Jacob Black's and Sam Uley's...

By Sol_Lucet

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Victoria Black-Uley is Jake's and Sam's younger sister. She lives with her mom, in my story Jake's mom left B... More

Victoria Black-Uley
Alisa O'Connor
Raven Nightingale
Chapter 1: Normal Days Are Overrated
Chapter 2: Well... Screw
Chapter 3: First Dates
Chapter 4: The Bonfire & Meeting Bella
Chapter 5: First Times
Chapter 6: Alpha-Female
Chapter 7 : Over the Line
Author Note :D
Chapter 8: The Agreement
Chapter 9: Raven
Chapter 10: A Chance
Chapter 11: Truth
Chapter 12: A Moment Between Jaren
Chapter 13: The Bonfire
Author Note
Sequel's Possible Titles
Summary of Sequel

Chapter 14: The Fight

7.3K 141 11
By Sol_Lucet

(Vic's pov)

Today was the day. All the training. All the preparations. All the work and it's finally time. The fight will begin. We all had our places. Jacob and Edward was to be in the mountains to protect Bella. The wolf pack along with Cullens will be on the war field to attack. Seth and my beloved Embry will be up in the mountains to guard the perimeter.

I was worried about Embry, but I forced myself to ignore it and focus on the task at hand which is killing these newborns. I was scared, but I needed to be brave. After all I am the alpha female.

"Please don't go getting yourself killed." I smiled as I heard Raven say this to Jared.

"Sweetheart I'll be back before you know it. I'll be fine okay." He said kissing her lips. Raven sighed, but wrapped her arms around him in the end. She snuggled into him before forcing herself to pull away.

"Be careful Jar." She whispered once more before kissing him. "I love you." His eyes widen for a minute before he kissed her back.

"I love you too." He smiled before joining Jacob, Quil, and Paul. I turned to Embry and smiled.

"Ready?" He gave a sigh, but soon I was pulled into a tight hug.

"You don't get killed either. If you do then I'm bringing you back just to kill you." She said and made everyone laugh.

"Sorry Raven, but I don't think it's possible to bring the dead back." Paul joked. Raven hasn't told anyone other than Jared about her. I smirked.

"You never know." I say smiling. "Raven can surprise you." I say before hugging her back. "And don't worry I'll be fine."

"You better." Embry said making Raven smile. I roll my eyes.

"Let's just go and get this over with." I said making Embry nod. We walked to the woods, but before he took another step I pulled him to me. "Be careful Em. I can't loose you." I say. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled his face into my neck.

"You won't Vic. I love you. I'll be back in your arms sooner than you know." I smiled and snuggled into him.

"You better." I mocked earning a deep chuckle from him. "I love you soooo much Embry please be careful." He nods and gives me a heart melting kiss before stepping back.

"Promise." He said and I smiled. I walked over to Jacob and took a deep breath.

"I know you and I aren't on the best terms, but you can please promise to make sure you bring Em back to me." I say making him look at me. Jake gave a small smile, the first smile he gave me in forever.

"Of course Vicky. You're my baby sister. Even if you annoy me to bits I wouldn't let you loose someone you love so much." I smile at this. "I promise to bring him back in one piece." He said before kissing my temple and going off with his group. I took a deep breath and headed off with my group.

(Embry's pov)

Victoria, the vampire, came out of no where. Her and the newborn came at us. I managed to pin the newborn down, but then Victoria bit me. I whimpered, but Seth managed to lung at her and pull her off me. Thanks. Wouldn't want Vic killing me for dying. I chuckle to Seth who snorted in laughter.

We kept fighting and Jake and Edward helped, but they were just so strong. I was growing tired and all of us could see it. Dude you okay?  Seth asked I just nod. I took a deep breath and lunged again at the newborn. Nothing was working though. Soon I was pinned once again by Victoria. She bite into me and punched me hard in the shoulder dislocating it.

I yelped making it echo in the mountains.

(Vic's pov)

I heard Embry's cry and immediately stopped. Go! Sam yelled and I nod. I took off running as fast as I could. We were almost done here anyways Jared ran with me and that's when I saw Embry limping. Oh my Embry. I felt myself growl.

I ran full speed and tackle the bitch to the ground. I shook my head until her head came off. Embry fell to the ground in pain. Jacob was beaten badly too. Edward burned the body and soon I ran over to Embry. Shit Em are you okay? Baby please be okay. I begged. This made Embry's eyes open slightly. I nudged him and he licked my face.

I'm okay baby. I just hurt. He whimpered out. I laid beside him and nuzzled my face into his fur.

It's going to be okay sweety. Just hold on okay. Carlisle is probably coming. I said and he nod before closing his eyes again. We laid there before we heard Sam's voice.

The Volturi is coming so we agreed to have Carlisle meet up at Jake's. I'm sending Paul to help you with Embry and Jake.

I sighed before replying. Okay just make it quick. I hate seeing him like this. I said as I went into the woods and turned back. Paul came throwing clothes to us. Jared and Paul grabbed Jacob because he was the heaviest and Seth and I grabbed Embry. "I'm coming-

"Bella you've done enough. Just leave him be." I growled looking at my big brother. He needed to find his imprint before this bitch becomes permanent. We carried them all the way back which was exhausting. As soon as we got there. We laid Jake on his bed and waited for Carlisle to come. Embry was already discussed and was told he was staying with me. No way I was leaving him like this.

So here I sat as Carlisle came in... with Bella.... and Rebecca? "Bec what you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"Dad called." She said heading after Carlisle, but I stopped her.

"Did he tell-

"Oh please I was there when Sam phased. I was visiting Emily with Bri. We both know." I nod and she followed after them.

"Bella you're not going up there." I commanded. I stepped in front of her.

"You are not telling me what to do." She growled out, but Paul stopped her.

"Leave him be Bella. You're not-

"Shut up!" She growled at him. I could see him shaking. Erg! Sam's voice filled the room soon after.

"Bella get the fuck out!" He yelled surprising us all. "You're not welcome! Paul come the fuck down!" Paul calmed down and gave one final glare to Bella before going back to my imprint and putting more ice on his arm. Luckily he only got his shoulder dislocated and a big bite on his other shoulder that's already healed.

Bella looked pissed, but Sam was giving her no chance. "Bella leave now." Billy said and Bella's jaw dropped. Ya! 3 so far to us and 0 for her. We're on a roll!

"Well then... how's my Em?" I asked as I walked over to my imprint as Bella stormed out.

"In pain." He said with a pout. "Kiss it better?" I rolled my eyes, but slid onto his lap anyways.

"If that's what you want." I say kissing his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed my lips. I kissed back. We kissed for a long time before someone cleared their throats. We looked up and saw Carlisle. I snicker. "Sorry you want to help him now?" I asked making a smile go on the leach's face.

I got off and soon he popped Embry's shoulder back in. "Fuck!" Embry said biting his lip in pain. He bit so hard making it bleed. He looked as white as a sheet.

"Aw baby it's okay." I said kissing it better again. Carlisle left us be and I helped Embry back to Emily's. When we walked in we saw Raven making sure Jared was okay.

"Erg you had me worried." She said to Jared before she saw Embry. "Is he-

"He needs about a bottle of pain killers." I say as I lead him to the couch.

"Ouch. He looks worst than when we dropped him off at Jake's." Seth said. I sighed.

"Ya well he did get his shoulder dislocated so..." I said rolling my eyes. I sighed pushing his hair from his face. "So much for not getting hurt."

"I promised to be careful and not wind up dead. I was careful and I'm alive." I growled at him and he sunk in the couch. "I'll just... shut up now." I nod.

"Good boy." I said petting his head like a dog. He rolled his eyes and pulled me into his good side. I snuggled into him. "So much for having sex." I said making Embry turn bright red.

"Well.... I probably will be healed by tomorrow." He said blushing more. I giggled, but then I was pulled off the couch.

"New idea Embry you can take Vic's bed. Vic your sleeping on the couch. Even think about sleeping with my sister and I'll make sure you are more hurt than you were." Sam growled. Embry turned red to white in a second. "Now keep up and you two horny teens can go upstairs and take a cold shower.... cepertly." (Idk how to spell it... totally having a brain break down. Sorry).

"Oh please Sam you've done worst with-

"Why is it when I try to act like a good brother you always spin it to your way?" He asked tiredly. I smirked.

"Because I'm awesome." He groan and shook his head.

"New rule if-

"When I have sex with Embry I'll make sure you aren't around." I smirked. "Because I can actually be nice like that unlike some people." I say making Sam go red.

"Erg." He groans before storming off. I snickered and looked at Embry.

Come on sweety let's get you upstairs and some pain killers in you." I say and he smiled at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." With that I gave him one final kiss before we headed upstairs. So much could have went wrong. I'm just glad Embry is okay. He's my world. My everything.

My imprint.

The End

Lol hope you guys liked it. I will be doing a sequel so I hope you guys enjoyed this one. The next one will have Jake's love story, some of Paul's, some of Seth, and a surprise for Emria twist. :) Love you all.


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