Faberry family


53.9K 1K 140


The naming of NO.2
"But mama said..."
Quinn Fabray is Magic!
Winter Festival
It's a thin line
Comic strip suspenders
Prince Charming
Mama's Girl
Mum and Mama Time
Not a chapter!
Those Three Little Words
I'm Ready
"Do a rapunzel on it"
The dress

The Brittana Family

1.7K 43 9

AN: THIS IS FOR beautynme and some others who asked for brittana. Hope you all enjoy and had a good Christmas.

Santana Lopez-Pierce stopped at the doorway of the kitchen and smiled at the sight of her family.

It was never supposed to be this big. One kid, in and out, done and dusted, that would be her contribution to the human race. However, here they were 24 years later and 5 kids. Well five mini me's to ge exact. Santana had pretty much made a Lopez army, 4 strong. Little Sophia was exactly like Brittany, which was strange as she was one of only two that had been carried by Santana.

The oldest was Olivia, she was 15 and every bit her mama. She looked close to the spit of brittany, it wasn't until she opened her mouth that you saw the Lopez side. Then there was Joseph, he was almost 13 and he was Lopez through and through, he had learnt well from his mama. Brittany had then given birth to the twins, Ethan and Louis, (who would be 9 soon) they had used a sperm donor that had alot of Santana's features and so they had both come out with their dark hair and tanned skin, Brittany was happy with them having her eyes, it didn't take long to find out who they took after, by the age of 2 they would switch clothes and play tricks on relatives and friends, Brittany however could easily tell them apart, Santana took longer but she figured it out eventually as Louis has a lighter tinge to his hair and his eyes are darker. Santana had said one kid, then made an agreement for two, then Brittany had done that thing and so three was agreed upon but of course they were twins and when Santana had realised that all their kids took after her she was the one begging for another one, however when little Sophia was born right from the start they knew she was a Pierce. She slept through, only cryed when she was truly upset and never threw a single toy at someone, she was their little princess and they were currently planning her 6 birthday party.

"Soph, you gotta have a bouncy castle."

Louis said showing her a booklet if all the designs and styles the company did.

"No, I don't want to spend too much money."

That made Santana smile and announce her presence.

"You, my little princess, don't worry about that part. Me and your mum will get you whatever."

Sophia smiled at her mama from the kitchen table. They were all sat around each being given a different job by Brittany, Santana went over and took a seat by their oldest and looked at her read her job off a placemat.

"Trust me to get stuck with the most boring."

Sophia liked up and shook her head at her mama.

"Really, you're moaning about venues. I'm handwriting and making 30 invites."

Santana smirked at that.


Santana said and leaned back to look through the first leaflet.

"Stop moaning Olivia or you won't be going shopping next week."

Olivia grumbled but went back to glueing and sticking unicorn pictures on each card.

"Okay. So Sophia, do you want inside or outside?"

"Erm, I looked earlier mama and I really like the farm one."

Santana nodded and quickly sifted through finding the one her daughter was talking about.

"Okay. This is actually pretty good, they have a play area, a in side and outisde food area, petting zoo and a bouncy castle."

Louis did a little fist pump and left the table.

"Where you going"

Santana said grabbing the back of his shirt to stop him leaving.

"My job was finding a bouncy castle, you did it, now I'm going to play some video games."

"Homework done?"

"Yesssssss" Louis said and pulled Santana off before running out if the room.

Santana rolled her eyes.

"So do you want me to book this place Soph?"

Sophia smiled and nodded at her mama.

Santana herself got up to leave but Brittany pulled her back down.

"Where you going?"

"Erm...to book the farm."

"Good. Off you go. "

Olivia and Joseph laughed at their mama as she sulked out of the room.


The party was going great. Everyone invited was having fun and Santana was just happy that her little girl was running around with a giant smile on her face.

"Good job Lopez."


Santana quickly said after that and turnt to smile at her friend.

"The kids having fun?"

"Yeah. I think Olivia, Joseph and Harmony have hidden away somewhere."

Santana smiled.

"I heard Bash asking Rach for a lamb earlier."

"Don't start. I've had Rachel attached to me for the last half hour asking for one. I just said that it would get big and then we would have to kill it, she stopped asking."

Santana smirked. Brittany had been asking for a piglet, she had said the same thing and she had stopped.

"You guys still coming round tomorrow?"

"Yep, wouldn't miss it."

They had a tradition of always getting together after a birthday like a big family and spending the day together.

They both stood in a comfortable silence watching all the children run around and have fun. Quinn and Santana both smiled when they saw their wives coming towards them. Quinn wrapped her arms around her wife from behind and Santana pulled Brittany into her side.

"The kids all having fun?"

Brittany nodded and rested her head on Santana's shoulder.

"The teenagers are hiding in the barn."

Santana smiled at that, typical behaviour.

They all stood there just watching, happy with the turn out.

"Oh, by the way. I said that Bash could have a chicken."

Santana watched laughing as the brunette ran off at full speed with Quinn chasing her.

"They are like big kids."

Santana said, happy that she and Brittany weren't like that.

"Yh. Oh, I said that we could get a dog."

And off Brittany went, with a Latina behind her.


Santana pulled up on their driveway and turnt off the engine. She looked in the mirror and smiled, all the kids were happily asleep in the people carrier, or swag killer as Santana called it.

"I think she really enjoyed it."


Santana agreed, her youngest was fast asleep with a smile still on her face.

"Shall we wake them?"

Santana asked and Brittany nodded.

Santana turnt in her seat to look at them all but quickly turnt back, pinching the bridge of her nose.


Brittany asked frowning slightly.

"Ethan has a Rabbit."

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