Tough Guy- ImmortalHD AU

By XxSakuraHDxX

12.8K 478 135

He was the icon of Denver. He looked like a regular guy on the streets but in the ring, he's one scary mother... More



425 17 4
By XxSakuraHDxX

It was a busy night of the month. Young and older adults were dancing to the beat of the music, drinking as much as they can. I was a server, a bar maid, or a bar waitress; however you like to call it, in the common club of Littleton. This place wasn't my ideal place to work, but since my uncle was the owner and he was willing to pay me; so why not.

My role is to serve "high class" people or clients who has a reservation in the sofa corner booth. Usually people who reserve a booth, it's mainly for a birthday or a celebration of some sort. Basically, my role is in the name; i serve people drinks.

Aleks hasn't said a word to me for almost 5 days, which was great! I didn't want to deal with his shit all week. That would just make him possessive and clingy. I felt free when Aleks wasn't around. I didn't need to feel so terrified and quiet now that he isn't here. Since i am in a club, doing what i somewhat like, i don't have to worry about a thing.

"Hey, Haley. Serve this tray to booth 4," my co-worker, Monti said. I gladly took the tray and strut down to the needed booth.

Once i got to the booth, i gasped. The Creatures. I watched them having laughs and drinks with one another. My eyes diverted to Aleks. A female in short clothing was sitting on his lap. She looks like a prostitute.

Aleks soon saw me. He lips turned into a smirk, eying me down. I wish my uniform wasn't as revealing as it is. It everything was mainly black and short, but not as short as the prostitute's choice of clothing. I wanted to hide but i had to serve. I quickly placed the drinks on the table and scurried to the bar with the tray. Even with the music playing so loud, i could hear Aleks' chuckle.

I slammed the tray on the island and sighed. Most of the people sitting at the bar looked at me but soon turned away to talk to their friend or partner. Monti looked at me while cleaning glasses.

"What's up Haley?"

"The group of people i served were The Creatures," i told him, avoiding eye contact. His eyes widen.

"The Creatures? The known group of fighters in Littleton?" He exaggerated.

"Yes. One of them has interest in me," i pouted. Monti straighten up his posture.

"I'm guessing that's him," he stated. I turned around. He was literally a foot away from me.

"Hey sexy," Aleks smirks.

I groaned, turning around and filling my tray with drinks. I felt a pair of hands on my hips, pulling me to his crotch. I gasped at the contact. I swat his hands away, making him laugh. I didn't know if Aleks was drunk or being himself.

"Can... Can you leave her alone to do her work please?" Monti told Aleks. My eyes widen due to Monti's powerful statement. I could feel a glare behind me.

"Fine. I'll see you later baby," Aleks told me. I nodded slightly, trying to avoid his gaze. Before i could turn away, Aleks gave me a hot kiss. It did startle me at first. But with Monti clearing his throat, i felt somewhat safe. Aleks gave another glare to Monti. He soon walked away and i smiled to Mont.

"Thanks Monti."

He smiles back with a wink.

"No problem, Hale."
It was already 2:30 in the morning. Most people were passed out on the floor of the club or in the personal rooms. My uncle let me and Monti leave early since we had work in a few hours. We left the club and entered the cold streets of Littleton. Monti decided to take the dark side and i chose the normal way home. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

When i started walking, i heard a noise behind me. I looked back. Monti wasn't on the side walk anymore.

"Wow. He walks fast," i said to myself. I kept walking on my safe path home.

Minutes later, i heard heavy footsteps. My heart raced. I can't stop now, the "attacker" might catch up to me. I soon picked up my pace and walked faster. Footsteps were getting louder and faster. My breathing became heavy, sweating in the process. An arm wrapped around my shoulders. I made a sound, but closed my mouth when i saw the person's face.

"Hello, sexy," Aleks winks.

I groaned, putting my hand on my chest. This guy nearly gave me a heart attack. I looked at him, he was smiling down at me. I glared at him, punching him in the gut. He groan, but smile.

"You gave me a fucking heart attack, you bastard," i spat. Aleks chuckled.

"You gave me a heart attack with that pretty face of yours," he winked.

I made a disgusting noise. Aleks slipped his hand into mine, interlocking fingers. I didn't mind at the moment, i was already afraid in the first place. A texture on his hand irritated me. I looked down. Blood.

"Aleks... What's on your hand?" I asked him, hoping it isn't what i think it is. He looks at his own hand.

"Don't worry about it."

My eyes widen. Did he kill another man?! I let go of his hand, backing away from this creature. Aleks looked terrified as i let go from his touch.


Next thing i knew, i ran. I ran away from him, not wanting to be apart of what's coming next.

"Haley! Wait!"

I ran as fast as i could. Even with the heels i have on, it wasn't stopping me. I looked back, Aleks was running like a marathon runner. Fuck. He was catching up. I tried my best to run faster, but my heels caught under a crack on the concrete tile.

I wince in pain, slipping out of my heels. I heard Aleks call my name once more. I got up and ran again. I might be bleeding, i might be running in my tights, but it still won't stop me.

Me running with an injured leg and Aleks whose athletic is tough beating. His footsteps could be heard meters away from me. My legs ached and i felt myself breaking down. Even though i didn't want to be touched by him, Aleks caught me before i hit the cold ground.

I gasped as how close Aleks' face was to my face. Our heavy breaths overlapped each other, making it hard for new air to come through our bodies. I stared into his hazel brown eyes. I could see the sense in care in them. Aleks leaned in carefully, i was in no state to pull away.

He placed a delicate kiss on my lips. Aleks attempted to relax me, by rubbing my legs but failed. I winced as he slid his hand on the cut on my leg, which made him pull apart. He examined the cut. It made me sad how it cut through my tights.

"Shit, Haley. You crashed bad," Aleks told.

I said nothing back. He sighed, picking me up bridal style. I gasped, never been so high up before. Aleks started walking, still carrying me in his arms.

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked him, gripping the sleeve of his shirt.

"My car. It isn't far from where i parked," he told.

Moments later, we arrived at his car. Aleks opened the door and gently placed me in it. I smiled at his gentleness. He soon climbed in and drove to an intersection. The car ride was silent, beside the fact that there was radio music playing in the background.
"Was this your was in saying you'll help me?" I asked, out of the blue. I shyly looked at Aleks. He gave out a look.


I looked right back down. I could tell this wasn't what he meant in helping. Time went by, and we arrived at a house. It wasn't my house, that's for sure. Aleks unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. I didn't bother with the door, knowing he still has child lock on.

Aleks opened the door for me and guided me to, i presume, his house. He turned on the lights and my eyes widen. This house was surprisingly neat.

"Wow," i gasped. Aleks chuckled.

"This is the neatest i've ever got it," Aleks told.

I examined the place. Coats and shoes were organized properly. Posters were hung straight and the walls had not spect of dust nor scratch marks.

Aleks guided me to the kitchen. He grabbed a first aid kit. Aleks took out the alcohol pads and ripped the paper wrapping. He quickly wiped my cut and my hands were found on his shoulders, gripping it as hard as i could when the cut stings. Aleks soon placed a bandage on the clean cut and placed a kiss over the stitched cotton.

I smiled. Aleks stood up straight and i couldn't help but stare at him. The kitchen lighting was perfect, it glowed on Aleks' perfections. I soon blinked, snapping back to reality. Aleks smiled, placing his head at the crook of my neck. Delicate kisses were placed and i shivered at the sensation.

Aleks soon pulled away and looked at me. His eyes flickered to my lips and eyes. I finally gave in and pulled him towards me, letting him kiss me. We passionately made out, with me on the kitchen counter and him just standing. The kiss felt like forever. Aleks groaned into the kiss, pulling me to wrap my legs around his waist.

Aleks grabbed my butt, lifting me up. I gasped, as he carried me up the stairs. Aleks kicked the door open and placed me on a soft platform. He walked away turning on the lights. He soon came back, kissing me again. My fingers traveled to his hair, him groaning in the process. Aleks pulled apart, having lust in his eyes.

My eyes widen, having flashbacks go through my mind. I panicked. When Aleks leaned in again, i placed my hand on his chest with force. Aleks looked at me with concern. I couldn't look at him back.

"What's wrong, Haley?"

No response.

He sighs. Aleks got up from his position and went through his closet. He passed me a t-shirt and a pair of boxers.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"You're staying the night," Aleks responsed.

"No i'm not!"

"It's 3 in the morning. Might aswell stay. I'll be back. You better change," Aleks told, closing the door.

I sighed. Changing into the clothing. Minutes passed, and Aleks walked through the room. He whistles, eying me down.

"Man, you look good in my clothes," he winked. I rolled my eyes.

I organized my clothing and i heard rustling behind me. Aleks was pulling the blankets out from the bed and giving me pillows. He soon began to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.

"You're taking the bed. I'll be downstairs, on the sofa."

My heart dropped. I didn't want to be alone. Even though i thought he was scary, i didn't want to sleep alone in his house.

"Stay...with me?"

Aleks softly smiled, taking his shirt off. He went under the covers and waited for me to come in. I crawled in and got comfortable. Aleks pulled me closer to him, putting an arm around me. We laid there for who knows how long, until i closed my eyes into a deep slumber.

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