Quinn Fabray is Magic!

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Quinn slammed yet another tattoo magazine onto the pile next to her. It consisted of 8 magazines that had all been deemed 'crap' by Quinn herself.

It was 3pm on a saturday and she had just finished a chapter for her new book that had taken her three weeks to write, so she had allowed herself a little 'Quinn time'.

Rachel was at rehearsals for her latest performance in Wicked on Broadway. The show was opening in a month today so as much time as possible was spent getting ready and perfecting the play. Rachel was beginning to turn back to the Mckinley High Rachel Quinn had known, it happened everytime time the opening to her next performance got closer, the rambling kicked in and worst of all, the self doubt. Not many people know how insecure Rachel can be, it started mainly after the nose job incident and continued to grow after the NYADA mess up. Around about this time Quinn would become the best wife possible, relaxing baths, reassuring talks and lots of cuddles, constantly reminding Rachel that she was a star and the most talented person in the world. This tended to do the trick at calming the women down.

Leaning forward a little on her office couch Quinn could see into the kids playroom. She couldn't see Harmony but her voice told Quinn that the 7 year old was playing with dolls house, she could see Sebastian, he was sat at his mini desk with his back to Quinn hunched over and focused.

Quinn smiled before leaning back and picking up the last magazine and flicking to the family section. Quinn had many tattoos, each holding a part of her life.

Angel wings stretched across her whole back a reminder of who she once was, the perfect angel, someone she would never be again. A revolver on her right side that looked as if it had been tucked into her trousers, this she got done whilst in her skank phase, it looked pretty cool and reminded her of the stage in her life when she realised that she didn't want to be a puppet for her father. She had a peice of script the side of her left ribs that read 'the little lamb that became a mighty lion', her mum always called her little lamb and then once she stood up for herself and became who she wanted to be the name changed to mighty lion. Rachels signature sat proudly on display on the side of her left forearm, written on by the women herself. Then she had two microphones crossing stretched across the entire inside of her right forearm with a banner that said Harmony across the bottom.

Quinn just needed one for Sebastian. She hadn't even noticed that she was missing one for him until the other night. Rachel has a habit of tracing her tattoos whilst they cuddle in bed, it is the only time she has access to seeing them all together and lets just say that Rachel really really loves Quinns tattoos.

Quinn watched as Rachel traced the tattoo meant for her and then leant to stroke Harmonys, it was then Quinn remembered her plans of getting a tattoo for Sebastian when he was first born but had completely forgot, not being able to find a design she liked.

So here she was, throwing the last magazine down and getting up with a 'huff'. She walked across the hall and inro the playroom, Harmony looked up from her dolls and smiled before going back to dressing the one she currently had in hand.

Quinn walked forward and squatted down next to Sebastian, she ruffled his sandy blonde hair but the boy still didn't look up. Leaning over Quinn could see a small part of a drawing the boy was working on. Quinn had never seen a 4 year old this interested and this good at drawing, he was hardly Da Vinci but the boy definitely had talent. He struggled with his words still and drawing seemed to be a way for him to get out the frustration that caused.

"Mama, no. Not 'loud look"

Quinn held back her laugh, the boy was still coloring and hadn't even looked up to tell Quinn off.

"I'm sorry buddy, Mama just really loves your drawings"

"It 'k. It for you, it 'prise."

"Su-prise buddy. Try and say su-prise"

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