Who Done It?

By AndleyXxKellic

3.8K 144 105

Pretty much as the title says. You're going to be reading and trying to solve the crime of who done it. A hig... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A New Beginning

Chapter 31

160 6 7
By AndleyXxKellic

A/N: I can't believe that this is actually over. Oh well, so here ends the last Kellic and Andley for a while. I'm sorry. But here you go guys, I love you and thank you all for reading. So here you guys go, the last chapter.


*Third Person's P.O.V.*

"Alex, rope." Vic demanded, pulling Kellin along as his body dragged across the floor.

He kicked and screamed to get away, but he wasn't strong enough to get away from Vic which seemed to be the sad thing. Fear was rising up more and more in Kellin as Alex took his knife and cut the rope that was attached to Andy's body. Vic smiled down at Kellin and pulled him along, Alex taking Andy's hair and the two meeting up. Vic took Kellin's face in his hands and pushed him into Andy's, making them kiss. Kellin whimpered against the cold lifeless lips, trying to break free.

"Please?" He begged and it made Vic laugh.

"Oh, what's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted? Him. He's all you've wanted, isn't that the reason you cheated on me. You've been doing it for so long, what's the difference now?" He asked, pressing the two heads together as hard as he could, making Kellin's lips hurt. Finally Vic pulled his head back, making Kellin groan in pain as he looked up to a vicious smile. "You're such a scum." He said and Kellin closed his eyes, wishing he was dead, or that Vic would just kill him.

"You want to know something, I actually knew about it, and it sucked because I thought that you actually liked and loved me. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I really expected better Kellin, I deserve better. This is actually my house, that I own, along with various mechanic shops and businesses and not to mention a few other homes like this. I could have gave you the life you so desperately wanted, but...." He trailed off and moved Kellin away from Andy. Kellin's hands went to Vic's, trying to ease the pain from his grip as he was moved to the other side of the room. He slung Kellin by his hair, making his back hit the very wall where Onision was hanging just a couple inches up.

"Kellin, my sweet Kellin." He said, sitting in front of him and crossing his legs. "You know, I felt bad, worse than bad, I felt completely awful that you were stuck working on our sixth month anniversary. That you had to deal with all the parents of your children and have those kids running around you all night. But you know, I decided I'd surprise you and even brought some dinner for us to eat when you got a break." Vic explained and Kellin's eyes grew wide as if he knew what Vic was going to say. "Well, you know what I find most hilarious about that night?" He asked and Kellin shook his head. "Want to guess?" He asked him but Kellin shook his head, so Vic looked at Alex. "Guess what I found hilarious." He ordered Alex.

"I don't know, what?" Alex gave in and Vic smiled, looking back at Kellin.

"An empty parking lot and a closed school." He said. "I was all dressed up still in my suit and everything, had the hopes you and I could still have our dinner. I had a basket of the food from the restaurant, and a ring inside as well. But, when I got to the door, it was locked and I was scared half to death by a janitor who let me in."

"But didn't you say you had to work Kellin? Why was the school empty?" Alex asked with an amused smile and Vic shot him a death glare.

"Who the f.uck told you to speak?" He asked him and Alex was quiet as Vic continued. "Well, anyways. The nice janitor asked me what was my business being at the school so late. I told him how I came to surprise my boyfriend, you. And you want to know what he did?" Vic asked and Kellin didn't move his mouth, so Vic grabbed his foot and pulled Kellin towards him. Making Kellin fall on his back and Vic hovered over him, yelling. "Do you know what he did?"

"No." Kellin whined and tried to cover his face, but had his hands be held down.

"He laughed in my d.amn face." He spat, making Kellin start crying. "I never knew why he laughed at first, but he told me he'd take me to you. And like an idiot, I went on and on about how it was our anniversary and I was going to propose and the whole shabang. I told him that you said you were supposed to be meeting with parents and he told me, 'Mr. Quinn likes to stay and work late' was all he said. We turned a corner and when we were next to your door, he stopped and I smiled my biggest smile ever. Fixing my tie and getting ready to open the door, but my eyes went through the glass window before my hand could move."

Kellin closed his eyes and couldn't help his sobs, but Vic, Vic wasn't buying into it. Where was those tears when Vic's heart was broken? Kellin cared for no one but himself and Vic realized this. The sight of Kellin crying only made Vic all the more angry and Alex could see that. He started towards the two, but Vic heard his steps and looked at him. Alex put his hands up defensively and took a few steps back, making Vic stand up. Vic stormed towards him, grabbing Alex by his neck and pushing him back on the bed.

"I spared you, now you do as I say and stay out of my way." He seethed and Alex nodded.

Alex was truly scared of Alex, especially when he began to work for Vic. Alex was the one who was designing Vic's new business, and Vic only said he'd spare Alex's life so he could help install traps. Alex's men were also the ones who helped with the explosives and so much more. But what Alex didn't know, was Vic was already tired of the liability of having to hang on to Alex being there. He was constantly in his way and nearly got him caught a few times. When Alex killed Erin, Vic had to distract the guys, and Alex nearly woke everyone up. He was a clutz, and it was just a few minutes more before Vic wouldn't have to deal with him any longer. Vic walked back over to a cowering Kellin and looked down at him.

"Where was I?" He asked himself and then nodded a little. "Oh yeah, the window. The most painful thing I've ever seen was seeing my boyfriend being banged into a desk and it wasn't by me." He said and reached down to pull Kellin by his collar, bringing them eye to eye. "Now, you imagine how embarrassed I felt, wanting to marry someone as despicable as you. Why do you think I got angrier during s.ex?" He asked Kellin and he tried to speak, stuttering.

"I-I'm sorry, Vic, I'm so sorry. I love you, I do I was foolish." He said and Vic slapped him, making Kellin cry more. He picked up his light body and threw it across the room, Kellin's body sliding across the floor.

"You love me, do you? Well I loved you and I had to hear that whenever you stayed at work late, you were having s.ex with another man. On our anniversary! I spent the night talking to a janitor." Vic ranted as he approached Kellin who was groaning in pain and trying to sit up properly. "You know, the janitor actually made better company and the whole time you were f.ucking, we were talking. His name is Pete Wentz, he was in a band with our principal, Mr. Stump. When they graduated, Mr. Stump wanted to do better things, so he went to college and left Pete with nothing to do with his life. He was lucky enough that Mr. Stump was the principal, so he got his janitorial job." Vic kneeled down next to Kellin who pushed his hair back to get a good look at him.

"Didn't you ever wonder where he went?" Vic asked and Kellin shook his head.

"No." He whispered hardly and Vic shook his head.

"Hmm, well, now he's my financial investor now, investing in bands and music now." He bragged and Kellin started to cry and reached to Vic, grabbing his arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please. Just leave me here. I won't say anything; please." He begged and Vic moved his arm away from Kellin's touch.

"But why would I do that? Don't you still love me?" Vic asked, moving closer so he was face to face with Kellin and Kellin nodded, whimpering and sniffling as he leaned forward to kiss Vic. Vic moved away and took Kellin by the hair again. "Well baby, you waited too late to love me. But you know, love does hurt." He said and stood up, pulling Kellin up with him. "You should have loved me when it mattered most, and to think, you probably would have been the only thing to keep me sane."

"H-how come you didn't leave?" Kellin sobbed and groaned, screaming as he was pulled by his hair.

"Hmm, that is a good question." Vic said and looked at Kellin with a shrug. "I think this is more fun, plus, your little affair helped fuel me. You're the one who I should thank for the motivation to do this actually. All those nights you came home, exhausted and tired, or were busy grading papers, I'd nap and the moment you laid down, I had work early. When in actuality I'd just come here and plan it all out."

"Y-you should have left me, I'm nothing." He whined and Vic laughed, motioning to Alex to get Andy's body.

"No baby, that would have been too easy. You never were that easy on me at school." He said and pushed Kellin into Alex and Andy. "Now you get him and kiss him!" Vic ordered and Kellin cried, shaking his head.

"Please stop." He whimpered and it made Vic madder, picking up Alex's knife.

"I said kiss him." He repeated and Kellin cried as he held Andy's body and kissed his blue lips. Alex smiled viciously and walked over towards Vic, hitting his arm and Vic gave him a strange look.

"We did pretty good here." He said, feeling accomplished and Vic rolled his eyes.

"I did pretty good." He corrected and Alex looked shocked.

"B-but I helped." He frowned. Vic ignored him and watched as Kellin pulled his lips from Andy's.

"More! Kiss him more!" He yelled at him and Kellin's eyes burned with more tears, his cheeks heating up as they flowed down to his chin.

"Am I still getting me cut?" Alex asked.

"Your cut?" Vic looked at him and Alex nodded nervously.

"Don't I get a cut?" He asked and Vic chuckled.

"Yeah, me keeping you alive." He said and Alex shook his head and stepped in front of Vic.

"You promised me something out of this, that isn't fair." He said and Vic pushed him back.

"Yeah, to keep you alive f.ucker. Don't think I don't remember you making me piss my pants or pushing me into the school fountain either." Vic said coldly and watched Kellin, but Alex pushed him back.

"I want money." He said and Vic growled.

"You know what, there's something you should know." He spoke and Alex perked up. "You're actually a deadman." He said and stabbed Alex in the torso. "See, those letters actually stood for Faggot Vic, Mike wrote them when he partied here last, I'm surprised he didn't notice they were changed. But I did turn them into A & M, for the simple fact I was hoping some dumba.ss would do what Chris did to Onision." Vic said and Alex groaned as Vic turned the knife. "I've never liked you, have fun rotting in hell." He said and pulled the knife out before quickly slicing Alex's neck. "Shame." Vic sighed and Kellin cried.

"W-why Jack?" He whimpered and Vic was going to get on to him about not kissing Andy, but let it slide.

"Well, school seems to be the place for affairs. Jack had been in a relationship with a student and teacher, Mr. Dawson and a kid named Zack Merrick." Kellin's eyes grew big because he actually knew of the student affair, but the teacher had a wife. "Don't pretend you didn't know sweetheart, I saw the footage. Pete showed me tapes of the teacher's lounge, everything you and him have done."

"V-Vic." Kellin stuttered but Vic clicked his tongue and shook his hand.

"I'm very disappointed in you baby. But you know, I'm getting very bored of our games." He said and walked over Alex's body. He made Kellin drop his lover's body and stood him up. "Let's go." He said, taking him by the arm."

"W-where are we going?" Kellin asked as Vic unlocked the door and opened it, moving to a door that lead to a secret stairwell.

"You'll find out, but you won't be alive long enough to enjoy it." He said, pulling Kellin faster as they climbed up and Vic opened a door at the end of the staircase. It just so happened to lead to the rooftop, Vic standing and waiting as Kellin pulled at his arm. "Stop moving." Vic said as he got closer to the painted red circle on the roof.

"Please let me go." He begged and Vic sighed

"I'm so tired of your whining, enough." He spoke harshly, but Kellin listened.

He was quiet and soon after, blades were heard and a small helicopter was seen. Kellin gained a little hope that maybe Vic was just torturing him to teach him a lesson. He looked at Vic who was waiting patiently for the helicopter to land and stop so they could both board. When it neared them, they backed away from the vicious wings, and waited. It didn't shut off, but the doors were open.

"Jeffree!" Vic exclaimed, getting a kissy face before walking towards it.

"Is he the last of them? Jeffree asked as he held the door open and let Vic and maybe him go by, Jeffree quickly closed the door and sat down beside Vic, say back. "How was your time?" Vic was questioned and smiled brightly before dropping it.  "Kellin, up." Vic demanded and turned to Kellin who was standing. He grabbed the him by the collar, pushing him to a spot nearest him.

"It was delightful sir. Me and the mister had a wonderful time, he even thought we should invite you over for dinner tomorrow." The butler said, smiling to the boss he's ever loved working for.

"Of course, did you remember to draw my bath?" Vic asked as the helicopter lifted.

"Of course sir, and it's waiting on you along with your food." He said and Kellin looked so scared and clueless, the thoughts that Vic was going to kill him being erased from his mind.

"Thank you. How have the other servants been?" He asked, starting an entire conversation, and not paying attention to Kellin except for the hand that still clutched his collar.

"They're actually pretty good. Christian actually has a baby due next week." The simple phrase made Vic smile.

"Then we'll most definitely have to celebrate then." He said and then looked out the window before putting two fingers up at Jeffree. "Over to your left 200 meters." He said and Kellin tried to look at what he was looking at, but couldn't. Jeffree took ahold of a latch and opened it. Vic stood up, pulling Kellin with him as they approached the latch, and the guy who begged for mercy and forgiveness didn't say a word. He had cried enough, accepting what was his fate as he looked down.

"Vic?" He said softly and Vic looked at him. "I never meant to hurt you, I'm sorry." His mind made up that he was going to die, and Vic smiled and touched Kellin's face.

"I'm sorry I don't give a f.uck." He said before twisting Kellin's head and his lifeless body plummeting into one of the Great Lakes of Michigan.

"Sir, shall I get the films from the security tapes and have them play during your bath?" The thought of getting to watch everything happen excited Vic and he nodded.

"I want them playing on the big screens. And about that bath, I'd like you to call that cute chubby Mexican from the shop that I like. What's his name?" Vic asked, looking at Jeffree and shutting g the latch.

"Jaime sir." He said and Vic seemed to shine.

"Ahhh, yes. Him, call him to join me, and I'd like to announce to all the servants that you will receive a vacation." Vic went on, thinking bad thoughts of what him and Jaime could get done.

"As you wish sir." The words came out slow and flirtatiously, but Vic just smiled, looking back at the area he'll never forget.

"I think this actually made me happier. I'm so glad I did this." He put his hands behind his head, leaning back and crossing his arms.


THE END!!!!!!

A/N: so yeah, that's it. Bye. Love you.

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