Children of Night

By shadowqueen5511

1.4K 84 14

Shade and Shadow Nox, are two privet investigators who act more like thieves then vigilantes. All is going go... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 3

120 7 0
By shadowqueen5511



Shadow was seated at his usual seat in the underground tavern. This underground tavern was the guild's headquarters and best place to pick up the best things around town. Shadow was going to make sure he was a little drunk before going to talk to their leader. Mostly because of what she was thinking whenever she saw him. And that was sex. Hot, rough, sex... with his sister... that was the reason he hated coming here. All the thieves here wanted to get in her bed and whenever they saw him, they wanted her. Which got really annoying when he wanted fun of his own.

He downed his last mead now mentally prepared for what he was going to see in that Leaders head when someone sat down across from Shadow. He looked and smiled "Freddy, long time no see?" he asked casually. The man was pretty small but so was your average thief. He had short blond hair and big blue eyes. Freddy smiled at him "Shadow, I was er wondering if you and I could umm go somewhere" he was fumbling with words with the way Shadow was smiling at him. Even though Shadows sister often called him a womanizer he preferred the company of smaller men. Freddy knew that one all too well. "Not now boy, I have business then we can talk later" he said trying to remain focus but it was damn hard with this cute boy fumbling with words. Shadow Found it quite adorable.

If half the people in this tavern wanted his sister the other half wanted him. Shadow made his way to the back door that lead to the 'storage room' which really was where the leader made their home.

Walking into the room he scoffed at the sight of the women sitting on a wooden throne. A barrel to the left of it holding letters, a mug, and a few gold coins on it. She looked up and smiled at him. Then he was hit. The first image was what she was would do to his sister if she ever agreed to her advances. He cleared his throat "You know my sister would laugh seeing you on a throne... she'd have me pick it up and bring it back home" he said walking further into the room lit by torches on the wall. The women just laughed at him. She had long blond hair that was currently down from her usual braid. She had a lip ring and her ears pierced with silver and golden studs all the way up her ear. She wore her usual black under shirt and brown pants.

The women stood, her dark blue eyes searching Shadows "She probably would, you know you should tell her she'd be more then welcomed if she joined our guild" the 'queen' of this so called guild said. Shadow sighed heavily "look sweetheart I know you want to bed my sister but I don't think any of those dreams of your is ever going to come true" he said and smiled at her "But me on the other hand" he didn't get to finish as that mug on the barrel was flung at him and he ducked laughing.

"Back to business Velvet, there was a thief who broke into Lord Haris' house. Only taking a worthless family heirloom" he said and the women sat back down grabbing one of her letters off the table and reading it. Shadow had to admit even though she was a thief she looked really toned and despite him hating the images running through her head she wouldn't be that bad for Shade. He could see through the thoughts of just wanting to bed her to the thoughts that really cared for her. Plus she had saved Shades life before. Though if you asked Shade she would say it never happened.

"Ya I heard of it, none of my mates. Though there is a strange rumor going around that there's a new cult starting up. They're going to try and trash the ball at the King's home in a fortnight" she said handing him the letter. He took a few steps forward taking the letter and reading it. It was listed as a report from one of the thieves that infiltrated the king's castle. Some of the servants saw black robed men walking in some of the hidden passage ways. "You think your thief is lying about this?" Shadow asked handing her back the report. She shrugged "He's loyal to me but it wouldn't be the first time he misstated a priest for a cultist" she said and Shadow sighed "You think those Zealots for Storm are back?" He asked again Velvet shrugged then grabbed another letter "No, they are loud and proud, these ones are up to something. Something darker than just making us aware of the god that walks among us" she said and as Shadow took the next one reading it Velvet summarized it. "Vampire coven throwing a party tomorrow for all vampires out in the woods, east of here. Those vampires have been here a while, I know some have already infiltrated this city waiting for something... right now there hiding in the shadows" she said and Shadow sighed raking his hand through his hair.

"I think I know what might be one of the reasons, the vampires that me and my sister took care of last night?" he asked and she nodded of course knowing about that, she probably had spies everywhere. "Well the vampire women they had with them was Sigil... her real names Sage Nightingale" He said. Both he and his sister knew this because they had both been approached by a vampire when they had first made a name for themselves. Look for a vampire woman with black hair and orange eyes that may go under the name of Sigil.

"And you're harboring her at your house?" Velvet was standing again glaring at Shadow. of course she was blaming him for this. The things now going through her head was what made Shadow feel ok about her if she were to ever partner with his sister. The thoughts of her getting hurt, she was mentally writing a list of how she was going to keep her safe. "We both know the risks but vampires never scared us" he said and he was back handed. He was a little surprised at first but then as he looked the angry small woman he understood how much she cared for Shade. "That's what's going to get you both killed! You fear nothing! Not even death! It seems I'm the only one with a sane mind!" she was shouting at him now and he knew best to just let the women vent it all out. "Where is your sister now?" she asked and he thought about it. "Probably with said vampire" he said and she raised her hand as if going to hit him again but she lowered it and sat back down. "Do me a favor Shadow" she asked seeing this woman now at a low point now that all the adrenaline was gone. "Keep an eye on that vampire" she said and he smirked "well by tomorrow they should be bedding each other so I really am not that worried" he said and Velvet glared at him her jealousy growing immensely.

"You do realize if her husband ever found out she had a relationship with anyone not him, he would kill them in the most gruesome way" She growled the words and then they hit him. "Shit" he hissed now thinking deeply about this. She was right of course; there was no way for Shade to be happy with Sigil or Sage... He would have to kill that mad vampire king and he was gifted by a god... no way alone he could do anything... even with Shade's help he didn't think they could do it... best to keep in the shadows... as always. "I've kept her safe for this long, V, trust me" he said in his most convincing voice although he wasn't convinced himself. She sighed "Don't make me regret trusting you" she warned him and she smiled at her "She's my sister and not you lover. Remember that because next time she comes down here, she's going to start wondering why everyone else here is giving her the same looks you do" he said and before she could yell something at him he was walking out the door shutting it behind him.

That was enough talk and thinking of his sister today, he needed some of his own time. That made his eyes find Freddy seated at the bar drinking alone. he smiled and walked up behind him, he put one of his hands on his him pulling him off his feet and fall into his body "Business is over, how about me and you go have some fun?" he whispered the words in the boy's ear feeling him shiver at his own words. It gave him pride to feel the affect he had on the boy. Before Freddy could stutter out a response a woman approached Freddy on the other side "Could I join?" she asked and Shadow smiled "The more the better, plenty of Freddy to share" he teased the boy seeing his face go completely red. With that he dragged Freddy out of the tavern and off the closest open bed.


He left the house quietly and it was almost night, Shade should be back home by now, he would share news of this cult crashing the ball and vampires out to the East. It was going to be a very busy week for them.

Once he finally made it to the house he heard shouting and sighed heavily as he opened the door. He went up stairs where he heard the two women. "Give it back!" Shade growled and as Shadow was standing on top of the stairs he saw his sister pinning up the older and taller vampire against the hallway wall reaching up for what looked like a long needle. "Tell me what you're making" The vampire demanded and oh does she wish she just gave it back. Shade now feeling as if everything were a challenge of course wrapped one arm around the vampire's neck pulling her down a little and Shadow's eyes widened thinking they were going to kiss by the way the vampire was now looking at his sister. Instead Shade pulled on the vampire's arm down grabbing the needle and walking away. Shadow whistled "Just when I thought things were going to be interesting, sister you never told me you were a tease" he said walking in the vampire followed Shade into the work room where she was seated and working again. The vampire sat down beside Shade and Shadow sat across from them.

There was a long silence as Shade was completely focused on her work which looked like new leather armor. "Well" Shadow said finally breaking the silence. "There's a cult uprising and a vampire coven nearby. What do you want to do first?" He asked and Shade finally looked up "The Cult we found down in the sewers, just one man dying at an altar to Ebony" She said and Shadow smiled at his sister "Not just one man, reports from the guild say that there are many and they're planning on crashing the ball held at the king's castle in a fortnight" he said and Shade got a grim look "well we need to get invitations to that ball, what about the vampire coven?" She asked. "There's a party for all vampires being held tomorrow, best to infiltrate that and find out what's going on with them. the thieves said there waiting for something, they're already in the city" Shadow said and his sister sighed "Me and Sigil will go crash the vampire party, you can work on getting invitations" she said and Shadow grunted "I don't like the idea of you surrounded by vampires" he said and she scoffed "won't be the first time plus with Sigil's age I think we can handle it" she said so confident and trusting of this vampire she just met. it seemed off. She didn't trust so easily but she was now... why was that, the vampire couldn't use any of its seduction powers on her, she was immune to that... Velvet was right, there was something very off about all of this...

"I'll try not to take that comment to heart" Sigil said frowning at Shade for that comment about her age. Though in truth Sigil only looked nineteen, still she 'looked' two years older than Shadow and Shade. They were both only seventeen though because of Shadows well built body he was mistaken for his twenties and Shade never showed her face unless inside this very house. Even then her face looked a bit too mature so she looked about in her twenties as well

"What should I wear to blend in with these vampires?" Shade asked but Shadow cleared his throat "one more thing, everyone knows your alias as Sigil, I suggest a different fake name" he said. Sigil seemed taken off by that but Shade didn't knowing all too well what he was talking about. "You... know who I am?" she asked him then looked to Shade who was working once again not even paying attention. "Yes, so do the guild members too. So, you're going to need to look... different, Shade can help you with dying your hair a different color" he said and stood up "I'll go find us some invitations to that other party" he said and began to walk out the door when Shade snapped her fingers making him stop at the door way. "Get me a pet eagle when you're out too" she said and he huffed heavily and shuffled his way out.


Before he went to find invitations he went to one of his usual 'clients'. He was a noble men and lived in the upper part of town. Shadow didn't bother knocking at the wooden door, instead kicking it open breaking the hinges off the door.

Inside the house it was very warm compared to outside and Shadow whistled as he entered. He walked to the dining room where he saw his Client seated at the table who looked like he was enjoying a good meal. That was until Shadow showed up. He smiled "Hurous! Long time, my friend" he called out loudly as he walked over to his 'friend'. He was looking down at his food not looking up at Shadow, completely deprived of movement. "Hey buddy, why the long face? You haven't seen me in forever and this is how you treat me? Where are your manners? I am your guest after all?" he asked in a mocking tone and he stood up from his chair at the head of the table. "Would you like something to eat?" he finally spoke with his voice so soft Shadow barely heard him. Shadow smiled showing off his white perfect teeth, that had a jagged set of k-9's poking out. "I thought you'd never asked" Shadow said immediately taking Hurous' seat and eating his own meal. "Please sit down. don't make me feel like a stranger" Shadow said in between bites of the beautifully roasted venison. Hurous took a seat to the front right of Shadow watching him eat. Shadow ate in silence till he ate every last scrap on the plate, then to finish it off he downed the Nobles wine in one swig. Then he leaned back smiling at Horous. "That, was a very lovely meal" Shadow said smiling.

"Now, i think you know why i'm here?" Shadow asked pouring himself more wine. The Noble man nodded "Tomorrow you'll have your money" He said still practically whimpering in the mere sight of the giant seventeen year old boy. "Tomorrow? You said that like a week ago Hurous? I hope you know i'm just a messenger and my sister is very angry with you. If we don't have our money tomorrow she will be coming down here and i think we both know how that will go? Hm something like you becoming a widow, your home being burned? And that's only if she's in a good mood. I'm sure you've heard of her reputation when she doesn't get paid for what she does?" Shadow asked now his smile gone as he stared into this man's eyes and how he was physically shaking now. though it was only his hands. "I promise you you'll have your money tomorrow,please tell your sister we appreciate her hospitality" the man stumbled out the words and Shadow smiled again standing up. "Thank you for the dinner" he resorted and began to walk out to the door. "I'll be coming by tomorrow for the money at noon" He said as he walked himself out, he couldn't shut the door since he did kick it down.

With that last piece of business taken care of. Shadow walked back down the road going to the guild once more to ask Velvet for one last favor for the day.

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