were in camp Jupiter, not camp half-blood. "Woah, is this where all of you guys go to camp?" Sadie asked
   "No, only Hazel here, oh and there's Frank!" I said pointing to frank
   I saw Sadie whisper something to Carter. "Don't be rude Sadie!" He said to Sadie
   "It's not rude!" She whined
   "Yes it is," he said
   "Okay, Carter, Sadie, Rachel, Thalia, Clarrise, follow Hazel for a tour of New Rome," Annabeth said
   "Okay," they said in unison
   As they left, Reyna came.
   "I'm sure you know where everything is, you could roam around," she said walking away saying something to Frank.
   "What time is it?" I asked to no one in particular
   "3:00," Nico said
   I wondered how Mrs. Moore would react when she finds the classroom and door destroyed with 7 kids missing. I realized that I was now standing alone. Where did Annabeth go?

Annabeth's POV

   I couldn't help but think of what had happened over the past hours. Not again. I thought me and Percy could finally have a sort of normal life, but I guess that's impossible.


   I was helping some new campers fly on the pegasi when suddenly Chiron came over and whispered something on my ear. When I went to the entrance gate, sure enough, standing at the entrance was Sadie and Carter Kane. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I said said
   They looked nervous. "Umm, do you remember setne?" Carter asked
   "Sure, the evil guy who tried to combine turn immortal, so?" I asked
   "Well, umm, he sort of escaped and well... He's hunting us down,"
   I sighed, just when my life is turning good it takes turns for the worse. What a debacle! (Woah, I used a fancy word! Btw, it means disaster) Plus, my father had called earlier and said that Magnus, my cousin, had gone missing for a while. I haven't seen him in so long. I barely even know him. We're supposed to go to Boston to look for him during winter break. Hopefully I'm back in time. Anyway I told them that Percy was at detention and we needed to get him so, we went. Now I was in New Rome thinking about my life. Suddenly, Reyna came. "Hi," she said
   "Hi," I mumbled
   "What are you doing?"
   "Thinking about my life,"
   "Are you going to come play war games with us,"
   "What are those?" (Anyone else have that going around in there school?)
   "It's basically like capture the flag but harder,"
   "I'm in," I said grinning
   Nothing like a good game of capture the flag to lift up my spirits
   "See you there," she said as she left
How was it? Bad? I know it's terrible, I'll try to make it better next chapter, not as long of a wait this time

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