My Ghost Boyfriend

By applescentedarmin

9.4K 436 379

// kaneki x hide [au] // Hideyoshi Nagachika is a sophomore in college and moves into a condo near the U... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

873 47 46
By applescentedarmin

Chapter six

Kaneki's pov;

I tapped my fingers on my mug, staring idly at the white sheets. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes to relax myself. Keeping my head hung low, I glanced over to see Hide, with his mug in his hands, looking at me with anxious persistence.

"After I died..." I started, Hide winced at my choice of a beginning, "I was trapped in a dark room. It was cold and confined. I thought I was stuck in a nightmare..." my throat felt dry so I took a sip of my tea.

"Kaneki... you know you don't have to-"

"No, I want to," I interrupted, "you deserve to know," I added, softly.

Hide only gave a short nod and moved to sit himself in a criss cross position. He wiggled his toes and continued to give me his full attention.

"As I became more conscious, the room slowly faded away, it just disappeared like nothing. I found myself staring at the ceiling of my own condo. I thought.. for a second, that maybe I wasn't dead afterall and it was just a dream. But I came to realize that I was lying beside my own dead body. I could hear the sirens outside and policemen faintly talking in another room."

My eyes widened and it felt like they could fall out of their sockets. I screeched in fear and kicked myself far away from my own corpse.

My head was stopped by tape that signalled this was private investigation area. I choked on my saliva and tears, my breathing was critically uneven.

I felt uneasy as I recalled the sick feeling I had, seeing my own dead body in the flesh. Goosebumps ran along my skin, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine. I stared long at the white, empty sheets.

I felt warm fingers caress my knee and I looked up to see Hide giving me a comforting grin.

"Please take your time," he insisted.

It was so soothing to be able to have some sort of physical contact after so long, it warmed my chest. I took a deep breath and attempted to put my hand over his, only for it to slip through. I instantly retracted it, placing it near Hide's hand, pretending that didn't happen. I relaxed and took a small drink of my coffee, pulling my tongue back for it was bitter. I guess I could've added a little more cream.

"I freaked out and cried," I felt his thumb soothingly rub my knee, "I was so confused and scared."

I hiccuped as I sobbed, drool running down the corner of my mouth. I furiously rubbed my eyes, in hopes I would wake up or clear the image of my own corpse. I gripped my hair tightly and brought my knees up to my chest.

I took deep breaths to try and calm myself; or to at least stop the uncontrollable tears. I managed to bring my breathing to a steady rate and stop the tears. My cheeks burned like a raging fire and my chest was sore.

I shakily stood up and looked around, searching for any sign that I was alive and this was just my imagination. There was no one currently in the room I was in but I knew there were people discussing the crime in my bedroom.

"I was about to go into my bedroom to see if I could get some information when a mysterious, hooded figure walked through the door. She had such a casual aura, it irritated me at first but-"

"Wait, she?" Hide cut in, with a raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, gazing at him with scrunched eyebrows.

"You knew the hooded figure was a girl," Hide kept his lingering eyes on mine; he seemed so focus.

"At first glance, yes. I also happened to know her," I added, unpleasantly.

"Oh, sorry for cutting you off. Go on," Hide excused himself, sheepishly, an airy laugh thrown in.

"It's okay," I accepted with a small smile.

I started towards her, in desperate hopes of a sign that I'm dreaming. She had her hands in her pockets and the hood casting a shadow over her face, hiding any distinct features. She had her head down as she stared at a picture frame I had of my mother and me.

I glanced at the mirror on the wall that she stood in front of and she looked up, her eyes locking on mine.

My heart skipped beats and I had hope that seeing my dead body was an illusion. But, when I stared longer and harder, I recognized royal purple strands of hair covering half of her face.

"Touka-chan?!" I puffed out, puzzled.

Confusion clouded over me. I didn't need a confirmation for she flinched in surprise and whipped around to face me.

She had this angry look in her wide eyes. She was not happy and I took a step back out of instinct, gulping.

"You're too loud! Be quieter, you idiot," she responded, looking up at me, making her hood slightly slide back.

"Hey! You can't be here, this is a private crime scene!" A policeman emerged from the hallway and Touka jerked her head.

She looked back at me with a mean glare, putting her hood back over her head. She then made her escape with a policeman falling behind her as he called for backup.

"Touka-chan!" I called out, in worry, and ran after her.

As soon as I reached the door, which was wide open, I was restrained from exiting. It was like a thick, clear wall was blocking my path. Perplexed, I stepped away with awe. I struggled, slowly moving my hand toward the force. My finger was stopped when it reached the frame of the door. Despite, I continued to move my hand forward when I felt an excruciating pain flash through my body. A strangled cry left my chapped lips and I fell back, landing on my bottom. Sweat beaded down my temple, my lips curling in, forming a frown.

"Touka-chan..." I mumbled to myself, clenching my hands as I stared outside my door.

"It isn't that I despise her but she left so suddenly and I want to know if she knows anything," I muttered, glaring at my mug.

"What's with that look?" Hide giggled, removing his hand from my knees; I missed it's warmth the second he removed it.

I flinched my senses coming to me, a small blush brushed on my cheeks, "Sh-Shut up," I pouted, looking away.

Hide smiled and cautiously fixed himself to seat criss-cross. Dragging his leg over the other, he perked with an "oh."

I looked over at him, curiously. My fingers playing with my mug.

"You know... If I can remember correctly... I think I know where she might be..." Hide slowly spoke, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, "Touka..."

I leaned forward, anticipation driving me off the edge. Sweat began to form and I took a drink of my coffee. I wasn't all sure if I wanted to see her. I would like to know if she knows anything about my situation, considering she saw me when I was dead. I shook my head, excusing my intrusive thoughts.

"Don't stress it, it doesn't matter much anymore," I dismissed, lifting myself off the bed.

I stepped onto the cold floor and walked over to his desk, my feet padding on the bamboo flooring. I stood in front of his desk and gazed at the small shelves of books. As much as I expected telling Hide about my traumatizing past to be much of a burden, I feel a lot weightless having someone to talk to about it. I sighed with content and smiled small to myself. I ran my fingers along the books while scanning their titles. Wow, his taste sucks.

Hide's Pov;

Kaneki was absorbed in a book he found decent off my shelves beside me. He was sitting against the headboard, one hand holding the book open and the other occasionally turning the page. He looked so relaxed and the day was tranquil.

My hand was resting on my chest and the other was supporting my head. I continued to be captivated by him, since I had nothing sincere to do. I attempted to sneak to my desk and at least study or review lessons I had, but I was kicked out of my seat, literally. As soon as I had sat on the chair, Kaneki jumped up, his foot dug into my side, and he threw me off the seat.

I took a deep breath and looked away, gazing up at the ceiling and began to lose myself in my train of thought. As I was on the brink of falling asleep, when I heard my phone buzz. Kaneki looked over at me and then to my phone that sat on the nightstand.

I pursed my lips, my hand smacking on the phone. I sat up against the headboard and rubbed the back of my neck, flipping my phone open.

One new message!

I raised a brow, opening the new message. I focused my sight, for it was a little fuzzy, and read the message.

From: Hiroaki

Re: Party (ノ^∇^)ノ゚

Nagachika you okay? Why didn't you show up today? Anyway dude if you're up to it there's going to be a party tomorrow! Don't know who's house but there's going to be a lot of hot girls!! We can totally hook up with them for the night! You can finally get laid ;)

I shook my head, a light laugh, almost nervous sounding, left my lips.

"This guy," I muttered to myself and shut my phone, not sure what to answer.

"What happened?" Kaneki asked, curiously, side glancing me.

"My friend invited me to a party to get laid," I exhaled, placing my phone on the dresser and rubbing my face.

"Oh..." Kaneki muttered, "And you're not going?" He added, his voice sounding upset.

I chose to let it slide, "I-I don't know if I really want to. I know this is going to sound lame but I don't know how to get laid and I'm not sure if it sounds all that interesting to me," I lightly added an airy laugh, nervously, "I mean, how do you even hook up?" I was a bit anxious now thinking about it, it didn't sound as fun anymore.

Kaneki sighed, closing the book shut and setting it aside. I slid down and propped myself on my elbows, watching intently.

"Well... it kinda works like this.. You meet someone, you both catch each other's interest, you both avoid getting personal and instead, get flirty," he shifted over closer to me, and I felt my skin get clammy, "you get into a private area," he crawled onto me, straddling me, before I could react, "and they get all over you-" our lips brushed, "like this."

I was stiff and didn't dare to move a muscle. I gulped, staring at his tempting lips. Sweat slithered down my temple, my mouth felt dry. I wanted to close the gap. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I want hear him. Why? He had a dead, intense gaze on my lips. Fighting my provoking thoughts, my hands gripped tightly onto the sheets.

"Hide," Kaneki breathed out, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine as he leaned in, he stopped midway just as I could feel the soft texture of his lips, "please."

aaaaaaaaaa kaneki u fucken tease

i got u guys *evil yandere laughter* we'll see where this goes next update, won't we ;)

on a another note i've got a bunch of explaining to do don't i? two months without update man i'm so terrible i'm so so sorry guys. words cannot explain how upset i've been not being able to update. i had lost all possible ways to update and i managed to find a way to just a few days ago so i haven't gotten any sleep since because i've worked really hard to get this update ready by today!! this is my christmas gift to u guys as an apology, sorry its kinda short! i feel so horrible for leaving you guys hanging for so long, thank u guys so much for being to patient i love you guys and im going to start on the new chapter to get it finished as soon as possible!!

hehe is there going to be smut next update? who know not me ;))

well im super sleepy! merry christmas babes!! ♡

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