Uzumaki Style ( NarutoFem Fan...

By Lizz0429

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What if, as Kushina laid down bleeding to death with her husband and newborn daughter, the Uzumaki clan that... More

Prologue (1)
Training An Heiress (3)
Chunin Exams Part 1 (4)
The Chunin Exams Part 2 (5)
The Chunin Exams Part 3 (6)
Reflection's (7)
The Uzumaki (8)

Introductions (2)

2.3K 61 16
By Lizz0429

Recap :

A couple of minutes later and Ashina and now known Neji Hyuga were having a heated argument as they stood in their undergarments. It ended with Ashina slapping him before offering him some sake to which he drank despite him being from the Hyuga.

Only 2 minutes of arguing and this woman managed to give him a headache, he sat down beside the woman and looked at her as they just kept taking shots before they were pissed drunk and spilling each other secrets.

" So your from that clan that was moving in next to us ? " Neji asked as he hiccuped at the end.

Ashina took another shot before nodding and giving him the bottle. " I have a secret to tell you Neji-kun " she said as she giggled.

" And what would that be Ashina-hime, " he said in a tipsy voice.

He had some sober in his mind as did Ashina but they liked how they could let loose in front of each other and ignored their consciouses warnings of letting the affects of alcohol take over.

" I like like you Neji-Kun " she exclaimed before jumping on him before he had the chance to say something, she was hovering over him and they eyes locked together before their clouded minds took control and their lips were connected before they knew it.

Now On Uzumaki Style :

The Next Morning ...

Neji groaned as sunlight hit his face. He suddenly froze when he remembered something: ' I don't have a window that hits directly on me and my bed in the morning ' he thought.

He stiffened even more when a pounding headache hit him and when he felt another's leg hit his own, looking to his side he saw a beautiful girl no older than he was naked in the bed with her back facing his.

Her Crimson red hair covered most of her bare back as her head was turned facing him, he inspected her face and found her very attractive even for someone of his tastes. And he is very picky if he does say so himself.

Wondering why he was also naked along with the Crimson haired beauty, he looked around the room for clues and like a lightbulb went off in his head, he curse and fell off the bed with a thud.

' Holy shit, I just slept with some woman no matter how beautiful and I didn't even use protection at that. Oh damn, Uncle Hiashi is going to kill me and what of her family. I just fucked their sister, daughter, niece, grandchild or whatever and Uncle is going to kill me for sleeping around with someone whom could be a foreigner and live in Kumo and the child would be used for the Raikage or- ' his thoughts however were cut off when the woman beside him groaned and sat up and she didn't bother to cover up her breasts.

Looking to her left and then to her right, she failed to notice Neji as she looked confused as to why she was naked before she turned around and stunning violet meet the Byakugan before she cursed as she fell off the bed with a thud.

" Ah, gramps is going to kill me " she muttered. Getting up again, she looked Neji over before walking over to some book and opening it as she completely forgot to cover her nude body to the man she slept with.

" Okay come with me carefully and quietly " she commanded

She wore what she did last night and grabbed her flats, she was in one of her tree forts she built when she just visiting. She threw Neji his clothes and gave him a look that said ' Get dressed or so help me your reproductive organs are goners '. Needless to say he got dressed.

After that she grabbed his hand and headed towards a seal on her door and as she bit her thumb and pressed the blood to it, it glowed before transporting them into her room. She lead him with her hand to the courtyard where they snuck into the back as her grandfather got up to give the morning lecture.

" Erza, you need to stop raiding the cake shops even if you wanted strawberry cake. Laxus, no harassing Mirajane or at least having sex with her if her brother warned you not to-" he was interrupted by Laxus's reply.

" She liked it though " he retorted and Makorov sighed.

" Moving along, the Hyuga complained of someone spray painting and pranking everyone while they ran through the clan compound naked. Anyone wanna tell me who it was ? " he questioned.

" Makarov, that was you running around pulling pranks on the Hyuga butt naked. We took some great photos " Macao Uzumaki called out.

" Sure was "

" That was funny "

" Sounds like him "

" Pretty much "

" Anyways, did anyone else do something I'm not aware of already ? " he questioned. Everyone looked as Ashina pushed one Neji Hyuga to the front and walked away before sitting down next to Laxus and Erza.

" Well, what happened? It was obvious that my granddaughter went drinking by the cliff and got you drunk or whatever, what happened ? " Makorov asked as he could feel the headache from his hangover hitting him like a ton of bricks.

Neji rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he looked at the man before speaking : " I may or may not have slept with your granddaughter without protection sir " he said nervously as he felt their gazes bore into his back.

He soon felt a shadow over him and turned to see a tall man with a lightening scar and red spiked up hair. He was looking as if was to murder Neji, he showed him Ashina before speaking,

" So your telling me that are the one to have deflowered my baby cousin ? " he growled out and he nodded in fear of not wanting to anger the man even more.

Neji gulped, if it was some boy who did this to Hinata or Hanabi despite his dislike to the Head Family, he would probably be like this as well. He nodded slowly and soon a fist met his face as the older Uzumaki hit him sky high. Hell even if the poor boy held there hands or even kissed them on the cheek he'd get mad !

" Laxus, now we're gonna have to explain why the prodigy of the clan has a sucker punch bruise his pretty little face and why he has to marry my granddaughter and your cousin " Makorov complained before all the Uzumaki got to cleaning up and Laxus took Ashina to her room to get ready to be presented as clan heir.

Later That Day ......

In the council chambers, all the clan heads and one beat up Neji Hyuga sat waiting for the Uzumaki clan and its clan heir to come. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the current Hokage sat there waiting with a smirk as he knew what that type of punch on Neji was !

How may you ask? Well his wife, Biwako, she had an older cousin who did not like Hiruzen despite being clan heir deflowering his little cousin! He got the same type of mark because the man was half Uzumaki at that and which is why the Sarutobi and the Uzumaki are also distant relatives like the Senju and Uzumaki.

All chatter seized though as the doors opened to reveal the full Uzumaki clan as requested they all come. The clan head and heir walked towards their respective seats.

" Great, now we may start the council meeting. Uzumaki-san, if you may, will you introduce everyone and their status within the clan " Hiruzen smiled at his old friend.

" Sarutobi you little rascal I haven't seen you since we were but children. My old friend, I'll start it off with myself. I am the current Uzumaki clan head, Makorov Uzumaki " Makorov bowed.

" My name is Laxus Uzumaki, I'm the first grandchild of Makorov and Kushina's older cousin. My mother was a lightning user and so I'm the clans best lightning user " Laxus bowed.

" Gray Uzumaki and this is- " " Natsu Uzumaki, we're twin brothers " " but were known for our mission success " they finished for each other but the last sentence they said together.

" Though we are brothers, our mother was from the famous Yuki clan and I gained her Ice Style while Natsu gained our father's fire style which is rare in the Uzumaki clan, " Gray said.

" We are the Uzumaki siblings, I'm the eldest child Mirajane and I'm the clans head chef. Though I and my siblings have a way with animals so naturally we are known to be able to tame even the most unfriendly of beasts. I work with mythical ones such as summons while Lisanna works with normal animals and Elfman works with elemental summoning so who can pack a punch "

" I'm Elfmen Uzumaki and second eldest child, I work with Natsu and Gray at the fight ring where we train. After all our Kenjutsu is second best to none as no one besides a Samurai are on par with us "

" * Giggle * The names Lisanna Uzumaki and I'm the youngest of the Uzumaki siblings. I help Mira in the kitchen, but I've started work recently at Konoha's ramen stand " she bowed.

" My name is Erza Uzumaki and I'm the clan best female warrior in Kenjutsu besides Kushina as we always train with one another. I also keep these ones in lone * glares at Gray and Natsu who cower in fear * if anyone knows who sells the best strawberry cake, tell me. "

" I am Wendy Uzumaki and I'm another cousin of Kushina's and Laxus's, I'm just starting out in the medical field along with my older brothers. Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray. I'm also the clans best wind style user along with Kushina who gained it from her father "

" Gajeel Uzumaki and currently I'm the holder for the Dragon Summoning scroll who asked us to be their summonses as Dragon summoning a use lots of chakra that would kill a normal person if not having naturally large chakra reserves like us Uzumaki, " he said.

" Though due to my mother being from a certain clan with a bloodline limit, I can use iron rods and transform my arm into a block of iron. I don't play well with others got it? By the way, we're half siblings so that why we can use different styles" he concluded.

" I am Freed Uzumaki and I specialize in seals I also am the best seal specialists in the clan "

" I am Romeo Uzumaki And this is my father Macao, we are the best fire users in the clan along with Natsu "

" The names Laki Uzumaki and due to the Senju clan being blood relatives and Orochimaru, when I was younger he injected the DNA of Hashirama Senju into me and I can use wood style though to only make other objects. No forests or what not, example: Wood Style: Pipes Of Punches " she said as wooden pipes of some sort hit the hidden ANBU and hidden ROOT ANBU to which they fell out into plain view.

" It hits targets that are unknown to me and that I view as a threat " she concluded.

" The names Lucy Uzumaki and this is my cousin Loki Uzumaki, we are astronomical tellers as well as weather people. From looking at the stars and different patterns we can predict the time span we have until a certain weather comes our way. " Lucy started

" We also can see and check the stars for patterns, if a certain star is out of place during a certain time of year, it means something unnatural is going on. Like the use of the famous doujutsu, The Rinnegan as it is the most unnatural doujutsu ever known " Loki finished.

" My names Cana, if you ever need your fortune told or some good sake or alcohol for any occasion I'm your girl "

" Gildarts Uzumaki, I'm Cana's father and physically I'm the strongest member in the Uzumaki. I match even Tsunade Senju in raw strength " to prove his point he punched the wall and it came tumbling down.

" Juvia Uzumaki and I are the best water style user in the clan. And my dear Gray will be impressed by my skills I'm sure. " she swooned at the thought of the ice user with hearts in her eyes.

" Names Mavis Uzumaki and I are the elders of the clan. I'm the daughter of Ashina Uzumaki, the clan head that signed the treaty between our villages. I handle all affairs with the head clan and the other 2 elders. "

" I'm Bisca and this is my husband Alzack, we have hardly any chakra control to perform any type of Genjutsu or Ninjutsu. So we've dedicated our lives to the art of weaponry and if you've lost your chakra, we are the backup squad. We've made weapons that can be used with Taijutsu masters if and when they open the life gates. I've heard Rock Lee and Might Guy are like us. We'd love to train them to pass on our art like our daughter who is like us " she spoke.

" My name is Evergreen Uzumaki and I'm a constructor. I can construct anything that involves stone so when it comes to buildings with stone just ask. I play nice "

" Bicklows my name and puppets are my game "

" I'm Jet and I specialize in speed. I'm second best at the body flicker technique like Shisui of the body flicker was. I also have trained my legs with weights since I was 5 and have added twice my body weight each time. It's been over 20 years since then do I'm fast "

" Droy Uzumaki, if you ever need your gardens done I have the green thumb you're looking for. Also, Mr. Yamanaka, I'd like to check out your clans' flower shop, the marigolds are absolutely beautiful. Very vibrant "

" Reedus. I like to paint and am the decor consultant if you ever need one "

" I'm nab and I help out Mira, Lisanna, and Elfman with the animals we have in our stables. I'm very good at tracking animals, so I'm the animal Hunter of our clan "

" Vijeeter, I'm a dancer and performing arts. I and my side of the family all specialize in the musical arts. We dance and do music, so if you hear another party going on then guilty as charged "

" Kinana Uzumaki. I have a special bloodline as my father was an Uzumaki and my mother was not. I can transform into a snake. A giant snake, my mothers clan, all I know of it is that they live in the Swamp Country and can all transform into different animals in their surroundings to help them survive as they have weak immune systems so it was hard for them to survive without transforming to boost their immune systems and chances of survival "

" Max Uzumaki, my mother is the sister of Rasa Subaku in the land of Wind being the nephew of the Kazekage, I have the ability of over sand like they do. I usually carry around sand in a group or in pouches. "

" Zeref Uzumaki, I'm the other elder and Mavis's husband. Makarov is the third and final elder but will be clan head until the next will take over "

" My name is Kushina Uzumaki but everyone calls me Ashina. I'm the next clan head and I am the best and only Chakra chain wielder in my clan " Ashina said as she bowed respectfully while she had her pink flowery kimono on and a yellow flower in her hair to keep it back.

" A chakra chain wielder? I vote you be put into ANBU or at least the CRA act for the chakra chains to be saved " said Danzo with an evil grin but it came off like a smack to the face.

Quite literally . ' SSLLLAAAAPPPPP '

" How dare you slap me you, child! " Danzo all but yelled at Ashina.

" Talk to the hand you old fart, me and Sarutobi came to some agreements on clan terms between the village and our clan in order to stay here. And since his word is law and you are just his advisors if I remember correctly, you can't do shit about you asshole  " she whacked him behind the head.

" Oh yeah and what agreements were these ? " he asked smirking.

" No clan member even if they have a Kekkei Genkai and are last of their clans will be placed into the CRA act without the consent of the Hokage, clan head, and the member themselves. No child that's related even by the smallest of blood will be used for your ROOT ANBU and no clan member can be used for activities that are inhumanly like study research or using their DNA for gene splicing without their consent, the elders of our clan, clan head and the Hokage and all must agree for it to even start. You can not boss us around as we are our own clan and if we find anybody in possession of clan scrolls or secrets, we can decide your punishment even if it's execution as our elders built this village along with the Uchiha and Senju. By terms of our old alliance it already states this you asshole. " she said and she smirked before asking a question.

" Does any clan member with special bloodlines or skills want to be in the CRA act of any of the things I listed ? " she asked.

" Fuck that "

" Do I look like a guinea pig? "

" When hell freezes over "

" Do pigs fly? "

" Is he a 16-year-old girl who's extremely sexy? No, okay then that's your answer assholes "

" Emotionless zombie for life or living with crazy wild party goers known as the Uzumaki clan. I'm pretty sure we all know that I pick the Uzumaki Style for life  "

" Family sticks together "

" I ain't no baby machine "

" Hey, Cyclops, why don't you play bunny rabbit for awhile and kids just so they can be used for some old war hawk who's probably a psychopath who will rape and murder them so they pledge their alliance to him and they'll be used as weapons of war? Oh wait he can't because he's too busy playing the pedophile making an army underground and forcing children through this when the whole reason the village was even created was so the children didn't have to go through war and suffering you idiots "

" I'd rather go to Kiri and fight to the death in the graduation exam or maybe surrender to our long lasting enemies known as the Tsuchikage you bastards "

" We follow family and Kushina-sama only, we'd rather be 6 feet under than as some puppet to have ourselves killed. "

" What's the point of living life if you can't find people to bond and protect it with. I'd never just save someone as an emotionless chew toy "

" You can kiss my ass "

" I said I don't work well with other, didn't I? "

" Who'd I have a rivalry with if it isn't my flame pig headed brother? "

" Gray-sama is the only one I will follow besides Kushina-chan "

" I'd rather heal some people "

" Sorry, but you wouldn't be able to pay for my alcohol bill old man "

" Just try and stop me, like I said I can't take Tsunade on in an arm wrestling and maybe even win "

" Sorry but I wouldn't get to see the animals "

" I like stone craving too much "

" My ancestors Wood Release was for me to use and not for another other to use me for it "

" Gardening isn't in killing, sorry "

" I'd rather visit my weird uncle and crazy cousin Gaara "

" Stars are way too interesting "

" No cake is better than Mira's and if she doesn't go it's pointless. Besides, I fight for my family and if they fight for the Hokage and Konoha, then I will too "

" I'm too old for this "

" Bicklows is no one's puppet as I am the puppeteer "

Ashina smiled at her family and looked at Danzo with narrowed eyes before smiling:

" I win "

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