A Tobelaide tale!

By randomfanficdownton

17.2K 442 122

Once upon a time, the cameras turned off, the characters stopped acting, and their real lives became a perfor... More

Tobelaide reaches england..
"Ditching the car."
Lagoon? Check.
'Watched it begin again'
In the morning, dear.
Climbing cuts
Toblerone talk.
Falling Star
Friend zone?
Cinderella and the hiker.
Back home
Authors note


3.2K 55 12
By randomfanficdownton

"Marry me. Say yes."
Cameras focused in and the director sat in his deck styled chair about a metre away; just out of the camera shot.
Adelaide could see some of the cast, who had already finished their scenes for the day gathering at the side of the set and watching them.
She tried to ignore Anna who was caught pulling faces at toby to try and make him laugh.
It's a good job both Adelaide and Toby were meant to be smiling like idiots in this scene.
"Yes! Yes!" Adelaide burst out finally and Toby jumped up to kiss her.
They had shot this scene so many times and it were an understatement to say they knew it off by heart.
So far, this was the furthest they'd got in the scene without making a stupid mistake.
Toby picked her up and spun her around as she laughed then gracefully put her down and kissed her again.
"They're so good at acting in love!" Anna remarked in a whisper from the side, talking to the other girls who play the ladies of Mary queen of Scots.
They giggled softly and nodded in agreement.
Adelaide and Toby held hands and ran away from the cameras, as rehearsed, all was going too good to be true..
The cameras at the side eagerly followed them, determined to finish this last scene that was to be rehearsed that day..
But it was not to be..
Whilst Adelaide was running, her high heel got stuck in a particularly muddy part of the grass and she shot forward, loosing her heel in the process, and falling on Toby, bringing him down with her.
Immediately the who cast and crew either burst out laughing or started a chorus of groaning and moaning.
"CUT!" Yelled the director as he watched the two young actors hopelessly.
"YOU HAD ONE SCENE. ONE JOB. OH MY.." He shouted and then mumbled to himself angrily, throwing his hands in the air occasionally.
Adelaide gasped and looked at Toby to see if he were hurt and at first she thought he was until he suddenly plunged his hand in the mud and smushed some onto her cheek.
"TOBY!" She gasped as he began to stagger up from under her and try to run away.
She threw off her high heels and tore after him, both hands loaded with mud.
Much to her delight, in his haste to get away, Toby slipped and fell to the floor.
She smiled mischievously whilst towering above him, letting the mud she held slowly drop onto his face.
Toby only saw her cheeky expression before the first splatter of two handfuls of mud dropped onto his cheek.
"They are literally the most childish on set." Caitlin said laughing to Torrance who could barely breathe because he was laughing so much.
Toby stumbled to his feet beside Adelaide and scooped the mud off his face, which mostly resulted in spreading it across his face more.
"High five?" Adelaide asked trying not to laugh too much at her revenge painted in a wonderful picture before her.
She held up her muddy hand and Toby looked down at his own before slapping it on hers.
It made the most disgusting squelching sound.
"Director says he won't try this scene again today so first week back you guys have got an extra scene to film."
Said James, the organiser of filming slots and also the location finder.
Toby grinned and looked back at Adelaide before they bursted out laughing in unison.
This only lasted for a split second however because their two make up artists were running over looking absolutely distraught, followed closely by two equally annoyed costume designers.
"Honestly Adelaide you're an actress, not a pig!" Claudia moaned, casting an angry look at Toby as well.
"She's a bit of both actually." Toby joined in, before being hauled away by his own costume crew to be cleaned up.
"Aha? Well at least the mud I roll around in is a one time thing for me, for you it's a hobby isn't it?"
She replied teasingly as she were also yanked off by two angry costume crew members in the opposite direction.
"HA HA VERY FUNNY." Toby yelled back, now several metres away from Adelaide and barely in audible reach.
He stuck his tongue out at her and she stuck her tongue out at him until they were both out of each other's sight.
Once Adelaide had been released from her lecture from the costume and design crew, she dashed off to her trailer which was opposite Toby's.
She quickly untangled her corset and threw it off, freely breathing in gigantic breaths which she had previously been denied. For a while, she just lounged about in a large t-shirt and some jogging pants, her hair thrown into a messy bun which bobbed about as she searched around the kitchen for a snack.
It was only a small kitchen, with small means of storage and so there wasn't many places that food could hide. She searched about until she opened the last cupboard which was completely empty, save a note in some handwriting she knew all too well.
"Last time I were in your kitchen I was baby sitting the food and... Someone stole it. Sorry babes xx - Catz."
"DAMN YOU CAITLIN!" Adelaide yelled, throwing the note on the floor but then ending up laughing as she devised another way to find food.
... She was sure that her neighbour was long overdue a visit...
Without changing, Adelaide slipped on some Ugg Boots and skipped a few metres away from her trailer, Thus arriving at the much loved Toby Regbo's place.
Another note had been left for Adelaide on the door, again regarding food.
"Adelaide I swear if you touch my food again you are paying for my petrol all month."
Adelaide just laughed, tore the note off the door and wrote
"Love you too." On the back, sticking it on the door again before shutting it behind her.
Toby still wasn't back from his lecture it seemed, thank god.
She shuffled into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
Wine, good. Crisps, good.
Who puts cookies in the fridge? Oh well, still good.
Adelaide took the cookies and wine out of the cupboard and looked around for sticky notes.
Preferably green. Because green was cool.
Or purple.
Alas she found a sticky note and wrote
"I helped your 'iced' cookies escape the fridge. Get it? Ice - fridge? Yeah, I know I'm fab. xx Adelaide"
Once she were happy with her pun, she decided to evacuate before a certain someone came to search her out..
Just as she were about to open the door, a blurred figure appeared opposite the glass..
The figure ripped off the note and then revealed his voice:
And just as Adelaide were about to think of running into his bedroom to escape, he turned around and ran straight into Adelaide's trailer!
"Yessss!" Adelaide whispered in success under her breath as she tiptoes over to the window opposite the door and quietly opened it, slipping her thin frame through and just as she were about to let go of the window sill.. Someone jumped out of the window and hung along side her!
"Oh my god Toby!" She gasped as they both dangled out of his trailer window. They could have let go and just been standing really, as a trailer is only a small living space with only one floor which was only a few steps above the ground.
"Hey my iced cookie," he said grinning, "caught you, Wheres the cookies?" He asked, searching about Adelaide's body.. She noticeably had only one hand on the window sill and the other were behind her back.
He raised his eyebrow in both a questioning and a knowing way.
She stared into his eyes, creating eye contact so he wouldn't look elsewhere..
"Toby .. I" she said, acting as thought she were about to declare some crazy emotion.
" I..... AM GOINGGG!!!" She changed from a whisper to a shout as she let go of the window sill and ran as fast as she could with the cookies.
"You can't do that!" Toby yelled after her, both hating her and loving her.
"Watch me!" She shouted back, not even turning around to see him run after her.
"That..." Toby gasped as they sat on top of a hill sharing the cookies.
"Was exhausting."
Adelaide stared into the filming world below her and nodded her silent agreement as she took the last cookie, still catching her breath.
"It's finally our week holiday!" Toby said, suddenly regaining his energy again and standing up, with the empty box.
Adelaide jumped up as well, Toby held both his hands in the air and she put both of hers on his.
"Is that?" Caitlin asked Anna as they ate their own food back at the trailer park.
"Adelaide and Toby?" Anna finished her question, coming over to the window which looked up at the hill at the other end to see for herself.
"I do believe... It is!" Torrance answered, looking out from the other end of the caravan.
"She probably stole his food again." Anna observed.
Caitlin laughed to herself as she added
"I haven't a clue as to where her food got to.."
They stood there, their hands joined together above their heads, smiling mischievously.
"We can leave at 12:30, that's when set is officially closed."
Toby said, breaking the silence.
"Do you have food?" Adelaide asked, bringing up the most important matter concerning their journey.
"Nope." He jokingly glared at Adelaide, "I wonder why..." He pretended to look off into the distance in deep thought.
"Yeah same.." Adelaide said, copying him.
They both ended up laughing.
"We can buy some in the city before we venture out into the unknown!"
They dropped their hands and began to wander down the hill.
"Right, I'm going to gather my things from my trailer and then I'll meet you by your car." Adelaide said when they were at the foot of the hill.
"What about your car?" Toby asked, walking her back to her trailer.
"It broke down.. Again. So I left it at the side of the road in Malabo.." They both laughed.
"Ok see you in five." Adelaide said as she shut her trailer door behind her.

"Hey Adelaide!" Caitlin surprised Adelaide as she shut the door.
"CAITLIN YOU LITTLE DEVIL!" Adelaide shouted throwing a cushion at her and thus starting a pillow fight.
Caitlin was one of Adelaide's best friends and she even had a key to her trailer, hence why she had just let herself in.
"You." Thump. "little." Whack. "Sneaky." Bash. "Slug!" And a finally thump on top of her head.
Caitlin giggled, she had expected to suffer the wrath of Adelaide who was mourning the loss of her food.
"Love you too Ade." Caitlin said laughing as Adelaide burst out laughing and fell on top of Caitlin.
"Right, what are you doing this week since we have it off?"
Asked Caitlin as she popped off to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of them.
"I'm camping in the British countryside!" Adelaide replied, her voice getting distant as she disappeared into the bedroom of the trailer.
"Oh yeah? Nice, with who?" Caitlin called back, adding a few biscuits she'd brought with her on a saucer to go with the tea.
Caitlin was a lot like Adelaide; always hungry, always curious. The annoying thing about both of them was that it seemed the more they ate, the skinnier they got.
The more they were messy, the prettier they were.
Caitlin, like Adelaide, was wearing a simple outfit, skinny jeans and a baggy T-shirt and her hair was let down, falling in perfect curls around her face and cascading just past her neck.
"With Toby!" Adelaide yelled.
"I'm okay!" Adelaide confirmed, sitting up having fell off the bed.
"And who else?" Caitlin asked in a muffled tone, as she came in with a biscuit in her mouth , two teas and a saucer of biscuits.
"And Toby." Adelaide said, not really paying attention because she were too busy stuffing her cloth bags with various clothes.
"Toby." Adelaide repeated laughing and turning to face Caitlin finally.
"Aha? Do I hear wedding bells in the English highlands?" Caitlin teased, grinning away like a Cheshire Cat from where she sat.
"Well last time I were there I only heard wind but okay." Adelaide replied cheekily and beckoned Caitlin to get off her lazy backside and help.

"Bonjour!" Torrance welcomed Toby as he returned from his various adventures.
"Bongiorno." Toby replied, seeing his friend had already helped with packing his bags.
"Thanks," Toby commented on observing this fact.
"Are you going anywhere for the week, Coombs?" Toby asked, flopping on the small sofa beside him.
"Maybe to a few parties with Caitlin and Anna, but not out of the continent like you mate!" He replied, drinking some of Toby's wine.
"It's only Europe, and hello, why does everyone keep stealing my food?" Regbo asked, taking the wine off Torrance and drinking the rest in one gulp.
"Rude." Torrance declared, pretending to be hurt.
"Yeah whatever." Toby pulled out his iPhone and checked the time.
"The plane is at 5 and we have to be there two hours before boarding. Torrance check if she's ready, yeah? I'll just load my bags in the car. Oh and ask security when they open the gates for cast leaving."
Toby got up and wandered into the bedroom, raking his hands through his hair.
"I will, but one question." He bargained, popping his head around the door before he left,
"Is Tobelaide cannon? Instagram wants to know!" Coombs joked, still curious of the answer. He waited with a smirk on his face for Toby's answer.
"Yeah, funny." Toby yelled back.

"Adelaide?" Torrance called, letting himself into her trailer. He could hear muffled giggling and the occasional dull thump of what sounded like a pillow.
"Are you serious? You two are having pillow fights and Toby is getting ready to board a plane to Europe." He said on guessing what they were up to, coming over to the door and holding his hand on the handle.
"NO! Don't come in!" He heard Adelaide shout.
Little did Coombs know, the room was a complete mess and the clothes were everywhere.
Not only that but Adelaide's hair probably didn't look the best.
"What's that? Come in did you say?" Torrance laughed as he shoved open the door into a world of chaos.
"NO!" Adelaide and Caitlin shouted, dropping their pillows.
Two 20 year old girls sat in the middle of it all.
Surprise there.
His face was priceless.

"Ready." Adelaide confirmed, throwing the last bag she had into the back of the spotless, white Range Rover.
Then she ran over to Caitlin and Anna, giving them a big hug.
"I'll see you guys when I get back, I doubt I will be able to post much on social media since you know.. Wifi is scarce in the highlands but I will try to keep in touch. EW, I might even have to write a letter!" She pulled a face, scrunching her nose up and they all laughed.

"Have fun, look after the chicks for me yeah?" Regbo thumped Torrance on the back laughing.
"They all love me better, you know it mate. Have a good flight yeah?" He answered, casting a glance at Adelaide and the others beside the car.
"Yeah.. Well! Okay Ade!" Toby yelled over to Adelaide as he slid into the driving seat and put his sunglasses on.
"Okay byeeee!" Adelaide blew kisses to the girls as she put one leg into the car and sat down to put the other one in.

They flipped up the sun shields and turned the air con up.
The roof was slid back so it were fully open and Adelaide slammed her door shut but put the window right down.
It was such a hot day!
"Have you got sweets in the pull down compartment?" Adelaide asked, checking on her priorities as Toby turned the engine on.
"Yep." He replied, focusing on the grassy terrain In front of him.
"Okay, just checking." Adelaide replied, slipping her 1920s styled sunglasses on which complimented her simple outfit.
She was sporting some short denim shorts and a white t shirt tucked in with a multicoloured owl on it.
Her hair was still tied up in a bun, except a plait circled the bun and only a few loose hairs fell down her neck at the back.
She had a little silver chain around her neck and a little cyan and turquoise dream catcher hung from it down her Chest.
The wheels began to turn and their friends got more distant as they drove away, but the music got louder.
"No no no, put Mika on." Adelaide said, lightly hitting Toby's hand and switching the CD.
"Which button is play?" Adelaide asked, bored of inspecting the large board of illuminated buttons.
"That one." He replied, pointing to a Packet of chocolate buttons in the cup holder.
"Aha funny aren't you." Adelaide decided if he wouldn't tell her; she'd just press them all.
So after hearing various radios, signal sounds, high pitched low pitched and even switching the car lights on and off, Grace Kelly by Mika came on.
"WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME, WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME? WHY DONT YOU LIIIIIIKKEE YOURSELF?" Adelaide sang along at the top of her voice whilst jiggling about and looking at the road ahead.
"SHOULD I BEND OVER, SHOULD I LOOK OLDER JUST TO BE PUT ON YOUR SHELF?" Toby sang- shouted back, even acting along with the lyrics.
Any car driving past them could hear the music, and when they were stuck waiting for the lights to change, other people stuck waiting were highly entertained by the dancing going on in the near car.
"GOTTA BE GREEN GOTTA BE MEAN GOTTA BE EV-ERY-THING MORE! WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME?! WALK OUT THE DOOR!" They both shouted at the top of their lungs, both pointing out their windows on the last line. They were such children 99.9% of the time, especially when it came to singing songs in the car.
The sun was high in the sky as they drove past dozens of trees which lined both sides of the road heading to the airport.
Walls rose and fell, fences too, everything a whirl going past them at such speed.
Adelaide stuck her head out of the window whilst singing the next song, feeling the cool breeze whack her in the face, so much so that she closed her eyes even with sunglasses on.
She wasn't wearing any shoes and although she had her seatbelt on, she was sitting crossed legged.
This made her new golden anklet visible.
Toby tried to keep his eyes on the road, the road signs, the cars passing but he couldn't help occasionally glance at Adelaide who looked so amazingly happy and childlike beside him in the car. He'd passed her a map to navigate and currently she was holding it upside down.

"Adelaide you're looking for an aeroplane!"
"Yeah I know, but whoever drew the map was really really bad at drawing visible planes!" Adelaide moaned, still dancing and making the map dance with her.
"Oh my gosh Ade." Toby laughed, trying to read the map and the road signs at the same time.
"Okay well do you know which road we're on?" He asked, checking the time..
2:45, they had to be at the airport in fifteen minutes.
"ERM... Nope." She replied cheerfully, her necklace bounced about on her chest as she bobbed about beside him.
"Have you ever read a map before?" Toby asked beginning to loose hope.
"Nope." She fished around in the side compartment and opened the third packet of sweets.
"Ah it's okay, there is a sign post here... Adelaide what does it say?" He asked as they rolled past it.
"Airport, 15 miles north." She read, quickly dropping her glance back at the food.
"ERM okay. That's okay, yeah that's fine."
He decided to chill, after all it was a holiday so..
"Toby," Adelaide said, leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder, still sitting cross legged.
"Yeah?" He asked, Stealing a second just to look down at her.
"Be smiley." She said, then she bounced back up into her normal position and switched the song.
"BACK TO YOU, BACK TO YOU!" Toby sang back.
They may have sounded awful and looked hilarious,
But they were having fun.

Hours later, they were on the plane and their luggage had been stored somewhere on the plane.
Adelaide was reasonably distraught as her food had been confiscated at the check in, but Toby had promised to pay for the food on the plane. Although Adelaide was still paying for the petrol so food money wasn't much compensation. And... She still had her car that needed to be serviced, AGAIN because it broke down, AGAIN. She had trusted Caitlin and Torrance with this job, which might be something one might regret.

They'd ran into a few fans at the airport and signed a few random objects like bags, hats, paper, even hands.
It was already dark and it was only five.

"Oh my gosh Toby I need more room than you." Adelaide moaned when he put his over head luggage above them and took up 60% of their allotted room.
"Oh my gosh Ade I care so much." He replied, moaning like her and acting like her just to wind her up.
Adelaide glared at Toby who was now sitting down and then she pushed her luggage in the overhead space and 'accidentally' pushed Toby's on top of him.

Finally it was nighttime and the whole of the plane turned off it's lights and lit up the isles with small lights, to allow the passengers to sleep. Adelaide and Toby had been playing around with the little TV screens in front of them, they'd only broke it twice..
They'd played poker, cards, snakes and ladders, naughts and crosses; all very very competitively. Sometimes they were too loud when arguing about who won, that the flight attendant came over to politely ask them to be quiet.

"I want to watch that one though." Adelaide whispered, she was wrapped up in the provided blue plane blankets and she had positioned the pillow on Toby's shoulder. She now had her head rested against his shoulder and she was extremely tired. However, both her and Toby had a bet on who would fall asleep first and so they were both occupying their time by watching all the films.
Toby had his head slightly rested on Adelaide's and his blanket had been stolen by her already so he just had his jacket for a blanket.
"Well use your own TV then." He moaned back, being careful not to be too loud.
"But then I will have to sit up and move and I'm cosy already and it's annoying and I want. To. Watch. This one." She replied mumbling, already drifting off.
"We're watching this one." Toby decided, putting his hand over Adelaide's eyes so she couldn't see him changing the movie.
"Toby!" She moaned, trying to move his hands away.
"Toby!" He mocked her, laughing softly and they both received a glare from the nearby assistant.

Just moments later Adelaide was already asleep on Toby's shoulder and Toby was sick of the movie he'd insisted so much on watching so he looked on the chat room option. This was a pretty cool function which allowed you to talk to any of the passengers on the plane.
- hello it's Toby Regbo is anyone awake? -
* sent *
~ hello Toby! I'm a huge fan of reign, are you with Adelaide there? ~
* received *
- yeah she is asleep -
* sent *
~ can I ask a question? ~
* received *
- yep -
* sent *
~ this might be annoying and it's probably something people always ask.. But, is Tobelaide canon? ~
* received *
Toby laughed to himself quietly, and then even though Adelaide was asleep, he whispered to her.
"Is Tobelaide canon?"
Adelaide had barely heard what Toby had said, it was like a muffled echo in her mind, but she thought he'd said
"Do you want some food?"
Naturally, since it's all she ever thought about. So she groaned, snuggled deeper into her pillow and mumbled
~ hello? ~
* received *
- I asked Ade and she said yeah XD -
* sent *
Just then Adelaide woke up and slowly opened her eyes, she was still tired.
"Toby what are you doing?" She asked, feeling around for his hand and squinting at the blaring TV screen.
He held her hand with one hand and quickly exited the chat with another,
"Awe nothing go to sleep."
He said, kissing her head for a joke and shuffling around to fall asleep himself.
Just as they were drifting off, an excited whisper could be heard from across the plane..
"Mum! Wake up! I've just talked to Toby Regbo!"
"Who?" Came the annoyed, sleepy reply.

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