Love Unexpected

By amysousa

191K 1.4K 257

Two best friends, living together. Sounds great right? Well, Alex and Sam are in love with each-other which c... More

Chapter 1 "A pleasant surprise"
Chapter 2 " First weekend together"
Chapter 3 "Surprised and ready"
Chapter 4 "A Super Sweet Birthday Surprise"
Chapter 5 "Back to the schedule"
Chapter 6 "How quick time has gone"
Chapter 7 "Surprise Surprise"
Chapter 8 "I Do"
Chapter 9 "Honeymoon" Part 1
Chapter 10 "Honeymoon" Part 2
Chapter 11 "Honeymoon part 3 in Brazil"
Chapter 12 "Home at last"
Chapter 13 "Interviewing and Shopping"
Chapter 14 "Unsuspected, I think..."
Chapter 15 "Liar liar, you're now fired"
Chapter 16 " Don't worry, nothing happened"
Chapter 17 "You can be my bad dream, or a horrible nightmare"
Chapter 18 "Must Exercise"
Chapter 19 "Terrible Timing visitors"
Chapter 20 "No really. We're totally ok... I think"
Chapter 21 "Backfields and Winter don't mix"
Chapter 23 "Don't Tell Anyone"
Chapter 24 "I'm Sorry Bro. Alex Will Understand"
Chapter 25 "How the hell am I suppose to have my story straight?!"
Chapter 26 "Did they hurt you?"
Chapter 27 "What do you mean by 'us'"?
Chapter 28 "Never underestimate a pregnant person"
Chapter 29 "Argh!"
Chapter 30 "You're looking great!"
Chapter 31 "Do you want more children?"
Chapter 32 "It was amazing!"
Chapter 33 Epilogue "Forever and always"

Chapter 22 "Eight weeks!"

4.7K 37 2
By amysousa

Hey you guys :D Here is chapter 22 and I think you're going to be surprised? I hope so. Please vote to show me if you liked it and because I didn't get as many votes as usual on the last chapter   :( Oh well. I'm going camping for a few days but I will upload next friday again :D Happy weekend? :D!!!


Recap: Sam’s P.O.V


“Alex isn’t in her room. She left a note saying that she is in backfield. It was signed Six hours ago and her phone isn’t here. We’re going to look for her. Don’t worry dear; I’ll call the hotel you’re staying in to tell you what happened. Bye”

She said everything so quickly and hung up before I could say anything. I started to feel sick. Alex left 6 hours ago with her cellphone to be in the backfield. She obviously doesn’t have her phone with her now. Six hours ago.

I’m really regretting going to New York.



Alex’s P.O.V

I slowly started to open my eyes groggily. I instantly closed them and started blinking because of the bright light shining directly above my head. Where the hell am I?

“You’re in the hospital Alex” I heard a voice say. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, causing me a huge headache.

“Slow down Alex, It’s only me” My vision un-blurred and I then saw my mom on my left, stoking my hair.

“W-What happened?” I asked still very confused.

“We found you in the back field a few hours ago. You were passed out and freezing with a sprained ankle. Do you remember anything honey?”

I started thinking and then I remembered. I went out for a jog in the backfield and left a very discreet note for everyone. 

“Right, I wanted to go for a walk and feel normal without having a body guard next to me, so I decided on the backfield. After a long time, I saw Justin and I’s old toys and I tripped in a hole on the ground. I remember feeling really tired and I guess I fell asleep?”

It wasn’t a complete lie.

“Oh honey, we thought you were sleeping. We only found out that you were out there after Sam called us since you wouldn’t pick up your phone. You had been gone for 6 hours and it took us another two to find exactly where you were.”

I stopped listening after she mentioned Sam. He called?

“Sam called?” I asked quickly after I shook my head.

“Yes, he was wondering what happened. Apparently you lost your phone and didn’t get any of his calls.” She said giving me a stern look.

“Right, sorry. I only noticed that my pants were ripped after a long while.” That’s the full truth.

“What did he want?” I asked really hopeful. I didn’t want to keep fighting with Sam.

“He said that he was doing great and wanted to talk to you. You should try calling him. Mike called with the hotels information and his room number. Just use my cellphone and dial all of the codes first.” She handed me a sheet of paper with what seemed like at least 30 numbers. I hate codes.

When the phone started ringing, my mom left the room before reminding me that the doctor would be in in five minutes to check up on me since he couldn’t give out any information. I was wondering what he was talking about.

“Hello?” Sam.

“Hey S-Sam. It’s me, Alex,” I said with a few tears falling down my face.

“Alex?! Are you all right? I was so worried about you! What happened?” He said it all so quickly but it made me feel happy that he was worried.

“You were worried about me? I thought that you hated me,” I said sincerely while sniffling.

“Hate you? That’s impossible! Alex, I love you and always will. Even if you don’t love me anymore, you’re always going to be the only girl I love in a romantic way. Ever.”

Hearing Sam say that caused me to cry even harder. “Are you alright Alex? Was it something I said?” He sounded really worried.

“I’m so sorry Sam! I love you too and always will. I’m so sorry about being a b*tch to you these past few weeks. I know I haven’t said it recently but I love you so much and I miss you!” I said, now sobbing into the phone.

I could now hear him crying too. That’s something rare for Sam.

“I’m sorry to Alex. I really want to go back but I can’t before they are done everything. I promise that I’ll be back before the trial and we can talk things through.” He was going to say more but then the doctor walked into the room.

“Uh, I have to go. The doctor is here.”

“What! What doctor?!”

“Bye” I hung up before he could ask any more questions. I would just tell him the next time we spoke on the phone.

Sam's P.O.V



She hung up on me before I could ask why she needed a doctor. I felt a huge weight lift off of my chest after she said, “I love you” to me again. I’m so happy that we’re going to be ok. But for some reason, I still feel like something is wrong.

I’ll figure out if there is. I just have a feeling that I will.

Alex’s P.O.V



“How are you feeling Alex?” The doctor in his mid 40’s said.

“I’m feeling ok. Just a bit of a headache and a ankle ache… if that’s possible…”

He chuckled a bit before speaking again “Now I’m sure that you are aware that I couldn’t tell your family anything since you are now an adult.”

He said giving me a knowing look. What is that about?

“Sure?” I asked making it sound like a question.

“It’s just a sprained ankle, right?” I asked feeling nervous.

“Yes but it’s something else too. Have you been feeling sick recently? Have your senses become stronger and you feel nauseous randomly?” He asked me.

“Yes actually, I’ve thrown up after eating somethings and smelling other things.” I was so confused.

“Well I have an explanation for that. But first you have to do one thing.” I gave him a “what are you talking about” look.

“You have to start eating a full breakfast, a good lunch, and a good dinner every day. You seem to be showing some signs of being underweight and I fear that it could lead to anorexia.”

I gulped. I was underweight? ‘Yes you are’ Great. Even the voice noticed. I’ll just comply I guess. I’ll ask Cleo what size I should be for the filming.

“Ok Doctor…” I was wondering what his last name was. I guess he noticed.


“Oh. Ok, Doctor Davidson. So I’ll eat more. But why am I feeling nauseous?”

He came closer with a huge smile on his face before saying.

“Congratulations Alex, you’re eight weeks!”

What is he talking about?

“I’m eight weeks? What?” I asked kind of annoyed that he didn’t explain what I was.

“I’m sorry. I’ll do that again. Congratulations Alex, you’re eight weeks pregnant”

Everything slowed down after hearing that. Eight weeks? As in, two months? As in, I got pregnant during my honeymoon with Sam?

“That’s impossible,” I said.

“Nope, you’re pregnant” He said still smiling.

“But I’ve been on the pill this whole time!” It’s true. I’ve been on the pill since a month before my wedding.

“Alex, sometimes the pills don’t work. When was your last period?” That question struck me. I haven’t had my period since a bit more than three weeks before the wedding.

“It’s been 11 weeks. Three weeks before the wedding. But it doesn’t matter. I’ve been on birth control since a whole month before the wedding.”

Doctor Davidson gave me a look “Well, the type of birth control that you’ve been using probably had to be taken the week after your period coming, not the week before.”

Oh. My. God. The doctor is right. Now everything makes sense. The weight gain, my eating habits changing, my senses getting stronger.

I’m  two months Pregnant. 

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