Misery Company

By Isabelle88

810K 13.3K 455

He's her enemy and Mr. Popular at school, she learns something that could destroy him but instead she grows a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Thoughts and Appreciation

Chapter 14

18.3K 289 3
By Isabelle88

Chapter 14

Mackenzie never considered herself to ever be stupidly nervous and excited over a guy. Jake was braking down every standard she thought she had. She let him kiss her and the kiss was amazing. He laid his hand between her cheek and neck as he lowered his lips to hers. Mac had never been kissed before but she knew this was good, her body suddenly felt alive as if shaking in response to him. His were soft and sweet, his body warm as he stood close. It all ended too quickly. It took a moment for her head to clear as he stepped back to his original spot. He didn’t want to take advantage and she had to remember the game plan. “Well,” Mac began. “I guess this is it. See ya.”

Jake grabbed a hold of her hand before she could take another step. He kissed her again and this time it was rougher and intense.  “I can’t walk away that easy.” He whispered against her hair. “I don’t think you can either.”

Mac looked up to his eyes. “So what if we like each other, there’s nothing else. There are a lot of cons to this.”

His arm came around her waist. “Did the math?”

“Yeah and it all screams ‘mistake.’” Her voice dropped again as her heart raced to him being near.

Jake planted one more kiss over her lips and hugged her tight before stepping back. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


It was a good thing Dean had a good gag reflex; he wanted to toss up dinner after seeing Jake and Mac being so damn cozy. He shuddered at the images that he could not forget. If there was such a thing as mental bleach he would run out and get some. He own family, his cousin and best friend was going out with the enemy.

Jake walked in to the living room with a big stupid grin. “Hey.” Dean offered.

“I didn’t expect to see anyone up.” It was just past eleven. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.” Dean could not shake the anger that was bubbling along his body. He had no right to tell Jake what to do or Mac for that matter but it didn’t mean he had to like it. In fact he hated it with a burning passion. “Are you seeing her again?”

Jake shrugged out of his jacket. “I hope so.”

Dean suppressed a groan. “You don’t find it weird that she’s in high school and you’re almost done getting your degree?”

“It’s a four year age different not fourteen and it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t mind and neither do I.” Jake neared the staircase. “Goodnight.”

Dean stayed seated on the couch and pondered this thing with Jake and Mac some more. A small part of his brain wasn’t content with the answers he gave for disliking them dating. Maybe it was more. Ok, he admitted, she looked pretty tonight and she wasn’t an ugly girl. He had always thought she was nice looking but her attitude shattered the image and left you with a serious dislike for her.

Dean wondered next if he was jealous. Not of Jake dating Mac but of them dating period. Dean was stuck home with zero social life upon his father’s request. It was unfair to see his cousin and enemy out there having a good time when he was stuck. That started to make sense to Dean and ease his fears, for a moment he feared he liked Mackenzie. He shuddered at the thought.

With that mess sorted out he headed up to bed.


Mac had showered and changed for bed but sleep was the last thing on her mind. The date replayed in her mind and especially the kiss, correction; kisses. Jake wasn’t the type to go away, that had been the problem since the beginning and now he knew she liked him, she responded to him. There was no way he was going away now.

She didn’t want him to go away.

Even though it was one date Jake was the first person to show interest in her for who she was, not what she could do or because he was forced to.

Mac decided to leave it in fate’s hands and stop over thinking it. Soon she fell asleep.

Mac woke that morning to the telephone ringing. She reached over to her nightstand and answered. “Hello?”

“It’s about to be noon, are you still asleep?” Aunt Kate asked.

“It’s Saturday and I have nothing to do, why do you want me up?” she rubbed her eyes and sat up, Kate’s jarring tone was enough to get anyone up.

“I’m coming home earlier then expected, I’ll be there tomorrow.”

“Is that good or bad? How was the proposal?” Mac mentally groaned, she was getting used to being home alone and the freedom it allowed.

“It went ok, we got the client but now that also gives us more work and we need to be at the office. My flight leaves tomorrow morning, I’ll need you to pick me up.” Kate explained.

“Got it.”

“How was your night?”

Mac felt her chest tighten. “Why? What makes you ask that?”

“Because I haven’t talked to you in more then a day, I want to know you’re ok. Why are you acting so weird, what did you do Mackenzie?” It was never good when Kate used her full name.

“Nothing illegal and school was great yesterday.”

“Now I something is up, school is never great. Talk to me.”

Mac groaned, this conversation wasn’t ending soon. She realized right then and there she didn’t want to share what she felt for Jake; she wanted to keep that and him all to herself. “Ok you caught me. I had a party Friday night, it wasn’t big and the house is very clean but I did have one.” It was easier to get in trouble, it was normal.

“Between this and the fights at school you do realize you are grounded until you move out, right?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“We’ll talk more when I get home. Please stay out of trouble.” Kate stressed the last part before hanging up.

Now fully awake Mac climbed out of bed to get dressed and find something to do to pass time. Weekends were always boring because there was no school to pass away half the day. After a fast breakfast she stepped outside, it wasn’t long before a basketball hit her feet. Before she grabbed it and flung it at Dean’s head she realized he was holding Megan. She couldn’t abuse him when he held his daughter. “What do you want?” Mac asked as he came near her.

“We need to talk about our deal.”

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