TORN | Klaus Mikaelson

By Rose_Conspiracy

30.2K 990 102

January 2nd, 2017 My Dearest Diary, My heart is confused-- torn between two lovers. The love I know I should... More

♤ Sixteen ♤


1.4K 50 11
By Rose_Conspiracy


"What the hell is the matter with you?" Alice screamed as she ran into my room.

I growled, looking first towards Edward and then at Jasper as I felt him trying to alter my mood.

"Brother, you need to calm down," Jasper said to me, but honestly, he was just pissing me off even more.

I growled a little louder this time, and their eyes widened as I easily tugged my arms free.

"Easy for you to say," I spat, narrowing my eyes at the both of them. "Both your wives are still standing infront of you!" I shot back, jabbing a thumb towards Bella and Alice.

"While that maybe true," Bella nodded her head in agreement, "You just sent your only prospect running for the hills."

I winced at her words. Hell, thinking back, I probably had been a bit over dramatic. But what did I care?

"Whatever," I mumbled. "I didn't want another mate anyways. Besides, I thought you didn't like her? I thought you were on my side?" I said shooting a look of betrayl at Bella.

She sniffed before answering me, and I was sure if we could cry she might have even shed a few tears.

"I think, maybe, I misjudged Evie," Bella replied, speaking slowly so as to properly articulate her words. "No one can ever replace Rosalie," she said. "But I think it's time we let someone else in-- both of us."

"Rosalie had a good life," Esme added as she pulled me in for a hug. "And I'm sure she would have wanted that for you as well."

I hung my head in defeat, knowing both Bella and Esme were right. But there was still something else holding me back.

"Rosalie's death was not your fault."

I scowled at Edward for announcing my thoughts out loud.

"Edward is right," Esme agreed. "I know you think that had you been there, you would have been able to save her, but that's just simply not true. Don't let the fear of the unknown, get in the way of your happiness-- of true love."

"But what if I can't save her?" I asked, looking down ashamed. It wasn't the unknown I was afraid of, it was the fear of losing someone I cared about.

"Well, if you don't get that ass moving, you won't have to worry about that anymore," Edward announced. "Cause she'll already be dead."

"Edward!" Esme exclaimed.

But as I turned around to angrily glare at my brother, I realized he was right. While we all had been standing around, a snow storm had blown in. I rushed over to the window and looked down. It was a complete white out and there were absolutely no signs of Evie anywhere.

"That stupid girl," I said through gritted teeth. "She's out there walking around in this," I explained.

"What?" questioned Esme as she ran over to look out the window. "How can you be sure?" she asked.

"Because," I frowned, "the ATV is still parked in the driveway."

"Oh, Emmett," Esme looked at me with worried eyes. "What are we going to do?"

"I have to find her," I said heading towards the doorway. "I have to fix this."

I quickly flashed off out the door, snow and ice pelting me in the face as I ran. Neither had any effect on me, but I knew that wouldn't be the case with Evie. The snow swirled all around me and even with my heightened senses, I couldn't see a thing. The snow was coming down so thick and fast that any prints of hers had already been filled in by now. How in the world was I going to find her?

Closing my eyes, I focused on the noises around me. At first, it was hard to hear anything other than the loud roaring of the ferocious winds, but as I listened harder, I could hear a woman's voice off in the distance. She was crying and-- and cursing? I had to laugh. It was Evie all right, and the words coming out of her mouth would make even a sailor blush. I sped off in that direction and much to my surprise I found her not too far from her cabin.

Her eyes grew wide the second she laid eyes on me.

"Come to finish me off, have you?" she challenged. Her voice was strong, but I could see in her eyes she was terrified of me. "Probably figured since there was a snow storm, you could kill me and nobody would find my body till spring, right?"

"I'm not here to hurt you." I stepped forward, trying to grasp her in my arms, but she took two steps back.

"Not even five seconds ago, you were stark raving mad!" she screamed while backing away from me.

"I know," I yelled back, hoping my voice could be heard over the storm. "And I'm sorry. But you have to believe me, I'm not going to hurt you."

My heart broke, as Evie continued to back away from me. Suddenly, she stumbled backwards over a tree root and began to fall down a hill. God knows what would of happened if I hadn't flashed forward and caught her in my arms. A small gasp escaped her lips, as I pulled her closer to me, tucking her in against my chest.

Even nearly frozen, it took every ounce of self control I had, not to sink my teeth into the soft flesh on her neck. Her lips were blue and she was shaking uncontrollably, but all I could think about was how lovely her blood must taste. I could barely control myself, but for her sake I knew I had too. Once again, I could hear her heart beat slowing, and the tears streaming down her cheeks were quickly forming into icicles.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I promised again, adjusting her in my arms.

Her long eyelashes fluttered a hundred times a second, and it was then that I noticed she had the most gorgeous steel colored eyes ever-- untill suddenly, they closed for good. While I had been studying this gorgeous creature, she had been growing colder by the second. I raced off in the direction of her cabin and seconds later, we burst through the door.

I quickly shredded her clothes, and brought her into the bathroom. Hopping into the shower, I cradled her in my own, fully clothed arms. Soon lukewarm water began cascading down the both of us. Color slowly returned to Evie's face and not much longer after that, she regained consciousness.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," I teased as her eyes fluttered open.

It took her all but five seconds to realize she was naked, cradled in my arms and in the shower.

Jumping down out of my arms, she quickly and quite humorously tried to cover up by holding a loofah infront of her more private areas. Like that's gonna help, I snickered.

"You can wipe that look off your face," she told me. "And turn around," her voice a mix between embarrassment and exasperation. "Better yet," she snapped. "Get out!"

With a grin still plastered on my face, I got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel I walked out into her living room and decided it might be a good idea to get a fire going in the fireplace. I stripped out of my sopping wet things, and had just finished wrapping a towel around myself when Evie walked out into the living room.

"My god, why are you naked?" Irritation oozed from her voice as she levelled her eyes at me.

I could feel the cheesy grin, fall from my face-- I was not a patient man and my temper had a pretty short fuse.

"They were wet," I growled. "You know, from saving your life. Perhaps you should show a little more gratitude," I snapped.

"Gratitude?" she challenged, her voice rising with each syllable. "Gratitude for what? Treating me like shit and then kissing me?"

By now, she was full on angry, as was I, but she had a point.

"If you hadn't gone bat shit crazy on me in the first place, I wouldn't have even been out there," she ranted. "I mean seriously! What is wrong with you?"

"I had a wife," I found myself blurting out. "And two years ago, she died."

I took a couple long strides towards her, inhaling that wonderful aroma of strawberries and cake batter. She was breath taking, even in just an oversized Chicago Blackhawks jersey and some hipsters.

"When you first walked into my life, I felt this unearthly pull towards you. There was such an attraction, but I wasn't ready to move on. I wanted to hate you, so I pushed you away, but every time I do something bad happens."

"Now I know, we're meant to be together," I said. "And I'm sorry for being such an idiot," I apologized.

"Idiot?" she chided with a playful smirk.

"Ok-- an asshole," I tried again. I took another step forward closing the distance between us.

"That's better, I guess. But how do I know you won't kiss me and then try to kill me again," she frowned.

My arms encircled her waist and she sighed into my arms, her face resting against my chest.

"Because, you feel it too, don't you."

She looked up at me with a slightly confused gaze, but her face was just inches from mine, and I couldn't help myself. With my strength, she barely weighed anything and I easily lifted her up. My mouth slanted over her plump lips, and I kissed her so hard, she was left panting.

We made love that night, and the next six days we spent held up getting to know eachother. I spent a lot of time getting to know her likes and dislikes. What made her moan-- what made her scream-- (insert devilish smirk, here).

Finally, on Christmas Eve even my threats of murder couldn't keep my family at bay.

"We need to get dressed and head back to the main house," I said as I gently kissed her on the lips.

"Why?" she mumbled, refusing to get out of bed.

She tried seducing me while she laid there, still naked from the night before, and for the life of me, I couldn't remember why we needed to leave.

"It's Christmas eve," I finally remembered, "and Alice wants us to spend some time together."

Shoving me off her, she sat up in shock. "We've been here for six days?"

Suddenly she hoped off the bed and headed for the shower. An hour later she emerged, stunning and gorgeous as usual. She quickly got into her boots and parka and was ready to go.

"What about you?" she suddenly asked as she realized I had no coat.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"It's below freezing out there, Em--"

"Just trust me when I say I'll be fine," I cut her off. "Ok?"

She seemed hesitant at first and I could almost picture the argument going on in her head, but finally she headed towards the door.

The snow was nearly waist deep and after watching Evie struggle for almost ten minutes, I finally swept her off her feet.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "I was perfectly fine--"

"Just shut up and let me carry you," I cut her off again.

She opened her mouth to protest, but I shot her a look, and she quickly clamped it shut again. I picked up the pace and tried to run at what I thought was a humanly pace. Seconds later we were standing in front of the door.

"Incredibly strong, super fast and impervious to the cold," she commented. "Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were superman."

I froze, not knowing what to say or do when suddenly the front door flew open.

"There you are!" Alice greeted with a smile as she pulled Evie into the house.

"Come on in to the living room," Alice instructed. "We've just started decorating the Christmas tree," she beamed.

Kicking off my shoes, I grabbed Evie's hand and we walked down the hallway together.

"I almost forgot, Evie," Alice said as we entered the room. "There's a gentleman here claiming to be your brother."

I could feel Evie stiffen as she stood next to me, all of the color draining from her face.

Who the hell is this guy?

As her 'brother' stood, he looked down at our hands, clearing his throat with a quizzical look.

Suddenly, she let go--

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