The Raven and the Serpent: Th...

By OtakuOfLiterature

2.2K 1.2K 13

Lenore Mata tried to be a perfect Christian girl who had a kind heart and a love for her religion, but she wa... More

Sunday Morning Blues
Very Strange People
We Meet Again Part 1
We Meet Again Part 2
Baseball Horror
Well...That Just Happened
Biology Fun Time!
Lunchtime Sercets
Mom and Dad Tell the Truth Part 2
Pizza Time Diaster
The New Kids
The Queens of Westminster Try to Get Revenge on Me (Key Word: Try)
Detention Break
How to Kidnap
Training Begins Part 1
Training Begins Part 2
The World of Omen Bearers
Abi and I Make an Oath
We Enter God's Domain?!
Nurse Kendall's the Coolest Nurse Ever
Relationship Woes and Sibling Goals
A Freak Threatens My Girlfriend and Wants to Go Out with Me
Dress Shopping Diaster Part 1
Dress Shopping Diaster Part 2
Who the Heck Nomiated Me?!?!
A Tornado of Dance Drama Part 1
A Tornado of Dance Drama Part 2
Attack on Westminster
A/N and Character Profiles

Mom and Dad Tell the Truth Part 1

69 43 0
By OtakuOfLiterature

Abijah's POV

After English class with Mr. Brager, it was dismissal time. I grabbed my book bag and ran outside to Zaneta in her blue Ford Fusion, waiting for me. I opened one of the car's doors and entered it.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked Zaneta, annoyance lacing my tone.

     "Mom and dad will tell you," answered Zaneta as she started driving. I gulped. Mom and dad...oh god, am I in trouble?! For the rest of the car was silence until we parked next to a small brick house, our new home. A small lady exited our home.

     "Abijah and Zaneta! Welcome home, my babies!" said the lady in broken English and with her Israeli accent as she gave each of us a kiss on the cheek.

     "We missed you mom!" said Zaneta and I in unison, our accents slipping out. Our mom, Maarika, was a high school teacher back in Dimona. She's now works at a nearby mall. We entered our home.

"'s should get dad..." said Zaneta, worry and fear visible in her tone. Mom's dark chocolate eyes widen as she yells, "Ugo! Get your butt down here! It's time!"

     A sleepy looking man stumbles down the stairs. Ugo, my dad, was a soldier back in Israel and is now retired veteran.

     "Oh, it's Abijah and Zaneta! My sweet little girls!" said dad with a Israeli accent, like mom's, as he gave us air kisses. Mom elbowed dad, signaling something because his eyes widen in realization.

     "Abijah, do you know why we moved from Dimona to London?" asked Zaneta as everyone took a seat in the living room.

     "Because the Israeli government relocated us since dad retired, right?" I answered. After serving 10 years in the military, dad was finally discharged and retried because he risked his life to save everyone in his squad from a nearby bombing.

     "That's what we told you, but that's not the actually reason," said mom, tapping her frail fingers against her knee.

     "Then what's the reason?!" I yelled in frustration. Zaneta, mom, and dad exchanged glances of worry and fear between each other.

     "It's because of our kin, the Serpens. A prophecy has been passed down through generations since the beginning! It's about the last born of the 100th generation in the Serpens clan facing a the first born of the 100th generation of our mortal enemy, the Mata clan!" exclaimed mom. My eyes widen with realization. Mata...Lenore Mata. She can't be the one mentioned.

"By the age of 15, both will face each other. We though the Mata clan lived in Israel, so to avoid this upcoming event, we moved to London. But I guess you can't avoid fate and destiny," said dad, his face filled with sorrow.

"This isn't true!" I screamed at my family. I jolted at a rapidly fast pace that I accidentally knocked down a case that was near me, causing it to brake into a million piece.

     "Abijah Kachina Serpens! That was your great-grandmother's vase!" screamed mom. My face soften as I slowly sat down again.

"I'm sorry, but it's true, Abijah! You're destined to battle your best friend! You can't prevent your fate!" hissed Zaneta. The coiled cobra birthmark on her left arm glowed with rage.

     "Are you sure it's Lenore? And besides, how did you know her last name was Mata! There could be other people with the last name, Mata!" I asked, trying to reassure myself.

      "Yes, it's Lenore because when we first met her at Danny's Diner, her aura was one of an omen bearer. She glowed death, envy, and other elements the raven is associated with. Also I only reason I knew her last name was Mata because she was wearing the Mata clan's family heirloom, the cross of death!" explained Zaneta, who was now pacing around the living room. Mom stood up and tried calming down Zaneta.

     "Zaneta, please calm down! If you don't, then your omen will activate!" said mom, worry visible in her voice. Zaneta stopped pacing and sat down again. Her birthmark stopped glowing, so that was a good sign. Zaneta bears the omen of the cobra, which is an omen of danger and strength. Trust me, you don't want her to get angry.

     "Now, sweetheart! I know this must be troubling and shocking to you, but you have to stay away from Lenore! To tell the truth, you're the strongest member of the Serpens clan since you bear the general symbol of our family," said dad, his birthmark of the python on his right leg glowing with annoyance.

     "Abijah, you don't know how dangerous this fated battle is! Besides, you never had transformed before! Getting near that thing will activate your omen!" screamed mom, her birthmark of the viper on her leg glowing with angry and fear.

     "SHE ISN'T A THING! SHE'S LENORE MATA, MY BEST FRIEND!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, causing some windows to brake and my birthmark to glow with rage. Suddenly my skin turned scaly and my body shrunken and coiled into a snake.

     "Oh god...she transformed for the first time..." mumbled Zaneta as she picked me up.

     "I'm going to make a call to my sister. I think it's time for Abijah to meet a cousin of hers," said mom before leaving the room. Dad nodded his head and left the room.

     "Come on, baby sis. Let's get you back to back to normal," sighed Zaneta as she carried me out of the living room.

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